How To Mount & Dismount Your Horse Correctly & Safely - The Outlook Riding Academy

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[Music] hello i'm sam from the outlook riding academy and i'm here to help you build your confidence as an equestrian rider so today i'm going to be instructing you on how to mount and dismount your horse safely okay to make it easier before you even get on you can preempt what length of stirrup you might need so my trick is to put my finger reaching all the way up to the buckle and then the stirrup to come under my arm and that's a good guess that that's going to be my stirrup length so once i've done it on one side i would go around and do it on the other side okay so i'm going to demonstrate for my students how to mount so firstly i'm holding my horse firmly under the mouth and i'm going to let the outside rain go and i'm going to thread this frame over the horse's head still holding him securely here at the mouth swap hands i'm going to reach over the neck and straighten that rain and join these two reins up so that they're even even firmness on either side and i'm going to put my excess rain over on the offside so now i'm taking some mane with my rain it's a sort of a part of a security of me being i'd have good balance okay so my free hand will take the stirrup for my left foot and this is then going to the hands going to come into the pummel if i didn't use a pummel i could also go over to the side of the saddle just so that i'm pulling myself across now as i come down i haven't put my other foot in the other syrup as yet my concern now is to take the reins and make sure i have control of the horse i'm just giving him a squeeze just ask him to keep still now i'm going to take the other syrup up my hands are relaxed and just holding him and he's sitting still he is a school horse so that's a huge help if i was on someone younger he'd be fidgety and wanting to move off so now i'll ask one of my students to do the same horsemanship means building good habits good habits keep you the rider safe and when you're around a horse you remain safe as well so i'm going to now go on and show with my students how i would be teaching this instructing of mounting okay so as a learner i would always want you when you are going to mount a horse to have someone with you okay for safety i would also recommend you pick a horse that's a schooled horse because then he'll stand quietly for you totally different to someone with a horse has just been broken in next i'd be wanting to check that you've got your helmet on and you've got riding boots and can you just check that your girth allows you to just slide four fingers under it so i know it's pretty firm you can just get four fingers under terrific okay back to holding your horse i know i can get four fingers under mine and now um i think we're ready to hop on holding the horse firmly under there good okay i want you to drop the rain that's furthest away no come back i want you to drop from here drop the furthest away rain and hold him firmly there okay now you're going to drop the bottom rain here and you're going to thread this over his head now i want you to reach over and get both rains even take your time now rain and main spare hand is going to get the spirit for your left foot now just wait because you're a learner i'm going to hold the saddle from the other side because i'm assuming you may not be able to pull from the pummel okay okay one two three over now take your reins up not to stirrups okay once you have rain control now take your stirrups lovely and he's sitting quite calmly and quietly for you well done now teaching mounting can be a little bit mundane for students so what i do to jazz it up and add a bit of fun is give them some challenges such as mounting from the incorrect side so at the moment michaela's on the near side where we always mount but today mikayla you're going to have the challenge of mounting from the offside so let's have a try i'll hold piccolo if he looks like he's going to fidget too much great work very impressed thank you so our minds do have what we call muscle memory and so it's just natural for us to go back to the side that we're always practicing so that was extremely well done so i'm very happy with that okay so when we want to dismount we ask your horse to come back to a standstill and hopefully if you've got a skilled horse he's going to do that also ideally a squared position with the horse's feet so we've got the four feet in a basically four four corners of the square if you're carrying a whip put it across to your left hand okay now i'm going to put my excess rain back over to the near side my left hand's holding the rain it's going to do rain and main my right hand is going to put the thumb into the pummel and the fingers facing back towards me my feet will come out of the stirrups so it's a safety point for everybody and i'm going to lightly lean forward and bounce myself up notice now that i'm in the position where i started so i'm facing backwards the whip is going to go under my arm the right hand is going to come and take the reins the left hand's going to come back up to the horse's mouth and hold the horse firmly taking the reins over the horse's head resting them on my wrist putting the reins back in here together and now i'm ready and waiting to be allowed to mount again if i was asked to mount again it's essential that i walk forward and take a few steps before mounting after you have dismounted especially for something like a lady ryder class now that i've actually finished for my ride i'm going to run my stirrups up and then loosen the girth and i'll do the same on the other side and i'll just loosen some of the girth points because it'll be another little while to the saddle actually comes off [Music] okay viewers don't forget to like subscribe and make sure to ring the bell thank you for watching and until next time cheerio
Channel: The Outlook Riding Academy
Views: 4,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to mount your horse, how to dismount your horse, the outlook riding academy, mount horse, safely mounting your horse, mounting and dismounting, correctly mounting your horse, how to get on your horse without a mounting block, how to safely get on your horse, horsemanship, riding, rider, horse tips and lessons, how to get on a horse for beginners, equestrian, dismount a horse, english riding, square up your horse, horse training, first mount, first dismount, controlling a horse
Id: p3T7tUwyNBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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