How to make stickers with Silhouette Cameo 🤓

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did you just recently get a silhouette and you're curious of how to make stickers using your silhouette machine stay tuned because today I'm going to show you how to do it [Music] hi I'm Crystal welcome to design bundle's YouTube channel if you guys are new here make sure you guys hit the Subscribe Button as well as that notification Bell down below so you guys do not miss any of our crafting tutorials now if you guys are not new here you guys may have been waiting around for some silhouette tutorials and today is the day so stay tuned because in 2023 we are definitely bringing the silhouette back in strong we've got lots of tutorials coming up so definitely make sure you guys stay tuned for today's video we're going to be going over how to make stickers using your silhouette machine today I'm using the Silhouette Cameo 4 but you could definitely do this with your portraits you could do this with the older cameos and all of the things now I wanted to ask you guys if you guys have seen the new auto feeder that you guys can get and it's going to be perfect for making stickers to use along with your Silhouette Cameo 4 as well as the silhouette portrait 3. if you guys have seen that let me know in the comments below and also let me know would you guys be interested to see some tutorials using that because I think it would be great especially for somebody with a small business because you load all of those sheets in at one time and it's going to cut them out for you but I definitely don't want to purchase it if it's not something you guys are interested in but if you guys are interested and you guys want to see tutorials with it drop those comments down below and we'll definitely make it happen jumping straight into silhouette Studio we are right here on the canvas now once again if you guys are new to the silhouette Studio we've actually done a basic video to go over the basic version with a lot of these settings and we have a whole series on that we have a couple different videos I'll try to link those up above or down below so you guys can definitely check those out but today we're going to keep it nice and simple show you how easy it is to bring in those stickers and make your very own sticker sheets all right so let's go and start bringing in those stickers so what I'm going to go ahead and do is come up here to this file folder right up here at the top I'm going to click it and then we are going to go ahead and go to downloads you can find that folder that you're working with mine is this one here now sometimes with some of our files you will have a complete sticker sheet so right here these are all individual but sometimes amongst those will be one sheet that includes all of these stickers on one sheet just to make it a whole lot easier but for this bundle it didn't so I want to show you how could you work with something like this and so what we're going to do is we're going to click on our very first design hit okay all right so let's add in our next one so what we're going to do is we're going to instead of going to this folder here we're going to hover all the way up here at the top and we're going to have a few more options I'm going to go to file and I'm going to go down to where it says merge so it's going to allow us to add these all on the same page if you go to open and you click on another one it's just going to open another page so it actually open another tab right here so you want to make sure you use that merge so we're going to just select another one hit OK and then I'm going to go back up here again file merge and continue to grab a few more so I think I'm going to grab this one here and I also want to grab some of the smaller ones like the hearts and things so we'll go back up here to file merge and then scroll down here I'm going to grab this one and I'm going to come back for those flowers as well all right so I'm getting to my last view I think I've got a few small pieces so now I'm going to go back and grab maybe one more of these designs maybe like this one right here I don't know this one right here I think all right so that is good before I size these down I'm going to go ahead and prep up my canvas as you can see I've got an eight and a half by 11 piece of material here on my mat and that's perfect but I want to go in here and I want to add the registration marks so what I'm going to do is go right over here to this tab so it's this very top one right here you're going to click on it it's called page setup and then we're gonna go right here to our registration marks so what I want to do is turn it on and this is going to give us the registration Mark so I know how big I can print so what we want to do is you see these red lines right here we want to stay within those red lines so we're going to do that now if you need to adjust your canvas piece so for example if yours is already at a 12 by 12 and you're needing to adjust it to that eight and a half by eleven you're going to do it on the very first tab so right here see where it says media size I have mine on a letter eight and a half by eleven but you can change yours right here so if yours is already set to a 12 by 12 you may want to come in here and save it to the eight and a half by eleven so just like that now you can also from this exact page show your print border so if I uncheck this you see where that black line is this one right here is disappearing so that's giving you that print border and then show cut border so to show you how far which is that red line you can see right there so you can have those on or off as well so just depending on your preference we've got those so we can visually see everything and now I'm ready to size this down now if there's anything that you need to mess with like for example your cutting mat I have mine on auto you could definitely do that here or if you were cutting without the mat you can do that here as well and then you can also choose your machine and all of those kind of things mine's already ready to go so we're going to start to work with those stickers so what I want to do is kind of size these down to be maybe around two to three inches or so um some of them I'll have a little bit smaller than others like for example like these plant pieces I may bring those in to be just a smidge smaller I'm going to first go through here and just start to size some of these out and kind of get them about where I want them and then I can really start to play with that layout so I'm just going to grab each one of these and kind of play around with that until I'm 100 happy I think I'm gonna keep this flower one kind of big so I'm gonna kind of get it there maybe about there it looks good to me move that thing down get our heart here and then if you want to duplicate these while they're already in here you could definitely do that as well so if I decide I want to go in here and duplicate my heart I could do so now you can see that I've actually selected everything together at one time so I can actually even size all of these down to around three inches just just to get started so that's another thing you can do so when you first bring them in and they're all piled there you can select them all and do that as well so I'm just going to go ahead and continue to get these guys kind of moved around here looks good I may bring this one and just a little bit further like that we've got this one here and hopefully you guys can see here with this you can see there is a red line right around here so that's where it's going to cut so all of these are already ready to go for your stickers they're just going to cut that offset for you all right so I'm going to adjust just a little bit more I need to move this little plant up and over just a smidge now if I need to rotate these I can just simply grab this little Green Dot right here we're just going to rotate that guy just a little bit I need to make sure that none of these red pieces are touching each other so I'm just going to bring it up just a little bit more I think we're going to be good together so this is absolutely perfect so now what we're going to do is we are going to go to send and then we're going to get ready to print this thing out so from over here you're going to see our print preview this is going to show us what it's going to print out like and so I'm going to go ahead and start off with adjusting and getting ready for the cut settings so I'm going to choose my material which is going going to be sticker paper so I'm going to go over here and type in sticker enter so I'm going to go ahead and choose sticker paper white and you may need to play around with your cut settings so depending on what material you're using so when it comes to silhouette they even have their own they have a holographic they have they have glossy ones they have matte ones so definitely check out the options that silhouette has I prefer to actually use shipping labels that I grab on Amazon I'll have them linked down below for you guys I get like a box of 500 for 30 bucks it's just way more affordable to me and then I add a laminate sheet on top if I wanted it to be glossy or even have a glitter to it even a holographic now you guys stay tuned because I have a video coming up very soon I've grabbed some of the tech wraps holographic glitter laminate it's going to be coming very soon so make sure whether you guys have a Cricut or silhouette stay tuned for that video because it's coming up very very soon now as you can see it is set to Auto blade and we are going to have it set to cut obviously and so you can see our blade depth and all of those so depending on your cut you could definitely do a test by clicking this button here and cutting out a small little test Square it's going to let you know if these are working if not you can come up here and definitely adjust these um and get that very particular cut setting and then you can save it so that way you always know what cut setting to use for that material all right so let's go ahead and print this out so we've got the auto blade like I've told you it is already loaded in never one's housing and then I've got my printer set up I'm using a Canon today just an inkjet I've got my sticker paper loaded so to print this we're just going to come up here to print you see this little printer right up here we've clicked on that and you can see this is perfect this is what it's going to look like so now we're going to hit print if it wasn't you could back back out of here and go make any sort of adjustments you need to so I've got my Canon shows and we're ready so I'm going to go ahead and hit print and here we have it we have our printed sticker sheet I'm going to show you guys really quick so you guys can see those registration marks so compared to qriket if you guys are familiar um you guys know that it's just a black border where you get some different little you get a square here and a couple little corner angles there so that is our setup and now we're ready to load it so I've got my Silhouette mat here and so I'm going to make sure I get it loaded all the way over in the corner we're gonna get that loaded down just like that and now we are ready to load it in our machine so what we want to do is line this up with the white line right here you have a white line with two arrows so we're just simply going to load that there and then we're just simply going to click that first Arrow the arrow pointing upwards to take it in so now it's ready so you can see now where it's telling us we're ready before it was saying load material it's ready so we're ready to send this over so we're just going to go ahead and hit send so with this it's going to go in here it's going to read our registration marks I definitely think it's a whole lot faster reading those registration marks compared to crickets but if you hear where the silhouette is definitely a whole lot louder so it's definitely something to keep in mind um but if you guys are silhouette lovers this is so easy to make stickers honestly all right so it's ready it's going to go in here now it's adjusting that blade getting it at that exact depth and it's going to go ahead and start zooming all the way around these and getting them cut out [Music] all right so it is done so now we're ready to hit the unload so to unload this we're simply going to put the down arrow and we're ready to go so the best way to take these off of the mat is to flip it upside down and then you're basically peeling your mat off of your material now when it comes to the silhouette mats versus the Cricut they are definitely way more pliable and movable and also make sure if you guys are interested in how to clean your mats you guys definitely stay tuned on that because we have a new tutorial coming out very soon but we also have another one we did it with the Cricut but it's the same thing so I've showed you guys some tips and tricks on how to clean these mats so I'll link it up above all right so now you guys can check out these stickers so much fun love love love now this is just a matte white sticker sheet once again these are just shipping labels and I love these but if you wanted to add the gloss on here all you simply have to do is add a clear laminate sheet or something with a sparkle really quickly I'm going to show you those Sparkle lemon sheets hopefully you can see that here you can get these in 12 by 12 sheets so for example these ones right here actually came from 143 there's two of them these are by style tech there is a smaller glitter and there is a chunkier one and this is basically like adhesive vinyl is what it is it's a glossy adhesive vinyl so you're going to put that on top of it so you definitely want to trim those down to go in between we've done tutorials with the Cricut but if you guys want to see a tutorial with that would this silhouette definitely make sure you stay tuned on that but just to show you here this is what your sticker sheets would look like once you add that sparkle to it it is absolutely amazing I'm going to pop one of these guys off and see if I can't show you a little bit better so you would do this and you would cut it you would add the laminate beforehand before you completely um cut it out and that way your cut settings would be on your adhesive vinyl you may need to really bring in that pressure to cut around those so depending if if you want something that is going to be um where you could get it wet you have it on your laptop cell phone cases your car these will be perfect for the weather and the rain or something like this whenever you're just using almost like a paper if you will sticker it definitely can ruin but here we go so to show you really really quickly that sticker sheet it's perfect it is a kisket so the settings that I used was the sticker paper white and it worked absolutely perfect this is called a kiss cut now if you wanted to do a die cut you could simply just bring up your pressure and you could even change it to a card stock setting if you wanted to and it would cut these all the way out to make them individual so that you could stick them into your packaging or maybe stick them on you know pass them out people can stick them on their Tumblers or whatever but it is the perfect kiss cut highly recommend that you guys check out the labels from Amazon the box of those you can even get a smaller box if you wanted to I think you can get like a box of 50 for maybe around let's just say eight dollars or something like that so a little bit it more affordable if you don't need a ginormous box but I bought my box years ago and I'm still working out of it I keep them in that same box and just kind of pull out the sheets as I need them but there you guys have it it is so so easy to make your very own stickers using your silhouette now once again keep in mind that we do have stickers as well that has that sticker sheet but you guys could see how easy it was to customize these bring them in and I could actually even load way more so for example if I was going to have an Etsy store and I was going to sell stickers and they were those little ones you could possibly even get two sheets on here to where I had all of those pieces and then you're going to use your paper trimmer just to trim around all that excess and that way you can list those stickers and sell them it's perfect way to make stickers for your planners like I said laptops cell phone cases all of those different things but if you guys have a particular silhouette tutorial you want to see whether it is using adhesive vinyl iron on you guys want to see a more in-depth tutorials on certain things inside of silhouette Studio please let me know because I'm making my list currently right now for all of the videos that we are making for 2023 using our silhouette and you guys let me know if you guys did get this Silhouette Cameo for what color did you guys get you guys know I had to get pink for the studio here you've probably seen it sitting back there now I also own the silhouette portrait 3. so if that's also something that you guys want to see um definitely let us know and I do own the Silhouette Cameo 4 in white that's a little bit bigger I think it's the plus there's several different sizes it's not the biggest one but it's the one that's a little bit bigger than this one other thing that I definitely want to get in and I'm curious if you guys are wanting to see and showing you guys how to cut materials without the mat and then I also want to show you guys the punch out so if you guys did not know there's actually which would be perfect for these die Cuts there's this punch out that this can do so when it cuts out it cuts out leaving just a tiny little string almost holding these on and you just punch them out it's perfect for card stock projects and all sorts of different different things so that way if you are selling those the it would stay intact and then whoever whoever got them could punch them out if you will so if that's something that you want to see as well please like I said let me know but love making stickers and I hope that you guys will too and you guys can see how easy it is to work with this I do love silhouette Studio but sometimes it's just very complex but you can see I really didn't go into very many functions and I was able to accomplish this I hope that you guys have found this helpful if you guys did please let us know in the comments below or simply give us a like to let us know that you guys found it helpful once again if you guys are new here please consider hitting the Subscribe Button as well as that notification Bell so you guys don't miss any of our crafting tutorials bye for now
Channel: Design Bundles
Views: 43,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to print and cut on silhouette, how to print from silhouette studio, silhouette studio software, silhouette sticker paper, how to use silhouette studio, print and cut silhouette, how to make stickers on silhouette, print and cut silhouette cameo, silhouette print and cut stickers, print and cut stickers silhouette cameo 4, silhouette sticker, silhouette stickers, Silhouette studio, Design bundles, cameo silhouette stickers, sticker sheets, silhouette stickers tutorial
Id: _BrsFB57AsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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