How To Make Viral Historical Videos Using AI | Shorts & Reels

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did you know that these historical YouTube shots Instagram reals and Tik Tok videos are raking in millions of views lately and the best part is they are not hard to make some YouTube channels have skyrocketed from 0 to 200,000 subscribers in just 5 months because these videos are super engaging to watch in this video I'm going to guide you through a step-by-step process on how to create these viral historical videos and by the end of this you will have all the tools and knowledge to start pulling in views across all all social media platforms this is brand from website Learners and let's get started to make historical shorts video we're going to do six simple steps the first step is to choose a historical fact so first you need to select the topic of fact that you're going to make a video on if you're already choosen a topic that's great but if you haven't there's an incredible AI tool that will help you give hidden facts about any topic you want just click the link in the description and it will take you to here I just mentioned the keywords of the facts that you want to know I'm going to enter Alexander the Great then enter the number of facts that you want let's say 10 and click create content great we have 10 unique facts which we can use for our shots now just select a fact for which you're going to create a video Once you selected the fact we need to make a script for the video so let's go to the Second Step which is to get the script so to help you with that we have a tool in gravity red that can generate a script tailored for your topic that do in just seconds so let's go back to gravity right copy the topic you want I'm going to make a video on Alexander's leadership and then search for script for historical facts here paste the topic and click create content as you can see we've got the entire script for the topic it has also given us the image suggestions which we can use for our videos once we have got the script let's get the voice over so let's go to step three which is to generate the voice over if you have an amazing voice you can go ahead and record a voice over but a quicker way to do it is with the help of AI we're going to use a popular tool called 11 laps this tool can convert any text into high quality voice over in any voice and language you want to use this tool just click the link in the description and click here and sign in using your Google account once you're signed in you need to select the voice you want so just click add voice then go here and click voice Library here you'll find different voices to choose from just select the one you like we have committed the Golden Rule to memory allow the world to live as it chooses click add to voice lab and click add voice now click create then go here and select the voice you just added now copy and paste the script you got from Gravity R click generate imagine ruling the world at the age of 20 sounds like a crazy task and our voiceover is ready so you can download it by clicking here and once you have got the voice over we need to get the visuals to create our video so let's go to step four which is to generate the visuals now for the visuals we're going to use mid Journey it's a paid tool however if you're looking for free options you can try tools like leon. a stable diffusion Lexica and Adobe Firefly if you're using mid Journey for the first time we have made a detailed video on how to use mid Journey you can watch the video by clicking here so just click the link in the description and it'll take you to Mid Now quickly sign in and it will take you to the dashboard to generate images now just type / imagine prompt and enter the image prompt here remember when gravity generated the script it also gave us the image suggestions well we can use them as our image prompt here so let's go back to gravity right copy the image suggestions and paste it here as you can see it has generated four different images so select the one which looks the best and download it in the same way you can use mid Journey or any other AI image generation tool and generate images for all the other script lines okay once you have generated all the images we're going to convert them into a 3D animated video like this so let's go to step five which is to convert the images into animations to do that we're going to use an AI tool called leap piix so just click the link in the description and click try for free now just sign up using your Google account and you will reach this page so to convert this image into a video just drag and drop the image here so select the animation style you want adjust the animation length and you can experiment with these settings to make it look good and once you're done click export and click save now it will be downloaded in the same way you can convert all your images into animation videos like this one once you're done let's go to the final step where we are going to combine all the video clips to make it into a whole video to do that we're going to use an online editing tool called V doio to go to the tool just click the link below this video and click here now drag and drop the video clips and the voice [Music] over and it will be added here now you can re the images according to the script and once you're done let's play and see the video imagine ruling the world at the age of 20 sounds like a crazy task but Alexander the Great was doing exactly that okay so now we have merged the audio and the video next let's add the captions so just go to subtitles and here select how you want the subtitles to be added I'm going to select auto and click create subtitles and now if we play the video imagine ruling the world at the age of 20 sounds like a crazy task but Alexander the Great was doing it you can see that the subtitles have been added now if you want to change the style just go here and select the font style and the color you want imagine ruling the world at the age of 20 sounds like a crazy task but Alexander the Great was doing exactly that in 330 you can also add some transitions to each video like this imagine ruling the world at the age of 20 sounds like a crazy task but Alexander the Great was doing exactly that to make the entire video look better just go to Transitions and you will find different transition effects here just select whichever one you like and then apply it to your video now once you're done let's have a look imagine ruling the world at the age of 20 sounds like a crazy task but Alexander the Great was doing exactly that in 336 BC the video looks amazing right okay now to download this video click done then click export and click here then click on MP4 and the video will be downloaded to your computer imagine ruling the world at the age of 20 sounds like a crazy task but Alexander the Great was doing exactly that in 336 BC in fact by the time he reached 30 he had created one of the largest Empires here's something utterly amusing he named 20 cities after himself talk about a strong branding game huh and get this his horse was so famous it got its own City too everyone knows Alexander was a great tactician but did you know he was severely dyslexic however that never stopped him from Conquering the world indeed every obstacle was merely a thrilling challenge for Alexander the Great what's your great challenge today you can now upload this to your YouTube channel and see the audience's reaction so that's it guys this is how you can create a viral historical video using AI I've given the links to all the tools in the description below so you can just go ahead and start creating your videos if you like this video do give it a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe to website learners for more videos like this one thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video Until then take care [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Website Learners
Views: 58,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story shorts, viral videos, youtube shorts, instagram reels, historical facts, historical reels, historical shorts, how to make reels, ai for video creation, how to create ai history stories, how to make story videos, how to make ai story videos, how to make videos like ai historian, how to edit story videos, how to make viral shorts and reels, create viral history reels & shorts, how to create viral reel using ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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