HOW TO MEAL PREP FOR THE WHOLE WEEK | Shredding Meal Plan 2019

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel man feelings been a minute so I'll go baby we were back with some exciting news final boss performance is now live final boss performance com2 check it out though I promise and I got a second channel link in description if you want more the personal life stuff maybe that channel is now up we're gonna have more to it so make sure you subscribe and with that let's get this video underway baby today we're a meal prep before the entire week a lot of you guys watching too probably never meal prep before some you might have but some of you have in this video I'm gonna break it down man I'm sure going to do every single meal you'll be eating in a day on a prep it how to pack it literally everything if you watch this video just be like the only video you need on meal prep after this one open a restaurant start cooking for other people because you're gonna have the skills and the knowledge to do it if you guys are ready for another epic video then as always I'm here to cook for you let's do [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] check the receipt alright so into the store I didn't pull anything out of my coverage this is literally all bought on the same trip 86 or DEA that's not bad we're saving money and getting lean at the same time that's a win for all parties involved I'm not gonna go too in depth right here something to show you guys we go step by step as to why we're kind of choosing them every meal of the day though it's gonna be accounted for all right we got containers essential for meal prep and what I always like to do with meal prep is I like to start with the time-consuming stuff first you want this whole process to take the least amount of time possible pay attention what's gonna take a while to cook for us that's rice and for us that is pasta so we're gonna start getting the rice cooked right now and we'll move on to this I don't want to go overboard with a food scale I got a video on how to use one of these things but a quick little rundown for anybody watching we're making seven days where the rice look little look at this nutrition label everything size 45 grams so it's a forty five times seven I'm an idiot I need to calculate 45 on 715 grams so we can turn our scale on here really this easy zero grams will just weigh this out for 315 and we know if we cook that I mean I gotta weigh it outdoors we know exactly the ghazal one meals a little over was a little under we still good all the way link of my description if you need a food scale there you have it we're one gram off which I'm gonna call the win boom it's that easy so I'll be kind of doing this with a lot of the other stuff in the video but I'm not gonna show you this steps is boring but you get the point now you don't need one of these to cook rice you can easily boil it but a rice cooker these are super cheap and save you a ton of time you kind of set it and forget it so we just add rice right here bingo two cups of water I need a faster one of these peachy-keen out our steam tray drops all to birds broccoli here don't put it in the steam play bingo turn it out a little so this will get steam does that cook sort of go up through cook your broccoli keep in mind you can swap your veggie out with just about any other veggies long as this green you really want the vitamins minerals and fiber frozen so if you like Brussels sprouts you can do peas you can do green beans whatever you want just get them greens in man it helps with someone design it I promise power and white rice loom and that's just gonna chill in 40 minutes we'll be good while we got the other stuff cooking let's talk about meal one bill one but this meal plan I wanted to make easy for just about anybody to follow and for just about anybody to enjoy oatmeal a breakfast baby we got some flavor to healthy cereals right here I was just - I found at the store if you look ratio nutrition info a lot of dishes empty carbohydrates lots of sugar and like no protein these tend to remedy that I love this Kashi go lean right here baby 12 grams of protein per serving and lots of fiber can't go wrong this one doesn't have as much protein this is multigrain spoonfuls but still his lower carb and get some fiber in there so not bad man this stuff though is great then for almond milk we got the individual packets because they'll travel with you you don't got to weigh them out and they don't go bad in your fridge so we're thinking to the future right they say well he's looking your lunch box you don't me to eat your breakfast right when you wake up but it's convenient enough if you do or to meet enough to take with you let me show you they're using a food scale you can also go off up in a quarter here it's not as accurate if you measure it that way without the food scale but long as you're not like throwing three cups in and being like I think that's one-third and you'll be good be honest with yourself man lay it out bingo not is what one serving looks like in a container it's do the rest of them and that is seven days of breakfast pre-portion we know exactly what we're getting and it's ready to go grab and go take with you eat it right here pour it in you're good that's the whole key to a meal plan man if you want to be successful at a diet knowing exactly what you're putting your body leads really all the guesswork is gone and all you got to do is just do it when it's grab and go like this takes a little bit of time to set up but I promise it's worth it so meal one is done let's move on to meal soup therefore meal two normally in the past I wasn't big on pastas but with technology nowadays there's like food and magic in some of these bucks 32 grams of carbs per serving eight grams of fiber and 14 grams of protein so we're getting a protein up and not just empty cars from regular pasta and if the whole chickpea thing grosses you out was a promise it shouldn't and there's also options like this protein plus T or 70 grams of protein per serving it's still regular pasta so either way man it's all about put your best foot forward results happen when you're doing a lot of little things right instead of just one big thing right about a month waters almost ready in each of these meals we're gonna have a half pound of beef for 293 seven lean chatting a lot of that fat and getting a lot of protein when I feel like a meal plan works well is when you got diversity you're not eating a lot of the same things throughout the day it's not just checking the rice because why this one I really tried to diversify it so we're gonna have some pasta let's get started on stick spray essential 3 pounds for these meals won't do and a half a pound per so we're doing seven days the basic is 1/2 of that bingo and that's what I like to call a lot of be keep it pretty basic with seasoning just a little pink Himalayan sea garlic powder nothing crazy now that looks like it's not gonna cook fast but it could take a lid put it on it and just let it show for a little bit it'll do us things make sure you stir it every now and then now we got our two boxes with this pasta foil eight cups of water add your pasta stir it got eleven minutes well people told me I can't cook I say well all you got to do is read the instructions and then you follow them it kind of works hostel bingo give these a little stir alright that an 11 minute timer and bingo got about two minutes left on the pasta and the beef is just about done that lids a game-changer when you cook that much beef at one time you're gonna have some juices at the bottom so I'm gonna strain not only my noodles which you do I'm gonna strain the beef as well that way they're both really thin so these will be done in a second I'm a strain them when we'll start getting them ready deck it out guys everything's strained and we are good to go the best part about this is when weighed everything before we cooked it so we know you don't gotta weigh these individually as we put them out just eyeball it because at the end of the week we're gonna get the exact same amount of macros and calories noodles first and beef this sauce we're in there telling you guys it's not have to be difficult I would say the hardest part about this entire thing is simply just knowing what to do you got a plan laid out you got an actual meal plan you're following but really all you got to do is do it I say that all the time and that's literally how most of life work I'll just power you acquire the knowledge and all this left for you to do is execute on a baby which is what we're doing right here then a lot of my life get overweight out-of-shape not confident and literally I remember the first meal plan I ever followed it was literally like two weeks and I can start to see abs coming in and that's when I fell in love I always add our beef keep in mind with this program are keeping our protein high that helped not only build muscle but your body spends the most energy breaking down grams of protein as opposed to carbohydrates or fat so the more protein you eat the more throwing dynamic you make your body faster your results come and voila there we go meal number two we got pasta and lean ground beef protein pasta it's that high in fiber so it's gonna be a great option in number two and then we're gonna have some sauce here now some people like it really saucy some people ain't big on the sauce me personally I pried this used one of these for all of these that's just me though the more sausage you're gonna have some calories but really not that you have a little leeway here but I'm just gonna use one and then since we're not eating it right now we're milk prepping it you don't really got to warm the sauce up so it'll warm up when you microwave but if eating too now you just heat it up a little bit sauce in there bit in there bingo bango bongo a there we have it that might not look like a lot of sauce to you guys but I am totally cool with it beef pasta hardly seems like diet food we get high in fiber high in protein really everything we need and then if you want some extra flavor on top of this telling you this hundred percent Parmesan cheese the grated version there's actually not a lot of calories in this stuff it's mainly protein and a little bit of fat so you take this with you in your lunch box which I'll show you guys here in a little bit or but all right now let the microwave sorted out if you don't to love this with you but boom that is gonna be meal - let's hit three at this point we've had two meals we're doing really good the third meal is going to be a protein shake and to keep it simple gonna keep it easy it's gonna give us 50 grams of protein at meal three protein I'm using as rule one isolate proteins keep in mind when you're buying a protein not all are created equal some are gonna have a lot of added sugar make sure you're checking the nutrition label make sure you're getting at least 22 grams of protein per scoop we're also gonna be using the final boss performance shaker baby huh know if I told you guys earlier code RJ f10 saves you 10% at checkout moving like a year to get this thing launched but we are in business I'm telling you the best flavors around that's it y'all can tell me what you think good I think we got a winner now you can mix it with just water some people don't like the flavor of that I just take it like a shot but if you don't like shots you can also use almond milk again you can bring a little one with you or a big old guy I don't get it down a lot smoother would you look at that we got two scoops and each one of these bags grab-and-go friendly you can either do it one of two ways you can do this for an entire week that way you don't even gotta mess with it you get it all done in one day or you could just wake up every morning put two scoops and a dry Jaykar and then just take that with you but everyone works best for you I find it's kind of doing it all in one go you have it all set out really the best course of action that's meal 350 grams of protein easy grab and go let's move on to for now since we did this right meal for is gonna be a piece of cake check it out remember this broccoli is done that's our veggies there's our rice a little bit of veggies fell in but that's good for you we are almost done so what's gonna happen in the final meal already pre weighed our rice and our broccoli so we know that we can divvy those up between the meal that's no problem what we have here is about eight pounds of chicken we're gonna need a pound of chicken per meal I'm assuming we'll cut off probably around a pound and trimmings and leave us right about seven pounds you can wait if you want to get real granular but a child to ever think this stuff man just do some simple math and you're good so we need to trim this chicken I'll meet you guys a quick little breakdown on how I do it if you've never trimmed before because some people have I never did it till I started cooking and meal prepping so break this down take this quick and easy when it comes to chicken breasts see that white stuff right there you don't want that gonna bite into that it's gonna turn off your entire meal you ever been at a restaurant the first piece you bite into is a big thing of gristle that's terrible you got to flag the waiter down check please done with it we'll get rid of these dingo so you could go in get rid of all these pieces like that that way it's just pure chicken and I like to use scissors because I just think it's faster than a knife I always get crap for that but is what it is put in the little pieces gonna help it cook faster oh you're not eating an entire breast so I find it tastes better when you cook it in little pieces a breast the outside will get overdone that way for the middle to get done it just tastes like rubber after a second basically that easy we're gonna do that to every single piece and I'll be right back and boom that is what seven pounds of cut-up chicken looks likes good to go for this I like to use two pans to kind of speed it up a little bit the thing about chicken breasts you might be tempted to dump that entire thing in here if you cook too much chicken at once on it kind of gets watery rubbery it doesn't taste good you kind of want to keep it right in the middle which I'll show you we're all seven of our days we got seven milk rub containers what I'm gonna do first to make this easy so as I cook I kind of just add it I'm gonna go ahead and get my rice and my broccoli in each of the end there we go all of these are sorted you might be thinking that's not a lot of rice and you're right this is a fat loss dyeing to keep carbs low while still getting in the right amount without over spilling and affecting our calories and throwing off any of the other macros as far as veggies go now so you guys might not like veggies it took me a while to get around to it when you steamed broccoli check this out these little parts that are normally really gross to eat they're super soft right you can essentially mix this up into your rice you wouldn't even really know you have broccoli I found on a steam um it's a way better option if you want to eat more veggies go right ahead make double make triple the amount of broccoli you're gonna feel more full especially our taking like a green superfood powder micronutrients fiber everything and it's gonna really help you feel like you're not dying we're almost done by the way I'm gonna give you guys a full list of everything this meal plan for you guys so you can screenshot it oh you haven't ought to keep watching this video over and over to hold up to the end for that but for now let's cook this chicken quick little nonstick solid take about a handful that's about the right amount and all you do is make sure you got them spread out then you're gonna wait a little bit flip them over make sure they're cooked all the way through add them into there and that's money baby and that is how your chicken should look like I said keep it small I'll fill the entire Bowl when it's gonna cook way better add it right in yeah that's what I'm talking about I'm gonna continue doing this with all the chicken we got here we'll fill these up be right back all the way link your description follow my second channel it's down there there we go that is meal for completely done for all seven days we got a pound of chicken but our broccoli in there about a cup of cooked white rice so this is looking good we got one more meal and this meal plan is done and I'll break it all down for you now the final meal of the day is gonna be pretty simple somehow rice cakes fondo and almost every meal plan I do but I do not like eating these things playing well we're gonna add some peanut butter natural jiff will be two rice cakes with two servings of peanut butter so I'll show you what this looks like prepped out and boom that simple baby duper bag and then I thought that I have the little containers for the peanut butter musta lost them during Klout week so I can't really show you but with this basically you would weigh out your two servings that's about 66 grams and you put it in a little signing it's like a circle with a little lid like a mini meal prep container you can do it that way or just take it with you weigh it out peanut butters all those things I do stress we might I ball some things here and there peanut butter you want to weigh out there's so many calories and so little peanut butter it's very very very easy to overdo it on always recommend weighing that out but boom that is all five meals now let's see what it all looks like together let me break down this meal plan for you let's go voila we got every single meal done we all ready to tackle the week and we gotta cook nothing cuz we did it all right here keep in mind the order of these meals doesn't really eat them in whatever order you want what about us Moses that you get them in throughout the day so for the video of my example you would do the cereal with the milk and mill 1 mill - you'd have lean ground beef protein pasta meal 3 get a little bit of a break and you take one of your protein powders shake yourself a shake real quick meal 4 we'd have some chicken old and brown chicken with some broccoli and white rice and then final meal of the day your snack you're gonna get 2 rice cake and two servings of natural peanut butter and boom that's the plan now let's break down the macros or I break this down if you guys want a new workout playlist and you're fans of hip hop massive hip hop fans check out my description box got a full spotify playlist there with all my favorite songs yeah I checked out prototype 7 which is my first music project link in description box below when did that drop must the memo on that one not sure what I'll go ahead and do right now let's put an exact copy this meal plan on the screens can go ahead and screenshot this right now you're gonna have the meal plan baby exactly how I got it keyed in here so in this entire gonna plan if you follow up verbatim meal one through five you have two thousand and ninety calories that's gonna put you out for the day two hundred and twenty four grams of protein we got a 146 grams of carbs got 72 grams of fat 21 grams of fiber which I'm gonna chalk as a win five meals a day 2,100 calories good macro ratios all there is to it baby when it comes to meal prep and this is my most life saving tip you have seven days worth of food here right if you put them on your fridge by about day or they're gonna start tasting a little funny the best thing you can do is take just two days and put them in your fridge do next two days meals are laid out then anything you have extra you're gonna take I'd be five days and you'll put them in your freezer right now once you finish up the first two days of meals they'll take the next day's the night before out of your freezer load them in your fridge overnight they're gonna fall and you'll put them in your little bag do you take with you or just leave me in your fridge or from home whatever and you eat it that way and then the next night take them out put them in the top and boom boom boom that's gonna keep them fresh there's literally if you freeze the five days right now they're gonna lock in all this goodness and we all want as much goodness as we can get one final note I did calculate these macros based on me my body side my stats what works for me wars for my metabolism you got a crazy active day job where you're moving all day or you're working out for five hours at a time I don't know to each his own you might need more calories than this and a woman is gonna need significantly less in a lot of situations keep in mind this what works for me one see 100 calories is a great starting place for just about any guy was saying if you have weight to lose that's a really good place to start so thank you guys as always for watching I want to say right now this channel from here on out is strictly just fitness and nutrition content that is it nothing else if you want any of the other stuff like maybe some vlogs personal life stuff music whatever that is gonna be my second channel fiction box below go ahead and follow it and that's where I'll upload anything that is not Fitness and nutrition appreciate you guys watching as always hopefully this helps you out I know this might seem a little daunting when you first look at it cuz there is some work that goes into getting all of this prepped and there is work into disciplining yourself to only eat the food you prep but I promise it is all a mindset you make your mind up you're gonna do whatever it takes to get to where you want to be and you have no choice but to get there zero margin for error you eat this every day and I promise you it will work most people family dies because they have zero structure they don't have food prep it's easy to grab something here grab something there drive go through a drive-thru if you have it done and ready to go ask the secret of success baby you can do anything you put your mind to don't like anybody ever so you different like I said earlier in the video final boss performance launched today use code RJ f10 at final boss performance calm and I'm telling you we have the best flavored aminos you've ever had brew me wrong I dare you our moon rock atomic bomb sickle rocket pop no-brainer baby check it out if you'd like to see more videos in this style perhaps for women perhaps for different styles like heat or whatever let me know down below because I have a full schedule baby or forget my first album is in the description box below as well prototype 7 check it out mara I'm gonna have my personal favorite recipe I've ever done on this channel until I'm telling you guys you don't believe it but if you're checking tomorrow I'm telling esthe recipe ever don't miss that I'll see you guys later thank you as always peace
Channel: Remington James
Views: 328,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remington James Fitness, Remington James, Remington Meal prep, Fitness Youtuber, Remington OMAD, Shredding Diet, Remington Fat Loss Diet, Healthy Protein Recipe, Best Meal Plan For Fat Loss, Fat Loss Meal Plan, keto cutting diet, shredding diet meal plan, OMAD Diet, How To Follow OMAD, 23/1 Fasting, One Meal A Day Diet, Final Boss Athletics, Final Boss Performance, Remington James Music, Prototype VII, How To Meal Prep, Meal Prep For Beginners
Id: 8N81x4kfaWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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