How to Move Characters In Unity 3D | Character Controllers Explained

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Should we use a RigidBody, Unity’s built  in Character Controller, or make our own   to move our characters? The answer to this  question is honestly on a per-game basis,   but to make the right decision for your game,  it’s helpful to have a solid understanding   of each choice. Today we are going to learn  fundamental concepts of Character Controllers!   This way you can decide which makes  the most sense for your game!   Welcome to iHeartGameDev, my channel all  about game development. If you do enjoy   today’s video please be sure to like and  subscribe. And now, let’s get started!   For today’s project, we have an isometric scene  with a character gameobject. The child of this   gameobject is the downloaded Jammo character  from the hit youtube channel “MixAndJam”.   Jammo has animation states for standing, walking  and running and a script that will handle the   blend between these animation states. Ok!  Now, on to Character Controllers!   Let’s begin by simply defining what  a “Character Controller” actually   is. This will ensure that we are all on the same  page and hopefully help alleviate confusion.   A character controller is a component (or  combination of components) attached to our   character gameobject that serves the purpose  of providing movement to our characters   and interaction with colliders  in the game -- be it the floor,   walls, stairs, other characters, projectiles, etc.   And that’s it: at its core, a basic character  controller provides movement and collision   handling. Now, let’s get an overview of our  options for character controllers in Unity.   When attempting to learn about Character  Controllers, the first search result   will lead us to Unity’s built-In  character controller component.   This pre-made character controller provides  our selected gameobject with a collider,   and access to a list of methods and properties   which help provide standard  features for characters.   If we were to break the built-in character  controller into separate components,   we could say it’s basically a collider component  and a script written by developers at Unity.   This script contains the built-in Character  Controller class, a wrapper around Unity’s   PhysX engine’s character controller. This  class allows us to access the list of methods   and properties previously mentioned inside  the Unity editor and in our own script.   With methods for character movement,  the ability to walk on uneven ground,   up and down slopes, built-in collision-detection  and more: this character Controller includes   features we typically look for  in character movement. Therefore,   depending on our needs for our character  in our game, using the built-in character   controller may be the fastest implementation  for setting up character movement.   If you are interested in a complete explanation  and break down of each property and method,   let me know in the comments and I  will cover it in the future!   But for now, it’s important for us to remember  that the built-in component is a just single   example of what a character controller can be,  and it is not the only possible option.   We can also get our character moving with  a rigidbody-based character controller.   Rigidbodies are components that allow gameobjects  to interact with physics in real-time. Unity’s   physics system includes properties like gravity,  mass, drag, momentum, and more. So by adding   a rigidbody component to our character, we are  essentially telling Unity we want our character   to be included in the physics system and all  of the physics forces to be applied by default.   Additionally, if we attach a collider to our  character gameobject, the physics system will   handle collision detection against most other  game objects that have colliders, as well.   When a rigidbody is applied to our game  object, it inherits all of the methods and   properties of the Rigidbody Class, including  multiple functions that impact movement!   This is similar to what we were just discussing  with the built-in CharacterController:   how the gameobject that has the  built-in component can access a   list of its own methods and properties.  But the list accessible from Rigidbody   class is completely different than  the list from the Built-In Class.   One of the key properties of rigidbodies is  the “isKinematic” property. When checked our   Rigidbody is considered “Kinematic'' and when  unchecked our Rigidbody is considered “Dynamic”.   Kinematic disregards incoming physics  forces from the gameobject, like gravity.   And the kinematic gameobject isn’t moved by  collisions by default. The isKinematic property   essentially tells Unity that the gameobject  isn’t static, so it is intended to move.   And that we want the benefit of collision  detection, but we will handle how it moves and how   it reacts to collisions with our own code! Dynamic Rigidbody movement, on the other hand,   is physics-based and therefore intended to  abide by the “laws” of Unity’s physics engine.   The available functions for rigidbody movement  will apply different forces to the gameobject:   such as applying an impulse force on a bullet,  gravity to a ball, or velocity to our character.   Dynamic Rigidbody gameobjects will also  automatically be impacted by other forces, like   when Jammo is hit by this launched cube and how  it will not walk through this static wall.   Again, if you are interested in a  deeper breakdown of the entire list   of methods and properties accessible for  Rigidbodies, let me know in the comments   and I’ll make it happen in the future! Let’s do a quick overview comparison between   the candidates we have so far: the built-in  character controller, the dynamic-rigidbody   and the kinematic-rigidbody character controllers.  The standout difference is that both rigidbodies   inherently interact with physics, while  the built-in character controller does not.   By default, dynamic rigidbodies directly  impact and are impacted by all physics forces,   while kinematic rigidbodies only impact other  dynamic rigidbody gameobjects -- they are not   impacted by dynamic or kinematics  rigidbody gameobjects.   Therefore the built-in character controller  and kinematic rigidbody character controller   will not be affected by physics forces, and  only moves when and how our code tells it to.   As a result, gravity isn’t automatically applied  to the gameobject, there is no momentum for the   movement, and there is no outside force that  will automatically slow down our character.   Instead we need to program all of this ourselves.  Although Unity’s developers did create a method   called SimpleMove for the built-in character  controller which applies gravity by default.   The built-in character controller also can move  up and down slopes of set degree angles and is   able to handle stairs. But, the built-in won’t  automatically slide down slopes if the character   lands on, or stops in-place, on a highly-angled  slope. Meanwhile, a dynamic rigidbody will slide   down slopes by default, but will not stop in  place without the right amount of drag and   it doesn’t properly handle steps the same way  the built-in character controller does.   The built-in character controller also has  a property which detects if it is touching   the ground, while a dynamic rigidbody  has no such property. Again, this can be   programmed into a rigidbody character  controller without too much trouble,   but it’s worth noting because it’s a  property we often need for our character,   especially if it is intended  to have a jump mechanic.   Can you see the trend here? In general, neither  the built-in or the dynamic rigidbody-based   character controller is feature complete by  default. While there is always a chance that the   style and complexity of our game won’t require any  adjustments to the built-in character controller,   and there’s an even slimmer chance that  we won’t have to add new properties for   a dynamic rigidbody character controller; we  will typically need to program some of our   own modifications to get our final character  controllers working just how we want them to.   And at the bare minimum, we are required to  handle the movement script ourselves.   This leads us to our last options for character  controllers, outside of downloading one directly   from a package or asset store. A Kinematic  Rigidbody would need to handle any physics   reactions and any additional features that  the built-in has by default. Or from an even   blanker canvas, a completely custom character  controller would require an extensive script   to handle pretty much any of the features that  are included by default for dynamic rigidbody   and the built in character controllers. For  this reason, a completely custom character   controller is the most complex option but  the most flexible, because it can function   exactly how we want as long as we know how to  program the features we’re looking for.   Now, in a turn-based JRPG like pokemon, it’s  highly unlikely that we would need rigidbody   physics and the built-in character controller has  most of the features the characters need already   available. But in a game like Fall Guys, the  entire game is based off crazy scenarios caused   by the physics system, it needs some interaction  with physics and Rigidbodies are the way to go!   To extend what was explained at the start  of this video, we’ll need to have a solid   understanding of the features our characters  require and which character controllers can   best provide those featuress to ultimately choose  the right character controller for our games.   I do want to mention, because it’s worth  noting, that there is absolutely nothing wrong   with purchasing pre-made character controllers  from the asset store. At the end of the day,   our time is the most valuable resource  we have. If we are more interested   in getting a game up and running, finishing  and releasing the title: whatever gets us there   fastest and most efficiently is likely the best  option. We may be able to save ourselves time,   effort and confusion through someone  else’s hard work. But with that being said,   this series is dedicated to learning the ins  and outs of character movement on our own.   Next time, we’ll take a deeper look at programming  movement with each type of character controller.   And soon we’ll start learning how to use  the suite of components provided with   Unity’s animation rigging package. Be sure  to subscribe and hit that notification bell   so you never miss a video/release! We’d love  to have you in the channel discord, and if   you want updates on the next video, feel free to  follow me on twitter. But that’s all for today,   thank you so much for watching  and I will see you… next time!
Channel: iHeartGameDev
Views: 69,389
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Keywords: how to move characters in unity3d, character controllers explained, unity3d movement, unity3d rigidbodies explained, movement in unity3d, character movement in unity3d, character controller explained, how to make a character controller unity3d, how to move in unity 3d, how to move in unity, unity3d movement fundamentals, unity3d movement tutorial, unity movement for beginners, what are character controllers, unity3d, unity movement basics, intro to character movement unity, 2021
Id: e94KggaEAr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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