How To Make Software Rollout a Success

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so our first presenter uh we're very excited to have him with us today he's going to talk not just about making your project a success which of course is also very important but how do you measure that success how do you figure out the impact today we are thrilled to welcome sebastian sack he is the customer engagement solution architect with hitachi solutions europe hi sebastian how are you hello there i'm quite fine thank you and i'm happy to be here thank you we're so happy to have you and i'm sure all of our attendees are excited too so um super excited to see your presentation yes i got a bit of a sneak peek i don't want to give too much away but you guys are in for a real treat there's handball freddie mercury and a few more surprises oh that's true so sebastian you want to take it away i want to take it away i'm quite happy about it let me just share my screen and then we are ready to dive in okay so hope everyone can see my stream now wait a second that's the wrong one that's the right one now all right i'm very happy to be today presenting about yeah how you can get track on your well software rollout and i want to give you a bit a different mindset i want to share with you how you can take learnings from teamsport away and move it on to your project management and software rollout and just the funny thing there actually i'm on this picture i'm the yeah the smallest one in the middle blue and um white shirt and i played handball for more than 15 years i did also a lot of martial arts while i stayed in japan so this is going to be part of the presentation too and yeah let's dive into this and before we dive into it let me first ask you and get a bit idea of what comes to your mind when you hear team sports or sports in general for this please go to u722052 and write up to three words and later on we will see what you have in mind on this and well i hope then i can take those inside ideas from you into the rest of the presentation and before we actually dive into team sport let me first tell you one story about one handball player i've had the pleasure to know him by myself some of you who are familiar with handball no steven fate we played in the same club uh faux phil goldstein this is in frankfurt and i had the pleasure also to be his co-trainer during a season and i know that his dream was always at that time to be successful and play for the german national team and he eventually did it but what i learned from him is that not only was he the first usually in the trainings ground he was also the last one to leave but to towards every game he really set up a roadmap how to achieve success and he was the key player there and now this is crucial you can learn from this when you are having a software rollout you need to identify the key users for you and take them with you on a journey because they will tell you what is valuable to them and they will be able to put this pioneers bearing this success this dna of success towards the rest of the users and stefan said around his goals his road map his vision and he had also the support by his trainers and the trainer for him they were not only a pure trainer they were kind of change manager because they managed to evolve him towards a position he was pretty good at and towards the kind of game style which was leading to success and some of you also remembered this picture or the celebration we had when the german national team won it was because they had a long-term strategy smart tactics during the game and the change after this then 2017 actually we got a new head coach for the german national team popcorp and he had a complete different idea on how to play so 2017 he developed a new strategy which had some kind of quick wins and new tactics so it was a complete change for the new team because he picked out a set of key players put communication towards them and the trainer had so also need to function more as a change manager and as a project manager naturally along the road map he had quick wins for each year and for each player which he wanted to achieve so he set up a complete road map and those five points which prop code took communication and quick wins led actually also to success but i still remember the first for the first tournament there we had a complete mixture of success and yeah some some real downfalls but the great thing about it was that propco had such a long-term vision that the the haber so the german handball association stick to him they said hey we believe in you because you told us what you want to achieve and you have a new kind of communication first towards the team toward us and then towards the rest of the world this all ranked well and in 2012 there was the last tournament there still before covet and he had goals in the road map he wanted to be at least in the top four of the work of this cup but the measurement they put there he did not achieve the goal he just stayed or achieved place number five you would say hey that's still pretty kicking thing but it was not enough because he said that is my goal and now there's the one thing what we can learn out of this story first of all communication is key to drive the people with you especially during a complete new idea on how to play we all know that we have some long-term project i still remember i've been part of a crm project and when i joined this it was already running more than 11 years the quick wins were not there so the people were kind of frustrated this is not actually the success we want because with software rollouts we want to have quick success and this reminds me of one of the greatest things i have done it was last year when we made an agile approach for a customer engagement solution complete sales to erp integration and marketing this adro approach was awesome because the key users we could identify together they wrote storylines how they want to work and they said we need to deliver this and we measured this if this is succeeding we have success this was the coolest thing ever because the people told what they how they want to work and that was quick because in around a sprint of three weeks we were having a success we could deliver something and that is the mindset we need to have so whenever it's coming to sports we might have the one people who are really celebrating if you don't take people along on the journey they will be feeling lost they will stand there and they're thinking what the hell is going on there and if you if you promise something and you can't deliver twice or thrice you will have been knocked out and this is something which is giving us emotions before we move to the next slide i hope you gave some input towards and see what we're having here oh cool already fun yeah sports is fun i seen okay beer we are talking about celebration that's important there working together collaborative cybersport at the moment yes i am playing cyber sports too i love league of legends lately again but what is in the middle and i think that is what we all want to have it's team it's trust it's fun success and emotions i'm going to keep this with us and let's have later on a quick peek again because what we are learning there from sports in general is we have team sports on one side what we also learned something by ourselves and that is giving martial arts clue on it live by choice we have a choice how we want to live and what we want to do and in the gorindo show written up in the right right corner there by miyamoto musashi actually a samurai later on in he never lost the fight because he did many things and he said death in mind that today you will overcome yourself of the day before tomorrow you will win over those of lesser skill and later you will win over those of greater skill this is a choice we can all make if it's in sports in private life or in work we will have our downfalls there are pitfalls all along the road but we have the choice to go up stand up again and be better than the day before with small steps we will win over those who are a little bit in front of us and if you really learn a lot and do lessons learned we are able to compete with those who are the number one and that is clue and key there if you are planning a software roll out please ensure that you have best practices and best practices is benchmarking really the processes from those who are doing a great job out there not with those behind you because it's not a challenge to win over those it's a challenge to compete and mess yourself with those who are ahead so i am a big fan of best practice processes this helps especially in a cloud environment where we have standardized processes if you can already achieve 70 percentage of your requirements with standardized process it's awesome because you have something going in the 30 percentage along there it's key to lift that and find it now let us dive into the dna of success four things which are relevant there let us start with the ones with the first one it's being confident and i know that freddie mercury is not a sportsman but damn he is a person who had the spirit of walking like a champion and now nobody can see you get up and stand up and try to stand and walk like a champion get your chest out and just stand there and feel confident because neurosciences showed that when you're standing up straight forward expanding your chest forwards you will have a different approach on everything you're doing you'll feel confident the next step with this is being optimistic and jurgen klopp is probably the person who is the most motivating trainer since a long period positive visualization and positive vocabulary helps you achieving your goal this is crucial stand up and talk nice to a crowd walk like a champion and say something nice you will instantly switch the attitude towards you especially in crucial meetings we're saying oh we are not on track but hey man we can do this this is great because with this kind of tenacity and belief in yourself and in your world you will find something good now you can sit down again you could try jumping as high as michael jordan does there but this might be challenging nonetheless he said not only that he believes i can fly and you can fly he also said that if you're working you need to put effort in it and karma is something i believe in put something good out into the world and you will get something good back positive mindset helps there the last thing of those four enthusiasm is key because you have a goal to achieve and there are blockers in it we all know this we might say there is no plan b that's okay but you need to have a kind of a pathway to overcome challenges and there are some we have experienced this in the last few months because with covet 19 there was a complete game changer and beer krills and the mantra of the marine corps says improvise adapt and overcome and we all know that we can do this if there is something we did not expect let's do some improvisation i mean i'm standing here at home working from home i would have loved to be somewhere with the cool guys from user lane in the studio and work together but we needed to adapt and overcome this challenge we all could have been in one place together but now we are virtually there it doesn't matter we achieve what we want to do so some simple thoughts to keep in mind one thing is the team is not only in the center of this picture it's the whole crowd around them for your software rollout you need to have your top management aligned with you get them to give you support and cover so that you have a complete focus from the complete workflows from all those you're working with together because you might need them and this is then also inside of the dna of success spend time on people first get to know what they want and how they want to work where do they want to go get them aligned on them understand their dynamic and clarify teamwork's expectations we all dislike meetings without an agenda we all dislike meetings who are overrun by 10-15 minutes it's just not what we expect and you can ask your team what they want from you but as a project manager you should also listen to the team because you need to call out culture together but it needs to also be lived by the people on the top of it and then elevate processes which exist which needs to be defined set goals to measure them and in the end seek insights try to understand and measure measure measure because only in this way you're able to be successful and we all want to hold the cup together we all want to win so let me summarize this you need a long term strategy which you want to achieve and with every software rollout you need to define what your business impact is have goals and have clear objectives nobody likes to work for something when they do not know what is the result this is frustrating honestly we need to change this and this can only be done when we are changing together and we have short term tactics to change together communication is a skill set there and it's a skill we need to learn a team is crucial and remember you will have key players in your team identify them work with them together and take them on your journey have goals which you can measure and this is the future of work standardization and kpis measure change adjust and adapt and overcome it if you cannot do this then you need to rearrange it and i learned in japan that the kaizen approaches they're really good small steps together on a change implementation measure if it's successful if yes move to the next one if not adjust and adopt overcome so this future of work i guess is that what we can really align together and if this is working and you can celebrate together this is a clear mindset and that is what we can all take along from teamwork from sports together by the way one thing please believe that it's possible to celebrate together and in this way we are on time i want to thank userlane for this let us celebrate together and i'm really really looking forward to have much connections now via linkedin please add me and discuss again on what we can learn from team sports or how do you think about what we can learn from team sports and now just again here i tried to cover as much as i could from this from this slide i think we're all there on the same way thank you for your patience and your attention and now i'm handing over back to maggie sebastian that was absolutely fantastic uh for all of our viewers here i actually had the privilege of meeting sebastian a week ago and if you thought this was fun get in touch with him he's even better in real life thank you thank you who could make software roll out so exciting no pressure no stress for the next one um so again if anybody has any questions you see how happy he is to interact please don't be shy to all of our viewers make sure to write in those questions either via chat or the q a um thank you so much sebastian we'll hear from you then later see you um okay so now tips and tricks for a pain-free software rollout now that we're all motivated eye of the tiger energized i think it's time to bring out our next speaker and here today we have stefan kruger he is a senior manager of digital learning at ernst young hi stefan and where are you talking to us from today hi maggie thanks a lot for the introduction happy to be here very excited to be part of the first ever use the lane web event and um i hope you can also see my presentation right now hey i'm not quite sure if it's already presented here we go perfect coming soon and stefan take it away thanks a lot mike again so tips and tricks of a to a pain-free software rollout and um when we think about a software rollout there are many different aspects um like technical project management methodology disruptive evolutionary you name it so um i will concentrate more on the user side of a software rollout in other words um the ones affected by the software implementation and how an ideal level could look like um what i will highlight in the next 15 minutes does not claim to be complete i'm pretty sure um you may might have made your your own experiences your individual ones um that hopefully complement my overview or my presentation i guess um yeah we can can spend hours on top on the topic and maybe we can deepen one or the other aspect um later on in that community event um when we look at the common mistakes that can be that can be made or that we are facing during software roller they split it into three main parts um which is plan build run somehow reflects the common understanding of software rollout phases in other words plan phase right for the implementation where you plan on the whole road or the build phase where you actually do the implementation in a run phase when the implementation will be transferred into your daily business um we always supply a guiding principle when we look at it and this is how we how can we enable the affected user to be productive with as less mistakes as possible when we turn the key on go live date so please keep that in mind because i refer to that later on several times this is our our guiding principle and if you additionally achieve that the affected users are also happy users at the end then you probably did a pretty good job and i guess this is what we all are striving for but let's start at the beginning so first things first the plan phase what happens a lot training and enablement is just one sentence in an rfp so we receive an rfp of a huge major software rollout implementation and we browse through the rfp and somewhere at the end find one sentence oh yeah and please do training as well so in idea world plan budget and resources thoroughly plan it as an essential part of the implementation and get stakeholders responsible for learning on board as early as possible um there's a there's a little trend which um which actually is to our favor so we saw more and more or we see more and more projects where enablement of especially used software rollout project is a separate project set up in parallel of major software implementations and i personally think that this is a huge step forward and crucial success factors since it secures at the end of the day your investments that you made in the new software the same somehow goes for change you know same same story um looking at an rfp hardly any change in it and change um is perceived somehow as a soft topic by by many people still which is which is just not true and we often hear like yeah we think about change and we do it internally but then when it gets serious you know it's often forgotten or um not done seriously because um the change has to accompany the whole project there's also in the meantime technology in place which is everything anything but soft and based on data analytics so you can make serious difference between the failure and the success of a project so we tick the boxes we start the project and we see that training is just a deliverable somewhere at the end of the implementation and training and enablement is just not open or done it's a process it has to as well accompany the affected users on their journey and i'm quite happy that that sebastian right now also picked that journey picture because it also applies here when we when we talk about successful software project rollouts and you don't get a happy user when you just do like a one shot two training somewhere at the near somewhere near the end of the of the project you're near go live it will does not do the job um which brings us to the next to the next point training will be done and planned by the project team members i ask you a question do you want to run your supply chain tool implementation many million big by a learning expert probably not because learning experts has hardly any clue about supply chain project project and the other way around it makes sense the other way around is to get specialists on board for enablement of your users of course use the project team members as subject matter experts engage them as well in the in the training um part is input factors but let do the specialist do their job because you might end up when you do it like as i said before with the one-size-fits-all approach i mean there i mean you know it best and there are different types of uses different roles different knowledge level etc so conduct interviews get to know your target group address them specifically and create we call them personas who you can define learning journeys for and this is the way you get users committed and engaged down the road and this is not going to happen like the last two weeks before go live so um i come to that later what also happens very often is training is considered just as as training so change the perspective so don't ask yourself what training do effective users need to be able to do the job and follow the guiding principle what knowledge do they have to know and how can we transport that knowledge to the users in other words conduct learning needs analysis and take the different roles and responsibilities and personas into consideration while building a learning journey very much individualized to your specific personas um one of my favorite only form delivery deliverable for delivery formats are in scope so only classroom virtual classroom because classroom is not so not so common at the moment during the current phase um e-learning's web-based learnings um so only that is in scope of your enablement strategy we often hear yeah then we do some training a trainer session and cascade it to the end users that's a typical approach and it's still valid here and there i have to admit but only as part of the mix use the key users used to champions the ambassadors call them as you want it is a crucial group of users and we saw better use of them if they are also engaged in social learning activities and community activities and take over responsibility for learning material on an ongoing basis because then you get the more committed and use them as promoters of your implementation and further and i'm not saying that because it's the username event please think about digital adoption platforms you know i'm 100 convinced it's not it's not as i said just just because it's a username event um it's such a huge game changer to really enable the users and to come back to the guiding principles um enable them um from right from the very start of the go live also a classic um yeah we do some user handbooks um we put all our knowledge that we that we gain during the project and put them in a huge handbook and store it somewhere on the sharepoint um i mean a physical physical handbook is outdated in the moment you're finished the effort of keeping such a handbook um up to date i mean it's it's enormous and additionally you have like five six different um version of handbooks distributed among your users and how can you assure that they all have the latest material and all the latest knowledge all the latest processes everything like that you cannot achieve that with a physical user handbook so please don't do that anymore and i wouldn't say it's a mistake but um something that have to be considered and that it's recently coming up strong i mean software and software implementation might change the work we are used to completely be it more automation less manual work new ways of cooperation new ways of collaboration new leadership styles i mean you name it look at microsoft 365 and teams i mean it can change the whole game you know it's not just like a new version of of skype or whatsoever you know i mean it's it can do so much so much more i mean we um we we face that recently or if you take another example where you roll out a crm software and your whole sales reps need to work in a completely different way i'm completely different to waste and they work before in the 10 20 50 50 or 15 years before you know and um please keep that in mind when you when you plan a software router it might affect um many other ways of working afterwards and what we also see quite often i mean project needs to have a specific start and end date otherwise it wouldn't be a project right um but you need to plan um especially the enablement even for the business as usual so for the for the um run phase as well um so i don't think that we can assume that all affected users have the knowledge they need right away after go live specifically when they are five day classroom or virtual classroom session is like six weeks ago and can we further assume that the software has reached its end state probably not um therefore plan the transition from project into business as usual as well into your into your um software implementation project take into consideration that there are many more scenarios um for instance onboarding of new employees that came only later on after you went live new releases and acquisition restructuring strategies whatsoever who takes care of that so please please keep that in mind as well and especially when we um when we look at um cloud software or cloud software implementations i mean there are new releases on a regular basis right um and maybe there's a lease management um good if there is one because then you maybe um can give the responsibilities for enablement for the new releases um in their responsibility make sure that the enabling target topic is also covered um because you cannot assume that um yeah the software has its end state and then um there is nothing going on in the future anymore so please keep that in mind as well because then it also saves you money because you don't have to reinvent the wheel again when you release this new features and whatsoever is um are coming to your software so how can it look like when it all comes together you know um i have quite a complex picture right here and you probably can't see every bit and pieces but here we have rebecca rebecca is a master data management expert and rebecca is our persona she has certain learning preferences certain learning triggers certain learning barriers you can see her here on the left hand side on the other side you have complex learning needs and those learning needs need to be transferred into different learning formats and what we did we sent rebecca on that journey towards a master data management business partner data expert besides formal and social learning activities there is also a strong dictator adoption platform pillar which is my opinion a crucial crucial part of of every of every rollout and that digital adoption platform pillar is also accompany rebecca throughout her whole journey and you can also see here that it's not like a one shot two training so in order to make sure that rebecca is really um fit for um for the new software and for the new process that come along it will take probably several months i have to admit it's it's quite a complex journey this is a journey based on a s4 sap as for hana implementation but i think it shows very well how the bits and pieces come together and how really holistic enablement um could look like on your way to happy user and again i think this is what we are all striving for so thanks a lot for your intention and i guess over back to you maggie thanks there we go and we're off of mute stefan that was fantastic thank you for really getting much more into the nuts and bolts here and some some interesting points about who you want on your dream team thank you um so i'm sure that we could hear a lot more from stefan thank you for your time we'll come back to you with more q a uh for all of our viewers who have more questions specifically around these topics please don't be shy write them in the chat we're happy to hear from you and we're going to keep it moving with our last but not least speaker for the day we have with us marcus mint an it specialist with linda engineering so how are you doing hi i'm wonderful in yourself thank you very much marcus is very energized for this session i'll work you guys in advance he was doing some some warm-ups before we got started so i'm excited on the edge of my seat marcus is going to share the secret sauce developed by linda engineering for maximizing the roi of global software rollout so marcus any final words before you get started no i'm everything is set up fine thank you very much beautiful all right all you marcus thank you all right hello and welcome to my presentation but let's slide right into it back in august 2019 a small amount of users were allowed on our new platform for the very first time at this point there were bugs everywhere eventually we solved most of them and could go on to onboard more that's where i came in my name is marcus mendt i might consult with linda engineering my expertise are the onboarding of users user lane and also i'm currently working as well in the business intelligence area my topic today is how to maximize the roi a global enterprise rollout let's slide let's have a look at the agenda i will introduce you to the supplier connect platform how zip process started and how we rolled it out the onboarding and change management part is going to be the main focus of the presentation at the end i will show you some numbers and where we go from here but let's go back to the presentation let me introduce you to the platform supplier connect this is a sap fiori based platform we build it completely from scratch basically it is one platform which connects all suppliers with lynda as a fact before we build it we used emails with templates different programs in different areas this platform enabled direct communication with lindy over one single point there are different business areas like logistics digital inspection reporting and expediting mainly i will focus on the expediting part in this presentation because it's most complex one but even before we onboarded users even before we created supplier connect there was a very important step as you all know by now the platform was built from scratch there were no applications whatsoever so we started with the design thinking process design thinking for all of you who don't know it yet is a non-linear iterative process that teams use to understand users challenge assumptions redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test it involves six phases understand observe point of view idiot prototype and test but why am i telling you this we invited some of our suppliers over to linde the suppliers were chosen so all material groups were covered by them so they were able to be part of this project because they will be the people who actually using this platform later on we talked about the daily work the daily tasks we visualized them by writing them down on yeah little cards and pin it on a board but now to this important part we ask them how they feel about the different tasks and we got quickly a very good feedback about the emotional standpoint of the different tasks with this basis we could quickly figure out where the pain points are lying as you can see on the screen it's not the direct process you have to go through a lot of improvement loops but it work but it was worth taking the time let's have a look at the roll out we wrote out supplier connect in three different phases the first one started in august 2019. as i mentioned in the beginning we started with seven suppliers these suppliers were the same who were invited to the design thinking process the platform was very buggy at this time but we improved the platform we took on bug by bug and came to the phase 2 in december 2019 the goal was to complete four ongoing projects with supplier connect in our case projects are construction sites and we were able to introduce a good feedback culture so we were able to improve the platform further and further to the onboarding part i will come in a second the third also the face we are currently in right now is that all new projects will be executed and completed only with supplier connect of course we can't let all supplies at once onto the platform but we are getting there let's have a look at the onboarding part now imagine you have completely digitalized platform with a lot of applications which are used by different people with different backgrounds they are working in different companies states countries and even time zones eventually they are even competitors how do you ensure an effective efficient and high quality onboarding let's have a look at the standard methods i think all of you knows the pdf and word document but let's be honest who wants to read 100 pages of manual for an application the screenshots are old new functions are not even mentioned and the disadvantages are huge it's very time consuming for the user the users are most of the time annoyed by searching for the functions and the biggest point you have a big lack of flexibility so let's move on to the phone call it's very nice to talk on the phone one to one but it's just not efficient and as my topic always says we want to have a good roi so let's don't waste any too much time video i think it is a modern way of 100 pages of pdf document but i think the disadvantages are the same with the pdf nobody wants to search for a function in a 15-minute video and what are you doing about new functions it's just not state-of-the-art anymore and there is a very efficient way to onboard huge amount of users it's a video caller webinar you can make a skype meeting or a teams meeting with 100 people but let's be honest how good is the onboarding quality really you have fast learners and they are bored after five minutes and then you have the slower ones who can't follow you at from the beginning so how do we solve our problem we introduced a digital adoption platform in our case user lane but let me tell you first a little bit about my working process i work very closely with the application owners and power user of lindy engineering's application because they know the process best i created a template where they show me step by step what they want and i regret the tool for them therefore we have on the one side the knowledge of the power users and my expertise in creating a user lane with a digital adoption platform you are able to choose where to put the tools in your application also you can restrict the access to the tour so only the right users at the right place see the tools we have two main structures of guides on the one hand we have the interactive training on the other hand the walkthrough the purpose of the interactive training is to explain the ui with all the functions you're able to use at this point of your application the key benefit is the user gets to know all functions and is able to work more efficient the work through is for complex processes and tasks often users are not good enough trained for a specific task we just guide him through with that kind of tour the user is able to complete his task without having to be afraid of doing something wrong by every step he gets a little explanation of what he is supposed to do it is a very efficient way to complete tasks by your own but that's not all let's have a look at the change management part a big part of change management is communication communication within the team who is preparing the change but also it's very important to communicate with the users because once they are annoyed by the things you want to introduce you will have it much harder to put it through and user lanes provides us exactly with those functions you can use it to let the users of the application know when a downtime is coming some error occurs on the page or if you just want to inform him that something new is coming or came already in my experience if the user knows what's happening and is getting warned that there is an issue the user will be less annoyed i think you all know our beloved friends the internet explorer that is the browser where you would be forced to write everything down per hand and send it via post and actually using it but nevertheless many companies still have this as standard browser as some applications still run only on the internet explorer i will show you how we solved this in a live session all right this didn't work too well so let's have a look at our internal launchpad as you can see the internet explorer takes his time as always and yeah while we are still waiting for it let's have a look at the google chrome as you can see we see here all the tours we want to provide for the user and yeah they already they are always there and on the other side on the internet explorer there you can see the pop-up window that the user should be using the google chrome browser because yeah it the bib manager application is not all functionally on the internet explorer so in my opinion this is a very smooth change as you don't force the user to use the google chrome but you just recommend it to him so but let's have a look at the numbers i promised you earlier so there are two parts for one there's the userline analytics where user lane is tracking how many users yeah had they had the chance to use user lane so we have about over 000 users right now on supplier connect and over one quarter of them used user lane at least once and all together they played over 12 000 user lanes i think these are quite good numbers especially as we don't have tours in every application yet on the right side you see the numbers of the case study we did this user lane together um and yeah in my opinion we got some good kpis where you can measure our success with our onboarding and change management strategy so you see the number of support requests decreased by 48 our onboarding time is up to two times faster and overall we have a decrease in training's cost by 60 and i think as i already mentioned these are very good kpis and very good numbers but let's have a look at the future there are a lot of areas we are able to improve to get more efficient and better learning experience and as a result a better roi and that's what we all want right i hope you enjoyed my presentation if you have any questions now is the time to ask thank you very much for your attention and let's go back to maggie thank you so much for making my job a little bit easier as marcus said please hit us with your questions we're very happy to hear all of them so at this point we get to welcome all of our speakers back to our little virtual stage and now it's time for our q a um so let's get started uh i've got one question here so guys this is not the first topic that's come up in these sessions but kovid in terms of how we're dealing with this recently if you're looking at your team when you handle a software rollout the team coming together is very important how do you see this changing and adapting in the current covid19 uh climate that we're in okay when i will start um i think it isn't that much of a problem here so i think we have teams we have skype we have um yeah clouds where we can put all our stuff together and work together in a communicative way so like in teams it's like you have a message board with every news and yeah it will won't be deleted so i think you have always all news at your hands so making sure everybody's kind of brought up to speed right yes exactly yeah great point sebastian stefan what do you have for us um i think the most important thing is to get the culture back also into a digital environment so what we did at hitachi is we we made a virtual fire sites where we're sitting together discussing we started digital yoga sessions uh we did we did hackathons with the trainings virtually moving uh making events so living the culture we usually are having in our offices where we're all coming together putting this virtually there and i think this is very important to get the people together and exchange and move forward and get a drive on how it is also to work more digitally and that was actually or still because tomorrow we're having the next hackathon it's awesome that's cool keep us updated we'll be watching your linkedin for updates oh yeah yeah i'm in the jewelry so i'm going to see what awesome stuff that people are doing again give us a little inspiration at home and stefan so probably since i'm the oldest guy here on the road i um still miss it a little bit actually like the the huge project rooms with everybody sitting in one room and i'm working together i mean i don't think that you can replace it with with any virtual tool because then you um you feel the projects going on you know i'm and this is this is not to be replaced by by any tool but um still i'm surprised how well it goes with exactly the tool markers in the button already mentioned you know and um i think you um you lose the fear um for these tools you know you just you just use them and it goes naturally faster than expected and you realize all of a sudden yeah it works this way as well so um just i mean the tip is just do it actually just just find your way through it build a build a whole culture around it as a sebastian said and um when we look at the tools i mean the teams this is brilliant actually and here we are at my point um right at the beginning so when you look at the software rollout so it software's not just change a little bit of the process it might change the whole way we are going to work in the future and though we are in the middle of it yeah scary at first but it's exciting to see what's coming out of this this strange time um okay thank you so much the questions are streaming in this is great participation from our audience um so tips and tools to improve communication on a large and diverse team we covered yoga we covered teams um what other brilliant hacks do you have for us okay i think it's very important that you that all the users are trained even the communication software when i hear a lot about teams okay it's very hard to understand and so on and yeah you just have to train the users that they lose the fear of these communication softwares please like with every software it's depending on what you actually need there are many out there and you need to identify what is the best fitting match for your team we are working internally with teams i like this in our projects we're having several several other solutions but also move on this what what um what our clients are expecting so it's really depending but you should offer something and not let there be a shadow i.t behind it because we all know how it is what's up in all of the other stuff you need to deliver something what the people are adoptable and want to use true and uh i think a very important point for a lot of companies is one central place of truth i talked to this person by the coffee machine it used to be six months ago or i sent this person a message after work one place where everyone's kind of up to date right exactly yes stefan are veterans in the field um i think veterans are more like the younger guys in virtual tools no just kidding um yeah i mean we're using teams a lot and it works very well but um it can also be overwhelming on the other side so um please have that in mind as well and what we are currently using is this mural a kind of cool cooperation too we just use it um internally this this morning where we um stick our notes um on some boards so that's also working very well and um i made the experience that also the ones that normally don't raise their voice in in meetings are also quite active by sticking their notes um when when you do it all virtually so it has also some some advantages so um that's also something that can be used and then the um apps that are shipped with teams are also brilliant that's a great point about giving other people a chance to speak up i think people like all four of us aren't shy but give the others a chance right okay um another good question let's see what is the maximum number of stakeholders to have for a rollout is having more rather than less stakeholders a good thing or does it complicate things i would say it depends you know yes diplomatic on the on the complexity and the size of the of the of the rollout project i mean when take take the s 4hana implementation i briefly showed on the learning journey for just one learning journey i mean we would pretty run into a problem if we only have like two or three people running that project otherwise for for smaller soft software for not so huge amount of affected user i mean two or three can be good so i'm struggling to really being concrete on that question yeah i should totally join this but the point is not don't ask yourself about numbers who how many do i need to to have ask yourself who is the right person to have as a stakeholder if you identify 10 people to be the perfect fit you need to have 10 people and if you then find okay we have 20 there but i actually only need five then go for five the question is really who is the relevant person to be on this council exactly um yeah and i would say you have to separate between active stakeholders and passive stakeholder stakeholders so the passive ones it's enough if you write an email and keep them updated but with the active one you have to talk you have to communicate and see okay are they liking what you are doing on this rollout i think that's a good point you guys bring up it's not about seats at the table being filled it's about who needs to be at that table right yeah great points guys thank you um so marcus this is a question specifically for you which tool are you using to track support requests so normally we use um chira for that i think most of the companies are using gyro for support requests but also um especially for supply connect if there's an email sometimes or there isn't a phone call um yeah we have to count it manually if we want to have some statistics there you too anything surprising nope okay why mess with the classic that's fair um okay what are the first steps to rolling out a new software before you even begin searching for a vendor from the sales side i want to know oh yeah me too no but i believe the first thing is identify where you are and define where you want to go if you have those two then that's the first step make it make a analysis and make then define your dream i called it previously best practice processes and then see what kind of foot gap you have that's a really good thing yep sit together taking all about taking all the relevant um information into consideration and talk to people see where you want to go what you are likely to achieve and then talk about um tools because um not the other way around buy a tool and then look what you can do with that that's not the ideal way i would say but it happens quite often i completely agree with you guys so there's nothing to add for me awesome okay but you're not off the hook yet marcus i got a few more questions with your name in them um so marcus how did you choose the clients to join your ideation sessions as i mentioned in my presentation we tried to cover the whole material group there so that we have for every material group a supplier okay that was the question perfect nailed it um marcus nice roi figures can you please explain how these great numbers like a 60 reduction on training costs have been calculated sure as i already explained um there are different suppliers they are competitors it's not that easy that you always get them in one room and have a meeting with them so you have to separate a little bit here and it is a real complex platform so it is not possible to make it with 100 people in a webinar and they know everything about it so it's just not possible and yeah so you have always to call one by one or one supplier with one um linda expediting expert and yes we reduce the time the linde and the linda expediting expert yeah it wasn't called with the supplier so with user lane we just give them that or gave them the tours they can learn by this by themselves and yes so less time for linda employees more time for themselves and so we decrease the numbers i'm glad to hear it on that note i've got a question that i'm going to throw out to you no judgment on the answer would you use user lane to train people on jira marcus the audience wants to know yes i would i actually would because i think i have the problem that we have different tasks about any tickets and how we make the transport and so on and if you are new you have to remember everything or write everything down and i think it would be quite easy if you just had here how to transport or how to adjust the ticket that the transport will be possible and i think that would be a great idea i see nods from the other two so i guess marcus's presentation was very convincing yeah you guys can ask felix yeah thank you marcus but you guys can ask felix later the alternative to me learning salesforce with user lane was asking him how it works so he's happy i use user lane now okay regarding sebastian's talk and best practices what are some of the companies doing a great job at training their users oh that is i don't want to name so many companies but let me first overall say i think those companies are doing a great job who first of all get the people the key users involved at the very early stage and then they are working together with a venture vendor who is not only an information implementation company but one who is also able to support the processes and they identify that the pitfalls change management and business transformation is their key from my own experience i can say i really like the job doc martens dr martin said i mean maybe some of you wear those shoes i have one i am really happy with this because they took the people with them this is great and then naturally i love how microsoft is doing this very early with many and yeah kind of gamification aspects there it's not that popular in germany i know but with younger people probably yeah so so like me yeah and they really liked it and so so this is this is a good thing the companies are doing the best if they are you if they include the people who are going to work with the software because they will show you how they need to be trained um okay thank you for that uh question for stefan then what measures would you recommend with your best practices to ensure that all stakeholders communicate transparently and seamlessly this is a good one i think um i mean right at the beginning um also sebastian talked about different kpis that will measure the um success of a project you know and um in order to um to have those kpis in in in mind and on track i mean it would be good to not look at them at the beginning so in the middle as well so to adjust here and there and i would say um if your success factors or your success on key performance indicators will go down here and there you need to adjust them specifically but that can be different from project to project because in one project i mean um communication whatsoever could be the key on the other project i mean the technical landscape is just not working you know um so it it also quite a broad broad span um that can be uh um that has reconsidered actually do you two have anything to add okay almost in perfect tandem well coordinated you guys um okay then last question i believe is from marcus here um marcus how did you prioritize which tours you set up with your digital adoption platform user lane because there's so many possibilities so how'd you come up with your concept all right and it's actually not my concept because as i told you in my presentation um the expediting part or department says hey they say hey we want this list on this user lane and i'm just creating it and because they have the knowledge about the process and applications i don't i'm just yeah the it guy who's creating them who's supporting them with user lane who is yeah and yeah so i think it's a very good work split here because they have the expertise and i have the yeah expertise in how to create a user lane and how to make it a good one so you take the person who has the tech knowledge and you pair it with somebody who knows the product in and out and you kind of work together in tandem right exactly okay i like that answer i know we're hitting time and i'm a german expat but i try to be punctual too so last thing just to wrap this up what little pearl of wisdom would all of you leave us with as we transition to the next uh session take a sec think about it communication i think it's one of the most important things that you communicate with your team with the users with everybody so it makes the life much easier i i would recommend to read the book the gorino show so the book of the five elements or the rings from from miyamoto musashi because it's giving you an idea on how to master nearly everything and see from different angles which is an awesome thing and it's very thin really thin you're hitting all the points i love it um okay and then can you just do me a favor sebastian i wish i remembered how to write that but can you maybe post that in the chat oh yeah oh yeah but but alexandra because i'd like to read that i've got a vacation coming up so um and stefan i think if you if you achieve that everybody is sitting in one boat that there is no finger pointing that everybody stands for each other um if you achieve or create that atmosphere of trust i think then you will be able to master successfully every situation you come across in a project in whatever area it might be and um i was in a huge approach a few years ago and i think we have that made um and even years after that project um project team members um which came came away said look this project that we did many years ago was the best project i was ever in because there we achieved exactly that atmosphere of trust and and togetherness and that was um that was building if you can achieve in every project then i think we would have much more successful projects wow that's great when you've got one project that really stands out as the best as opposed to the software rollout incident of 2014. that reminds me later on we've got some really great sessions we have our two breakout rooms coming up now but one other thing to keep in mind uh the happy hour for all those who choose to join i will be moderating we're going to talk about our biggest failures it could be software rollout related but it is a happy hour so i guess we can get into the deep stuff too if we don't have too many software mess-ups um okay so that about wraps up our first session here at this point then i just want to thank you all for all of your contributions um i want to tell you thank you guys and i want to invite all of our attendees to join our next breakout sessions so you can choose between the english and the german language rooms we have two different moderators felix and tomas also from the user line team and please just join from the agenda or follow the links that are now appearing in the event chat again these are not recorded so participate if you want to make the most of them and thanks again to our speakers
Channel: Userlane
Views: 1,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital adoption, software, software rollout, digital transformation
Id: SxIKkWXoOxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 5sec (3965 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.