How to Migrate Domain from GoDaddy to Amazon Route 53

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Hi, My name is Afeef Janjua and you are watching You School In Today's video ware going to migrate a domain from to Amazon Route 53 service. So, without wasting anytime, let's get into it Let's start the video by first looking at the the steps required for domain transfer As Per Amazon Route 53 Documentation, We need to perform the following 7 steps for successful migration Step 1: Confirm that Amazon Route 53 supports your TLD .com, .net and .pk are examples of top-level domains So, as a first step you need to consult the Route 53 docs to confirm that it supports the TLD you want to transfer to it For example, it supports .com, but make sure to double check for geo-specific domains such as .pk Step 2: Transfer your DNS service from old registrar to Amazon Route 53. Step 3: Change settings with the current registrar, such as, unlocking the domain for transfer and getting authorization code, so that the transfer can proceed. Step 4: Note the names of your name servers, we will skip this step Step 5: We will initiate the transfer. During the domain transfer and at the end of the transfer, we will receive a few emails. From both old registrar (GoDaddy) and new registrar (Route 53) Step 6: In those confirmation and authorization emails, we will click on the given links, so that transfer can continue/complete Step 7: Update the domain configuration (post transfer) We will go into the new registrar dashboard and update domain settings, such as locking the domain to prevent the transfer, unless we want it to be. Let's start the actual domain transfer This is the Route 53 docs page that lists the TLDs allowed for transfer We are interested in the .com TLD, which is listed on this page. I have highlighted it as you can see This is the TLD we want to transfer, and the documentation says it is supported Next, we go into the GoDaddy dashboard and open up the domains page. As you can see I have a few domain here. is the domain that we are interested in for transfer to AWS Let's click on this domain name In the domain page, let's scroll to the bottom of the page We can see 'additional settings' at the bottom left side of the page. On he right side, we see four links. We will click on the one that says 'Transfer domain away from GoDaddy'. But before that Notice, on the bottom left corner it says 'Domain lock: On'. Let's just unlock this first while we are here It is asking for a confirmation. Also, make sure the domain name at the top of the dialog is the one you want to actually transfer. Let's continue Now, the status has changed to 'pending update' and we have received an email from GoDaddy saying your domain's lock status is now changed to 'unlocked'. If you have initiated then ignore it, otherwise call on the given number. So, let's ignore the email and continue our work. Back on the domain page, we have the status 'pending update' before, now the domain lock is set to off, let's continue. Let's click on the links that says 'Transfer domain away from GoDaddy' It has taken us to 'Transfer Domain Out' page. Before proceeding with the transfer, make sure to read the given checklist first Our email address is correct as we received an email moments ago, so that's fine. Usually route 53 creates zone file automatically for you when you transfer. But if for any reason it doesn't create it, you can do it yourself easily It says, we will email you that you have requested the transfer and will send you an authorization code too We will then paste that authorizaton code in route 53 transfer domain page After that we will receive a confirmation email that transfer is complete It says, transfer can take upto 5-7 days, but in my experience it is done on the same day We have read all the checklist points Let's continue with the transfer It now says, your domain is unlocked and ready to transfer Click here to view your authorization code We have also received the authorization code in the email Out transfer request is now successful Authorization code is emailed to this email address that we provided It says, we can complete the transfer by going to our new registrar. Or call on the given number if you need assistance. So our GoDaddy part is complete. Let's now go to Amazon Route 53 dashboard. Now we are in Route 53 dashboard If you can't find it, try searching 'Route 53' in the search bar at the top Let's first go into hosted zones Currently we have no hosted zones as nothing has transferred yet. We don't even have any registered domains So, let's continue the transfer of the domain we initiated in GoDaddy Let's start the transfer by clicking on the 'transfer domain' link On this page, we will type the name of our domain which is a .com domain. click check It says can be transferred to route 53 for approx $12 fee. It is also saying to transfer the DNS from your current registrar. We understand the risk that our domain can be unavailable for 2 days. Let's add it to the cart and continue ... Here it is asking for the authorization code we received earlier in the email Let's open that email and copy the authorization code from it and paste it over here. Looks good. It is giving a few options regarding the name servers here At this point our Name Servers are from GoDaddy and we don't have Name Servers from AWS Because don't have a hosted file yet having new Name Servers, so we can't attach that If we had any hosted file, we can then select it from this drop down Let's go into the hosted zones and create a hosted file for our domain manually In the hosted zone form, let's type the name of the domain leave description empty and select public hosted zone click create We now see the name servers listed in our newly created hosted zone And they are listed for our domain Let's use this hosted zone file Click again on the hosted zone option and it will load the newly created hosted zone in the drop down Instead of using the GoDaddy Name Servers, we have created a hosted zone for our new AWS Name Servers manually which is populated in the drop down automatically here Now, we have to provide contact information and payment information After completing the contact/payment form we have now landed on this page On this page a dialog came which said we have emailed you regarding payment i think Also, it says at the top, you will receive 1-3 more emails If you have provided different email address to Route 53 then GoDaddy. Make sure to check mail in both email addresses Read all of those email and click on any link provided in them I have received only one email thus far, let me show it to you. It is signup confirmation email that says your order has been received and few links to documentation and a welcome note. I am still waiting on the confirmation email. After receiving that email, our domain will be active and ready to use At the top right you will see that I have received a transaction alert email. It means the transfer charges have been applied to my card. Hopefully, in the next few minutes we will receive the confirmation email too. In this route 53 dashboard, we have already created one hosted zone. If we go into registered domain, we don't see our domain here yet. This is because our domain is still in pending requests and the transfer is in progress. We are waiting on GoDaddy to approve the transfer Now the ball is in GoDaddy's court to approve the transfer Let's continue waiting for that ... We have received a new email from GoDaddy. Let's open it up and see what's inside It also says, if you want to speed up the transfer process, then read the given article Let's open the link and go to 'transfers out' page Hopefully, our domain will be listed in the out transfers. Let's select this and approve the transfer Some error occurred. Let's try once more Okay so now our transfer is gone from the transfers out page and we have received yet another email Let's just ignore this one too as it is just informational email Let's check the other email from amazon Dear aws customer, you must verify your email address for your domain, your domain will remain suspended and unavailable on the internet. It is asking us to click on the links in the email, let's do it. Now our email address is successfully verified. And we again receive another email saying email verified, not further action required on your part. Going back to Route 53 to check the domain status again It still is in progress, let's check email for any new emails from aws We have one email from GoDaddy which says 'your domain has successfully transferred from GoDaddy' I think we are done now. But, let's just check the domain status in Roue 53 just to make sure Fair enough, it says transfer is complete step 14/14. Going back to registered domains we see that we now have our domain listed Auto Renew is automatically set as well as transfer lock. So we don't have to put the transfer lock ourselves. If we open the domain details, we see that our verified email address is listed. Registration date, expiration date and auto renew is also enabled Transfer locked is enabled (locked) If we again wish to transfer, we can unlock the domain from here and get the authorization code too and then we'll paste that into the new registrar dashboard We now have our last email from aws We have finished transferring your domain registration for from your previous registrar to route 53 I think we are finally done now. I hope you liked this video, if yes then give it a thumbs up. Please comment on the comment box below for your suggestions We will take your suggestions into consideration while developing future content. Thank you very much
Channel: You School
Views: 164
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Id: gaSI017jsIQ
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Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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