how to make the bamboo arrow | 如何做竹箭 | 製弓 #055
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Keywords: Diy, 手工diy, how to, how to make, bamboo, bamboo arrow, make arrow, 木工, 木工教學, 弓, bamboo bow making, diy bamboo bow, bow and arrow, bamboo backed bow, fast bows, fast traditonial bows, fast lo, 竹藝, 弓道, bamboo bow and arrow, archery, bamboo bow and arrow making, japanese bamboo bow making, making a bow out of bamboo, 竹箭制作, 竹箭 作り方, 胡子, 弓箭制作, bow, homemade bow and arrow easy, how to make a homemade bow and arrow easy, how to make arrow, homemade arrow, making arrow, making bamboo arrow
Id: FEl0hw4zH4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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