How to make progressive blur in Figma

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hey in this video we're going to focus on Progressive blur and how to make it in figma using generator we will be recreating this thing that you see right here this can be found in the generator plugin in The Help menu in tutorial examples under Loops this is the loop noise uh example and then here right above it you have the progressive blur example which shows you a more basic version of that same thing and so this is what we'll start with and then we'll get on to the more advanced one in fact this is not hard at all so we will start traditionally with an ellipse let's give it a color let's go with white let's make it uh centered around the coordinates and I'll make them small something like I'll give them a radius of five and five something like that then I'm going to plug this into the style and so I have my first ellipse then as is tradition I will move rotate and repeat I will move the rotate all the way over here to already keep the graph clean uh the move will be here and then the repeat goes down to rotate I need to use a range from 0 to 360 uh from start then I plug this in enter the angle and then I close the loop uh I disable move space and so now when I move this anywhere I get a nice pattern of circles if I want more I just increase the count let's say I want 50 while let me then move them like this and say that I want 100 there we go that's tolerable now there's a few things we're going to do here first of all the whole Progressive blur thing it's just the same as Progressive anything so let me give you an example right now the radius of these circles is five what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a sequence uh start with five and increase by one every time so now when I plug this into the width what happens is that every next Circle that gets created has a larger radius so now we can do the same exact thing with layer blur so let's see we'll we'll bring this back to the original size what we need to do is we need to go over here and in effects create a layer blur combine it with the color by holding control when you press enter or when you create created in the menu so right now you see that they've all become a little bit blurred because the default value is four but if I now take a sequence starting at zero and adding one every time and plug that in here what happens is that now you get your Progressive blur now it's important to note that it's not real Progressive blur it's not like you're applying some kind of an effect over the existing content so it's fake to a degree but if your uh situation is broken up into a repeating pattern of some kind or there's like an object like a circle in this case which just repeats then it's really really easy to fake but it's not real right so it's just important to keep that in mind and so instead of a sequence what I would like to do in this case is to use a wave to get to the same result as in the example so I'm going to plug that into here that's a sine wave that's fine uh in the case of a wave I need to explicitly Loop it with this this is taken so I select both of them I combine them by holding control and then I plug both of them in here through the combine there you go now because you have to visualize the sine wave what what's happening right now is that half of it is above zero half of it is below zero so what we need to do is there's a bias parameter which in our case needs to bring it all above zero so that it's from 0 to one and not from minus one to 1 so as we increase the bias you will see that less and less of the Ring becomes sharp this takes a while so I have to pause here's 70 and so here's 100 and this is exactly the effect that I had achieved in the tutorial file the only thing is this is upside down from that so we set the offset to 50 and that just offsets where the wave is so there you go there's the progressive blur just so that we have it in a frame let's do that already while the graph is not too complicated so I'm going to add a frame I will give it a default black color but I'm not going to set it as yet I will set the position position to Absolute and then for now there's no direct manipulation but there will be in the future and hopefully pretty soon but for now I need to do it like this so I'm just going to set the frame like so then I will make it wider and the reason I'm not adding the color is because I want to see both of them uh and I don't want to care which one is selected first when I activate them so I'm just going to do this then I will plug this repeat into the objects I will plug the color into the style and I will double click the frame so that that's all I see and there you go that's my result and this is something I can already export work with Etc so now we can start playing with this for example let's increase the frequency two 3 four and so on let's do like 20 see what that gives us now this is uh already some kind of an effect thing let's do like 12 there you go I I published something like this on Twitter recently so I mean there there's like very easily you get quite a few effects already but let me bring this back to [Music] one because the next thing I would like to explain is how to do uh cyclical noise so looped noise so you can use this noise node right here and that'll give you really good noise and you can change the scale of the noise and so on whoops I accidentally double clicked the background let me bring the frame back into Focus so you can change the the scale of the noise but the noise starts and ends at a place where you can't really predict it you know that's why it's noise so how do you make a looped noise so for example I would like to have uh in this case the the blur sort of be noisy around the circle but always feed back into itself gradually so there's no break all right so the way you do that is by making the noise manually and here's how that works we take a random and let's say that we're going to go from zero to like what's the maximum noise we want let's say 100 so the default values are fine now I'm going to get some number of these values so I'll say repeat let's say I have five five random values now let me say list to see what's in there and now what I would like to do to make this list cyclical because this will be the list of values for my parameter is I need to just take the first value and add it to the end so uh I will take this repeat I will select from list uh where's my select from list right here I'll just plug it in like so and because I want the first value I'll leave it at zero I will combine the two because now I want the output of the repeat plus the first value and so now if I plug this into the list uh you see that it's different why is it different because of how the repeat works when I select something this gets pulled again so what I need to do instead of the select here is let me delete this combine and let me just put a cache so what the cache does is it stops s anything to the left of it from giving new values but as you can see there are the three dots here which means that you can plug this into a repeat and have the repeat at the end of a loop Force the cache to reset and to give the next set of values so we'll see how this works uh now that we have the cache I will from this cache take a uh select from list and I'll take the Zero from here and then I'll take the the cache and the select and I will combine this now when we look at the insides we see that it's 36 something something 36 right and that's because of this cache I still haven't made a dedicated tutorial about loops and caches and all of this uh but there's a little bit in the generator Basics tutorial so now that I have my list of points I want to apply it to this uh Circle I have recently improved the way the number interpolate note works and the way that works is you can either plug in any number of values and then just interpolate between them or you can plug in a list directly and so in this case I'm going to take all of these points that I have in the combine and now just so that you see what's going on if I plug in the output you see that if it's a zero I start at 36 because that was the first number and then as I progress through all these numbers it interpolates through them and then I come back to 36 when I finish uh the only thing is I want to make this not linear but cosine because that will just mean that the slopes always match at the joins so now that I have this CPL plate I got to gradually go from 0 to 100 around the circle where do I take the layer blur I take it from my wave so in this case I need to get rid of the wave I will set this to zero uh and I will bring this over here [Music] and this interpolate will actually feed the radius like so all right but I need to move the percentage of this interpolate with a range because we're going around a circle so I'm going to it's going to go from 0 to 100 because it's percent I will say start I will plug this into here into the percent and then because it's a range it needs to go into this combin [Music] so now you can see that it's noisy it's more noisy here than here but you can also I think see that it's looped but let's just check what if I increase the number of points yeah it still looks looped the only thing is it's very blurred so what I'm going to do is the random has a bias parameter where I can take and just say I want more smaller values or I want more larger values so in this case I'm going to go all the way to minus1 100 to get more smaller values and this way we can see some sections of the Ring where there's now a lot of sharpness and now we can play with the seed so we can just randomize it and see what happens okay so as you can see this is now noisy and we can really get a sense of that by adding like 50 points so there you go it's all noisy but it always joins up really nicely because we have that set of numbers that we created and then they join into each other with a cosine when they get interpolated so there's the noise uh one more thing I would like to show let me turn this off for a second and bring back my wave so let me move this down and plug this into here directly the fact that this is plugged in doesn't matter uh but I get my wave all right and then I need to bring this back to the weight was 50% and uh what was that bias 100 as you can see there are gaps between the circles because actually there's an equal gap between all the circles the gaps are even everywhere but these circles are all blurred so perhaps it would make more sense to have fewer circles here on the bottom where it's more blurred and then more circles here in the top so that they be more densely packed and the way we do that is that see this range right here that drives the rotation of the circles what we can do is we can add a bias node and what the bias node does we can do that like so just replug it in to the angle and also we need to copy the start to the mint and the end to the Max and so now this bias node will let you sort of massage the output by either forcing it to be biased more to one side to the other side or stretching it more towards the outsides or squashing it more towards the inside so that's bias and spread now what I want to do in this case is I want to actually I'm not even sure how this is going to work because we're doing a range so let me just play around and see okay so it's not going to be bias CU that's only in One Direction so I'll leave this so let's try spread and see what that does all right so this is exactly what we need now here you have a lot more circles and here you have a lot fewer circles because it's turned from how I would like it to be what I'm going to have to do is kind of rotate the whole thing so first of all right after the repeat I'm going to add a rotate and then if I set 90 here it'll put this on top how I want it so now I'm not getting as many points down here because I'm not going to see them anyway they're blurred and then I'm getting a lot more here so then it's a more consistent ring now the only thing I need to fix is that this wave has been rotated from what I what I have so if I reenable it it's going to be over here and what I need to do is I need to set it to something like 75% no 25% there we go so this is exactly what and then maybe the B a little back yeah so this is what I now have all of this stuff so first of all it's darker because there are fewer circles there but also if you do actually want uh some kind of progressive blur and then you do want a more solid ring in this case on top then you can do that and if we decrease the amplitude then it becomes a little bit more understandable and visible but there you go this way you can control so we have the same amount of circles is doing the same and Generator and figma are doing the same amount of work but you have a much smoother curve up here and then you can increase that more if you need to so but for now I'm going to get rid of this I'm going to get rid of the bias because I don't need it I'm just going to reconnect this directly all right and I can replug in my interpolated noise into to the layer blur uh let me reduce the number of points something like 10 there we go to make it more like the other example though what I would need to do is to scale this ellipse a little bit uh I think I need to change its height no I need to change its width there you go so this is starting to look like an eyeball uh but I would like to apply a cyclical noise to the radius or sort of the height of each stick but also to the thickness of each stick so to do that what I need to do is copy this twice so this is going to be once for the height of the stick and this is going to be another time for the width of the stick so because I know I need to do this I'm just going to plug these ranges into the combine right now wait what am I doing the [Music] range all right and then I need to see so right now the radius the width is 69 and I want it to go go from let's say 0 to 69 we'll just be cheesy about it so I will remove this bias here I will say 0 to 69 all right and I will run this into the width so now I have some variation of the heights but I'm guaranteed that they're cyclical and then I do the same thing here I have five so I'm going to run them from let's say 0 to five why not set the bias to zero [Music] and plug this interpolate into the [Music] height all right uh so I can now contr a to select everything and shift R to randomize everything so now we're getting some interesting variation in all of these parameters for one color and they're all cyclical and you can be sure of that if you don't want these gaps you can just go over here to both of them and say that the width is going to be minimum 10 and the height is going to be minimum let's say two and then so here you see that it never goes to thin and in this case it should also never go too thin yeah there you go but actually I did like it with zero because that was more interesting so this is pretty much the end of one color right it has a cyclical noise on three parameters one of which is the blur so you get this fake Progressive blur the only thing left to do to match the other picture is to I don't need this rotate by the way this was for the so I can get rid of it just less calculation and I want to repeat this now first is going to be slow because the default count as five I actually need to repeat it three times for red green and blue it's transferring 500 objects to figma so this takes a while you're getting some nice noise effects but that's not what we want we want to deactivate everything cuz this is going to be way too slow otherwise so zero I'll set the count to three and you know what I'm going to set this to like 20 and then this way I can actually see what's going on there we go so it's fast uh I'll just look at the frame directly then now I want to repeat this three times and every time I want it to have a different color so I'm going to bring this down here just to organize things I will Define my colors so first of all I want red that is not even close to red but I'm just going to type red and then I'm going to say green and blue that's not the green I want I want this and then blue I'll just do it with hex then I select them and I say iterate that'll just select them one by one in in a circle but since there's only three it'll just give me 1 2 and three and then I plug this into the color which is right here mhm and you can see that every circle now has a different color that's because this needs to be looped to this outer repeat and once I do that uh it only gets a new color at the end of each Loop now right now I can see that they're sort of overlapping each other so they haven't so nothing is changing and the reason this is not working is because over here we have a cache which is stopping regeneration of all of this which means that we need to select these three caches combine them and then run the result of this combin into here but we need to now combine these two and then replace this connection or rather close the loop but now for two so now as you can see we have three sets of ellipses that are now overlapping let me add more of them so instead of 20 let me take 100 so now there's going to be 300 objects wait shouldn't it be 301 for 300s and frame something is fishy oh it's because it's too small so I'm guessing skip it so there you go this is almost almost like that picture the only thing is the blending mode is normal so they're fighting with each other and we want them to add to each other the way we do that is after this repeat this is like the end of one color what we need to do is we need to say apply style now apply style will either replace you have this uh check boox over here or it'll add to the Styles the objects already have and in this case what I want to add is here in the shapes menu in effects layer blend so I'm going to set the blend mode right here to plus lighter because I know that that's the one that adds all the colors together and then I'll just run that into style and so now each layer should have that blend mode and they should blend with each other a lot better so I think at this point what we want to do is maybe and this is going to be a little bit slow but maybe add some more objects I'm just going to say 150 this will take some [Music] time see that's pretty cool and now at this point we can just do a control a select everything and just shift R until we find a variation that makes us happy [Music] all right so I'm going to say that this one makes me happy cuz they take a long time this is 400 objects so yeah this is basically it as always if you want to support me if you like the work that I'm doing the best way to do that is to buy a generator subscription it's less than a dollar a day and it'll help me keep making all the cool stuff that I'm making thanks for watching
Channel: Brainshift
Views: 558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Figma, Generator, nodes, lists, tables, loops, figma tutorial, figma design, node based, product:figma_design, blur, progressive blur
Id: DxMgH3YSmnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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