How To Market to Multiple Buyer Personas

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if you're a business that sells to different types of customers then marketing to these multiple buyer personas at the same time can feel like a challenge which audience should take priority and how do you connect with these different types of people on the same website do you have separate social channels for each audience or do you combine them all in one well with some careful thought and strategy that we're going to cover today you can hit all of your bi personas where it hurts all right maybe not where it hurts but you can hit them in their conversion button if you're wondering where someone's conversion button is I can't tell you two reasons number one it's a trade secret and number two we just got to keep it safe for work by the way this stuff works really well for businesses that have historically been really Niche selling to one type of audience but want to Branch out to sell to another audience as well it works for B2B and B Toc we're going to show tons of examples let's go all right first up it might sound really obvious but we need to make sure these different personas are clearly defined many businesses fall into the Trap of saying we sell to everyone makes sense right more people equals more audience but it also means way more money on marketing trying to reach everyone and much less resonance with each type of Customer because you're giving a really broad message but Tim inert massive business targets everyone ah but do they really though this Instagram post from my is targeting people who grow their own food this one is aimed at parents and this one is aimed at Foodies another example is this blog post is targeting people who are really active this one is aimed at people who enjoy night life while they're abroad and this one is aimed at new parents who are just about to realize that going on holiday has just become way less fun so both of these brands are targeting multiple audiences with different types of content suitable for each one now sometimes Brands can actually approach this from the other direction they start by targeting water news and then they realize through looking at the analytics or analyzing the sort of people that are buying their products that actually they have some separate audiences that they could be targeting as well well and let me show you an example of this this is easy cool down they make cooling vests you can see their photos are taken in a warehouse and they've got a rather strange assortment of people wearing these cooldown vests we've got people doing work we've got people doing jobs we've got athletes we've got cosplayers we've got people wearing fies you might look at this and think oh that's pretty obvious they were making these cooling vests for people who are working on construction sitze and they realized that these mascots and fursuit people were also buying these vests wrong other way around what's actually happened here this company was making vests for mascots and costume performers and then realized that other types of people other professions were buying the products so they've added that target audience to their website as well in order to allow them to expand sometimes expanding into new audiences can be as simple as adding more marketing channels to your mix for example adding new social channels that maybe your core audience isn't spending much time on but a new audience that you could Target is so the aim of this first section is really to group your customers into separate personas find patterns in the data of the people that are visiting your website or buying your products and group these into distinct personas based on the patterns you've identified you can then create detailed profiles for each Persona including demographics job role responsibilities goals and challenges buying process decision criteria preferred communication channels personality traits and values we have a video all about creating bio personas like this so Link in the description for that next we're going to talk about how to Market to these different audiences in one place but before that if you want some help with your digital marketing the team at exposure ninja have a free service that can really help you generate some significant growth over the next 6 to 12 months it's called the free website and marketing review all you do is fill in a bit of information about your business and your website and the current digital marketing our team will then go and analyze what you've been doing up to now to get the growth that you've generated but we'll also have a look at what your competitors are doing and where the opportunities are for you to grow further we'll put all of this in information into a 15 to 20 minute video that we send you via email there's no charge for this service and it's completely free so if you want to apply for the free website and marketing review go to exposure review today all right so we' got the basics in place and we've got our different bio personas planned out so now we need to start thinking about the digital marketing tactics that we're going to use to appeal and resonate to each one starting with conversion rate optimization of course one of the challenges of selling to multiple bio personas is that your website has to appeal to all of them it can't really turn anyone off so we need to start with a really clear positioning statement on your website that works for everyone let's look at some examples is sort of project management software and a CRM so it's got lots of different types of customer so on the homepage they call their software your goto work platform that works for their three audiences they then have separate sections on their website that drill down into more detail with more tailored positioning statements accounting software crunch sells to Soul Traders small companies and accountants so again three quite different audiences so it's positioning statement on the homepage is you live life we do the numbers I'll be honest it's not great and you can see the challenge that they've come into here given that they need one statement that works for all of these audiences now of course what you then have to do is you have to direct each of your audiences to the right Pages the right places on your website let's look at how does this so we got this sort of General above the fold area but then as as you scroll down Monday is trying to filter you through to the right information for you based on what you need this software to do so the first way we can do this is we can just choose some of the features and this will take us directly to some information that's all about that feature if we go further down the page though we see these different audiences are actually sort of segmented out like this and if we click through on any of these we'll get a sort of a dedicated product homepage for that particular need so this is all about the Work Management piece this is for the operations people that want to use this as project management software whereas this section is for sales people who want to use Monday as their CRM so each of these sections has a different logo and a different color scheme to help visitors realize which part of the website they're in crunch is a lot more straight to the point so after this sort of General section above the fold here they just want to get these disting Target audiences straight through to the information for them there's two options Soul Traders limited companies of course businesses in e-commerce have often been doing this for years for example clothing site Asos splits out their clothing by men and women of course not everyone gets this 100% right on the Wix website Wix is a UK based sort of Home Improvement site their page title says Wix DIY and Trade Home Improvement products and inspiration so we've got these two target audiences we got the DIY and we got the trade but when we get on the website we don't see a clear differentiator we don't see a clear distinction between these two audiences now they might say that this is because those audiences have the same products but often you'll see a slightly different website layout for trade and consumers because trade often know what they want they might have different criteria they might search for more technical searches and they might see different pricing without the vat for example I mean if we're really going to get into it the URL structure isn't ideal for SEO either they've got all their products coming off the homepage rather than putting them in the right categories it doesn't make any sense sense but anyway this site coach accountable is coaching software so this is for coaches that want to work with their clients and give their clients a platform to log into but weirdly this page is also where the coaching clients log into so if I'm a coaching client my coach might send me this page to log into my coaching account with them but the entirety of this page is aimed at coaches not their clients and when I land on this page I really want to see that my coach has signed me up for something where they have to do less work is that really a benefit to me so the action here is to review the key pages on your website and make sure that they cater to the different bi personas that are going to be landing on them have you got content on your site sewn posted so that these audiences can find the right Pages for them as quickly as possible cuz we never want somebody on your website to get the feeling that they're in the wrong place then we risk them bouncing off going back to Google or going to a comedor so what about increasing your business's visibility with your different pers owners well we alluded to it earlier but content is another way that you can flag you're a good choice for different Target audiences not only the topic of your content but also the format and where you share or post it some of your bio personas might respond best to video either long or short form whereas others may prefer text and of course the destinations that your audiences go to should Define the sort of topics that you're covering and how you're approaching your brand let's look at a really extreme example we all know Sesame Street well well Sesame Workshop has presence on LinkedIn and Instagram but look at how they're positioning these differently their LinkedIn post obviously cater to a B2B audience so this is all about providing workshops for educators whereas look at their Instagram page where they're much more tailoring their content to families even if you're sharing the same format of content for example blog post but targeting different audiences you may have different calls to action or different next steps that you want these audiences to take for example on the Airbnb site here a news post about a new type of stay that they're offering in simp Paul's Cathedral and the call to action on this post was obviously to go and book this special stay whereas here's a page all about how to be an inclusive host completely different at target audience this post isn't for people who want to book a stay this is for hosts who want to become better hosts so the call to action is obviously completely different or in this case it's completely missing but to be fair this is for their existing hosts but look at how they segment this content on their website to make sure that people don't end up in the wrong place the stuff for host is all in the resource center and the community center whereas the stuff for the consumers is all in The Help Center got it so review your content strategy and make sure that you're producing content for each of your bi personas in the place that they're most likely to be finding it and in the sort of format and with the right ctas for them email is another great way to connect with different types of buyer and most email platforms at least all the decent ones will allow you to segment your audience so whereas some businesses just have a single email thread where they send out broadcasts to the whole list each time and they don't really segment Their audience what you really want to do is actually have different email streams for different types of customer and you can segment your audience based on the products that they buy or the pages that they visit or information that they give you in any questionnaire or order process that they fill out for you but you can also build in a sort of Choose Your Own Story into your email streams for example and you've probably heard us talk about this before but 13 times Roi in 6 months so why not in the fabric Galore campaign that we ran we sent an email that allowed people to choose which things they were most interested in when you're buying Fabrics you might be a dress maker you might be into quilting you might be into Furnishing those are completely different audiences and require completely different content so we put an email in the sequence which straight up ask their subscribers which of these are you most interested in based on which one they clicked we then tagged them and sent them different streams that were targeted for those interests and if you're receiving emails which are laser focused on the thing that you're most interested in your engagement goes way up but also your chance of unsubscribing goes way down nothing turns us off more they're getting a whole bunch of emails that aren't particularly targeted that we're not really interest interested in so takeway review your email automations and make sure that you have different automations set up for each of your different B personas and if people are all going into one hopper make sure that there is a way of allowing those people to move into different segments sometimes your target audiences might be so different that your entire brand has a different personality for each one to illustrate this we're going to use everyone's favorite language learning owl if you're not into owl by the way that's jol lingo jurol lingo has a different personality on the different social platforms based on the target audiences they're trying to reach on each one so for example on Tik Tok Jingo content is pretty unhinged this is one of the more mild posts but if you think about it on Tik Tok Jingo is trying to connect with a younger audience using comedy and memes they're trying to build a bit of a following and then they'll Target that audience with ads if we contrast this with the approach that Jingo takes on Facebook using the meta ads we see a completely different type of content this is like app walkr content almost like tutorial videos and we'll see this is a pretty typical approach that they take now that's because on Facebook they're going to be targeting a much wider audience who might not get the humor of what Jingo is posting on Tik Tok different audience different context different content now on LinkedIn they have a different approach again this time we're much more focused obviously on their business products things like earnings and even when they do talk about you know job posts and they do have a bit of the Jingo personality that we've seen on Tik Tok it's in a much safer for work style there's no real shortcut to this bit of the process you need to learn what your target audience responds best to and the sort of social channels that they are spending their time on and make sure that your content is tailored not just to that audience but what's typical on those channels last but definitely not least probably actually one of the first things is how you do digital PR and build links for these different personas now you're going to need links and you're going to want to run digital PR campaigns to build those links to improve your ranking on Google but they can also be an excellent source of visibility in front of your target audience if you know where to build those links and get those features let's go back to Crunch the accounting firm so remember that they're trying to get in front of limited companies and sole Traders so here's them being featured on an article on the GoDaddy website which is going to be much more focused on the soul Traders people who are buying their domains people who are building their new website for the first time on GoDaddy and here's crunch being featured on this article about setting up a side hustle so whilst they may have picked up this link accidentally what they would hopefully have done is work out where is our soul Trader audience spending their Time online what sort of topics are of most interest to them how can we then go and reach out to the websites that are producing content on those topics to work on a collaboration or to get featured in that content this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have a completely different digital PR campaigns for each of these audiences this might just be about let's say that you're producing some data and you want to go and get some Outreach to get some coverage about this new data that you've produced well you might just take a different angle on that data to reach out to these different types of Publications with a different type of story the work compiling the data hasn't changed you're just using a different angle according to the different bio Persona you want to get in front of so as you can see whilst it's a bit more work marketing to multiple buy personas doesn't have to be too difficult you just need to be super clear on which personas you're targeting and then be really strategic about how you get in front of and how you resonate with those audiences watch this video to learn how to create great p personas and let me know in the comments how many bio personas does your business have until next time see you soon
Channel: Exposure Ninja
Views: 1,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: expninvids, marketing to multiple audiences, multiple audiences, buyer personas, multiple buyer personas, multi persona marketing
Id: sbtMeMTcb2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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