How to Memorize Airspace in 5 minutes.

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hey guys I'm Brian I was on a forum recently and pilots of America comm saw some people talking about things that they struggle with a lot of people had posted that they are struggling with air space and visibility this is something I could never get down when I was training a few years back I looked at all the mnemonics people had put out there in different lessons and I found that all really confusing so I just created something for myself that simplified things and made air space visibility really easy for me to understand it never occurred to me to share it with anybody because I assumed other people could see into Monica someone else would put out and just you know figure it out I couldn't so anyway I'll share with you the method that I came up with to help me remember it I took my written in 2013 so what five years later this is still what I use in my head and on paper to memorize airspace the visibility so if you would grab a piece of paper grab a pen and follow along and I'll show you how I do it so and if this isn't a issue for you then there's other videos out there I'd move along there's this one guy makes all these videos so if you're like me you got into studying for your private and you saw a chart like this which to me is absolutely ridiculous sitting down and trying to memorize this is futile it's just not going to work it wouldn't work for me so I started digging around and seeing if there were any other options out there and of course you come across things like the pyramid where they tried to explain it and make it make more sense to you this didn't really work for me the airspace Rubik's Cube was a utter failure the airspace taco I think was a thing for a while but none of this stuff worked for me finally I broke down and had my friend Carl the engineer make a very simplistic drawing that would explain airspace to me this helped a lot but in the end I still couldn't remember it and I fell back on some of the fads one of the new fads that come out was the going to the fair space which was helpful but a little too simple and then finally the I don't really care space that was pretty good but it also didn't speak to me I think the most recent fad of course everyone's heard the teddy bear in the electric chair space this helps and it's simple but in the end none of these methods really helps me memorize my airspace and so that's why I came up with this thing that I'm going to show you now and I really hope it helps all right so get your pen and paper to follow along first thing I do is I'm going to name this the three one three method I haven't titled it anything yet but by calling it that unfortunate you to remember the first thing is you're going to write down so this will seem strange at first and it'll seem confusing but the point isn't to get you to memorize but I'm going to draw is to get you to learn airspace very quickly so just do what I do the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw these two hieroglyphics to draw that three one three that you should be able to draw just by calling this two three one three method these two things will make sense in a minute no I want you to put a see here a five there you've probably already figured out where I'm going with this but if you can write that down you've got your hair space memorized so what exactly am I doing here okay the only two air spaces that are really confusing our e and g we know a doesn't really matter B is three and clear so E and G are the only difficult ones so what we're going to do is take this line and divide the top and bottom this is ten thousand feet everything above this is five one one one this essentially goes away that's very easy to remember doesn't matter everything is five miles 1,000 feet above thousand people in one mile laterally and this right here this line day-night so nothing changes above ten ten thousand feet and above I should say five one one one day night Ichi that's basically gone so that's why I originally only drew the bottom of these because this is the only part that's confusing so the thing we need to know is there is a divider right here at 1200 feet the one comes down that's one and clear the three comes down that's three now the only thing we need are our 1 5 & 2 so this is 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 again this is day night so now you know e is all 3 1 5 2 and if you're wondering where C and D are guess what C and deer right there in the lower half of your e if you just look at this as confusing but if you start with those two things and you know you've got 3 1 3 C 5 everything else is simple the point for me was never to be able to memorize that final drawing it was to be able to have something I could put it on the piece of paper when I set for my written and figure out air space and so I could sit a my written and I could do this 3 1 3 5 c I had that down and then it was just alright I know this is all the same 1 1 1 this is 10k I know this is 1 this is all 1 5 2 it includes C and D this is going to be 3 1 152 152 152 day-night 1200 so by being able to do those first few steps I was able to sit down with a piece of paper and there had my airspace ready for my exam it's also very easy for me to remember in my mind on your checkride you're highly unlikely to find yourself above 10,000 feet you may find yourself in Class E and G airspace so really a and G are the only ones that are tough the other ones are very simple you can remember B is 3 and clear a doesn't really matter so if you can get the seed to draw something like this or come up with something like this in your mind it may very well simplify airspace and visibility for you and if not that's fine this is something I said I came up with this for me because I struggled with it so what I do hopefully it helps and if not I appreciate you taking the time to watch
Channel: Just Plane Silly
Views: 192,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: memorize airspsce, 313 method, Airspace simplified, airspace mnemonic, understanding airspace, airspace classes explained, airspace explained, general aviation flying, airspace classification, flight training, private pilot written exam, classes of airspace, airspace memory aid, aviation airspace explained, air space, ptac, mzeroa, airspace, aviation
Id: B_4Z8XBtMkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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