How To Make the Perfect Tequila Sunrise

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hey welcome back to cocktail cards today we're going to show you how to make the tequila sunrise [Music] now this was a very popular drink when I worked at the Spanish bar that I was at and it's actually very simple it's very easy to make very easy to drink it's just not much to it so let's go ahead and jump in and talk about the ingredients here so first of all this is a Tequila drink so I'm going to be using espalone go ahead and you know use one of your favorite mixing Tequilas for this one and next you're gonna need orange juice so I have some fresh squeezed orange juice you could definitely use uh you know a store brand orange juice just as long as it's not from concentrate and the next ingredient will be grenadine now if you really want to elevate this cocktail you can make some grenadine at home from scratch but if you are in a pinch you could definitely use the Grenadine in a store it's not going to make or break this drink all that much lastly you're gonna need an orange because we're gonna do an orange wedge to garnish so let's go and jump in and show you how to make the drink all right now most places you go to they probably won't even shake this coffee tail they'll probably just layer it for you I like to shake it just because it does have orange juice in it and it just you know what if you're gonna do it you might as well do it right so let's go ahead and build this out in either your pint glass or your Shaker the very first thing we're going to do is add two ounces of tequila [Music] and next we're going to add four ounces of orange juice [Music] now at this point we're ready to shake so go ahead and grab some ice and we're going to give this a shake for about eight to ten seconds [Music] so what I like to do to make this look a little bit more like a realistic Sunrise is I like to do this a little bit backwards I know a lot of people just pour the Grenadine over the top of the drink I like to add the Grenadine first because you want the kind of darker red to be on the bottom for the full Sunrise effect right so let's go ahead and add a quarter of an ounce of our grenadine [Music] thank you foreign [Music] to the glass and then strain our drink into the glass [Music] next go ahead and take your bar spoon I like to use the back and just kind of give it a little stir on the bottom and that'll help kind of blend in the Grenadine with the rest of the drink and start giving you that really cool Sunrise gradient effect here look at that that looks so gorgeous so now we're gonna grab our orange and I like to think of the orange as kind of like the the sun that's gleaming off the light here right so unfortunately my oranges are humongous so what I like to do is do a wedge and have it kind of rest on the top kind of like the sun shining down so let's see if I can do it if I can cut this at an angle here and slide this in if there's enough room in this glass all right perfect and there you have it the tequila sunrise [Music] that's good that's dangerously smooth uh tequila and orange juice are the primary flavors there and the Grenadine just kind of helps sweeten sweeten it so you know you're getting a little citrus from the orange and the Grenadines just kind of kind of help balance it all out but yeah this drink basically just makes you feel like you're sitting on the beach uh drinking a good fruity tequila cocktail so it's pretty darn good there you are the tequila sunrise foreign [Music] hey thanks for tuning in to the tequila sunrise recipe if you enjoyed it you know the drill go to give us a thumbs up and if you're new here please do consider subscribing we will be coming out with regular recipes multiple times a week so you're not going to want to miss that and yeah that's pretty much it I hope you get a chance to have the Tequila Sunrise as always if you've ever had this drink let me know in the comments I'd love to know if you would do anything different in this recipe and if you enjoy this cocktail so that's going to be it for me in this video I'm AJ with cocktail cars and I'll catch you in the next one cheers
Channel: Cocktail Cards
Views: 1,201,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cocktail cards, tequila sunrise, how to make a tequila sunrise, how to make the perfect tequila sunrise, tequila sunrise cocktail, tequila sunrise recipe, best tequila drinks, best tequila cocktails, tequila sunrise ingredients, tequila sunrise effect, sunset tequila drink, sunrise tequila, sunrise tequila cocktail, making tequila sunrise, how to make drinks at home, how to make tequila drinks at home, tequila sunrise how to drink, tequila sunrise cocktail ingredients
Id: QmBkd_Zxv8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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