How To Make Stinging Nettle Tea - High Nutritious Herbal Drink For Bushcraft, Prepping And Survival

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[Music] guys working lovely okay salad I've just stopped for a rest I'm out of a quick pinball over the woods and I want to stop and have a nice brew I haven't brought with me any tea or coffee instead today I'm going to make myself a nice energizing herbal tea and I'm going to make it from a stinging nettle and I've just found a few absolutely lovely specimens here vibrant green young leaves on the top these are going to be loaded with nutrients and everything possible it's good for my body so let's get on and I'll show you how I make this really refreshing stinging nettle tea now these stems that I've found here are fresh news growth they look really really healthy the further down the plant you get the less nutrients and the less healthy that leaf is but we want to pick right at the top here maybe the first two or three rows I don't want to go mother in the whole plant because that way it won't grow back again but these really are nice specimens are they going to make absolutely delicious tea I'm going to pick the leaves into my canteen but we call that before I do that I'm not really a hero someone to get stung too much you can't pick them with your bare hands obviously good skin get yourself a pair of gloves just makes life so much easier when you pick pick from the stem there I just love I mean these are massive leaves these are going to be lovely just picking them is now to be honest these are such lovely big leaves don't think I'm going to need a huge amount there's only me so if I pick say a canteen full that will that be morning a for me as you see just pick them from the top here I don't want a molar the plant completely we are actually do me so that's canteen full of nettle leaves I brought with me the very lightweight solo stove this is a lovely little Kemp cooker compact ultra lightweight really does the job well so double burn burns off all the smoke so it's a good bit of kit [Music] my teammate I can't even match this amount of water and while we're waiting to tell you a little bit about the nutrients in stinging nettles they are considered almost a horrible superfood because of their nutritional value between a bit min-soo but indeed even in case the B vitamins beat the carotene calcium chromium cobalt copper iron magnesium potassium it's it's for everything zinc everything your body needs it is a nutritionally rich leaf and plant in gym in general it's got massive health benefits to your body it's extremely good for things like arthritis and gap is another one cleanses your kidneys your liver your spleen it's just an all-around fantastic plant herbal plant to infuse into a to drink you can have it hot you can have it cold you can make a soup out of it you can make wine out of it the uses are quite practically unlimited you can make a super paste all manner of things here I'm going to simply be put in the once it once this has boiled and we'll be putting these leaves in the pot and then letting them was called steep what that is that in all the nutrients and the goodness of the leaf will infuse into the realtor and I'm going to leave it like that for maybe five or ten minutes to really get some good flavors in there and you can if you want though just decant it out let it cool down put it in a fridge and sip it throughout the day you'll still get the same sort of values from it also in a previous video of mine I showed how you can eat missing a nettles law straight off the plant in this case once they're boiled up or once rather once they're in the boiled water that neutralizes the formic acid that's in their stingers themselves and stops them from in effect stinging you so you could eat these straight out almost as a vegetable they go very much like spinach and you could use them on your Sunday luncheon and there's a replacement for any vegetable they re completely in are there more than high enough in nutrients to warrant having pretty much on their own it's exceptionally good for your hair your skin your nails your teeth and your health in general I reckon no more than three cups a day though so I don't know the reason for that perhaps you can overdose on it maybe but yeah three cups a day is about your maximum here we go now I don't normally put the leaves straight into it when it's bought in like this so we'll do all them I'll take it take it off the boil okay and with the leaves all we want to do is just knock them inside now as I was saying earlier the leaves now are completely neutralized the formic acid is out of the stinger so you can eat these straight away like this as a warm food you could add them to your Sunday lunch there's a vegetable very very high nutrient vegetable and as you see there's no there's no stinger on that whatsoever now but for the moment that's been about it's been about 10 minutes at least they've been steeping in there all the flavors infused into the water so it's time for a taste test now if you're worried about any of the bits and pieces or bugs getting through into your drink and bring with you maybe a tea strainer or I normally carry with me a bandanna thousand one uses for a bandana and one of them is a strainer just put it over the top of your cup and strain the drink through it but I'm not too worried and if you pour it carefully now you'll see there look at a lovely green color now if you've got a sweet tooth and you want to sweeten this drink yourself you can't add sugar I knowing that I was coming out here today knowing that I was going to have a stinging nettle brew I've actually brought with me a little bit of honey to sweeten it and this really makes it delicious you don't need a huge amount so it will squirt and mix them in then obviously you'll get in the benefits of work of the honey as well so cheers everybody it's real refreshing touched and it tastes obviously like a horrible tea with the honey in it it just takes that edge of it and makes it really quite a nice sweet drink and you can easily get use of this taste as well someone in strange ones that leaves an aftertaste or bitter or whatever it's just a lovely hot soothing drink and like I said with the with the actual leaf itself hopefully this is cooled down enough now if you it is very very hot you take the leaf pop them in it does Tinto tend to lose a little bit of its flavor compared to eating them raw but you're still going to get all the nutrients here so if you're doing yourself a bit of a meal and you're cooking up some some little tea as well of course you're going to use the Nettles put them on your on your food and then wash them down with your - so there you have it folks herbal tea made with stinging nettles not particularly difficult to do you've got to avoid getting stung and make sure it steeps well in them in the pot infuses the flavors and then you've got a lovely couple so for now thank you very much for watching and I will catch you on the next UK Preppers guide video for now then take care and stay safe cheers folks [Music]
Channel: UK Preppers Guide
Views: 311,568
Rating: 4.9263215 out of 5
Keywords: how to make nettle tea, how to make nettle tea with fresh leaves, how to make nettle tea from fresh nettles, nettle tea, stinging nettle tea, how to make nettle tea rs3, nettle drink, how to make nettle leaf tea, how to make nettle tea taste good, how to make nettle tea osrs, benefits of drinking nettle tea, nettle leaf benefits, benefits of nettle tea, nettle tea benefits, picking nettles, stinging nettle28.9, nettle health benefits, nettle benefits, urtica dioica
Id: lv7P5MxOP0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2017
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