How to make the Touch Bar (really) useful

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[Music] what is going on guys so the touch bar is an incredible feature on the latest MacBook Pros but it's not really that useful if you don't really know how to make it useful so in this video I'm gonna be trying to show you how to make the touch bar on your macbook really useful before I start telling you the tips and the traits for your touch bar I just wanted to let you know that I've made two videos on how to make really useful I made that how to make the Apple watch really useful and I also made the how to make the earpods to read the useful so if you guys haven't checked out those videos what's this video and then click on the links down in the description but for now let's start on how to make the touch bar really useful most people don't really know that you can actually customize what appears on your touch part it's really easy simply go to settings keyboard and then click on customize control strip and then you will be able to customize those four different icons let's say you want to customize the whole touch by though well it's really easy as well simply tap on the arrow and that will allow you to customize the whole entire touch bar so let's say you want to add something you simply drag it on to the touch bar and it's that simple a tip that I'm actually gonna give you is I find it kind of annoying that Siri is placed on the top right because whenever I'm accessing for example touch ID or remember I'm simply using the keyboard I always keep pressing searing on the touch bar I'm gonna tell you two things if you don't really use Siri remove it from the touch bar as I showed you simply remove it from the customizing controls that I just told you about but if you do use it but you often press Siri by accident while you can simply move it to the left that's one thing that I recently did and it will it's just amazing because I always kept pressing and now I don't press it in it's good stuff I just saved your life you're welcome you see people think that you have to press exactly on the Escape key to actually make it work but that's not it at all if you actually press a little bit on the left or a little bit on the right it will work either way so let's say how can this be useful well let's say for example I know this is not the touch bar but let's say you're typing and you think that you have to press exactly on the Escape key so you're typing fast and you just want to press the Escape key well I just want to let you guys know that if you actually press over here on the touch bar just a little bit more it should actually work so the test partner plays the function keys because not a lot of people really use the function keys but if you're one of those people and you actually use the function keys once in a while it's really simple to access them simply press the FN button on your keyboard hold it and then you will see that the function keys are right there now the trick that I'm about to tell you basically deserves a like on this video so I'll wait drop a like in this video no wait okay you like the video okay let me tell you people think then in order to turn your brain s down of your computer you have to tap on the brightness icon and then swipe but that's not it at all if you actually swipe directly from that icon it will turn up or turn down the brightness and the same goes for the volume you don't have to press and hold and swipe you basically simply swipe and double check the volume up and down for those of you who didn't know this you you guys are probably like I'm stupid definitely my favorite feature on the touch bar is probably one that is not really the most useful feature in the world but it's probably the coolest feature from the Tusk burn and you will probably understand it's the emojis whenever you go on messages you will be able to see that emoji I kind of be press on that icon you will see the entire emojis right on your touch bar I just love it and I just love showing it to people I'm like look what my computer can do and yours can't I always feel really cool showing good touch bar maybe I'm just mean let me know the comments down below if you guys have a touch behind you guys can relate to this I just love that emojis on the touch bar I love swiping through it sometimes when I'm born in class i just opened the iMessage tap on the emojis and I just it's this is probably just me so the test board doesn't only work for apple's apps that's a photoshop for example photoshop and a fitting designer is one of those apps that I use constantly for graphic design I just want to let you guys know that you can actually customize that punch bar for that specific app for example Photoshop if you go on window and then customize touch bar you will be a little customized Photoshop controls on the touch bar so I can change the color I can put the razor - I can put whatever I want on that touch bar so you can customize it to whatever you want another great feature on the test bar is scrolling on videos for example on YouTube let's say you want to access like two minute three out of a five-minute video while I can simply put my finger and scroll through the video it just works really really well and it's actually really really precise you can do the same thing with iTunes and you can scroll to the exact second that you want from that song and you won't be able to see that icon which represents the program that you're actually in with the noun playing it's awesome like it's one of those things that I just like it to do it better on the touch bar rather than on the trackpad it just works really well and as I said it's really precise another thing that the touch board does exceptionally well is editing photos on the Photos app for example if you wanna straighten an image it's really really awesome it's really great to straighten an image straight from the taskbar you can also put more brightness less brightness you can scroll through the images straight from the touch bar I know you can do the exact same thing on the trackpad but it's way much more fun and way much more intuitive and responsive to do it on the touch bar another tip that I'm gonna give you is bookmark your favorite websites on Safari because that will allow you whenever you want to open a new website all your favorite websites all the websites that you have bookmarked will be right there on the touch bar so you basically scroll and tap and pick your favorite website right go I'm really useful and definitely really underrated feature on the touch bar is quick type because whenever you're typing a message for example the touch part will recommend use certain words to finish off the sentence and a really useful way that I actually use it is sometimes I don't really know how to spell a certain word because of course I'm not American my English is still not perfect I'm getting there but whatever I don't really know how to type a word I basically start typing it and the taskbar will let me know how to spell that actual work so the tough part there's so many different ways they can actually use it that's pretty much it for other tips and tricks that I wanted to show you so is the test for necessary no it's kind of like the appellants do you need do you technically meet the Apple watch I've loved the Apple watch it's my favorite device I couldn't live without it but technically I could I've gotten so used to living with my Apple watch every single moment of my day that it's like I can't live without it and that's kind of the same thing that has happened with the taskbar if somebody removed the taskbar from me I guess I would be fine but I use it so much with these tiny little features that make the touchpad really worth it for me but now I want to hear your thoughts what are your thoughts on the touch bar let me know the comments down below you guys think it's a gimmick do you guys think it's useful do you guys think it's stupid let me know so yeah that's pretty much it I'm gonna grab my macbook with my touch bar and I'm gonna leave so goodbye make sure to download colonel links into the description the best app in the world then yeah yeah see this new kernel is everywhere not [Music]
Channel: Nikias Molina
Views: 560,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: touch bar, touch bar macbook pro, touchbar macbook useful, touch bar useful, touch bar and touch id, touch bar review, 9to5mac, macbook pro touch bar, touch bar mac, touch bar hands on, touch bar demo, touch bar apple, touch bar tips, touch bar tricks, touch bar tips and tricks, customize touch bar, touch bar guide, how to use touch bar, how to use the touch bar
Id: oVc7xdqjrVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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