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hello everyone and welcome back to in the pan with Joe and Diane we start the video I kind of say what a lovely hoodie you're wearing Diane I know we must have shopped at the same place oh you must have gone to the exact same place to get it this is my favorite color as well I love the color love it anyway let's not address the elephant in the room of this video just yet because today we're going to making something now you don't know we're making today what do you mean the elephant in the room oh don't worry so anyway Diane has no idea what we're cooking today no idea no clue this is your clue we're gonna be making a stamp it sank are sold I've tried sign castles and they do not taste as nice as they look although it isn't a bit damp a lot think she is really wet it's bit wet let me let me just try it with this Oh [Music] give you a quick Oh nope it dry oh my look how much absorbs the water really good that is got such good absorption on it don't test don't really for whipping as well hit me in the head so today you're not me you're never gonna guess are you know I can't get it's like it looks like a wine call up today Diane we are making trash can nachos or nachos that's not trash man no we can't find it online we've seen these trash can nachos which are made by this famous chef he's famous making these trash can nachos I've got to give it a go couldn't find the little pop thing anywhere but found this forty liter bucket yeah it's got a big its massive yeah you got to double up maybe on ingredients I've got my ingredients down here I'm so impressed with you Joseph we've got tortilla chips more tortilla chips and more top tier chips a spicy sauce oh of course ground cumin ground cumin hot chilies hot chili save you this Diane Rica paprika paprika black beans in water veins in water and we've got lime juice lime juice plum tomatoes we've got grated ritual British cheddar cheese YUM beef mince whoa butter sour cream are you sure this is gonna take 20 minutes prepare we've got milk you got three red on your bar owns two red onions and we got garlic okay there are ingredients are you ready yes attempt ready make some fresh can you cook Oh what before we start cooking yeah we don't want to ruin these lovely oh yeah should I take mine off no I've got the perfect thing for you I've caught your present tada oh my gosh it's not the same person because know what I also bought your Christmas present what did you get me oh I was hoping for that color as well did you ask Santa for that all this is brilliant this is amazing I love it I love it more what else can we can we plug in this video I don't know what does anyone need a stove if only we had and in the pan mug that'll be dicey I don't actually don't think we have that now we don't yeah maybe in the future though who knows yeah anyway it's government it a medium bowl two small tomatoes chopped oh yes I'm gonna chop to a small tomatoes chopped yeah got two small tomatoes chopped but Joe because we have a bucket for 20 people there yeah should we not chop up more up tomorrow yes I think so I've been to Malta my eyes are better and they all sorted 1/2 diced red onion there maybe gave the whole one oh really do we need onion in it red onion yeah let's get that let's skip red onion you sure you want to get rid up I want to skip red onion because it gives you heart digestion give me indigestion yeah fine skipping the red onion if you want to use red onion you're more than welcome to and then the jalapeno season oh yeah listen let's double the hell opinion I think jalapenos ready to go in here do we just work Jove have done nothing ina yeah say in a medium bowl combine tomatoes onion jalapeno cilantro and lime juice boom there we go tomatoes in a medium bowl wineries yeah why don't you start doing something ok jalapeno how many jalapenos we need how much you want to put in oh I would say double everything I'm gonna go for gold with the jalapenos okay you're eight one I'm really hot mmm this hoodie is so warm warm that means you could wear on the winter months and cool the medium heat and be worn look a bit you're at night in a minute mm-hmm you give it a big one about about like in hot stuff then you start crying when it it'll go your way I seen this recipe online I've seen many YouTube videos on it and I thought we have to give it goes I love with a passion not change that might go do you think in a restaurant if they have it I'm like yep sign me up I love that choice do you sound like today okay you sound like what's that man's name Jamie Oliver yeah go yeah once again I've done a lot more than you already yes but you know I must say worker what else do we need in this one Trish salt and pepper so I'm pepper just to season to taste so pepper right why you just put it in like a big slab because you chop up with it okay I got my apron on I feel like we're really like so basically guys water flowing this Diane has may have to leave at some point during this episode to get ready to go to an award ceremony mm-hmm so we are trying to make tiny-home ancho's actually there's actually some sort of time pressure on mm-hmm that means you're about for the mixture is not said can you stop eating through the mixer as well says you eating from the mixture that's hot that's lovely we've made that tomato cheese sauce what do I do I first season this beef with salt and pepper it felt in there I'm making now the cheese sauce and a pepper and the pepper directly didn't have a restaurant together one day I would love that oh really let's try and just focus on actually you bringing out to them in the Panda Express okay thing is the people at home they watch these videos they know that we should not be in charge of cooking I reckon people would still come let me know if you'd come to my restaurant and what you would eat on out of my out of my food so far in a medium pot melt butter over a medium heat how much butter you go for notices here two tablespoons of butter oh I'm gonna put like half a slab two tablespoons how you gonna measure out two tablespoons of butter don't worry I've got it one tablespoon I draw I'm a bit a bit more in do you think now now two tablespoons of butter a medium pot melt butter okay we're gonna turn that on boom add flour and stir for a minute how much well not yeah two tablespoons of all-purpose flour oh wow two tablespoons Oh what are you done there Joe that's what's meant to happen yeah I did it now then to C to C whole milk what does that mean to cease to copy to safe can you pass me the milk you are I'm proud of us yeah we've done quite well teamwork this means just looking and smelling lovely we're doing opening the cat that got the cream lipstick all over that pink milk dear hippos make pink milk hippo Miller that's your fun fact of the day hippos make pink milk yes they do that's weird also again I'm just guessing quantities here two cups oh yeah how is it what's the best way of cuz you're always like now to eat the fat in is good I'm like no God go in your honor but you know what oh it's about my cellphone you would have been that kid at school who I would wanna sort of punch of it thanks cuz you're just like so goody two-shoes I bet you you were student counselor no no no was the student I was I still keep I kept made my mum keep my badge we're not a student camp I swear down swear down anyone that knows me you know I was a student council time you gave advice to students I had a badge you didn't stay you left school at 14 yeah I had a badge I was a student counselor so I've got bad I've got a Blue Peter badge nothing beats that so what about to blooping your badges I have four no you don't you've got four brain cells yeah but I was a student counselor I am actually gonna get my mum to take a picture of it and put a picture on this video you won't you'll forget to ask will not I'm gonna tell my mom to go into my cupboard you won't wear my badges - it's on it's on the bit on my bedside table at my mum's now this video will be oh we got to cook this for about six minutes that's a long time one teaspoon of ground cumin oh you meant to slowly whisk in the milk I put it all in at once I think oh well there we go well guys I hope you enjoyed this one teaspoon of ground cumin coming right up oh it tastes like whites also love cumin coming then one tape teaspoon of paprika oh no it was half a teaspoon of ground cumin oh my bad a half a teaspoon of paprika Jonesy go for the full whack Oh No yeah I'll get from flavor in there surprised you even I'm surprised you haven't chopped the whole thing out I'm sorry yeah I'm showing you that I can be a rebel sometimes doc yeah a half a teaspoon of this sauce half a teaspoon but you know what you like it spicy I'm gonna go with that teaspoon of that in there what is good Chula hot this Wow yes Ben that's what that was hot sauce oh sweet definitely not sweet she's getting sicker she getting sick just cook for another minute oh don't try that tastes like flour no mm-hmm you really sold it to me yeah you'd put half a tablespoon teaspoon of hot sauce in there as well one cheese two cups of shredded cheese a bit more in yeah let's just go for the whole time no way oh look at that I've done good you've done a good job there I think maybe that is two cups as well okay this is dismissed like a heart attack in a pot of pico de gallo pop a cup of shredded cheese and a half a cup of sour cream Valentin for the nachos in the bottom of a hundred and ten tin can yeah where's again so now's the fun part yes we take our bucket can you say by the way can you just praise me a little bit that is a good cheese sauce I'm very proud of thin layer of cheese sauce in the bottom yep okay sorted going in come in there hello whoa that's enough that's not right let me put a quarter of our chips in going in whoa crunching down a bit yep and I've got crunchy layer this is so cool it's now we should always eat our buckets top with one third of the remaining cheese sauce oh god I don't like these fractions at me yeah I'm good with fractions well that's enough that is absurd I'm not lying I was a student who's in the highest math class you can get entry sauce 1/3 beef No ok one third of the cooked beef going in it was an error look at that ok that's that one third that's a good one third yeah good there we go the beef is in the base smells good No one third of the black beans black beans all we need to drain them Joe yeah we do scissors oh just use this no I don't want to use it this is dangerous you're gonna cut yourself you can take your finger off you know do you're showing off who opens black beans like that right when you get the drainer weird reading for me to get the drainer get the drainer strained on the sink no there they gonna fall out I should have done this really because we're gonna be here for years aren't we are you draining them Oh losing some beans I told you also smell that ass are you ready no not yet hey Google put a timer on for 20 minutes right ok 1/4 1/3 of the beans I'd be on a road well tell you hello one third of the shredded cheese like in a third of that there you go one third of the remaining pico de gallo well third of that oh one third of the remaining we haven't put any people yet save some aside for worse enough there's enough you'll save some for a cup for garnish go up he called the Gallo in there as well it's a nice another little layer and then 1/3 of the remaining sour cream I'll do it one third going in spread it out do you go spray with the spoon this is fun it's nice it is good a fun little family activity yeah yeah and then drizzle with Cola our spicy smell of sour cream that they would dress up in there that is looking good now repeat layering the chips cheese sauce let's insert a co-worker the ship sir hey I think yeah yeah that's quite a lot that's it throughout that's gonna make a difference Joe those three trips you take it out whoa not too much that's it that's it that's it cheese sauce in that oh this looks so good I want to always cook meals in the bucket this is insane right more beef it's like building a sandcastle it isn't it okay got that much beef spread that out lovely black beans next where's the black beans oh yeah lovely well there's enough that's already them out spread them out oh we need more cheese we've got more teams we don't have shredded that's right I can I can just cut some up no no no it's fine that's not shredded cheese yeah but we can shred it I'll do it I'll do yeah so beer all day otherwise yeah so next up more Topeka do are you good to go only a little bit when it keeps him for garnish go back in garnish right spread that out sour cream going in holy mackerel no I was gonna say holy tortilla Sydney open like 20 people how cool if we had people over Joe do you want to make it of course coup activity I guarantee you my mom's gonna make this she makes everyone no chance again on top she made our Halloween Safford kids really yeah more these on top and I bet yeah my mom's gonna take this idea and run with it yeah yurina Christmas dinner sorted remainder of the cheese sauce on please this is it this is the final bit of cheese [Music] [Music] we got a bit got a bit loose give me at the ending wait that's a bit skimpy Annette's getting ready but then it's all about layers because there's nothing worse when you order nachos and all the cheese and all the niceness is on the top and you have that top there and then it's all you're left with is plain boring tortilla chips it's the nightmare this there's no chance that happening because this that is a bucket of nachos show me your bucket oh no no man yes I've even got a little work Joe and Diane plate name is Clayton right right so now you take your plate you pop it on like this like a real sandcastle maybe right before we before we actually do it rock paper scissors what do you think it's gonna come out good or bad I thought you say rock paper scissors to see who gets to do the flip oh yeah that won't do that okay I really want to win this I don't lose working and ruin by either one to free shot no you can't and we're not doing that we're not doing that you ready yes Rock Paper Scissors shoot I never win this is a big moment dammit three three two one buckle my shoe alright we've done it that would place me five six pick up sticks seven eight lay them straight nine ten a big fat hen you know tap on top there you go well it was a red hair I know a rim oh I put on my lovely yeah apron that's what they're for right okay ready moment of truth slow-mo cameras are you ready get down low get down get low two three two one food baby Oh that is insane five that was all you got on my damn it that is incredible whoa look at the size of that Joe we made it it came out so I think this is like the third thing we've ever made proper that was actually come out quite well yeah normally I've watched clicks of them they always fall how's my cheese sauce oh my god is the cheese so it's good oh my word oh we gotta finish off by intresting mmm remainder of it looking oh look yes no cheese sauce get out on there be what we could do that one there like that look the cheese sauce at the bottom is a bit yeah we should have bought a bigger plate to be honest nice hot sauce like that and that's got everything it's got healthy stuff in there it's also got fun stuff in there right should we do the honours yep how she do it is Jenga yeah he's like it's like edible Jenga I'm gonna go here I'm gonna go with I want to be a hot sauce oh I mean it you take something out maybe use a bigger plate oh my god you got a good bit there cheese yes no it's honestly hands down mmm the best thing we've made on this first thing I don't have to lie about my score yeah we can finally give us a nice you have to eat and go oh my god my dish tastes so good when really think down I'm dying it's time to actually do well things it took time yeah that's the best thing I've ever made in my life yeah you're going on about it that is unreal right everyone I just can't go it's maybe a bit emotional I don't meet it it's the best thing we've cooked didn't really promise cooking there we go that was our attempt at trashcan nacho nacho can I hope you enjoyed it you did go at home yourself send us in pits of your stacks spice up a little bit make it different welcome Emily welcome only yeah try different variations I reckon even there's a sweet one you could like a pancake stack I could do our next thing to do ultimate pancakes I do it anyway I hope you enjoy this video if you did give it a thumbs up with regards to what we're we're in the process or figuring out what we like and what feels nice to wear and that kind of thing so that's like these let us know yeah I love this if this is something that you would genuinely actually want let us know down down below we see what the sort of the the interest is if not no worries this is where fur for our own videos but anyway hope interest videos did thumbs up subscribe to the channel and we will see you again very very soon with another episode see you later good bye oh baby of so violent our days [Music]
Channel: In The Pan
Views: 289,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sugg, Dianne Buswell, Food, Cooking, Strictly Come Dancing, challenge, tutorial, how to, in the pan
Id: ke3uXD4-q8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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