How to make your very own Gorilla Tag fan game!

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hello YouTube today I will teach you how to make your very own G like fan game all right so first you want to check the description YouTube description and I will have multiple links there so um yeah first thing you're going to do is download Unity Hub so I already own it so I going to open it once you download it it's going to look like this but there's not going to be any of this here and you're going to go to installs install editor do the recommended version I honestly will do that press install and wait for that to finish got projects new project thing you're going to wait for it and press 3D core check whatever you want I'm going to do really tag F Game T there we go and I want to select it g no that's not it there it is all right so so once you've configured all your stuff and mind this it will take a while to do it's probably going to take about five minutes and then it will be done once it starts it's going to look something like this so once it loads going to show something like this all right so that's should be how it looks you're not going to see these three you're not going to see all these this is what you're going to see you're going to see game you can see scene project and that's it and inspector and hierarchy that's it so it's right click hold down to move w a d just like Roblox studio if you've made games on Roblox it's just like that so first you go to edit project settings XR plug-in management install XR plug-in management this might take a while depending on your computer but for me it doesn't take long really takes about 20 seconds tops all right so it's done so whenever that happens whenever it's done for you press open XR so it takes about a 30 seconds easily for me all right so once it's done show this press yes all right then it's going to restart the editor most likely all right once it restarts you're going to see this or if you don't and you end up here press this you'll see this okay so I would do fix I wouldn't press fix all because I don't know if that fixes this it shouldn't all right once that's fixed press edit change this from single pass to multipass add Val this controller profile and Aus touch controller profile the Android single pass to multi then add search controller profile what the freak is Chronos simple what the all right anyways um then you're going to want to go to plugin management go to Android press acus this shouldn't take long but if it does your PC is probably not that good for me it takes about 10 seconds maybe a little bit more sometimes as you see it took about 10 seconds then you're going to go to Oculus PR multiview to multipass computer single pass multi pass then you're going to go around go here I forgot do this low over head mode where it says glees turn that on and boom you're done with that part for now then uh what you want to do is go to window package manager plus add package from get URL type in com. unity. interactions not interactions interaction. toolkit press enter then it should add some stuff maybe I typed it wrong maybe I spelled it wrong but it's com. unity. xr. interaction. toolkit maybe I SP it wrong last that's what it is right there if you didn't catch that's what it is all right once that's done go to XR interaction toolkit um go to samples go to import start assets shouldn't take long at all it should take about five seconds all right this is about three but then you're going want to go to assets assets create folder just call it scripts create folder call it materials or just call it mat slash colors or plus colors then make one more and call it um what was it free I would recommend doing this so you know what's free and what isn't and call it free assets first what you're going to want to do is go to free assets right click import passage custom package go to downloads if you this is the part where you go down in the description and you find the gorilla local Motion download click on it and it should just bring you right to it once you find that and download click gorilla Locomotion and press open then click all import then whenever we do that I personally press [Music] ignore go to resources R prefabs go to gorilla egg drag it in then boom TR there right now you don't have like a character like a person or like a monkey whatever your game is based off of like goriller tag you don't have your little guy you don't have your person um we'll fix that later in a different video then you want to go to haki delete main camera I am GNA put this down to 79 because it's always too strong this all the way too white what I put it like that what does that look like that doesn't look right anys uh I got off TR then you're going to want to create your map I'm personally just going to do this all right now that that's done I made some obstacles first I'm going to do this so I don't have any shadows and I'm going to rotate the White Tank so I can kind of get like kind of like I'm GNA turn the intensity up back up to one I'm GNA do soft Shadows put it right there so you can see all of it all right now that's good for now all right now you can play test your game as you can see you spawn it you can't move it if you go to seene see there we are if I go to the left hand controller in your gorilla player I can move around see I can perfectly fine move around like gorilla tag I'm I I don't want to put on my VR headset because if I if it's doing this it it freaking works so I probably need to make these a little bit taller if I actually want this to be my map so yeah see is see these work to you can go on and follow through them and even even if I be stupid and go off the map yep there yeah there we go bye bye little buddy all right guys hopefully you enjoy that video make sure like comment subscribe and comment down below if you want a part to because you can make your own map and stuff this really would be the end of the game if you want to post it right like this which I wouldn't recommend because it's going to get horrible reviews and you're G to get downgraded and you're not going to get your game out there all right bye
Channel: 8CSEA
Views: 98
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4rraMte4Fwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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