How to Make Your Old Car Run Like New!!

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hey guys what is going on today and today I want to tell you what you can do what steps you can take to make your old car drive like its new now if you have a car that's 9 or 10 years old it's getting up there in years and it probably is going to need a couple things worked on before it can before it it works like like new now the first thing you want to do this is what I did one of the first things I did to this truck and I've done all of these steps with my truck the step one is to change your spark plugs now when you have old spark plugs in your car they'll get worn and they won't fire correctly so that you'll be spending extra gas in the in the engine and your your cylinders will not fire properly so you'll loose some power and you do not want that in your car you want to have all the power that you can get and you want to have you know you want to increase your fuel efficiency and so if you replace your spark plugs then that will increase your your power potential and it'll increase your fuel economy in your car step two is to change your air filter now what your air filter does is it filters the air that your engine draws into itself to to create the mixture of spark gasoline and air and if your air filter is dirty then it will not be able to draw as much air through the air filter through the air intake and so your engine will lose power and then the fuel economy will go down because the engine will try and fix the lack of air by putting more gasoline in there rich it in the mixture now what that does is it makes you use extra gasoline and you're you're you lose some horsepower because it can't draw the proper amount of air in and now that's usually a very easy fix you can run to Walmart autozone auto whatever auto place you go to and pick up a filter in just a couple minutes usually and it's usually you just pop out the old one pop in the new one and put it back together and it's it's very simple number three is to get your fuel injectors cleaned now as your car ages your fuel injectors inside your engine will get all gummed up and will not inject fuel properly after a while because it'll be a little bit clogged up so won't inject as much fuel it won't inject the proper amount of fuel and it'll just be a little gummed up and a little it'll hurt your performance and so what you want to do is either you want to take it in to take your car into a mechanic or a dealership to have the fuel injectors professionally cleaned if you have to wherewithal to clean them yourself do that I personally do not have the wherewithal to do that and the third option is to use fuel injector cleaner now fuel injector cleaner does not work as well as playing all cleaning out your fuel injectors but it does get some of that residue out of the fuel injectors and all you have to do is you buy an i buy this stuff it's like five bucks a bottle at Walmart it's called tech Ron it's called tech Ron fuel injector cleaner you can usually find it in the in the automotive section and all you have to do is you have to pour it in the gas tank right before you fill it out with gas and that'll help cleaning it out it won't damage your engine at all and that's what I do and I'm going to have this this these fuel injectors cleaned at some point I just don't know when yet number four is to change your power-steering fluid now as your car ages you may entirely overlook the power steering component of your driving just because you're focused on whatever gas mileage or engine performance or whatever but as your car ages and the power steering fluid in your car it's kind of fouled up and gunky your power steering will not be as good you won't be as maneuverable it'll be harder to turn the steering wheel and all you have to do is go in there and refresh or flush the system put a new fluid in put the cap back on it's usually very easy and very accessible and then run it for a while drive the the car around and you will most likely if it's an old car and it hasn't had the power steering fluid changed in a while we will most likely feel like if maneuvers like a totally different car that I changed it in this truck and it had a massive improvement and I was really happy that I did med only cost a few bucks to do it myself number five is to get your tires changed rotated and keep the tire pressure up on them now a lot of people overlook this and I don't know why because it's such an easy thing to do and if you go once a week or once every two weeks and get your tire pressure changed or checked so that it you know it's proper it can greatly affect how your tires wear and if you keep your tire pressure consistent on all your tires like the manual says you're supposed to your tires will let will wear less unevenly and it'll actually help your it'll help your gas mileage because if your tires are not inflated properly and they're below the correct psi then you'll spend extra gas business harder spin those wheels so that's a very easy thing that you can do to make your car run better and you can definitely feel it in the wheels when you do that if you are into if it's time for a tire rotation or a tire change I greatly suggest you do that because not only is it a safety issue if your tires are getting bald but if you get your tires rotated every couple thousand miles like you're supposed to not only can you extend the life of your tires but your car will not drift around the lichen like it has a mind of its own it'll actually let you drive it it'll go in a straight line until you decide to one you want to turn and if you don't rotate your tires what happens will it will wear the tires out and then the car will just drive it'll go a certain direction when you let go of the steering wheel and so you'll constantly be fighting against it when you're driving so I suggest that make sure that you get your tire changes tire for your tire pressure checked and tire rotations on time number six is to change the oil now I am absolutely obsessed with changing oil I trained oil now a couple thousand miles before it's supposed to be changed it says I'm supposed to change to every 5,000 I changed it every 3000 just because I want to keep my engine in great shape I want to make it last a really long time and the way I've chosen to help that is by just changing my oil and it's not a big expense it doesn't take a lot of time it's just generally a good and easy thing to do and so I I change my oil every 3,000 miles and it really seems to have a great effect it when you keep putting fresh oil in like that and changing it in it'll continue lubricating the engine correctly if it won't have all that burnt up gunky oil in there that's preventing the oil or the engine from running correctly and it'll really help the health of your engine as well as if you do it consistently you can feel that the engine is really running and it wants to run and it feels like a healthy engine number seven is to flush and change your radiator fluid now this might not seem like one of those things that's going to help your car's performance a whole lot but what it does is when you flush and change your your engine coolant is it it takes all the little rust particles all the little rubber particles from the hoses and in the car and it flushes those out it takes those out and so then when you put the new coolant in it cools the engine better and so the engine doesn't burn as much oil and it runs cooler and generally it just runs much better I change to cool and flush bullet in here it had been in here for way too long when I changed it had like rust in it that you could see and when I changed it and put new fluid in you could see you could feel the difference right away and I can see on the the instrument cluster that the temperature was much lower it was running much better and so it also won't burn up your oil as fast and so it's just a great idea to make sure you're up on that you don't have to change it but every 30,000 40,000 miles I think so just make sure you're on top of that it doesn't take a whole lot of time maybe a couple hours every 30 to 40,000 miles in my opinion that's not a whole lot of of work so just make sure you're on that too and finally number eight number eight is to service your transmission and that means when your transmission fluid is is kind of gunky after 50,000 or so miles make sure you have it changed and just make sure you're up on the fluid make sure you have the proper amount of fluid in your transmission make sure you have the proper type of fluid in your transmission and so just make sure that you and your mechanic stay on that because your transmission is one of the most expensive things on your vehicle to maintain or not to maintain but to replace it's pretty cheap to maintain actually but if your transmission goes bad it could be a couple thousand dollars to replace it and not not an expense that you want to have to pay alright guys I hope you enjoyed this video I hope it really helps you out a lot if you do all these steps and it really works for you or doesn't work for you or whatever just let me know in the comments I really appreciate it just give me some feedback on my information and my advice I really appreciate it if you like this video please drop a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more daily content like this I post a video every single day whether it is a repair video whether it's a flaw the gun video a story something you didn't know about me I've got a couple series that run on Thursday and Saturday so go and check those out follow me on at real random rebel on Twitter and Facebook I really appreciate it the links will be in the description and you guys have a great day
Channel: Jacob Wilkinson
Views: 1,165,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repairs, how to, old car, oil change, transmission change, power steering, tips, spark plugs, vlog, vlogging, driving, talking, advice, adventure, truck, car, ford, bronco, american car, SUV, POV, list, one tip, performance, RandomRebel
Id: oUP77pV7LUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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