How To Move A Sprinkler Head

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I'm not sure how it is for you guys all around the country but here in Florida we are in our dry season and we have been super dry I can't even remember the last time we had rain and I'm very good about tracking it the other thing is we're what I call cloudproof meaning we don't even get any shade from clouds during the day so there's no relief the sun just beats on the lawn all day long and I've talked about this before too when we have these super dry days it reveals two things the first thing it reveals are just what we call hot spots they're just areas of the lawn that for whatever a reason they can't withstand the heat as well as the rest of the lawn and so you want to go ahead and address those I've got plenty of videos that I made that I'll link up there that teach you how to address your hot spot for me I've just been hand watering to try to manage through those but I'm also adjusting my irrigation and that's the other thing we need to think about hot spots aside what happens when we have these dry periods like this is it ends up revealing holes in my irrigation system when I say that I mean places where I need to either need to unblock a head add a head get better coverage whatever and this sidey yard has been a instant problem for me it's morning time right now and the way the sun is you probably can't tell but this whole thing is dried out I'll show you some video from a couple days ago where I've been again trying to hand water this so I could get here to the weekend where I can go ahead and address it and if you guys remember I made a video actually in the fall where I was going to address this spot and I didn't I just put a Band-Aid on it see these areas over here look at them starting to Brown out why is that well what that's telling me is Something's Happened to the irrigation heads they're blocked especially right here you can probably guess that that's where one of my irrigation heads is but let's take a look at uh what's going on [Music] there so you see this it's really that one's okay it's not great it's really this one can you see what's happened the grass is taller than the head number one so I need to raise the whole head but it's blocking and the grass has pretty much swallowed the head as well so you can see here this is the one I unblocked last year in the fall and it's still doing fine this one here is super old and I don't think it rotates properly so that one needs to be pretty much completely replaced but the real problem is over here because you can see this one's doing fine it's going here rotates back and forth everything looks good but it doesn't have any overlap it's really only this side right here taking care of this with irrigation systems you guys know that have done it for a while you always have overlap so normally you'll have heads going down here that spray this way and then you have heads on the other side that spray across this way and you get that overlap and that's what's missing right here is the overlap and that's why this section right here is drying out as I come over here what we have are we have some shrub sprays so there's one back here so there's one right there and what I'm going to do is I'm going to convert this one that's spraying this tree which doesn't need it and that which doesn't need it I'm going to convert that I'm going to move it out there and I'm going to convert it to one of those rotors so it now can cover out there and probably not the best strategy to convert a shrub head into a lawn head but I know that people do it all the time and that's it's my only choice unless I want to start doing some major digging which I am not up for [Music] today nope oh there's one that's a Rainbird that'll work that's half inch also you'll see a ton of weeds in here I'm going to do a video on spraying weeds in beds I got to redo these whole beds they need to be uh completely recked and everything I got all kind of issues I think I'm going to take this one right here there it is just popped down and I first thing I got to do is I got to move it out a little closer to the edge because if I leave it right there it's going to run into this tree right here and it's going to run into that one so I'm going to go ahead and take it and move it all the way out closer to the edge I'm not going to put it in the lawn but I'm going to move it out closer to the edge and then that way it can cover and this is really the main one that I need to be concerned with so [Music] okay well I got it excavated and so there you can see the old I don't know what they call that a spray head or whatever but then you can see we got a 90° elbow and then flexible pipe and this is how most things are done in Florida they'll use um they'll use rigid PVC for the long runs and then when you get to a head they always put some flexible on there so they can bend it around and move it easier and also this helps it's not going to happen in a shrub bed but if you were to step on this or whatever this gives you flexibility whereas rigid PVC could break so that's what that is but this makes it easy for me because I went into my bone box whenever you have an irrigation system you're going to have little pieces of everything laying around and you never want to throw them away so I have some flexible pipe here so all I'm going to do is I'm GNA cut this here and I'm gonna put on that splice or I don't know what you call that spange splice somebody give me the right word anyway so I can move all the way down through here then I got my elbow right there so it'll look like this at the end I got my elbow right here and you can see that's threaded so this will go in there I'll cement that in and then this will oh wait a minute dang that ain't going to work that's a 3/4 okay got to go back to the bone box I need a 90 but this needs to be a half not a 3/4 let's hope I have one yeah that one's got got threads so it looks like apparently last time when I bought a bunch of stuff I bought ones with threads that's a 3/4 see that's what I need but that's a 3/4 thread but see how that one's not threaded right there that's what I need in half inch hey look at that a little mini ventu a larger ventu I got all kinds of fun stuff in here what's that right there ah threaded [Applause] again there we go got it ha bone box comes in again so there we go half inch threads slip connection [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you do not need to use any kind of Teflon tape here because this system is not under pressure your valves are what open each Zone open and close each zone so this is not under pressure constantly the only time you need any kind of thread tape is if the system is under pressure like in your house your toilet or your sinks but this is not so no need to waste it okay so we want to go out to here [Music] all right so there we go there's our extension so we started way back there put a slip coupler on there added a little bit more flexible pipe and there we go 1/2 in connection on now we just got to bury it and then we can have it squirting out there there and hopefully that'll help solve our [Music] problem okay there we go that one is good to go now I still got to do this one down here but I'm going to save that for another day so not going to do any extra work unless I have to because that little spray right there is in that little spot right there again not ideal but it is what it is but I think by changing that one I think I'm going to be fine now cuz I got good overlap through most of it and then this one over here I have to change out I'll have to go to the store and get another head cuz this one's not turning at all but that's just a simple head change out so no big deal there we go irrigation task complete
Channel: Yard Mastery
Views: 6,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Move sprinkler head
Id: MkkfFJKdksg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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