How to move to USA? 4 Tips…

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hi friends my name is omkar jadhari and i'm coming at you from detroit michigan and today i'm going to talk to you about how to move to usa but before we get started i want you to smash that like button with the same intensity with which you want to come to america so you prove me how bad you want to come to us in this video i'm going to talk to you about four ways on how you can come to us legally all right so number one way in my opinion you can come to us is by taking advantage of higher education so you can either pursue your bachelor's or your master's in united states now there are two ways to come to us either bachelor's or master's so first way if you are doing your undergrad usually it means you will be investing a lot of money usually under undergrads will cost you about 200 to 300 000 if you're going to a private university if you're going to a state university you might end up paying a little bit less but even with your living expenses and other things you'll still end up way in the hundred thousand ranges so i think undergrad would be difficult if you are creative you might be able to do a couple of years at a community college which is it will cost you maybe twenty thirty thousand dollars for your two years and then you can go to a bigger university and finish your degree and that might cost you 60 to 80 000 so you might be able to wrap this up in about 100 000 but still you still have those living expenses and during your undergrad time frame if you work and stuff like that you might be able to make that money back okay similarly with masters you know usually masters is a two-year program and you don't need to have excellent grades you don't have to have phenomenal grades to come to us us does not care about your grades folks i'm going to be honest with you i came to america with below average grades in my 12th grade so don't think that you know you have to come to us because you're really doing exceptionally well in your education that is not the case us is for in my opinion america is for the people who have not been given the opportunity in their own country or who have been not who have been passed on for opportunities by other people you know your maybe your company or maybe your society hasn't um given you the shot at your destiny the one you are looking for so i think america is a great place for you okay so moving on so masters in america you might be able to do it in less than 100 000 in my opinion you should be able to finish a master's in 40 000 um and uh with your living expenses maybe another 20 000 so 40 to 60 000 you should be able to finish your master's if you're not going to a very large university i've also made a video on how to do your master's for free in us so check it out i'll post a link in the bio all right second way of coming to us now this is where somebody who is in their mid 20s or late late 20s even in your 30s or 40s to be honest so one way you can do is imagine you're working in your own country you may be in india pakistan nepal europe you may be anywhere in the world you're already working at a company and they have office in u.s let's take an example of accenture a civil engineering firm which has a branch in india and also has a branch in u.s so the way you make that move is you go and talk to your boss you go and talk to your hr and see if they have openings in america which you may be able to apply for so there are two ways to come there so they can either apply for h1b from us so imagine there is a position open in your same company in us you can find that let's say in new york city there's a position open for a computer science major or a civil engineer in your company you find that you find that job you go and talk to your hr talk to the hr in u.s and see if they can talk to each other and see if there is a way for you for them to apply for your h-1b while you're working in india or whichever country you are and if they apply for h1b you get selected there's a chance you can come to us you can also do with the l1 visa which is similar process they can just do an inter company transfer but i know a lot of people who come to us on an l1 visa i recently talked to someone who did that okay so that is number two way of coming to u.s number third way is very interesting way you can also immigrate to u.s by marrying someone in u.s now i always tell people that do the right things for the right reasons never take shortcuts in life because you usually don't end up far in life when you do those kind of things so here's the thing if you are if you're interested in someone in u.s you want to meet someone in america and that's one of the ways you want to figure out then what i would tell you is main question for you is like you know if you're a lady or a man you're like how do i meet someone in america where do i connect with them instagram facebook where do i connect with them what i would recommend is uh get onto a dating app which american dating apps like tinder hinge or whatever there are out there i only know two of them uh what you can do is sign up for the premium subscription and change your location to whichever city you want to move to in us for example let's say you are in mumbai india and you want to move in new york city in u.s you can change your location to new york city and take a premium subscription and start swiping right and so whatever guys or girls you meet when at that this thing you can talk to them you can see how you things go you can start dating online it's an online dating age you can talk to them meet them and if something goes your way you can even move to us on a fiance visa you get three months to move to us basically that visa is valid for three months and you have to get married within those 90 days once you come to us otherwise you have to go back to your country so basically you can move to us for 90 days and you can date that person for 90 days see if it's working if it doesn't work you can go back to your country or you can find someone else during that time but apparently that's how it works so look on uh look on uscis website uh how that visa works okay it's called fiance visa just google it for usa all right so i think that is one way um fourth and the most expensive way to come to us if you are financially very well off you have a lot of assets you are financially really doing well in life then one of the ways you can come to us is by investing into a business investing into real estate so basically what you have to do is you have to invest about 800 to a million dollars of minimum investment um into one of these businesses so once you do that investment you usually get about two years of temporary green card uh and within those two years you have to create ten jobs for the american citizens so that may be a green card holder or a permanent citizen you have to create ten jobs and then the government or whatever uscis that institution or whatever that entity they will look at though your business they will see if you have created these jobs and if they are sustainable and depending upon that review you will get a permanent green card once you get your permanent green card you can even close your business or do whatever you want most people don't they just continue because usually those businesses are profitable so they can continue pursuing them if you don't want to it's fine so if you're financially doing really amazing i think that may be a way for you to come to us but i think that were the only four ways i know legally you can come to us uh there are other ways you know i'm not discussing in the interest of time here but these are the most used ways i believe of coming to us i am kind of master at figuring out how to come to us through education and that's what i do because that's how i came to us so if you have any questions with that you can put in the comments section on bachelor's of doing doing your bachelor's or master's in u.s you have those questions you can put in the comments section um or you can connect with me on my instagram but otherwise i had great time talking to you and i'll see you in the next video take care bye
Channel: Immigrant Talks
Views: 93,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GyWoGoc4qV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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