How To Make Realistic Wet Concrete Textures In Blender

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okay what's up so I'm going to show you how to make these reflective floor or like wet concrete textures I'll just put some images up as usual of what we're going to be doing so here are some examples of what this looks like I love using these textures because you can kind of just put anything like on top of it and just to have any lights and it pretty much always looks cool so it's a lot of fun doing these textures I use them in all of the Sci-Fi scenes that I do it's either one of the two methods that I'll show you is always what I use so let's get into this so the first method I'll show you is the it takes like two seconds but it's there's some limitations but it does work in some cases so I definitely use this all the time so let me show you this the first method is take a plane so we have a plane here no texture and I just have a light here just to show the reflections so what I'll do is just create a new texture um go on to go to this section the regular photo section just take any one of these I think I I'm going to use this one here so I already have that in a folder so I'll just take that that one I just found there it's free you can use it in anything and just run that into the roughness and so now let me just reset the UV map I'm just going to make it darker so you can see the reflections more clearly and right away with one image and nothing else and we're already sort of getting the look we want not quite it kind of looks bad but now I'll just take a color ramp and drop that in here and let's just crank this up a little bit just to make it a bit more intense with the contrast and then I think I need to scale this up because you can see in the foreground this texture is not very high resolution so we have to scale it up in order to get rid of all this blurry garbage over here so just scale that up in the UE on the UV map and now we have more resolution but the problem is we can tell that this texture is repeating uh especially if I start sealing this up a lot you can see very clearly that this texture is repeating over and over again so you kind of just have to find a balance between having enough resolution but not scaling it up so high that you get uh really blurry parts of this map some ways to deal with that are just keep the camera low to the ground and if you do that sometimes you can't really tell that it's repeating too much the other thing you can do is just kind of put objects in front of the camera and cover up certain areas of the floor and that way um if you just use enough objects to break up the pattern you won't really be able to tell that it's repeating over and over again so it depends on the angle you choose but this can definitely work in a lot of cases and it depends on how high resolution you find an image on here this is definitely uh a solid method sometimes not for all cases but sometimes okay so here's the second method that's it takes a bit more time but it gives a lot more realistic results and it doesn't have that problem of limited resolution let me show you this so this is just a regular asphalt texture from ambient CG so I think it's this one right here just some random free Texture usually I'll use qixel Mega scans and use a paid texture but it works just as well with these so I just downloaded the 4K jpeg version for this and I just put it onto this plane it's just the base color roughness map and normal map I haven't done anything else it's just the regular default texture what I'll do is I'll just take the roughness map out I'm actually not going to use this and I'll take the roughness all the way down to zero so now our roughness is at zero but it still looks kind of rough because we're getting bumps from the normal map so what I want to do is have some areas completely clear like this which looks like water like a puddle and have some areas that are with the normal map turned onto like all the way on so the easiest way to do that is just take a different texture so I just found this other random metal texture downloaded that and I took the roughness map from that texture any kind of map that has variation in the like darks and lights so anything that has there's patches of dark areas and patches of brighter areas will work so a noise texture will work if you just add noise texture drop that in use a color ramp anything that has a somewhat of a similar look to this will work so anyways all you do you take that run it into the normal map strength input and then just take a color ramp and just dial in exactly what you want so just put that in let's just crank that up and so you can sort of see what's happening here now we're getting some areas that are completely flat reflective and some areas that are with the normal map turned onto all the way up now what I'll do is I'll just scale this up on the UV map but what we can do is actually just take this that random roughness map that I got let me delete the old one this is the new one just take that random roughness map that's actually driving the normal strength and Ctrl T which as long as you have the node Wrangler add-on enabled which you probably do control T brings up this and let's just take the scale down to like 0.5 or even like 0.35 depends how much you scale up the UV map and so now we can actually get as much resolution as we need in the normal map but scaled down the map that's driving the strength so that way it breaks up the pattern and you can't tell that it's actually a repeating texture and this pattern will change depending on what kind of map you use so let me try this with a noise texture and let's just see what that looks like so if I take this out and let's just take a noise texture and run it in there let's just search for noise run this into this I want the roughness up and the detail up too and I want to scale down I think yeah something like that and then just crank this way up yeah there we go pretty much same thing so it works with that totally fine let's add some volumetrics in here so just principle of volume in the world settings here are the settings that I'm using okay I think that's everything I wanted to show you yeah thank you for watching subscribe follow me on Instagram and I'll see you around peace
Channel: Max Hay
Views: 98,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dEybjA6G5Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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