How to make the best Turkish delight | Paul Hollywood's Pies & Puds

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Turkish delight has been around even longer than me since the 1700s they reckon we commonly know it as an exotic treat but my next guest is reinterpreting it for Britain welcome Mel Mustafa makes Turkish delight using her cypriot father's original recipe they are corn flour and sugar syrup sweets which I know and love from my time living in Cyprus now there's lots of different colors here and I take it lots of different flavors yeah which one's this one with the nuts in nuts walnuts oh yeah which actually in Cyprus that's like the main flavor actually there's walnuts everywhere in turkey and Cyprus especially shops sell Turkish Delights made with family recipes handed down through the generations [Music] to do a lemon one or Citrus once try this one this is actually a cypriot orange flower blossom and it's been distilled here though that just tastes like Cypress I think or the Mediterranean it does it does indeed it's taking me right back the food Heritage is incredible where it's from the Greek side of what it's from the Turkish side but Mel has given this sweet treat her own twist by creating some unusual flavors infused with the English Countryside got geranium I do still like to do geranium you can it's quite subtle that one but I've got English Rose and this one's got petals in it it's slightly chewier than I expected is that your interpretation of it well I think it should be a bit chewy it is this is Earl Gray you might like that's quite nice because it's a real nation of tea drinkers so I thought well Earl Gray with the Bergamot it's funny you can't smell it at all can you it's quite subtle with mice and you don't get the flavors straight away they come through kind of afterwards can you get that it's right at the end but yeah I'm definitely getting that it's quite refreshing that one as well yeah it's nice but they're delicious do you know it goes well with yeah do you know what it does because of the sugar in there and the glucose as soon as you drink warm tea it just sort of melts and actually heightens the flavor doesn't it yeah it is nice with a couple actually it's delicious and what which one's this one I think that's that's just the rose one inspired by Turkish rose water mail has even created English Rose flavors English roses taste much different I know they changed it which one's the English one though that this one that one's more of an instant hit yeah that one's a lot more subtle than that yeah yeah because that one is it seems to be a Pure Clean effect it's definitely cleaner the fact that you're bringing that those flavors in from this country and infusing it into Turkish I think it works thank you so you're going to show us um how you make your Turkish delight I am yeah okay so please take over my kitchen if you want me to know anything let me know all right it's all there okay well I thought I'd make a lemon verbena one these leaves here which I've got the best smell ever they're just so lovely so lovely so I thought that'd be a good one to do yeah Lemon Verbena is a fragrant Garden herb used in cooking for its lemon flavor might miss you ever lemons yeah it is a bit like that yeah Mel uses it to give a sugar syrup a citrus kick and you just cook that for about 15 minutes on a sort of rolling boil okay all right the next stage is in a big heavy base pan you've got to make up some corn flour mixed with a bit of cream of tartar to stop it going really gloopy and water you just cook that for a little bit and then it's just a matter of adding the syrup to corn flour which is the worst part really because that's what everything go horribly wrong yeah yeah where'd you make all these where in my kitchen in your kitchen yeah at home yeah yeah mate does that take up your whole kitchen uh it takes up quite a lot of room yeah it's quite a small company because it's basically just me making it so um I like that though it's that small Artisan touch yeah so the whole thing is once that once that's begun to slacking down and loosen off you then add the syrup to that does that syrup have to be a specific temperature um well I kind of go by color really rather than temperature so I'd say a pale gold golden is about the right color I'm happy to give Merle a hand heated sugar syrup can be dangerous keep the kids well away if you try this at home if you could add in small amounts make sure you use a heavy base pan for this job as the mixture needs some serious beating basically you've just gotta really get the syrup into the corn flour go on then please thank you speeds I always think that give it a good beating so I've obviously not got the muscle power I think got another concentrated mind your arm yeah oh look It's Beginning so it's beginning to slacking down a bit isn't it yeah that's brilliant it's much easier to kind of yeah it does get easier it's just slacking out I'm not it's got a strange smell it's a bit like caramel but it's not it is a bit like caramel is that more how it should be yeah that's brilliant that's perfect so you carry on stirring us for 10 minutes and then you cook it up for 10 minutes and then this mixture which which would be nice and thick I'd imagine by then what happens to it then um it's then poured into a Tint that's been lined with cling film and oiled this one here that's still quite hot now this color here is what it turns into yeah it's a kind of golden yeah a golden color it can be slightly darker as well yeah the the darker the more chewy I think right okay so that's the thing about homemade it varies every time you make it very slightly spot on but I quite like that pour the mix into the tin [Music] it will kind of find its own level and lead to set overnight so this is ready to cut now then just chop it up and with the knife being oiled it should get through quite easily sometimes it's a bit more sticky than that yeah and so it's a bit more difficult to cut but you just basically up yeah and into your corn flour and icing sugar mixture once you've coated it then you realize that yeah that's that's it and then and the longer you leave it in the icing sugar I mean it because it's fresh it won't store for a long time but it will absorb that icing sugar and it will get a little bit sweeter because it's actually not very sweet at the moment but once it's left in that for a bit it'll get a bit sweeter how long is there a peak is it like wine is it Peaks and then drops off yeah I'd say when it's about a week old it's really nice because it's had time to sit in that flat that icing sugar this is what I love people taking the trouble to experiment with food like Merle does she's creating new flavors and turning them into true Turkish Delights [Music]
Channel: Paul Hollywood
Views: 92,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Hollywood, Baking, Bake off, Bake-off, channel 4, cakes, bread, baking bread, Paul Hollywood eats japan, Paul Hollywood's City Bakes, cooking, food
Id: z5VIvEh3Y7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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