How To Merge Multiple Excel Files into one in seconds!

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[Music] with the merge Excel files tool we can quickly compile and clean up our property data records in just a few short seconds this will save us endless hours of time organizing our records let me show you how this works here I've got a folder with the merge Excel files tool and another folder with dozens of different data record files some file names are dated some aren't it's quite a mess I've got a total of 37 lists here one of them actually has just a single entry but the rest are generally in the hundreds here's one with 625 leads you and another with 793 data records and so on so I've got thousands of records here and the last thing I want to do is spend all week copying and pasting them into a single spreadsheet and cleaning them all up and fortunately I don't have to now these can be either CSV files or Excel or a mix of both it doesn't matter as long as all of my data records have the same fields here I can merge them in seconds I'll just open up the merge Excel files tool I'll be sure to enable the content so that the tool can run and I'll follow the simple instructions here I'll enter ctrl Q and navigate to the folder where I have all these property records and I'll hit ctrl a to highlight all of them and open and in just a few short seconds all of these records have been imported I'll click OK and ctrl W to merge them and look at that a whopping twenty eight thousand and sixty eight records have been cleanly merged into one file saving me who knows how many hours that would have taken to compile manually [Music]
Channel: Morry Eghbal
Views: 671,865
Rating: 3.9542961 out of 5
Keywords: probate, leads, Excel VBA programing, Excel VBA Masters, Excel VBA Developer, Custome Excel Programing, Excel Automatin Tools
Id: lWvuwVARJy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 11sec (131 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2017
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