How To Make The Perfect Quesadilla

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okay so there are many ways to make a quesadilla right is there a wrong way is there a right way or maybe there's the best way [Music] okay so today we're gonna be making quesadillas we're gonna talk about a bunch of different things right is homemade better or does it not make a difference to store-bought inevitably just it's just as good I don't know we're gonna find that out secondarily cheese end of story there and then we're gonna create multiple fillings we're really working to try and make the perfect quesadilla but at the end that is kind of a subjective look let me not shoot myself on the foot and let's make this shall we now hold on there partner you can't just go and make a quesadilla salsa and tortillas are the first thing we need to look at before assembling our cheesy majesty both full recipes for the homemade tortillas in the salsa can be found in my breakfast taco video which will be linked below but for some context you can make any ordinary salsa you want but I like to make a nice little roasted jalapeno salsa which I make by simply blackening some jalapenos letting them steam in some foil peeling them and then finally blending them along with some roasted garlic oil and roasted garlic and all sorts of other stuff but again the full recipe can be found on the link below now moving forward let's see if a homemade tortilla is even worth the work I made these tortillas using a mix of bacon fat and shortening as my fat of choice then I rolled them out by hand and cooked them individually leaving us with some beautifully truly artisan looking and tasting tortillas next to the pre-made tortilla I really think mine look better is you know it my ego has taken me to a point where I always think mine always looks better but besides that let's just talk about cheese you can use any cheese that melts nicely I know that cheese choice tends to be a religion for most people but I really enjoyed this mix of medium sharp cheddar Gruyere Monterey Jack and smoked cheddar I prefer mixes of cheese is only because you get different melting qualities plus different flavors I'm a complicated man once all is grated toss together till well combined by the way that's equal parts of all these different cheeses now so we could get a non crowded example for the homemade versus 'im premade tortilla let's do a plain cheese quesadilla for each grab your hurricane tour Atilla fill half of it with your desired amount of cheese what my mom has taught me the way of excess cheese so I preferred extra thick II get a small container of unsalted butter about 6 tablespoons or 84 grams melt it well the other half over Russia generously with your melted butter and invert into a cold pan so the butter side is down we'll repeat that process with the homemade tortilla and also by the way notice how beautifully these snuggle in a 12 inch pan now just pop this bad boy on the stove over a medium heat to get a nice golden brown and the cheese begins to melt about two to three minutes then buttered the top I got two buttered sides see where we're going here then flip each of them carefully and let that toast and cook another two to three minutes or until golden brown and the cheese is completely melted remove it from the pan slice into four pieces each respect and admire the cheese Pole and now it's time to determine the torte illa winner okay so we have two different options here also motorcycle guys in here but guess what we got a new guy new guy enters the arena leaf blower guy we got the homemade and then we got the pre-made right they both look delicious this one looks a little more delicate and flaky let's mm-hmm so it is almost like combined with vitor TN and this one there's still a little melty they're both very good honestly you're not gonna be disappointed with a pre-made tortilla now with that said the benefits of having a homemade one is a fresh flavor it's homemade more delicate pre-made little chewier of sweet and it has like this weird aftertaste it's not really clear winner vikrum is gonna come say hello Dale Oh mmm getting the idea of like whether you think it's worth it make your own I think it's a matter of experience this one is like you have that homemade kind of textured feel this one's definitely there's like chewy soft I think it's just a matter of preference I've got an American palate we'll probably want this one more now if you have a more refined palate this might be your route okay so we understand the classic cheese let's look at a more beefy brethren of that so with one whole onion thinly sliced also before that make sure to do this with it of course then immediately become self-conscious cuz your knife is dull then heat a ten-inch kill it up with about three tablespoons or 42 grams of canola oil or any high heat cooking oil over medium-high heat once it's nice and hot toss in your sliced onion season to taste with salt and begin cooking it while stirring often then simply continue this process until the onions have softened and begin to generate some nice color it's cool they char a wee bit that'll take about five to eight minutes then add three and a half tablespoons or fifty milliliters of a good balsamic vinegar then just let that reduce until it turns into a bit of a glaze about two to three minutes turn off the heat and add one teaspoon or five grams of honey stir that together and you've got some sweet and sour onions from there you'll need some format of beef I have been half of this beautiful little sirloin cap also known as a picanha but you can use any steak that you like I scored the fat cap on it just but render out a bit while it's cooking season it generously with salt and pepper and preheat a skillet with enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan over medium-high heat until it lipping hot and sear it for about two to three minutes per side until you get a nice medium-rare which would be pulled at around 130 degrees Fahrenheit now optionally you can base it in butter once it's done cooking but you know this what I decided not to for some on reason which I hate no all you gotta do is chase up tor Atilla lap before at a meaty layer of meat followed by your sweet and sour onions fold it up brush with melted butter and cook the same as before leaving with a nice and beefed-up version of a quesadilla last but not least I have something for the vegetarians here yes you're welcome papa love you too now heat a 10-inch skillet with a couple tablespoons of olive oil heated over medium heat until very hot then add six sliced trumpet mushrooms which is equal to around 10 button mushrooms season those to taste with salt and let those cook for about 2 minutes before agitating the pan then add 1 thinly sliced shallot saute that for a few seconds to then follow up with one thinly sliced zucchini season again with salt and pepper to taste and then continue cooking for about five minutes stirring occasionally until the veggies have softened up didn't get some light color then finish it with one thinly sliced red Fresno chili or really any chili of your choice and that's it that's your filling then just follow in the footsteps of the previous quesadilla first cheese then filling fold butter it up into that layer pan flip slice and enjoy we got beefy boy and vegetarian healthy well not really healthy but Jesus vegetarian right some cheese's aren't vegetarian well you can use cheese that's vegetarian ok but the beefy boy first cuz that's my choice if you're a beef chief you know first bite like fireworks beefy fireworks like flavor it is really rich though only thing that helps lift it are the caramelized onions they've got the sweetness and you've got that sort of acidity that you need to cut through that richness the vegetarian one I can eat a lot more of in the beef one it's light enough that after you eat it you don't feel like you need to go on like an 18 mile run after eating it you feel good the flavor still hits you like but in a more romantic way cheese choice meat or vegetarian it's all up to you and that's the pew of the quesadilla but you want to know what else is cheesy and magnificent b-roll or guys and that is it so we made quesadillas vegetarian homies Papa gives you love - alright I know you're always asking for it I'm doing what I can to get you - alright I'm done dude I'm doing what I can't I'm gonna kick at the end of the day it's kind of a subjective choice right what is the perfect quesadilla really the point is that whatever you like it's just understanding the general technique to get you there now it's up to you to use the knowledge that you've earned today go forth and become your own quesadilla King don't know what that means but if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next it doesn't really even close all the way [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 3,737,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quesadillas, homemade quesadillas, chicken quesadilla recipe, quesadilla recipe, easy quesadilla recipe, joshua weissman, youtube cooking series, youtube recipes, sat bawl pro, homemade tortillas, tortilla recipe, salsa recipe, jalapeno salsa, diy tortilla, loaded quesadilla, quesadilla, cheesy, cheesey, homemade tortilla recipe, vegetarian quesadilla recipe, vegetarian, simple quesadilla, cheese, sweet and sour onions, how to make a quesadilla, the perfect quesadilla, easy snack
Id: mUA5m-113HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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