How to Negotiate a Job Offer After Giving Your Expected Salary

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JimmyD, 7:34 a.m, you're getting it early i  like it how would i explain requesting more   salary if provided an offer and gave a range  to the manager since it needed approve it   needed to i'm assuming to be approved should  i emphasize my skills the position would not   help make money okay wait a couple of things here  and i want to understand uh i'm not entirely sure   if this is an existing position that you have  how would i explain requesting more salary   if provided an offer and gave a range i'm let's  assume for sake of argument that you actually   mean a new job new salary you gave a range to  the manager and and it needed to be approved   so uh i wish i would i wish i would be able to  nail down a few of these more specifically because   i would tell you how i would do this let me  speculate and then go with what i think this means   when you're in an interviewing process whether  you give the uh range which i don't ever want   you to do but let's say you do or they give you a  range and you say you're okay with it it's 80 to   100k or whatever it is and you say i'm okay with  that or if you gave no range and you did the right   thing by deferring you get down to the end and  they say can you jimmy d can you give me an idea   give me some kind of range so i know because  i'm going to have to go and get this approved   now the problem with doing this is you're giving  them a range without fully understanding what the   offer looks like so regardless of your situation  if you give it doesn't matter if somebody said to   you whether they say i have to go get it approved  or not or give me an idea or i can't put an offer   together or the paperwork to i can't do anything  until you give me some kind of insight which   some crappy companies do this you give a number  whatever number you give whether you give a number   or a range i don't like either so it's not like  one is better than the other give them whatever   you want they're going to go off they're going to  do whatever they need to do and they're going to   come back and they're going to say hey we approved  it we got 90 right in the middle there is this   good for you and you're gonna look at the offer  once you get all the paperwork to me that's new   information meaning you have more information now  and anytime new information is introduced in any   kind of discussion dialogue approach project you  name it salary negotiation anytime new information   is introduced you now have the right to change  your mind or change your opinion or change your   range in this case so what i would say there  is okay i gave you the best i could based on   what i knew and i gave you that 80 to 100 range i  know you came back within that range but i've now   had a chance to look through the offer i have  some questions about the details of the offer   you go through and you ask your questions be  very explicit and make sure you understand   everything this is the salary how is it paid this  is the bonus when is it paid what was the bonus   last year for people on my team what affects my  bonus this year you go through all your questions   every single thing that you could possibly get a  grain of information on once you have all that you   say okay i now have a thorough understanding of  of what of what's included and how all this works   and based on that this information that i  now understand and i've given some thought   to what this position is going to entail the  value i'm going to add and so on right so you   have to come to the table with you said should i  emphasize skills it it isn't your skills so much   in the negotiation part as it is your ability to  show them the value you're going to create let   me be really specific here your skills are your  features okay your they're your product features   you should have had an opportunity to demonstrate  those in the interviewing process and they made   an assessment of what they thought your features  were worth and they put a number together okay it   would be like me trying to sell you my job search  coaching program and the only thing i was leaning   on were my super duper skills at putting together  a training course that helped you with your job   search help you with your resume writing helped  you with your interviewing and so on and if i   really only impress this upon you it's only going  to be worth so much but if i can show you how your   life is going to transform what this could mean  to you in a in a percentage of increase of salary   or comp or what future value you will have you're  going to have a better life your husband your wife   your spouse your partner your kids everybody's  gonna love you more you're gonna have more free   time you're gonna have more this right i'm i'm  trying to show you the future state and then i   want to argue about what that future state is  worth to you that's the value not my skills   not what i cost but what it's worth to you and  then how much you would invest in that pay for   that or whatever it might be you need to do the  same thing with your negotiation is you need to   lead them forward and show them by me working here  this is what's going to happen to you and i'm able   to do that because of my skills and experience  which i demonstrated in the interviewing process   now if you really smoke the interviews you already  did some of this by showing them the future value   you're going to create so when you go to a counter  offer it's i now understand your full package   the health care costs a little more than i  thought the bonus isn't guaranteed like i thought   that fine all that's fine it's all new information  i'm now looking in truly what the value is going   to be the two of those get melded together into  a counteroffer discussion and you make your case   and and what i like to say  kind of the language i like is   i now understand this i'm of lucid mind right  i know and i wanna i wanna give you my counter   you don't use that language but basically i now  understand this but based on my understanding   and the value i'm gonna create and then you walk  them through the value if you're in my coaching   program i give you the template of how to do  this and what what information to include and   what piece of paper to bring to the counteroffer  but you're going to make an argument based on your   future value and what that's going to mean and  then you ask them to put together a package that   helps you achieve a certain level of compensation  and what you also want to do in the spirit of this   is turn control over to them to help them to help  to give them control so that they can ultimately   determine the combination of how they get to that  number so what do i mean you say i want a hundred   fifty thousand well that could be 120 in base it  could be some form of a sign-on bonus it could   be some form of a back end bonus it could be some  form of bonuses you pay along the way it could be   an extra stipend for this it could be other things  and you're open to how they would achieve that   based on if you're going to achieve the value that  they that you've identified for them that's what   you need to lean on and it isn't it isn't you said  the position would not help make money everything   helps make money just because you're not in  a sales role or a marketing role or whatever   are you an engineer that optimizes the product are  you able to sell more products because it's more   efficient are you able to manufacture the pieces  and the widgets that go into the product because   you came up with something that saved money here  you're making profit it isn't about generating   top line everybody does something to contribute to  profit the hr person who creates the development   model that makes the employees happier makes  them do their job better ultimately makes it do   it faster ultimately helps the company make money  or save money kind of thing there's always some   relationship so jimmy d i love this question  that's philosophically how i think about it   structurally the in in inventory of components  i think you need to go in that and the way i   think you need to approach it when you get down to  asking and making the ask for more money all right   i always seem to spend a little more time on the  first question of the day i love that question   but i think that's a very powerful one and i'm  assuming you meant a new job offer i hope that   was the case but even if it was an existing uh  position that you have where you're getting a   promotion or you're asking for a pay raise  i'd still go about it the same way all right   that was a great one to kick us off jimmy  d i don't know who you are but just because   that was such a good question and i'm in such  a good giving mood today uh cara can we jimmy d   i would like you to email support and  i would like you to say to kara hey i'm jimmy d   at the youtube show and andy said i could have  any one of the 300 courses on your website what   are my options or if you have something from us  you tell her what you have or who you are and she   will figure it out and we will give you something  for kicking us off with such a great question
Channel: Andrew LaCivita
Views: 14,214
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Keywords: andrew lacivita, milewalk Academy, How to Negotiate a Job Offer After Giving Your Expected Salary, salary negotiation, how to negotiate salary, salary negotiation tips, how to negotiate salary after job offer, how to negotiate your salary, what are your salary expectations, salary negotiation techniques, negotiating salary offer, negotiate salary after job offer, salary expectations, how to negotiate a salary offer, how to negotiate your salary after a job offer
Id: adUSV6-1Mik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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