How to make Siberian Mammoth Tooth Ring (In-Depth DIY Tutorial)

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hey what's up guys welcome to this month's Patrick ader supplies subscription Box video today we are going to be making the Siberian Mammoth tooth and uh we're right in the middle of winter I thought this would be the perfect time to do this a kind of a frosty themed ring we' got spring around the corner uh we're going to have things thaw out so we've got genuine Siberian Mammoth tooth here it's crushed up we've got it put out in this little jar here and then this is glow powder it's just pure white and it glows white so a really unique glow powder that's just a really Pure Color that it gives off so I think it matches perfectly with the Siberian just kind of winter Frosty theme that we've got going on here and then as far as the blank for it goes we're going to be using tungsten carbide for this this is I think out of all ring blank materials probably My overall favorite it's just such a solid uh material it's got a really good weight to it so it feels like your ring when you're done is a really good quality very durable and then it's literally almost impossible to scratch tungsten it's that hard so fantastic material combination we're keeping it simple uh it should be a really clean looking ring and then in the dark because we're not adding any pigment to it it'll be really bright as far as the glow goes so really fun ring I'm joined here with Dave who's going to help out with the whole process um we've got some of our safety equipment very important Dave's going to be wearing the face shield that keeps any debris from flying at you of course you want a dust mask you don't want to have ground up chemicals or anything like that that vapers creams like that you do not want those getting into your respiratory system so always make sure to wear that and then just some general super glue super glue accelerator and then of course we have our ring mandrel set here we've got our small medium large this is the ultimate set that we have available on the website and these will work really nicely as far as uh working with this with tungsten there's not a lot you have to do uh when you do black ceramic for example you have to coat the mantol and Electric tape for Tungsten just go ahead and put it straight on and it looks like this one fits on the third run of the medium mandrel just perfectly we could go back and it might not quite so we literally this will work perfectly on the middle mandrel so we've got that ready to go I'll set these aside so other than that we're ready to pull the lathe out and get started so let's get into it all right I've got my ring Blade Set up on the Mandel here nice and tight I've got this is a very simple ring we're going to do today we just have our inlay and a uncolored glow powder the idea behind this ring is that uh it has a lot of inlay in it so we're going to go ahead and get um I'd say 16 pieces of this Mammoth tooth you'll notice that uh some of it is uh much darker than the rest of it I like to incorporate both colors as much as possible all right I've got all my material selected in together and now I'm ready to start inlaying this ring all right for this ring how are you going to uh place the material I know last month we were just kind of random we were just trying to pack in as much as we could um for this one we're probably going to be using a little bit less it looks like based on your pile yeah we're going to be using a fair amount just enough to get this rain um packed but like we also want to achieve that clean look um I'm going to go for a nice natural look to go along with that mimic tooth almost like it's frozen in the glow powder okay I like it yeah and of course a lot of this is up to your own discretion you can use your artistic judgment to to uh pick however much you want to inlay into there what the spacing you want to use is which colors of the material you want to use anything like that always up to you guys but this as as far as Rings goes it looks like we're just going to do it fairly um just kind of like our bread and butter we we like to get it nice organic spacing nothing that's too even we don't want there to be a recognizable pattern we want to have a good variance of color all of that we just want to make it look as natural as possible and so you can see the way Dave's inlaying these it there's there's a little bit of strategy to it and it depends on a lot of the time the size of the particles and so these Mammoth tooth chunks they're uh fairly large and so we're just going ahead and he's just inlaying them directly onto the ring um sometimes if you've got smaller pieces you can save material by doing a layer or two of really really thin glow powder layers that way it kind of builds it up a little bit then you can uh add the smaller pieces and they'll still show up once you grinded it all down and then yeah you just set the piece in place with the super glue and then you pour a little bit of powder over the top of it and that just uh sets it all in place make sure it's not going to slide around or anything like that all right I've done all the pieces that I would like to put in this ring in there I'm going to go ahead and spray some accelerator on here and then finish inlaying it all right so we do Mammoth R it's a little different than and the rest of our rings for these we want to leave a little bit of clear space instead of fill filling the whole ring with low powder so I'm going to go ahead and put a nice layer of super glue over the entire ring and then we will just sprinkle in some glow pwder to give it a nice uh I don't know snowy or textured look and I think this is one of the most important techniques to learn from this video this ring is fairly straightforward fairly simple I'd say this is probably the most complex or unique thing to it and it's a subtle look that it gives it but it does make it look uh I think significantly better especially for these material combinations and so we'll show it off really close up at the end of the video and we'll point out exactly what we're talking about but just giving it some clear space in there that just gives it so much more room for depth where you've got an otherwise not super colorful ring or anything like that so just gives it a little bit more interest all right before I get started sanding this ring I would like to go over a few things first uh MIM tooth is a soft material so when you're sanding you don't have to be too rough with it uh second of all um the Sandpaper can stain the color of the ring so I will show you later during the hand sanding process how to uh fix that problem but just something to be aware of another afterthought would be that mimo to Smells awful when you sand it so just a fair [Music] [Applause] warning all right I'm going to replace that bit you go through these fairly quickly when you're grinding it down at this stage just cuz you're putting a lot of pressure on certain points also one thing to note is you could see just kind of how careful I was being while doing this you don't want to uh overheat any of the spots on the ring that can cause certain things to melt and make the ring less durable and uh it really gunks up your Dremel pretty quickly so you just want to do kind of light Taps and just slowly work all the materials down till you get them flush with the height of the Ring itself and uh you should have the most success doing that technique I'd say all right so I've gone in by hand and I've gotten rid of any of the raised areas specifically where the Mammoth tooth would be and uh I'm just going to do a final check on it so I'll just turn the lathe on at a kind of a medium speed and then just give it a general go over with the uh sandpaper on the Dremel but I'm not going to be too hard on it I don't want to put any scratches in the tungsten because they're very hard to get [Music] out okay that should be good and I'll just give it a quick look uh by eye to make sure I don't see any raised areas you want to take care and make sure you do this now because if you notice the mistake later you just have to start over and then you just wasted time sanding after this so uh you want to do it when it's at the roughest stage you want to make sure it's ready to go then you can worry about getting it polished and shined up and I just noticed this uh spot right here it's a little bit higher than I'd like so I'm going to tap that down uh inspect the whole thing again then hopefully we'll be ready to move on to uh the next stand standing steps all right that looks really good so now what I'm going to do uh I noticed there's a couple of little holes in the ring that was due to Bubbles uh when we added the glue so I'm going to go patch those real quick so this is simple enough you just want to make sure you get the glue down in the hole the best you can so you just find the spot I like to take the glue and put it directly over top of it then try to just literally force it down in that looked like it worked really well then I'll immediately just cure it I want to have just enough glue on there to fill the hole not a lot extra cuz that's just a lot of extra work to have to remove anything excess so fill it in looks perfect hit it with some accelerator should be good to go and I'll give it a final inspection once it's dried off here yeah that looks like it's filled in um I'll go ahead and sand it flush real quick by hand okay yeah that was really easy it was just barely sticking up and then now we'll be able to move onto the hand sanding steps and it will blend in perfectly Perfect all right so now um before we move on to the hand sanding I'm going to go and I'm I'm taking this razor blade here and uh this works especially well on Tung in because the steel in the razor won't scratch it so if you're using something like titanium where it can get scratched you might not want to do this you might want to be a little bit more careful but there's some uh little spots of super glue on this edge here and I can just chip those off it just comes right right off so any excess super glue really easy to get rid of and this honestly this is something there if you don't get it this step you can wait till the end of the ring and just knock it off there because the tungsten holds a perfect polish throughout the entire time so any super glue on the tungsten can always be dealt with and you usually don't have to go back so not a major issue at all especially on tungsten rings okay looks like I got a last little piece there it came off nicely should be easy to go something I sometimes like to do is I just take the razor blade hold it flat against the ring like so and then just make sure everything's off there and you can really easily feel any bumps or imperfections with this so that's just kind of a good check I'll hold it against the bevel there's no bumps so there's not going to be any patches of superg glue stuck on there so that's just a really easy way to check and if there's any pieces of the Mammoth tooth sticking out a lot they would hit against the blade and uh it'd be really apparent so that's something you don't you definitely don't have to do that but it's a trick I like to do every once in a while um okay so now as far as sanding goes the inlay itself uh the point where we're at right now we've got a couple of issues all right so at this point it might be a little bit tricky to show on camera but you can see there's some deep scratch grooves left in the ring so we're definitely going to need to get rid of that and then also I think this is a good point if you can see right here some of that discoloration it's a little bit of a brown color that's where when you've got the Dremel wheel spinning here you have some of the Mammoth tooth break off in it and it could even be the brown color from the Dremel itself it can come from a lot of different things but you kind of grind it into the inlay itself and so we need to get rid of that it's just kind of a surface level imp Perfection and so the way to do that the way to clean that up is you just want to get your water spray bottle here and you just do a a really thorough wet sanding so you want to keep it really wet keep it really clean and just get any of that dirt imp impurities or just anything else that's stuck or grinded into it you just want to get all of that out so uh that's what I'm going to focus on with this step I'm going to start with a 220 grit sandpaper and just do a really good thorough wet sand so I've got my sandpaper here uh it's not apparent yet but this is a lot bigger than the other pieces of sandpaper I'll be using and uh that's just because I'm going to be spending a lot more time on this step doing a lot more thorough job so I'll get it spinning get it a little bit wet and just really gently start sanding that you want to keep it really wet during this stage cuz you're just trying to get rid of all of that uh just Gunk that's stuck in there I'm going to uh slowly start turning the speed of the lathe up until I can really start sanding away some of that material all right so I just want to check on it I've about halfway through my sandpaper I want to make sure things are going well and uh right here I definitely am not getting rid of this yet so I'm probably going to have to uh cut off a bigger piece and continue going till I can get rid of that um that's why it's good to check just uh make sure what you're doing work is working cuz right now it's not so I just know I got to do a more thorough job and then just as far as anything else goes uh maybe a more of an advanced technique you want to just reverse the direction of your lathe every once in a while so now it's going forwards now I've got it in reverse so just switch it up and the reason for that is because if there's any bumps in the ring it's going as it spins it's going to bump your finger therefore the Sandpaper it's going to bump it up a little bit and then it's not going to sand the space right behind it so you bump up it rotates and you come back down and sometimes it kind of shields the uh material behind it and you can't get to it so um if you ever see any issues that you think might be because of that um that would be a really good tip for uh solving that issue is just make sure you uh reverse the direction of your lathe every once in a [Music] [Music] while all right I'm seeing a really big Improvement as far as the uh Purity and the color on this I still think I want to do a little bit more I've done a ton of sandpaper um but it really is worth it to take your time at this step it makes a really big difference and if you're wondering why I'm not going to use a rougher grit sandpaper I could but I do like to be as gentle as I can on the Rings I don't want to cause any scratches on the tungsten for example and so I just like to when I whenever I can leave it at 220 grit in this circumstance maybe I should have dropped a little bit lower maybe used 150 grit um but this will do it's just going to take a little bit of extra time and overall we're going to be left with a better looking ring so um I like to go as gentle as I can but you can do it however you want obviously so I'll do a little bit more of the 220 grit but we are almost ready to go and then from then on out I'm going to switch over to my booklet of sandpaper and that's where I'll switch and go uh up through all the Grits there's about 200 to 500 uh range between each grit so I usually go from 200 to a 320 or 400 and then from there up to a 600 or 800 up to 1,000 and just SE on I usually go up to about 2,000 before I switch over to the polishing but for this ring there's uh some special tips I have for that I'll get to that in a second but for now um it's just a standard sanding procedure and I've said it in uh past videos but uh in between sanding grits it's a really good idea to take your uh water bottle and spray off the ring uh you don't want to uh contaminate it with any of the previous grits so for example right now I'm using uh I think a 600 grit uh you can't see cuz it's on this but I know I'm about 600 grit into the booklet um and so I don't don't want to have any of the 600 grit particles stuck on the ring when I switch over to 800 that'll mess it up and so I just take this rinse it off and then that way you don't contaminate it in between [Music] steps [Music] all right this is looking really good I've got it up to a 2,000 grit you can see it's got a really nice pure almost white color and then the rest of it looking really good so it's really smooth right now but not really glossy that's what we need to polish with and that's one of the a really main lesson that we want to talk about for this video and when we're doing an uncolored ring when you take it to the polishing wheel there's a lot of room for mistakes that can happen there and so the way the Polish Wheel Works is you have your polish it's just a fine grit of compound here I'll grab a bar right here so basically the material of this comes off onto the the wheel of the polisher so you've got a lot of this just Gunk on there and this is what polishes it it's uh depending on the size of the particles in your brick here is depending on how fine the Polish is and so this is a rough polish it's probably got um some pretty large abrasive particles within this it's kind of like a clay and what will happen is when you're polishing it this uh the Polish will come off onto the ring and any little cracks or uh imperfections in the ring will collect it like crazy and it'll cause your ring to get all sorts of dark spots all over it and I don't really like the look that it gives you and I'd show you guys an example but I don't really want to ruin the ring and so you guys can experiment with it on your own if you're careful enough and if you've uh made the ring uh I guess kind of like airtight so there's not really any Pockets or micro voids in it you can do a decent job with it but I do really prefer the look without it and so what I'm going to do is I've got here and what I've got here this is literally uh designed for nails so so it's just a file block and these just work wonderfully they're cheap inexpensive they work well they last a good little while and they do a really good job you there's also a material called micr mesh that you can get that's essentially the same thing with a a lot more steps but essentially this is just sandpaper but it goes up to a very very very smooth finish to the point where this doesn't even feel rough at all and it'll uh shine it up really nicely just like you would for a nail so that's what I'm going to do for this video once I'm done I'm going to show it off to you guys and show you some of the pros and cons and just my thoughts on uh using this method in general and then the steps for it uh very much similar to sanding uh you want these to last a while so just be careful with it uh you want it to be uh as durable as possible so just go easy on it I always like to get it wet that's going to make it last longer of course oh and I go in the wrong direction that should be enough I'll move on to the second step and just repeat until I've uh [Music] all right that worked perfectly yeah if you do all the steps properly if you take your time um you're really going to get better results and I'll try to show it off on camera as best I can um but you'll see if you rush through a ring if you don't take your time the time required to get a good finish on every single one of the steps it really does show in the final product so I'll show it off to you guys now and just give you some of my thoughts on it in general all right here it is finished if I can get it to focus there we go you can see we've got a shiny glossy finish on it and we never touched it to the polishing wheel if we could bring a slight amount of higher polish out of it but we'd have that trade-off where we'd get it dirty with the uh Gunk from the polishing wheel so I think this is kind of that perfect medium I think it looks really nice it is definitely glossy and shiny but we kept it really nice and clean so this is a beautiful ring you can see just all of the variation that the Mammoth tooth has we got this dark brown almost like a cola color is what it reminds me of brown almost black then here really it really does just look like black maybe a really dark brown and then elsewhere we've got some of these off-white pieces you can see them throughout so just a really nice really natural look and the ring if it'll fit the ring has a really nice look and right now I've got a lot of dark background so the tungsten itself looks pretty dark but you can see because it's so shiny it takes a lot of the color from its environment so it looks blue right now because of my uh blue gloves so um it looks a little bit dark in these videos in this video particularly but it is fairly a little bit lighter just in general so there it is you can see is that just yeah that's just water see we got a really nice surface finish I'll go around I'll look for just any imperfections that I could point out and tell to you guys um there's a little bit of you can always see a little just tiny bit of scratching on the tungsten you can see right here especially that's left by the rough Dremel so anything you can do to be gentle while you're dremeling is always good and you can of course always use some Diamond paste to help get rid of any of those scratches but it's uh minor enough that I still think it looks really good this is a macro lens so Larger than Life look and it still looks nice in my opinion and other than that I did a very thorough job on that first sanding and it really pays off you can't really see any deep scratches I'm looking for them it looks pretty good we got the pieces all sanded down flush so there's nothing sticking out there's not any uh weird bumps on it or anything then no scratches so that's exactly what you want to do just do a thorough job if you're worried that you might have any scratches if you want wondering if you should do more sanding or less just error on the side of more sanding nothing wrong with that so yeah that's the ring guys B of course have some shots of it glowing as well as just some uh better more professional looking pictures but other than that that's going to be the video for this month if you have any questions at all we try to be as helpful as we can but of course there's still going to be some more so you can always reach out to our support email or just leave comments on this video if you're watching on YouTube um and just any other way of getting a whole of us we'd be more than happy to uh give you any advice any tips anything you need so let us know but other than that thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you in next month's video
Channel: Patrick Adair Supplies
Views: 5,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mammoth, mammoth ring, diy mammoth tooth ring, how to make a mammoth tooth ring, mammoth tooth glow ring, tungsten glow ring, tungsten wedding ring, patrick adair designs, patrick adair supplies, making a ring, diy ring, ring tutorial, diy glow ring, diy wedding ring, diy gold ring, evergreen ring, evergreen ring tutorial, meteorite, emerald, opal, engagement ring, male engagement ring, make a ring, custom ring, jewelry, jewellry, wedding band, design, project, diy project
Id: 1TvocREXTd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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