How to Memorise Japanese Effortlessly | Anki

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what if you never had to worry about forgetting information ever again and what if there was a tool for taking all the facts and figures you learn on a daily basis and memorizing them indefinitely you can learn a whole new writing system in a matter of months we call the dates of every single major historical event in the history of the world ever or even how to say 35 languages in 35 languages this video was originally going to be about how to memorize Japanese specifically but then it was pointed out it may also be useful to all language learners students studying factually dense subjects people who hate their memory people who want to learn everything post-it note salesmen and of course people that enjoy overwhelmingly price dream theory yeah do you remember you said you'd go on a date with me the day I found it overwhelmingly price dream mirror oh well guess what I just found now I know it you're probably thinking why would I know anything about memory but all I do is sit around all day drinking salt and fruit and the answer is in my quest to learn a language as complex as Japanese I was forced to confront the issue of having the world's crappiest memory once and for all but after arriving in Japan I was fortunate to meet people who had mastered Japanese very quickly in some cases to a native speaker level and what they all had in common was they've used the same tool and the save method to get there and after I started using it as well I quickly saw why because of just four months I'd managed to memorize how to write over 2,000 kanji characters easily memorize thousands of new Japanese words and most importantly able be able to respond in Japanese in a quick and effective manner someone knows you're gonna mock DiNardo Matt Hasselbeck the method is called spaced repetition of the tool in question is called Anki most people still don't know about it as it's only become popular more recently thanks to smartphones and tablets and most people that are using it are typically people learning a language but the system and the tool can be applied and used in so many ways more than just language acquisition my whole life I felt like my memory was holding me back up until I discovered spaced repetition and unki and now I feel like I can do anything and that sense of hope is giving me something that I would like to pass on to other people and I hope that you can make your dreams come true whatever they may be so grab a bottle of salt through and let's get learning no our [ __ ] our everywhere it's literally gone everywhere the first thing to understand is the theory behind the tool itself a space repetition system tool is a system which exploits the spacing effect the most effective way to learn retain information over a long term period the effect was initially discovered over a hundred years ago by a German psychologist with a groundbreaking beard called Hermann Ebbinghaus who learnt that just a week after we've learned something 90% of that information is lost however by continuously reviewing or revising that information over increasingly spaced intervals we can memorize the information easily and naturally and retain it into our long-term memory for months and years example ok so on Monday I learned the Japanese word for dangerous is other 9 the next day just as I'm starting to struggle recalling the word for dangerous I test myself with the card and succeed other naya before going back to eating healthy nutritious food dinnertime three days later just as I'm struggling once more to recall the word for dangerous I test myself other 9ya succeed and then plan to test myself again in about 5 days time and this keeps happening and as I keep reviewing and revising the word at the time between each review is gradually increasing until eventually I'm looking at the word in a matter of weeks if not months so the space method allows for a natural learning process rather than cramming all the information into our heads and just forgetting it we're memorizing information for the long term and so you won't get demotivated and give up you'll carry on when you see that you're actually learning and memorizing information however there are problems for using this method when using say flashcards think about it for a language of thousands of characters and thousands of words to learn need to first blow down the entire [ __ ] Amazon rainforest just to get the paper to make the cards in the first place to create an elaborate tracking system using something right Excel to work out the day you last reviewed the card of the day to review it next three you'll have lost all your friends by this point we'll have to spend most of your free time googling words like friendship and all of this would definitely have why would you put yourself through this when computers can do it all for you and better Anke is the Japanese word for memorize and at its core was a free to download highly intelligent digital flash class system that was so popular it was ported to Android and iOS all the most advanced non-native speakers of Japanese who have mastered Japanese that I know have used done T and done very well using it and once you've started using it you'll see why it's very effective thanks to the age of smartphones tablets PCs it's so easy to input a review information and all you need to do is pull out your pocket and get going it's that easy all you do is open up and start inputting your flash cards and in my own case I might be at work or out with friends and I'll hear a word but I want to memorize pull out the phone bring up unki remember he goes the word probably refrain from doing that noise might be many favors doing this you build decks of cards for example I have a deck of cards related to Japanese vocabulary and other four kanji characters and if you can't leave other to make your own deck of cards you can always get a shared deck from the website where people have already pre-made cards pre-made a day uploaded it for anyone to download and often they're quite good to have to sell them the pictures embedded within them which particularly good again for languages there's even flashcards with native speakers of Japanese on which is great for learning and it's far better than doing it yourself watashi wa christmas and within the application as well as a scratch pad so you can actually draw out the cards which is really useful and the lobby balloon for the real secret to our keys effectiveness is all in the input that you have with each card example once you reveal both sides of the card you're presented with a series of colorful buttons where you can input how difficult it was for you to recall the card and this feedback then determines the next time you see the card for example if you fail to recall the card hit the red bump and you'll see it again in a few minutes hit the easy green card and you'll see it in a few days at first because as the days and weeks progress time between when you next see that card will gradually increase till it's a matter of months before you see again most importantly if you do fail to recall the card and you hit the red bug the card will go all the way back to the start again all the way back to day one making sure you do actually remember it and naturally you decide how many cards you review in a day if typically if we're learning vocabulary you can learn hundreds in one day you can go through hundreds of cards because it takes seconds to review a single card so it really is as easy as drinking a whole bottle of red wine alone on Saturday evening again again I said this application was a way of life and it really is especially to somebody learning a language or perhaps at university who has information coming at them every day that they need to learn the memorize to me the wrong key is more than just a flashcard system because it's given me the confidence to feel I can learn a language like Japanese and perhaps laughter Japanese I'll go on to learn more languages except I won't I should probably also give an honorable mention to memorize which is very similar to um key uses spaced repetition mechanism as well and also incorporates a gamification element whereby every time you review or revise a word you mortar a plum until you have a field of watered plants if you like that kind of thing but you can also share means that you make forwards with other users or memorize and it can be particularly useful although I have to say I still prefer unki but definitely looking to memorize I know a lot of people use it go and check it out and see how if it works for you so where to go from here we'll go online and download Anki for free onto your PC or laptop or for Android if you're getting if iOS it does cost about twenty dollars there's my previous video and robot restaurant didn't teach you that the notion for the best things in life are free is a lie then downloading unkilled to your iPhone or iPad and using it to learn thousands of new words characters or facts effortlessly and effectively certainly will and if none of this applies to you one or gazed upon Japan dot-com website and learn about how to fail at Tokyo nightclub or go to new Twitter account and share the sheer disbelief of discoveries like KFC potato chips which were amazing and actually please feel free to send me your questions and other queries it's that's a business for me this this stuff is grout it smells like KFC oh look what we got
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 621,669
Rating: 4.9786792 out of 5
Keywords: japanese, languages, Language (Philosophical Subject), Anki (Software), learning a language, memorisation, how to memorise, Japan (Country)
Id: SVEcTd6LEwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2014
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