How to Make The Best Baked Potato In The Microwave

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What you see on your screen is a baked potato that I cooked in my microwave in about 6 minutes. And Nope your eyes do not deceive you that is salt crusted skin. And I'm going to show you how to make a baked potato in your microwave just like this, coming up. Before you can appreciate how to cook a baked potato in a microwave, you need to understand a couple of things. And the first thing is that microwaves do not cook from the inside out. Without going into a lot of details, you should understand that the microwave radio wave is causing the molecules within a 1/2 inch of the surface of the potato to vibrate. The vibration causes friction, and that's actually what heats up anything in your microwave. You might be asking why is this important, well if you don't take precautions to keep the outside of the potato hydrated, it's going to get dry, wrinkly and unappealing. If you don't take precautions to keep the outside of the potato hydrated it's going to get dry and wrinkly and an appeal The way to solve that problem is to use a large bowl and put your potato in The way to solve that problem is to use a large bowl put your potato in and then cover it with a plate. The plate holds the moisture in the bowl around the potato while it's cooking. And if it gets too much pressure, it'll simply lift the plate up and burp. The moisture in the mall around the potato while it's cooking and if it gets too much pressure it'll simply lift the plate up and burp. And of course some folks are going to be asking, why not just use plastic wrap. Well I'm pretty sure that that plastic wrap is not intended to be heated. Especially at the temperatures around our baked potato. Okay now that you know know how a baked potato actually cooks in the microwave, it's important to pick the right size potato. If you choose a potato that's too big, it will be raw on the inside and overcooked on the outside. The best size potato for cooking in a microwave, is a medium-sized potato. Once you have your potato picked out, take it over to the sink and scrub it clean. Next you want to take a small knife and slice two openings, one on each end of the potato. You do not need to attack the potato with a fork. Too many holes in the potato releases too much moisture, and that's what we're trying to avoid. The 2 little slices on the ends of the potato releases just the right amount of moisture. Next you want to lather up the potato with butter. We are not going to add salt to the potato at this time. Once your potato is all lathered up with butter, drop it in the bowl and wash your hands. Next we'll put a microwave-safe plate on top of the bowl and put it in the microwave. At this point you are probably wondering how much time to put on the control, well believe it or not it doesn't matter. Wait, wait, hold that thought, this could happen if you put too much time on the control, like 44 minutes instead of 4 minutes. I recommend that you start off with 3 minute, but we're not cooking our baked potato based on time. We're cooking it based on temperature. We're going to use this dude here that tells us the exact Internal temperature of our potato. We're going to insert the probe into the center of the potato and we're looking for about a 190 degrees. Because we want to add some salt and put it back in the microwave and then check in for our final temperature. On your screen now is the newer less expensive version of the temperature tester that were using. And for those of you who want to get one of these dudes, will put on Amazon affiliate Link in the video description. Before we put the potato back in the microwave to finish cooking, we want to add a very liberal amount of kosher salt. This is definitely not the time to be stingy. Flip the potato over, and add some salt to the underside. Then put your plate back on and put it back in the microwave. The time you put on the control this time depends on the power of your microwave, and the size of the potato. Until you figure your microwave out, I recommend that you use only 2 minutes If you happen to have a real powerful microwave, you might want to only use one minute. If you want to make sure that your baked potato from your microwave is not overcooked, make sure that the temperature is as close to 210 degrees as possible. If you are cooking a medium sized potato it will be fully cooked at that point. Let's go ahead and slice this open and have a peek inside. That maybe too much salt for some folks, you can simply brush it off if you want. The butter and the salt on the outside of the baked potato really does bump up the flavor. Next let's add some butter, some cheddar cheese, and put it back in the microwave for about 25 seconds to melt the cheese. And since you can't have too much cheese, let's put a little more on and have a close-up look at this microwave baked potato. Well there you go folks, now you know how to make perfect microwave baked potatoes. And if you think We did a good job on this video, a thumbs-up would certainly be appreciated thank you very much! And if you want to see more videos like this, well I recommend you subscribe. Thanks for watching. ♥
Channel: Kitchen Tips Online
Views: 1,043,680
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Keywords: microwave baked potato, microwave baked potatoes, microwave potatoes, microwave potato, how to bake a potato in the microwave, how to make a baked potato in the microwave, how to bake potatoes in the microwave, how to microwave a potato, baked potato microwave, how to bake a potato in a microwave, microwave baked potato time, potato in microwave, how to bake potatoes in microwave, youtube microwave baked potato, video microwave baked potato
Id: jhkl6MmNE40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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