How to Make the Best Coffee -- in a Power Outage | Plus Charge the Tesla!

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it all started 4:00 a.m. this morning when the alarm panel batteries went dead all hell broke loose and so here I am totally wide awake short version need a coffee really bad early a morning starts a generator get it run and go check charge my wife's car with the generator because I'm just curious and now you got to see how many amps an hour can it actually take from a portable generator but that's another story is the ice cream melting I have no idea go check that to check the pool and while I'm doing that powers out again go follow the big wires where they're going to find out what's wrong check the fancy lighting make sure everything's up and running finally make that cup of coffee and then hand everything back off to the chief of security Carl here and rearm the systems and start the day all right that's a 30-second version now here's what really happened hey I'm Dave welcome to my power outage it's 4:00 a.m. and thanks to the way the alarms in the driveway monitor works when it runs out of battery I'm up and I'm gonna have a coffee and I know there's no chance that this thing's gonna actually power a coffee machine but I'm kind of desperate and I've had a power heating blanket and the specs look like it might have a shot so here's hoping waiting for the blue light blue light green light even better an o'clock no it looks like it's made it this far it's in pretty heat mode that's a good sign we're gonna do preheat and the motor and we should be golden but take a few seconds to kick in Oh survey says no I'll give it one more shot at hoping against hope but I think it's time to face them one thing you got to do with your generator drain the fuel out of the carburetor when you park the thing well not park it when you stop it so I always run it dry and when I go to start it again I have to open the fuel valve like so so if you find my generator or steal it remember to turn on the fuel valve pull the choke code drink [Applause] well joke in a little bit no right as soon as this thing fires up I can actually bump that joke in about half way and as soon as combustion looks stable I'll bump a ting the rest of the way and not putting any real load on it to speak of until it's a little warmer your astute observers will notice I've got a 50 amp and a 30 F cable hanging off of this thing one goes to each service panel I have four service panels in this house 200 amps each and I'm off this channel ready repairing a 15 to 30 and I've got the Tesla itself hanging off of this one let's see if it'll run see if it likes the power if it's clean enough it's thinking oh yeah it's clean it's happy no ground fault now the real question is will it trip a breaker and how much will it actually put out well hasn't blown anything yet let's go take a look so my basic curiosity was really just how fast once I knew it could charge it at all could this generator actually charge the Tesla and it'll tell me because it'll tell me what the charging range is being extended by by the current charge so if we see we're doing 240 volts here and we'll confirm on the dash it's seeing the 240 241 we can see the amperage display will ramp up to about 32 full amps here and when it does so we'll see it producing 22 miles per hour of range that's pretty impressive for a little 13 kilowatt generator so that's one point of curiosity but what about the main one is there a light on in the fridge freezer actually in this case my Eggos are safe my ice cream will not melt today when you're storing food away against potential future shortage I figure the calories per meter squared is a good metric also the maximum number of tasty tasty waffles that you can stuff into here like you can put them in the door and right after the waffle inventory the next most important thing on my list is Christmas lights and you're probably thinking oh look at that amazing interaction between Dave's video camera and it's Christmas lights but no that's actually how they look it's the generator is not a very clean power source it's like the square is the square wave and speaking of which so the challenge I faced here was of this house to power it properly to code with a generator would requires 600 amps of output or you can do the math on that had a pro - 120 kilowatt generator which is like a small delivery truck at a minimum so to run it with something this small you can only selectively power so how do you shed load and that's kind of the trick because you don't have to shed load with a portable generator you can selectively power just a single panel with a mechanical interrupt well see those later but that's all I've done here is run one cable per panel in this case the two panels and certainly there's only 30 amps of service in one case going to a large number of breakers but they're all really LED lighting and so they're not even really stressing that breaker the other one has some mechanical but I'm not running any of the 240 volt so we can follow the main cables and pardon the mess here but it was kind of a dark when I had to do this dark and scary actually and so here's where they enter the house 50 amp on the left 30 amp on the right and they go to the two panels on the other side of the wall alright let's head back and take a look at those little centers but let's do it cinematically the 50th of 30 amp coil were twisted like snakes [Music] we are back in the generator come around the side pass the Tesla step over the cable come on up over and on your right - over the 4 load centers and as you can see well you probably walk Gila see there's a shutoff for a third load Center and a whole bunch of breakers but as I said we're talking about breakers where you've got a lamp plugged in and breakage we have got four ceiling pot LEDs things like that so by knowing what takes any amount of load you can be reasonably careful I'm not gonna power my heated floor while I weld in the hot tub and baked turkey and dry my robe in the dryer now that's because I don't mind thinking about the choices of well if I run the blender and the hairdryer and the vacuum at the same time and the Tesla's charging I'm gonna draw more than 50 amps of service on this panel and therefore it's gonna pop the service breaker on the generator these silver interlocked plates are really the brains of the system because that would prevent you from having your generator and the county power or the utility power enabled at the same time because of the way that plate is cut that and can only slide up and down one of them has to be off and that keeps the linemen safe since you can't electrocute one North your generator that way for proof that everything works as designed let's check the most important essential service the colored lighting in the garage because what else would you wire first of course actually when there's a security fault everything kind of defaults to white so it's not gonna be pretty but it's all working things being what they are of late I don't get many visitors around the shop so I've mostly spent most of my time talking to Carl really thing about Carl is even talk back much which is actually kind of good thing because you know some people you just can't get along with because they're always talk to them other people they're fine they no way no less than the way to talk but Carl and easily he's a good listener so it's actually impressive consider using rocket and stuff but nothing in the shop fridge of interests beer water coffee so this contents a little out of my wheelhouse it's kind of new for me so if you find it entertaining I'd appreciate it if you consider subscribing so that I know to make more of it subscriber bumper that's actually what I'll focus on and you'll see just more stuff like this so I'd appreciate that thanks now as I wander into frame here I know you're thinking holy cow look at this guy what's the 283 bucks no no it's just a big coat look at those fit skinny legs three bucks that's harsh anyway this is my battery cupboard and this is where I keep my golf cart batteries which are wired together so the inverter is powered by parallel banks of pairs of golf court batteries which are six volts so I get 12 volts and it's kinda like a big car battery pulling but 1144 Watts here it looks like that's enough to keep the coffee machine heating I'm guessing it's like it's wolf hundred watt element and there's some nominal loss we'll see what's going on in a few seconds here know if you're thinking this is what Sanford and Son might look like if it was in the lithium-ion Age I can't argue that but these came out with a gator and a TV and stuff and you can't just throw them away so I guess storm it so I can take him to recycling now you might notice that my mug is flashing amber because it's an Amber and if you've watched my recent amber video you know I'm a fan of them and Here I am actually using it the mug is battery-powered and because of that it was the only thing that was up and running this morning or at least heat it anyway and somewhere I just realized it's a poor sucker sitting there thinking how is he making a cup of coffee with two car booster packs and they're not plugged in and it doesn't make no sense yeah sorry jebediah I just had to get them out of the way in order to get the coffee machine hooked up to the inverter so they're just kind of sitting there and I realize now it looks like they asked something to do with me making coffee nope nope totally unrelated but why do they say 1000 and 500 1,000 pcaps of kale by that I guess and 500 what non-continuous cuz there's no way it makes 500 continuous no it goes my coffee now if you're not already thinking it you probably should be thinking this guy is pretty serious about its first cup of coffee not only does he have a battery pack up in case his generators not available during a power outage for his first cup of coffee he's making a video about it narrating it and posting it to YouTube that is hardcore and to be honest I had no idea that it's the first cup of coffee meant that much to me but apparently it must and you might reasonably ask why it is I need a battery backup at all and what's going on is that the security alarm phone's electronics all those systems run off battery at night and are charged by solar during the day in the event of an outage well a generator runs to provide the base load as the battery for being recharged good can't do both at once at least not with the PNE few dozen panels that I have but looks like everything's ready enough and running on the generator side so we can hold the machine back inside and that is how you make a cup of coffee thanks for watching and I'll talk to you next time bye bye
Channel: Dave's Garage
Views: 28,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee, how to make coffee, how to make a cup of coffee, how to make best coffee, make best cup of coffee, coffee in power outage, power outage, generator, tesla, charge Tesla with generator, how to make coffee, how to make coffee without a coffee maker, coffee recipe, best coffee, coffee beans, how to, make coffee, cappuccino, food, americano, coffee and espresso, coffee bean, coffee grinder, french press, model 3, model x, solar power, electric car, tesla model s
Id: mAviU7frxog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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