How to make your conversations with girls interesting | Never run out of things to say

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how to make interesting conversations with any girl so on a regular i have men in my dms talking about how they get stuck midway after striking an initial acquaintance with a woman and they really don't know what to do how to go about it what to say you know and that kind of thing and they're always found scratching their heads really not knowing how to proceed so this video seeks to help out all the guys out there who tend to get tongue-tied and i understand it can be daunting especially if it's not something that comes naturally to you this video will help solve all of your problems i've got 10 ways 10 tips for you that could solve these problems quickly so pay attention grab a pen and paper if you have to but whatever it is make sure you save this video for quick and easy reference because it's going to be really beneficial my name is jessica welcome to my youtube channel welcome back this video is sponsored by passionaire more on that later so how do you make interesting conversations with any girl any girl doesn't matter who she is where she's from what social class she comes from i mean how are you going to be able to keep her engaged that will make her keep coming back for more i've got all the answers for you and we'll jump right in right now number one ask something personal so everyone needs a few minutes of small talk to warm up i get it but to make sure that you don't get stuck in trivial ask something personal a rule of thumb is to ask questions that basically contain the word you if you're stuck in a boring conversation about say work okay or her job you can ask what would you do if you decided to follow a new career path that's a simple question if say you're talking about say adventure or travel you could ask a question like if you could live anywhere in the world where would you pick if you get stuck talking about how tough times have become because of course covet 19 and the world's gone crazy really you could ask a question like what would you do if you had an unlimited amount of money learn to ask something personal and you'll never be found wanting during a conversation number two make it a mission to learn about the people that you meet if you give yourself a mission when meeting someone new you'll enjoy the conversation a whole lot more so here are three examples of things that you can try to learn about someone number one what they do for a living number two where they are from and number three what their future plans are now remember to challenge yourself to ask people about these particular things i just mentioned only when it feels natural so the questions don't come across as forced or rehearsed because that will totally blow it out of the water a mission gives you a reason to talk to someone and helps you uncover things that you have in common as well alright so these are the three things that you need to keep in mind to help you start a conversation and continue a conversation with anyone number three focus your attention on the conversation now some people talk about how they get stuck in their head or freeze up when it's their turn to say something during conversations now if someone says for example um i went to paris last week such people start worrying about you know and start thinking things like maybe ah are they going to look down on me because maybe i've never been to europe you know what should i say in response now when you notice yourself getting self-conscious what you need to is to bring yourself back to focus on the conversation at hand now in situations like this what you want to do is to really just be a little more curious about what's happening going back to the example you should start thinking about oh paris okay paris that's cool um i wonder what it's like how long was the journey to europe uh what did they do while they were there you know why did they go there you see how much easier it is to make the conversation interesting when you focus on what the other person is actually saying instead of yourself yeah so always remember to focus on the conversation at hand and stop making it about you okay all right number four change the subject to a previous topic now good conversations don't always have to follow like a linear pardon okay it's completely natural to revisit something you've already talked about if you reach say a dead end and there's a bit of silence okay so for instance they say something like so yeah that's why you know i never went back to that job and you're like oh okay i see and they're like yeah crickets then you go oh uh by the way you mentioned that you were going to start this new project in the coming months i mean how are things coming along with that that's an easy way to get out of a an almost awkward situation where there was going to be silence right so you can always go back and revisit something that they mentioned earlier that's allowed and it's completely normal number five ask open-ended questions so close-ended questions can be answered with a simple yes or no take note whereas open-ended questions invite longer answered remember to use open-ended questions when possible close ended did you have a good vacation open-ended questions how was your vacation it's a simple adjustment but it will go a long way to make your conversations last longer and be more meaningful so take note all right open-ended questions are always the way to go another trick ask what why when and how now these questions shift the conversations away from small talk towards deeper topics they encourage the other person to give you more meaningful answers for example maybe they say something like let's say you meet me and i go like oh i'm from ghana the what questions you can ask include what is it like to live in ghana you know what do you like most about ghana um what's the biggest thing ghana is known for right a why question you could ask is um why are ghanians so welcoming i hear that a lot people talk about ghanaians a lot when it comes to that a one question you could ask is when is the best time to visit a country like ghana a how question you could ask is how strong is your currency i been reading you know stuff on the news or how many languages do ghanaian speak all right what when why how can keep you going on and on talking for days you just need to know exactly when to say it and how to say it pun intended number six ask for their personal opinion so it's fun and it's engaging to get asked about one's opinion it's more stimulating to talk about opinions than facts for example you could say something like hey i'm thinking about a new cologne a new scent what kind of scent do you appreciate on a man or you could say something like i'm looking forward to my vacation you know what's your favorite way to wind down or you could say something like what do you think about cohabitation before marriage you know seeking someone's personal opinion is less aggressive it's friendlier territory you know especially when you don't know their thoughts on a lot of things um people don't have to state facts they don't have to be challenged it's their personal opinion personal preference and it's just easy right so you want to go that route as an easy way to start a conversation number eight show interest in the other person so use active listening to signal that you care about what the other person has to say when you show that you're interested conversations tend to become deeper they tend to become richer as well do these a keep eye contact whenever the other person is talking to you eyeball them don't be looking all over the room okay b make sure that your body your feet your head are pointing in their general direction it shows that you're paying attention see avoid like i already said looking around the room when they're talking focus d say hmm you know when appropriate to show that you've actually heard them like um oh okay e you can actually summarize what they said so for example when they say okay maybe i didn't know that math was right for me and that's why i started painting instead you could say oh yeah so painting was more you right and they said yeah exactly you know so it's like find a way to summarize what they said number nine one common piece of advice is to avoid sensitive topics especially when you haven't known someone for a very long time and these could include political beliefs religious beliefs intimate relationship topics including sex ethics lifestyle choices and that kind of thing they could take a quick downward spiral and ruin what would have otherwise been a great encounter special shout outs to passionaire for bringing us this episode i've got a bonus point for you and before i drop that remember passion error flies you from one ghanaian city to the next and they'll be more than happy to book your next flight just go to and you won't be disappointed and finally as a bonus point talk about ford family occupation recreation and dreams family occupation recreation and dreams family occupation recreation and dreams these are always good topics to fall back on i hope this video was helpful if it was share it with someone else who might find it beneficial smash the like button as it helps the algorithm drop a comment below let me know how beneficial it was to you on a scale of 0 to 100 and yeah i'll catch you in the next video my name is jessica thanks for watching and listening i'll see you in the next video cheers
Channel: Jessica Os
Views: 168,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jessica os, Jessica opare saforo, jessica os ghana, Jessica citi fm, Relationship advice, dating advice, Relationship advice for men, Relationship coaching, Jessica os youtube, how to chat with a girl, how to have a conversation with a girl, how to have a conversation with anyone, how to know what to say in any situation, how to know what to say in conversation, how to know what to say to a girl, always know what to say to a girl, never run out of things to say
Id: D1AhjpsHSBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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