How To Memorize Song Lyrics Fast

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so you got that gig or that part and now you have to memorize the lyrics of the song how do you go about this to where you really hammer those lyrics and nail them today I want to talk about some strategies first and foremost the most important thing that helps me is repetition repetition repetition however not mindless repetition you want to begin being very conscious here's the thing there are some songs that I have sung hundreds of times over the years however with one of my combos what we have is those little screens right in front of us and we have about a thousand songs in repertoire so we always just kind of read it off that little screen and you know what most of those songs although I have some hundreds of times I could not even memorize them I can't tell you what the words would be right from memory just because I never made my brain think about it in a very conscious way so the first rule is wean yourself off any sheet music or papers or any lyric sheets any websites and you karaoke sites that you can kind of read along the words wean yourself from that as quickly as possible the next thing that helps me so much is do not listen to the original here's what I do I either find a karaoke track take my sheet music or my lyric sheet after I kind of know how the song goes and then I sing it and I record myself singing it it's totally enough just to use your phone just use the memo app it doesn't have to be great quality it's just for you to listen to yourself now first of all when you do listen to yourself you pick up on all kinds of things that bother you the way you do them and so you fix problems so much better and second of all you're gonna hear yourself sing the lyrics it's really helpful has helped me a lot a lot of times I will also record rehearsal sessions and what I will do then when I have such thing harmonies for example I will record the rehearsal session and then at home I will play it on my computer turn on my phone and sing my harmony part along so I'll hear myself on the recording louder I hope you get what I'm saying so you're recording that recording that is coming out of one speaker and then you are actually singing your part and you're recording that on your phone or whatever device you want so you need two devices and then I will listen to that on repeat of course make sure you're doing it right because when you continuously listen to a version that is not right you're totally gonna get used to the version that is not right and you're gonna have something stuck in your head that you're never gonna get out and here's the thing when you have that recording listen to it day in day out morning noon evening whenever you possibly can don't just listen but sing along and then singing acapella another thing that really helps me is to there sometimes there are lyrics that are so hard to memorize because you know for example it repeats and then it's just slightly different or sometimes the course even changes the words and sometimes you can't remember now which one came first make little memory bridges that's what we call it in Germany like donkey bridges okay the donkey is dumb so the donkey can't memorize the donkey has to just use kind of like cheats so the cheat for one of the songs that I could never memorize like is the bit bit bit syllable first or is the gap because there's one verse where it starts with bed to the bed to the dip but it's German words and then there was one verse where it starts with a git so what I memorized was okay it's an alphabetical order and then that other part that I could never memorize it's in reverse alphabetical order sometimes you just kind of have to make up things like these to help you brain until you really have it sunk in another thing that helps me a lot is to actually stage it at home to act it out so that I actually have images or actions that I tie you know that I associate with those lyrics that's extremely helpful I noticed that whenever I had an actual scene that a stage director told me what to do it was so much easier to memorize all the lyrics because first of all of course we repeated that so unbelieving freakin many times like any scene when you're doing staging for an entire opera or musical theater show you do your song so many times you mark it and you just do this piece again and this piece and then you'd start in the middle and then you start on the end and then do this phrase again and then just do that part again you take it apart and they put it together it's really how you remember it not just continuously starting at the beginning and singing all the way to the end but start in the middle try to kind of find your way just try to really get your brain to where you recognize any moment in the song and you can just kind of get into it from anywhere where it starts and lastly sometimes there's these really tough songs that are just so hard to remember sometimes it's something very abstract but I always try to make it specific when it comes to thinking of images I think of something very specific something like for example some sting songs they're very like ambiguous it's like what is he talking about it's really hard to kind of specifically know what he's talking about so sometimes I just make an image or I think of a story in my own life what it means or a specific person and it really helps me to associate that part of the verse of the course with something of course it's usually easier just because it repeats but some courses are also tricky and it all depends on how you learn it might also help you to speak out the lyrics speak him out as a matter of fact record them that's how I help my daughter memorize poems that she has to now memorize her school she records her own voice into my phone and then she plays it hundreds of times and that's the easy way to memorize them it's also helpful to really overemphasize the accents when their lyrics are going this way I'm emphasizing what needs to be accent it it really helps me sometimes just to kind of get it stuck more and then of course when I put it in the song I don't emphasize it as much but my brain just has a much easier time kind of putting it in segments and memorizing it because it's more significant or something you know it's it all sounds different you might also want to write down the lyrics and here's a really cool tip write down the lyrics but don't just write down the lyrics write down the lyrics and below each line put the subtext you can also also speak at the subtext so for example I Will Survive first I was afraid I was petrified kept thinking I would never live without you by my side or I could never live without you by my side okay I could also do the subtext like my goodness when you left me I was just like a little girl I was scared I felt lonely and it would just did not feel good I cried for days and nights and I thought what am I ever gonna do without you it seemed impossible see how you can expand on subtext and sometimes it's easier to remember the meaning of something to trigger what words will come out next so these are all my tips that I have these are things that have helped me tremendously in learning lyrics and songs and yeah staging is really fun let me know in the comments below if you have any other tips or tricks or advice on learning your songs learning the lyrics and how you can really get these in your head it's so hard for some people I know by the way you do train your brain as you do this continuously and it does get better I remember 20 years ago it was a lot harder for me to memorize lyrics of a song and now it's much easier just because my brain has been trained to memorize lyrics thank you so much for watching if you want to dive deeper in really mastering your voice consider checking out my book which is still available on Amazon the link is below I also have it available as an audiobook which is downloadable only on my website link is of course below have a most wonderful day and I hope to see you soon always keep on singing [Music]
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 123,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, online vocal coach, online singing lessons, freya casey, how to memorize lyrics, how to memorize lyrics fast, how to memorize song lyrics fast, how to memorize
Id: M71ROlMHisI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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