How to make Strawberry Pretzel Salad a couple different ways

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hi everybody i'm debbie reynolds with rocky mountain lodge here with my grandson gabe who's going to be my helper today you excited to help me out today good i'm so glad he's such a great helper and such a great guy too i love that he lives right next door as a matter of fact tomorrow my husband brian is going to be taking him on a date to the north pole so are you excited about that and then you and daddy and paul are going to a father-son campaign on the weekend are you super excited about that one yeah yeah okay all right so today we're going to be making strawberry pretzel salad a couple of different ways um you can find this recipe at our website at and click on the recipes tab and then you can also find it in our cookbook here rocky mountain lodging cabins more favorite recipes which you can also go to our website and click on the click on the gift shop tab and currently we are clearancing out all of our gift shop items so everything on our gift shop is half price so you can get this cookbook for ten dollars and it also includes a free ebook version we also have cookbook bundles so you can get multiple cookbooks at once so go ahead and check that out and everything's half price just enter the promo code gift 50 all caps all right you'll see it on there when you get to the gift shop all right so we're going to go ahead and get started so i'm since i'm going to make these a couple of different ways this recipe you typically typically make in a 9x13 pan but i'm going to make it in an 8 by 8 inch pan and then i'm gonna make a bunch of little ones here too so that way you can have little individual servings as well as this um eight by eight inch size so what we're going to start with is i've got everything separated so i'll tell you the first the the amounts total that what we're going to use so the first thing we're going to do what yeah go ahead plus nanny makes the best things in the world oh you're so sweet these grandkids are just the best so we're going to start with our crust and we have our oven preheated to 350 degrees and so the first thing we have here is we have i'm just going to tell you the recipe for the full batch since i've got everything separated i've got everything for the full batch but i haven't split in half so the full batch so what we have here is we have three quarters of a cup which is um one and a half sticks of melted butter i've got half here and half here and then to this we're going to add the total we need is three tablespoons of sugar this is half so gables you add this to our melted butter okay and will you stir that together in there please he's a fantastic helper you can see him helping me on our chocolate mint brownies video where he's my little special leprechaun helper remember that day yeah your leprechaun helper yeah okay so now that that's the sugars all mixed in then these are pretzels that we have crushed up instead of graham crackers keep that spoon we need it that's okay that's all right so keep it in there so um so we've crushed up pretzels instead of graham crackers um we're gonna need a total of two cups of pretzels so i have a cup here and a cup here and so we're gonna pour this in you can crush them up really finely if you like i like little small little bits so you get a little crunch there and then he's going to mix those in for us and the nice thing about these it kind of gives you that sweet and salty flavor from the salted pretzels you can use any kind of pretzels you want you can use little pretzel sticks you can use the little pretzel pretzels you know the little curry cues yeah you can use long pretzels too yup you can even use sourdough ones if you want so we're going to go ahead and get this mixed up so this is half so we're going to let this get finished and so then we're going to put this one into our eight by eight inch pan if we're doing a full batch it'll just be a nine by nine uh nine by 13 inch pan so we're gonna pour this in here and gabe then i'm gonna have you pat it down for me okay so what i want you to do now gabe is i want you to take this spoon we're going to spread it all out and then i want you to just pat it down okay like that all the way around just pat it down and then i'm going to get started on this one so we're going to do the exact same thing on this one which we're going to do for our little guys over there um i i can preheat it later because i have a little alyssa's helping me out asking me if i need to preheat my oven which i'm going to just do it after the video's over because i have one that's already done that's the magic of being able to do things ahead of time so you got that all packed down nice and tight pack it up pack all of it so we're just going to pat this down just like this good job gabe you're a professional no you're the professional here are you my sous chef maybe do you know what a sous chef is it's an assistant chef are you my assistant chef yeah okay so now we'll bake this for 350 degrees not for 350 degrees we are going to bake that at 350 degrees for seven minutes and then you want to let it cool and when it's all cooled it will be just like this one right here so we've got one that's all cool by the magic of tv here all right so we've got this one that we're starting for those little guys so we're just going to repeat the same process so sugar goes in there and mixed up what's your favorite thing about helping annie yeah being a sous chef and getting able to eat everything afterwards yeah so okay and now we're gonna put in our pretzel crumbs and then i'm gonna have you do those it's gonna be a little tricky but i bet you can do it i would yeah you'll be able to do it okay smells like pretzels you like pretzels yeah i was watching your little brother today he's one and i was crushing up the pretzels this morning and he was helping he was watching me do it okay so now we're just going to get these all done now the thing about these when we do them in here these we're not going to bake so these ones won't get baked so it'll be a little looser but it's just fine okay so now gabe i'm going to have you help me get these into those right there okay [Music] all right so let me show you what i'm going to need you to do here so these are different little um dessert cups that i have here in all different shapes and sizes so we have some little circular ones here some more little circular ones that have a little footed a little foot on them some little like glasses here and then some other little tall glasses and then you can also just take a martini glass if you want and layer them in here so we're going to layer all of this in these here so gabe what i'm going to have you do is i'll do these because these ones are kind of hard to do but for these here i want you to put two spoons in each one so just pick up a container and then put two spoons in and then set it down for each one okay so while he's doing that i'm going to go ahead and make the filling so for our filling we have one eight ounce package of softened cream cheese which we're gonna put in here and three quarters of a cup of granulated sugar we're gonna put that in there and now it might get a little loud while we mix this but you just keep on working here gabe okay you keep doing your thing this won't take but a minute so while while this is doing its thing i'm going to go over to the fridge and get some whipped cream that i've already prepared okay so i'll let that do its thing and you can check on gabe and see how he's doing the gate that one just one of those okay that's good no you're good and the reason why we're only going to do one in this is because we're going to do another one later on we're going to do two layers in this one so we'll put just a little bit more we do have a little extra which we want especially for these so now we're going to put a little bit in this one too a couple tablespoons spoonfuls in here you did a great job on those gabe it's okay okay oh that one's got a lot in it so now what i want you to do is we're going to pack these down so what i want you to do gabe with every one of these is just tap them down like this this won't fit in those and so i'll show you what we'll do with those after you get all these done okay so i'm going to set these aside for another layer of those [Music] now if you don't have a little tamper like this just be creative and find anything that you have in your house which is what i'm going to do for these i have to be creative since that won't fit in there just find what you want anything you can in your house so i happen to find this little medicine spoon this little measuring spoon for medicine and it fits in there just fine so go ahead and use the bottom of that to pack that down those down okay good job okay so now those are ready thank you good job on those gabe all right awesome okay so now what we're going to do is we are going to we've got our cream cheese and our sugar all blended here and so this is one cup of heavy whipping cream that i have already whipped um you can also buy cool whip if you want an eight ounce container pull with um there's plenty of sugar in here and so i just use plain cream and i don't even bother to add any more sugar and it's plenty sweet enough so what you want to do when you're folding things in is you want to just take a little bit at first and we call this first um spoon in here the sacrifice because what we want to do is make it light and airy the first one isn't going to do a whole lot of that and so it's just kind of called the sacrifice to kind of get it started right gabe yeah and then you're going to get to put all of these this filling in those so this has three layers it has the pretzel crust layer it has the cream layer and then it will have a strawberry topping layer okay so we've got our first one in our sacrifice is done so now we're just going to take about a half of this at a time that's just unsweetened whipped cream since there's already sugar in here but you can also like i said use an eight ounce package of cool whip and so we're just folding this in we don't really want to mix this too hard or all of the air and the lightness from the cream will deflate so we just want to fold this in just like this so that it just all gets incorporated kind of gently all right and then get some more out of here don't worry gabe i've got more for you to do i know you're antsy are you antsy yep do you know what that means no like restless like you want to do things bouncing off the walls that's actually what i like you have lots of energy some every day yeah what does mama make you do when you have lots of energy run hops laps around the house run laps around the house how many laps do you have to do around the house 10 laps around the house and you have a kind of big house don't you kind of do you have to jump on the tram sometimes sometimes jump on the tram mostly run laps around the house okay so this will be our last incorporation of our whipped cream in here let me get this all out of here all right once i started making my own whipped cream i never really went back i still buy this stuff in the can that you spray on every once in a while alyssa has a great story about that well it wasn't the one store bought in the can it was like one of the dispensers that i have do you mean that cheddar stuff uh no that's cheese you're talking about the spray cheese have you had that spray cheese before yeah there's a little just a little on crackers or something yeah okay so now what we're gonna do now that that's all incorporated now we're going to take half of this and we're going to put the half of this on our crust here so i'm just going to kind of have to just going to eyeball it a little bit and put half of this on here [Music] yes all right and then gabe you're going to take this and i want you to take let me get you another spoon i'm gonna have you take like two spoonfuls for each one of these and probably like three on that one okay okay and put two in each one like this kind of big ones big spoons on each one okay you go ahead and do all of those don't do the little baby ones because i have to get a little baby spoon for those i have a special spoon for those little ones you can see my little spoons over here those actually came with some of these little containers that i got in the boxes which were kind of cute i actually also use them for my tea parties so they're perfect dual purpose today we're going to use them for multi-purposes all right so then what we're going to do with this is we need to put it in the refrigerator to set get that all off of there okay wash my hands here okay wash my hands and then if we make a little bit of a mess just take a clean towel a clean dish towel or some wet paper towels and just kind of clean up your edges this is what professional chefs do too when they're slapping their food on their plates before they send it out to you it's kind of messy on the plates and so they're always going to clean it up and tidy their plates up before they serve them i would do that at the b b sometimes too with my serving dishes all right so there's this one this is my clean one i've got a dirty one in the sink i want to keep them separate all right move that out of the way those ones you want me to do those ones yeah okay yep some of these can be kind of hard and not to worry because we'll clean up these little glasses again yeah they're kind of hard because they're smaller at the top right and bigger at the bottom so we're going to put a little more in some of these you're doing such a good job gabe and then this one put some in here yep that one get a little bit more now i didn't do one of these when i was preparing ahead of time so i don't have one quite in the martini glass but this morning as i was putting my dishes away i was putting away martini glass and i thought oh yes that would be good too so then we're just going to kind of smooth this out right smooth those out okay let me wipe my hands first on a dirty one over here not our clean one okay so we're just going to take these and the way to do these is you kind of put your spoon in the middle and you just kind of twist your glass otherwise you might pick up some of those graham crackers and get them all mixed up into your cream so just twist your glasses around a little bit to make it nice and smooth yep you can get a little spoon babe we're not done yet i know are you getting ready for the finished product we have another step to do after this we have to do the strawberry topping you like strawberries okay do you like jello not that much well would you think you would like jello if i put some fresh strawberries in it you love jello gabe no you love jello brothers and sisters okay yeah how many brothers and sisters do you have gabe [Music] there are nine kids in this family right so now let's do those so here's how we're going to do this one now for this one it's a little tricky but i just think these are super cute so yeah they're kind of a pain to do but they're kind of worth it okay okay so they're they're kind of messy but we're going to clean those up so not to worry so we're going to put a couple of dollops in there that's a dollop oh yeah a dollop that's a dollops it's like a drop when you take a spoon and you drop it on there that's a dollar okay you like tea parties yeah gabe actually makes a great server at our tea parties when we have our mother-daughter tea party gabe gets all dressed up and he's our server he fills our sugars and our sugar bowls he refills our cookies on our plates and then he comes in the kitchen and eats everything is that your favorite part yeah and he likes tea too huh okay so now we're going to take our little towel our clean one that's wet and we're just going to kind of clean off these edges and tidy these up a little bit sometimes you have to go around and get a couple of different edges now you don't have to do this if you don't want to i just tend to be a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to presentation with things like that not always not always nanny yes always even at christmas it's just christmas with the family it needs to be perfect dinners we just come home for dinner yes it needs to be perfect i just like to spoil everybody with good stuff you know because you do eat with your eyes and your all of your senses and so you start by smells and your eyes before you taste anything what about hearing i don't know about hearing you said all your senses okay well i guess maybe sometimes if something is crackling or sizzling right okay all right so these take a little bit of an extra process here just to make them pretty but that's just my thing you don't have to do this you don't even have to do them in these little little things you can just put them put this whole thing like especially at holiday time just put it all in a 9x13 pan which is usually what i do for the holidays right when i make this isn't that what i do just in a 9x13 pan i don't go this fancy i'm just trying to show you a couple of different options on how you can make them okay mark not totally perfect but for time's sake we'll just stop there all right yeah you're pretty rich pretty rich yeah you're like a richy big rich richie rich i'm very blessed that is true yes i'm very blessed and very fortunate so then we're going to take these and we are going to refrigerate these until these are set and then let me stick these in the refrigerator and then bring out some stuff for our strawberry topping so i'm going to set these in the fridge and i'll be right back that is actually just hot water which is what we use to make our tea right is that what we use to make our tea is hot water yes yes all right so those are in the fridge let me get this one in the fridge and now we're going to make our strawberry topping let me grab our strawberries we have them oh those are garnish on top oh yeah so we'll need those two but these are frozen strawberries which i have separated out i bought a big jar so we're going to take these ones that i made yesterday so these are ones that we did yesterday they have magically set in a minute and i have them all ready so this is what they'll be like it's just what we've just what we've done but they've already set in the fridge so now we're going to make the strawberry topping for these and so what we're going to do is you're going to want two packages of strawberry jello which i actually haven't separated because i'm gonna do one for this and then one for this you can do it all okay and this is gonna happen really fast this jello is gonna set super fast and i'll show you why in a minute okay go ahead and pour that in so this is a three ounce package of strawberry jello great and now not that one yet we're gonna wait on that one and then we're gonna take so we're gonna need for for a 9x13 pan you want two packages of strawberry jello for for a 9x13 pan you're going to want two cups of boiling water this is why i got my tea my teapot boiler out here so there's our one cup of boiling water this is boiling so i'll pour it in for you gabe can you get that whisk and stir this and stir this until it's all dissolved okay so you just keep stirring that until it's all the sugar is all dissolved wait that is literally sugar it's sugar and strawberry flavor and gelatin yummy yummy huh so then what we're going to do is you're going to want for a 9x13 pan you're going to want two 10 ounce packages of frozen strawberries i actually bought a big bag of 48 ounces so i just laid them out and so once that is all done then we're going to add then we're going to take this is one 8 ounce can of crushed pineapple which i've separated and so we're going to take one and add this to this so you want to grab um yup you can grab that and now go ahead and we're going to pour in the pineapple and go ahead and mix that pineapple in okay we got that pipe gently so we don't splash everywhere okay you got that all mixed up yeah okay now we're going to take our frozen strawberries you don't want to thaw these ahead of time because this is going to make our jello sit um set really quickly so it's going to happen pretty fast so we're going to pour in our strawberries and stir that and it's going to get thick tell me when it starts to get thick what does that mean it'll start getting so getting solid like jello you know how jello gets thick it's getting harder yes exactly you having to use some of your muscles so it's going to kind of thaw those strawberries at the same time as the strawberries um thickening that jello all at the same time okay let me see how you're doing is that good okay so it's doing pretty good and so then it smells delicious we are going to pour this on top of here and then we are going to put this in the refrigerator until it is set okay and because we've got the front frozen strawberries it's actually not going to take too terribly long so let me put this in the refrigerator i don't know if it's going to set by the time we're ready to do i didn't silly but you can see those three layers actually i'll bring it back out here i can just you can see the three layers the pretzel crust the cream and then the strawberries okay so we're going to put this back in here so let me see let me get my salad out of there make room my fridge is full don't look in my fridge all right so we're going to set that in the refrigerator to set okay i should have done some of these ahead of time but alas i didn't so now we're going to do the exact same thing let's get our ball okay and we're gonna put in here's a whisk we're gonna do a jello packet where'd our other one go here's our other jello packet okay you want to pour that in there okay i'll get one cup of boiling water that's the powder right it makes you cough right okay here's our boiling water one cup of boiling water go ahead and mix those up i mixed it when i started oh that works too you can barely see the whisk right yeah so what we want to do is just get that all done so the sugar is all melted [Music] no caffeine but lots of sugar so dave are you supposed to have sugar no why because they go cuckoo but just tiny bits how much yeah you're really good he comes over here and he goes i can have how much sugar can you have a day two grams of sugar he can have two grams of sugar a day so he's always asking roughly about about sometimes more he always comes over and asks how much sugar is in this oh yeah we've got the pineapple so let's add the pineapple okay all right so that's all the ingredients for our strawberry pretzel salad sometimes called strawberry pretzel dessert these after all done and after it's all set i would garnish it with a little bit of mint leaves and another little piece of strawberry just to make it pretty because it's kind of what i do because she's rich because it's nanny to be rich to make things pretty dewy it's nanny no you can be you don't have to be rich to make things pretty you know what the most the most thing it takes it takes time and the secret ingredient paws always saying that nanny makes her stuff with a secret ingredient you know what that is god well god's always part of it what else does the secret could be a secret ingredient b right love yes we make this with love right everything we make we make with love all right because it's red it is red so now for these this part might be a little tough so manual do this so we're just going to take some of these and we're just going to get a little ladle and we're just going to spoon this right on top and then we would put these in the refrigerator and let these set aren't those pretty i just love them in these little containers i mean i just love when they're cute you love when they're cute they're still cute they're still cute so let's see here aren't those just so cute oh yeah see so cute and maybe these will set a little bit i don't know usually it takes about 30 minutes for them to set thoroughly we'll see how much we can get here right now so cute i love them love love love then their little individual if you're doing like a little bridal shower or a little tea party these are great little individual servings for that especially for a bridal shower everybody will be so impressed okay so they don't take very long to put together the most time it takes is setting in the refrigerator um or or for cooling okay but they're super cute the design at the bottom when it meets the right white stuff when it meets the white filling he likes this right here where it kind of oozes into it a little bit marble affects it yeah that's why you want your cream to be really set all right and so then let me get these i'll get a little tiny one for those yes okay so put some of these in here now what i was going to do with these is i'll let's set that one right there i'm going to do a whole nother set again a whole nother layer all over again each layer yes these are little ones but we're going to put more in there we're going to do more layers whoa like what just we're going to do the exact same thing all over again so normally you'd want to let that set first and then we'll put a little bit more of the graham cracker or but not green crackers the pretzels that we have reserved we have some extra pretzels so we're gonna do more pretzels on each one of these it's better if it sets but we're just going to do it anyway right then we're going to take some of our extra cream with our little baby spoons i love my little baby spoons i love using these for our tea parties oh now that's what i'm talking about is that what you're talking about with more more and more and more okay so we'll get this out there make room for our topping our strawberry topping gotta have room for the topping right i'm not gonna worry about taking time right now to pretty those up we're just gonna go ahead and add a little bit more of our topping and so then these we have multiple layers whoops making a mess i'm really good at making messes it's what i do best in life make messes you know what i like doing in life breaking stuff and destroying stuff and we can enter the new stuff yeah you'll be a good engineer cindy all right so then when these things are all done what you can do let's see they're not totally set yet but whoops okay they're actually okay this is the dirty one let me get a two one so yeah so what we're going to end up doing then clean that up a little bit is once they're totally set they're not totally set yet they're starting to set but then we can garnish these with little pieces of fresh strawberries and little pieces of mint on each one and make them extra pretty little pieces of mint let's see if i can find a little tiny one for our little guys over here they look like a bouquet like flowers okay just put some little mint on there [Music] all right so this is all we're gonna do for our strawberry pretzel salad so you can see how cute they become garnish them up just a little bit here and they become super cute and so delicious so here are our strawberry pretzel salads and then i'll go ahead and get our other one maybe it's set a little bit the bigger one actually it's starting to set i think you can really get it by with about 30 minutes in the refrigerator you can see how this is starting to set here a little bit and that's only been in there maybe about five minutes so it doesn't take too long and so then you can just cut these into pieces this will cut into nine pieces and so you can even kind of score it and then put some mint and strawberries on each piece if you'd like you can even put a little bit of whipped cream that you can spray on each piece and then dollop these on top i'll show you what that's like trevor was one of the baby ones over here with one of the baby ones okay let me find my whipped cream canister okay there it is you have to go into your cave of our fridge i know so i like to keep these on hand just for this oh you want me to do it on one of these okay you can just dollop it with a little whipped cream get a little leaf i think i've used all my little leaves here's this probably the smallest one i can find and a little strawberry there you go make it extra cute you can do it with all of these just for a little extra color beforehand so we'll do this here all right i think my whipped cream is getting out of this little fizzy stuff there all right and so there we go here is our strawberry pretzel salad all nice and pretty and ready to eat do you guys want to try some yes please okay which one do you want to try gabe you can't have this one i'll put that back in the fridge you want that one yeah you want to get a little spoon yeah and you can try it which one do you want alyssa and you can get a little spoon too no do you have to try it with a little spoon alrighty all right so thanks for joining us today and making strawberry pretzel salad also known as strawberry pretzel dessert i'll serve this as a dessert actually over holiday time period i think it's called salad because it's like a jello salad but it's kind of more like a dessert um you can find this recipe again in our cookbook um and on our website you can click on the recipes tab to find it and you can get it on our cook on on in our cookbook for half off right now so you can get this cookbook for ten dollars what do you think pretty good yeah you've had this before though huh holiday times daddy loves it a lot yeah all right and so come back next week which is going to be july 21st and we're going to be making some easy baked beans you're going to be so impressed you'll never buy canned baked beans again and some delicious melt-in-your-mouth cheesy bread so come on back next week wednesday uh july 21st at 2 00 pm mountain time and we'll have some more treats for you guys thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Rocky Mountain Lodge
Views: 15,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strawberry pretzel salad, how to make strawberry pretzel salad, strawberry pretzel dessert, how to make strawberry pretzel dessert, summer dessert recipes, bridal shower recipes
Id: tVmazhRJtgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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