How to make the silliest bossa nova song

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hello everybody it's me Frisk today I'm going to be showing you how to make bosan NOA now Bosa NOA is like one of my favorite genres of all time it's a sub genre of jazz obviously everyone knows Jazz it comes from Brazil it was popular in the' 60s some artists that I listen to for inspiration to make all these is of course Antonio Carlos Jim I recommend to listen to wave also listen to Lisa Ono she's really good at like Boston of that that beautiful sound she's been sampled in a lot of popular songs like that Freddy dread song you know I also listen to lamp yeah most of these songs have piano or some sort of like soft sounding percussive instrument like melodic percussive instrument um as the you know the chords it mainly use this acoustic guitar but I can't play that so yeah I have Labs here Labs is for free by Spitfire audio uh you just pull this up on NFL studio and you can you could instantly get some really good sounds out of this this is the strings this is the soft piano which is like everyone's favorite like it sounds really good like it's just very easy to get into the just seventh chords meaning this is a the seventh chord but this is a major chord like C major like that sounds more complete like happy like there's a lot of seventh chords in boson NOA music this is all just off the top of my head I don't I didn't go to music school I didn't I'm just selftaught kind of put down notes wherever I feel like sounds good so usually I start out with the messing around with different types of chords obviously everyone loves minor ninths um so you could just put a minor ninth any where this this is literally like the best part of bosanova they're very simple chords and cord progressions but I wouldn't want to get into like if it sounds good it sounds good so everyone loves ninth Chords it's the most cliche thing ever but but usually Boston noas doesn't have it this fast let [Music] me oh that sounds good with this major ninth chord it's very simple and then all you have to do is just lower this fourth no right here you could already hear it like going into place like this chord progression is very simple it's it's just good Boston Nova is like on [Music] top like this I have perfect pitch so I can just hear you can hear the chord progressions already starting [Music] ah there we go I found [Music] it and then restart starts beautiful classic chord progression I don't even know the name of it I don't really care I just kind of do it cuz it's basic any musician will be like oh he's just using the most simple chords but it's all about making it sound good you could put the most craziest chords ever but you just got to make it sound good this piano doesn't sound too good right now it just sounds like a piano but once I put the percussion in once I put strings in once I put more stuff in it'll sound more full so what I got to do now is look for Strings picado Ensemble I'm going to put the base in now so this is I could already tell it's in B [Music] flat back to f easy [Music] Baseline and then for the percussion all you got to do is just go to the classic FPC my favorite I love this cuz it's default with FL Studio you just go here go to Jazz kit super easy I love the Jazz kit it sounds so nice and it sounds so good and then basically the basic bosan NOA beat goes like this so you're going to put the snare side which is like a rim and it's just going to go like this I don't know the musical name for this type of beat but and then you put the kick like this and then you put two like this two again and then two again and then that should connect with this [Music] one sounds like bossing over already right just those two things and then you put some uh let's see here put some ride symbols in there just on manually place them all there just probably turn these down a little bit there we go then you just put that in there as well and then it should sound like a small little song it just needs a lot of adjustments it sounds like something from undertale right it's very robotic [Music] very it sounds like the the bossa Break song that I made let me speed this up a little bit all right I'm going to add this uh these to number two on the mixer this is basically just a way for me to put Reverb on just two of these I'm going to put put the wetness down dryness down a little [Music] bit you know how you want to know how to make the meow synth basically you just get anything brass related soft brass then you turn the resonance [Music] up that sounds like the meow scent already easy meow meow meow literally just meowing out here all [Music] right I'm playing this on my meaty keyboard this is this is my 16 uh 1 2 3 4 5 37 does this have 37 keys I don't know if this has 37 keys or whatever all right um yeah this is on my um mpk mini I literally did use everything with that and I just go that's all the range I have have it goes it's just it's just two octaves of range and I basically just play that on everything so I'm going to put another pattern in here you can see me playing everything right here so here we go oh no did not sound [Music] good there's a cute little uh a cute little lead there so fun making [Music] music uh if I speed this up and transpose it a little bit okay I put it a whole step up and I made it a little bit [Music] faster it's it's very very basic but there that you get the P you get the gist of [Music] it it's just all notes you got to place it's very fun FL Studio is where it's at I don't know anything about Ableton or anything else logic I don't really I've been making little things like these and I leave them on my hard drive forever I could show you guys let me know in the comments below if you want to see my uh my my projects that I just been having sit I'll just have to show you what I've been making I don't know it's a bunch of silly music but yeah I might make a big silly album in the future who knows but um yeah thank you for watching pretty much that's really it uh boson NOA is amazing and uh very simple obviously there's way crazier cord progressions blah blah blah any musician will be like oh this is so basic but who cares just having fun with it um but yeah I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Frizk
Views: 312,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bossa nova, bossa nova music, frizk, fl studio, cat, meow synth, meow, music
Id: eBm1JEj8wpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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