how to make simple inverter 3000W , sine wave ,mosfet
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Channel: inventor KR
Views: 1,683,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventor KR, diy, diy projects, motor, how to make, inventor, inventions, electricity, alibaba, america, how to, electric, science project, project, battery, energy, experiment, us, transformer, pcb, make, physics, life hacks, science, camping, led, dc motor, building, engineering, transistor, dc, creative, 220V, power electronics, electrical engineering, free energy, dynamo, mosfet, ac, semiconductor, inventor kr, 12v, inverter, diy ideas, diy crafts, Discharge, Charge, Amp, Batteries, 200 Amp, Load, BMS Batteries
Id: wy7mJR8FtFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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