How To Make Your Own Raspberry Pi Security Camera

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what's going on everybody it's Carmine from bar mine Tech and in today's video I'm going to show you you to make your own surveillance camera system using a Raspberry Pi zero or you can use a Raspberry Pi 3 or four whichever ones to but today we're going to be working with the pi zero we have a little uh Ardo cam one of the little ribbon cams that just plug right into the port right over here on the Rasberry P see it's one of those little ones and when we're all done we'll have a system like this and I know the camera really bad but here we go you can see there I am and uh yeah so we'll have a camera system just like this when we're all set so let's get right into it so getting started we are going to need a couple things we're going to need a Raspberry Pi whether you're using a pi zero Pi 3 or pi4 you're going to need one of those you're going to need some sort of uh micro SD to USB whether it's going to be one of these fulls size ones so you could put it in the side or might be one of the little ones that just slide in you're going to need a micro SD card I recommend getting a better one if you go to Best Buy or wherever your local electronics retailer is and get like a sand dis I think it's class 10 is the higher quality and I would get at least 32 GB one cuz we are going to be saving your camera footage on there so you don't want to you know have no dis space to save video on and a couple things just to make life easier if you are using a pi zero they make these dongles so this is a micro USB to USB one and then they make the micro HDMI to HDMI so you can just plug both these into the pi zero and then you can get them on a monitor and plug a keyboard into it so if you're going to be using the pi zero it does make it a lot easier you can set the Wi-Fi settings through the Raspberry Pi imager but it's like a 50/50 chance that it works and I actually had an issue with it on this project but we'll get into that more when we get to that step but that's pretty much everything we're going to need so let's get started putting it together all right so the first thing before we do everything is we got to grab the motion I OS software so if I'll have links below if you want to look on your own there is the GitHub project I'll have a link to this that you can get it uh you're going to come over here to the motion ey OS uh repo over here I'll have the releases so this project isn't supported anymore but it's still in use and looking around this seems to be the most popular surveillance program to use on Raspberry Pi so I would just keep using this until it completely fails so if we scroll down through all of the releases we want to gra we want to grab the motion ey OS Raspberry Pi 202 00606 um this was released on June 6 20 2020 the Raspberry Pi includes the Raspberry Pi a Raspberry Pi 0 Raspberry Pi 02 I believe and the Raspberry Pi like 3A 2A boards so this is the version we're going to be using don't get confused with like the orange Pi zero because that's not the right version the project Creator actually made all the dros based on the different architecture of the boards so the Rasberry Pi would cover all of them there was actually a release at one point that had it all broken out nicely but the program is not supported so it's not really broken down nicely anymore there's a little bit description what the RAC and change window was but we're going to download that version that's what we're going to be flashing so after you get that downloaded and it's going to download into a zip so I have a folder of all my ISO images that I use so I just like to do it this way so it's going to download into a archive so you just either open it up with wind Roar or you could just extract here you can see here's the motion eye image so you could just right click extract here and then you would have your image so it's going to be a IMG file which is fine because we're going to be able to flash that over onto the micro SD card you can just come over here and with the new the latest version of imager they changed the stuff so you could either put this as no filter in or you could just ignore it I believe and then you would just come over here to choose OS and typically I like to erase my SD cards first just to make sure everything is gone so I'm just going to erase everything on here make sure you select the right um storage device when you go to do this because you don't want to select you know like an external hard drive you have on here or anything else and accidentally erase everything so we let this erase real quick and then we'll be right back so now this is all done and then we can come over here now we can Flash the new image so we're going to come over to custom and then you're going to select your Custom Image so I'm going to select my latest version now if you're using for Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 make sure you select the version for the that board so if it's Raspberry Pi 4 it'll specify in the file so make sure you get the right one click storage and we're going to just go through now a couple things I figured out while doing this testing um you can't configure the land on this it just doesn't work it puts the kernel into a panic and just it just keeps going into a reboot session so don't configure the wireless land you're actually going to do that manually when you get get in other than that you can turn on SSH if you want um and then that's really it you can set the host name you can set a username password but that would be all that and then you're good to flash it so after you do flash the image onto the dis there is one more thing you have to do since we can't set the Wi-Fi through the Raspberry Pi imager it just doesn't seem to like it with motion ey OS you need to just add a file to it so here's just a quick little guide on it but you just need to open up the dis in File Explorer and you're going to click on I'll show you okay so you might need to mess with it unplug your USB to micro SD reader but you can open up the file and here you're just going to right click and you're going to do new and then you're going to do text document you're going to do regular text document and then we're just going to name it based off what it says over here so we think we just need to name it like WPA to config so you just need to name it wpas supplicant Doom comp so we just going to come back into here we're going to rename this actually we're going to select all of it make sure you take out the txt too and you're going to need to have file names on so if you don't and you're on Windows you can do View and um it's going to be check off file name extension so you can see that as well because then you're going to have a hard time changeing this it won't work right we're just going to come back here and we're going to grab this info and we're going to come back to that we're going to edit the file file You' paste it in it would update it with your information so if you're in the US you would put your Us in the country and other than that you would put your name of your Wi-Fi network and the Wi-Fi password in here make sure it matches up cuz it is case sensitive so make sure your Wi-Fi is right and your password is so we can sign on after that we're all good to take the SD card out put it in the Raspberry Pi and get started on the first boot now this is where it might get a little tricky because it hopefully will connect right by adding that file it should no issue but but if it doesn't and it starts looping you don't see it coming online and your network prop and your network list on your router you might want to plug it into a display that's why that micro HDMI HDMI will come in handy so then you can put on a screen and see what's going on I had the issue with this last night cuz it just kept looping through cuz I tried setting the Wi-Fi off of the Raspberry Pi imager but I'm thinking that this was PR project is a few years old and that feature wasn't around yet so that's why it probably still wants the WPA file added that's how it sets it up because that's how you used to do it back then when this project was around they didn't have that option to set the Wi-Fi like that so you had to actually add the file and do it manually it was really annoyed it never worked right back then but it looks like it's working good on this project um if your Raspberry Pi does come up then you're all said you'll be able to go to the web page you'll see it in the list of all your network clients on your router or you could use angry IP and do a quick Network scan I'll show you that really quick too um but yeah it's a really good way it scans in a few seconds and finds all your host let's do that real quick so angry AP scanner is is just a quick Network scanner you just type in your network range um so we just do over here and you just hit start and it just scans everything through really quick like I said it probably takes less than a minute and it pulls up all your information so you could have it so here you go you can see my motion eye is here on 95 so if you're not able to access your router is like admin portal to see or it's not coming up you can find it right through there so now I know 95 is motion I this is how we used to have to do it all the time before they added the Wi-Fi settings to the Raspberry Pi imager you would have to sit here and keep scanning your network because it if the host didn't come online right away but it was like showing up you would have to do it through here it was such a hassle I'm so glad they Chang this on the Raspberry Pi imager so now that the host is all set we're going to want to make sure that our camera is connected and the Raspberry Pi is up so you're going to want to connect your camera whether it's one of the USB ones or one of the ribbon cables um you're just going to plug it into the Raspberry Pi and then get going from there if you have any issues um just check that the cable seated right and we us beads pretty straightforward but with the ribbon cable it's kind of tricky there should be like a black or blue plastic on the back of the camera ribbon and that's going to face away from the camera so like if we're working with this Pi zero you can see this is the top of the board the ribbon the black ribbon label should be coming off the back and then uh it'll plug in right there and then it just has these little tabs you just pull these tabs out I actually broke them off of this while I was trying to set this project up but you pull the tabs out you insert it and then you just kind of close them and it closes in nicely and it's the same thing on a Raspberry Pi 3 the options are very similar on a rur pi three or four so on these fulls size boards they actually have two of these ports so there's one over here and then there's one over here as well and it's the same idea the tabs just kind of pull out it's uh it's a little different because they pull up and then you would just seat it and then you would just push it down so just be careful you don't pull too hard and break the tabs off because then you can't use that Port but there's two of them on the Raspberry Pi 3es and fours the full size boards so now when you connect it and get online everything should show up so let's go take a look so we can see that here we are and my camera is working this is on the other one I was working on you see it's it's running right now if your camera is not coming up then check the seating of your Ribbon cable because that could be the issue but here we are and now you should have everything working um to access this web page it is just going to be whatever your IP address is and it uses Port 80 so you could just go 1921 16850 and this is for me if your network is a 10 Network or runs like a 192 1681 it's whatever you're going to be you just do that and since you know HTTP uh since 80 is the common Port we can just do it that way your default password is going to uh the default username is just admin and it's no password but for me I already changed it so it's going to be admin and my password would log in uh probably the first thing you want want to do is to change the password so you're going to come over to the hamburger menu over here and you're going to click that and in here you can change your password and we can do some other stuff too so we're just going to go through some of the basic settings that I changed from my camera I have a very simple like $12 camera I got off Amazon it's like a 30 FPS camera it's not a very high quality but it's going to work for what I want to do so that's why we're going to do it so I came over and I limited the frames to 30 just so it doesn't go too crazy I changed the host name so it's motion ey um in the default config when you flash the OS onto it it's a little different so I just made it so with something simple you want to change the password and then you could change the username um for another user account I didn't do that I just changed the admin because that's the one I'm would be using you can check for software updates I don't know if they're going to be there you could shut down reboot the system and you could also back up your config and restore it if you needed to so that's really nice to have in here you can connect your Wi-Fi you to change networks you can do it that way we have services so we do have different Services running so we have an FTP server we have the you know Samba server we have stuff like that so if you want to move your stuff over to a different machine or you want to be able to FTP it off we can do it that way we have the SSH running which is good so you can SSH into the box we have some expert settings that we're probably just going to leave default because I don't really want to mess with them they're set for the Raspberry Pi zero and that's how I want to do it cuz I want to work we're just going to close that back up now we have web video so we can this is the one thing I really changed so you can change your frame rate so I did it to match my camera and you could also change the resolution I'm running in a really low resolution because I'm using a Raspberry Pi zero it has has very little memory it doesn't have good onboard Graphics so we're using this so I can actually have decent video so you can see it's pretty responsive if I raise my hand it's only a slight delay um you can see like my mouse moving it works I want my camera to be able to work because I want to be able to see so that's why I'm going to leave that at that I tried changing some other ra other resolutions because I do have a higher quality camera but the r pie just can't handle it which is okay if you're using a Pi 3 or pi4 probably handle it better and you could be able to change your resolution but for me this works you can change where it stores files but I'm not going to I'm going to just keep it default and it'll tell you you know how you're using your displace up so you can move stuff off if you need there's the text overlay which just gives Tim stamp and the camera name so that's okay you can scale the text if you want one thing to keep in mind uh just to be aware of when you're going through these options for whatever reason every time you open up one of these boxes it checks it off to turn it on so if you turn on one of these other boxes by mistake just make sure you turn it back off so like video streaming I just have the same thing you could have 30 uh cabin of 30 frames which is what I did uh you could increase the quality if you want but I'm just going to leave it how it is right now there's also different lengths based off of what you want to do which is pretty cool that they built this in so you could have like an embedded URL so you can embed it in a site or I don't know an email if you wanted there's the streaming URL so if you want to just be able to watch the cameras you know here it is just the camera so this is good if you're like out of the house you only have one camera you can just tunnel in really quick pull up this link and here now I can see what's going on there's also a snapshot URL so we just open that up and here we go here's a picture so it's just going to take a picture uh it's a good picture U but yeah so you just do that return that back back off we're just going to close that box back up we're going to leave that on because we want to be able to see the video now you can see I just opened up still images and it turned it on so you turn that back off and you can notice when I do something the apply box comes up so I open that up and now the apply Box is open there's movies I don't want to do that we're turn that off too and then there's motion detection so you can have it set so it only does it when there's motion detected depends on how you want to do it like you're going to use it for like a real security camera you probably don't want to record 24/7 so ition detection would be helpful but I'm going to turn this off because I'm actually going to have this over my fish tank so I can see my fish when I'm out of town make sure everything's okay in the tank so I don't want motion detection on I want the camera to run all the time so we're all set here H you can either scroll back up you can clear out the changes uh actually no sorry this actually removes the camera we don't want to do that or you can apply it so I'm just going to close that and here we go and now we have all of our settings changed so that was how we set up motion eye like I said motion eye is just just a OS that somebody built off the rasbian dro or the Raspberry Pi light Dro um it works very smoothly from what it seems I know my buddy Nova spe Tech he told me about this a couple years ago so I've actually had this project on my radar for a while I just really never had to use for it now I do so this is why I built it up um there's tons of cases on thing of verse if you 3D print that could support all the different Raspberry Pi models with a camera and the different model cameras depend on what you want to get or if you want to have like the stock case like I'm pretty sure the rber pi zero with the can kit the case actually came with a hole for the camera for the lid so if you still have that original case you could use that or you can print one up or you could probably just buy a new one there's tons of different Raspberry p kits on Amazon or the local stores and you can probably find them all over really if you just Google a little bit but you can put that together and then you can just tuck it away and then there's your little camera so like I'm going to use it to monitor my fish while I'm out of town so I can keep an eye make sure everything is okay but you know if you want to do it to keep an eye on your pet or maybe you know your desk whatever it is this would work as a great project it's super simple the Raspberry Pi is such a little small form factor I mean it's like that big so you know it's just going to tuck there it'll be good nobody would even notice it and it doesn't use a lot of power it's not loud it just it works out good all around so it's a really nice little project if you're looking for a little camera to do some simple you know some simple recording or you know simple keep an eye on things um thank you for everybody for watching I do have a Discord server I'll have a link below and I'll have all the links below I'll have a link to motion ey I'll have a link to any of the guys that I found online and uh yeah I have the Discord server if you want to join that so yeah all the links will be below I appreciate everybody for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Barmine Tech
Views: 5,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Computer Vision, Python Programming, Raspberry Pi Camera Software, Home Automation, Raspberry Pi Motion Detection, Network Camera Solution, Raspberry Pi Camera Setup, Open Source Security Camera, Raspberry Pi Tutorial, MotionEye Configuration, Video Surveillance, Raspberry Pi Camera Module, CCTV Setup, Motion Detection, Raspberry Pi Projects, Home Security, DIY Surveillance, Security Camera System, MotionEye OS, Raspberry Pi, barmine tech, barminetech, homelab
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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