How to make podcasts with Descript

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he so these nuggets are um made from chicken but they're made to um um um um emulate the taste of like like non-chicken nuggets so these nuggets are made from chicken but they're made to emulate the taste of non-chicken nuggets dope let's boost that sound quality emulate the taste of non-chicken nuggets emulate the taste of non-chicken nuggets dope non chicken nuggets non-chicken [Applause] [Music] nuggets but they're made to emulate the taste of vegan nuggets sounds tasty hi Hi how are you good how are you Ariel good I'm always shocked when the video ends then we're on screen and then we perform well and it's such like a it's such a nice finale with the music and the chicken nuggets and now I'm it and I also love that I follow along in the chat on YouTube and other people have memorized it too we all have inside jokes together and I think that's beautiful love it love it Harmony who are you you what are we doing today yeah well well welcome everyone uh today we're going to learn how to make podcasts using descript uh for everyone in the audience my name's Harmony I'm a customer success manager and product specialist here at descript and I am so excited to be here with you all today and especially you Ariel who and and who might you be oh that's such a good question I'm Ariel I'm on the community team at descript and we're talking about how to make podcasts in descript today and the reason we wanted to do this talk we we'll get into all the details but we wanted to do this talk because descript has had a lot of changes it will continue to have a lot of changes and we just wanted to educate folks on how to best use the product and make sure that we have your questions answered and we also get your feedback on things so we are Live on YouTube right now but we are also going to of course make this available for a replay um in a second I'm gonna share some slides so that we can sort of talk about what we're going to get into today but keep the chat going let us know where you're joining us from um tell us about your podcast tell us about your YouTube channel tell us about what you are making on the internet and let's get into it so today how to make podcasts with descript thank you all so much for joining us what will we talk about for the next 57 minutes let's get into that so A few reminders before we even get into our schedule please keep using the chat let us know if you have any questions comments we've got Marcelo and Cristiana in the chat answering questions as we go they're going to answer as many questions as they possibly can we will also save some time at the end to answer questions we will do our best to to leave at least five 10 minutes for that if you have specific questions about your individual account the best way to get those answered is to go to help. descript domcom or to send an email to support descript and we can also answer your questions further if you join our Discord Channel you can go go to descript we also have office hours in a bit I will share a QR code for you to join our dis our Discord Channel or disc descript Discord Channel very confusing but we'd love to hang out with you there we've got a lot of office hours there we also do tons of events like this if you have trouble while you are watching this live feed if the browser freezes just refresh and come on right back to YouTube and like we said the session is recorded and we will send you an email afterwards so that you can make sure that you have a link to it plus all the other cool resources that we mentioned Harmony am I forgetting anything shall we move on to what we no I think you got it yeah let's do it so here's what we're gonna cover today the welcome we've already done the welcome thank you for hanging out for that we're gonna talk about some quick remote uh recording a podcast tips so quick microphone Hardware software type things then we'll get into the descript walkthrough we'll have some examples and then we will go into the Q&A but let me now tell you specifically what we'll be covering in our walkthrough Harmony we will be covering how to set up and organize media in your drive we'll talk we'll talk about importing and transcribing we'll talk about adding intros and outros and clips and highlights we will do um we'll cover recording a pickup and we will possibly have time to get to working with video although I know a lot of the folks who are here today are Audio Only or maybe just doing some clips for your podcast here and there so we might touch on this and if you are interested in us touching on it further we do tons of events like that and then we will get to publishing and exporting cool um so I'm gonna hand it over to Harmony in just a second but before I do if you are new to descript or if you're on the free plan you can try descript Pro for a month for free use code live3 at checkout and you you'll do that by going to descript tocom and we would love to um have you in our community speaking of that Community here is the QR code to join our Discord our Discord has 17,745 people as of yesterday that has probably changed that's a lot of people it's very active people are sharing advice they're sharing best practices they are joining us for our our uh you know we've got remote recording office hours we've got descript office hours hosted by Marcelo we've got AI office hours we've got a lot going on there a lot of Education a lot of community building our goal there is really to make it a place that you can come and get your questions answered or offer advice to other people so scan that QR code and we will see you on Discord throughout the week later today tomorrow the rest of our days all right har handing it over to you what are we talking about today no that's great so I i' love to maybe like this this first portion where we're kind of talking about like setting up a mental framework for your podcast things to consider before you even start um there's there's a lot that goes into the planning right like you have your your podcast aial you really have to think about like the the the podcast like DNA or like what's its identity the audience the content the gear so in terms of like prepping with gear like what are the musthaves Ariel I'm thinking about like microphone like yeah is the you know in in laptop mic gonna cut it or what your thought yeah I think um if you want to have your podcast last beyond like two or three episodes where the audio quality is not great you're probably going to want to you know spend some money on a microphone and I am not using one right now but my fancy microphone is over here this is fancy this is $250 I got it for free actually through a podcast movement Grant podcast movement is a great conference that we tend to go to but this is a Shore mv7 it's a great microphone um has this pop filter so if I use it without the pop filter my P's my plosives are very strong so this is an important piece to add to that um but you can also spend like $59 on a mic you can you can go to Amazon you can go to Sweetwater you can get an atr2100 you can get a Samsung q2u there are just some easy USB mics that you can purchase that are not going to break the bank you theoretically can record right into your laptop's microphone but it is just you know I think if you're really investing in the creation of your podcast you're going to want to invest in that with some dollars and it does not have to a lot of dollars so it's your microphone and then you're also going to want headphones but headphones should be wired when you're recording um it just really helps with latency issues if you use Bluetooth and your battery is low you might have some problems um a number of things can go wrong there it's always best to wire yourself up so those are really the two big things if you want to level up another step you can get an audio interface and you can start using uh an XLR microphone so it plugs in a little bit differently and you will need an interface that kind of makes it so that all of your different chords can work together but that is those are some things to start with awesome yeah and yeah especially like a audio comes first for me like if you don't if it doesn't sound good you're not going to be able to keep your listeners around you know beyond episode or two yeah yeah so um in addition to Great content it needs to sound great um and then we're I'm going to share my screen really quickly but also thinking about um your recording setup like are you recording in a studio are you recording remotely um so some of the examples that I'm going to show today were recorded uh using a remote recording Tool squadcast uh and so it's a it's a great tool that allows you to record each person on their own separate channels can bring them into descript and then start editing the benefit of having each speaker on their their own separate track is it'll provide you some added flexibility later on when you go to make edits removing cross talk and background noise where if it's just on a single mono track uh it's going to be a little bit more difficult to navigate um once you once you start making edits um anything else Ariel there before I share my screen one thing um I've seen a few people ask if this is a session focused on the new descript interface and this is a session where we are going to be showing you the difference so we're definitely going to be calling out the differences between what was classic descript and now what is going on with descript with storyboard so yes you are in the right place we're going to be doing a walkthrough of descript Focus on those at focus on those main differences absolutely yeah and ask questions along the way um we we're we're happy to help uh and talk through those live cool you see my screen okay Ariel yes perfect excellent okay so if you are brand new to descript and you've just downloaded the app you've opened it up this is where you're going to land this is what we call the drive view this is your Birds Eye of everything that's going on so over here on the right this is where all of your projects live uh you can sort them in this list view or you can use this grid view uh then over here on the left you got some quick filtered views so you can access recent projects that you've had open your quick recordings we we'll get into this a little bit today but there is a built-in recording function into dript so we're going to talk a little bit about like the ability to record pickups if needed or recording a quick intro outro so that's all possible through the interface here we've also got this great uh sort of newer uh section of of descript is called learn descript um this is where if you're like hey what was Harmony saying about Studio sound or adding captions got all of these great built-in tutorials um we also have a couple um additional features here we're not going to touch on too much today but just want to call them out AI speakers this is our text to speech feature I love using this when and if I say the wrong words which is all the time or you can also use this to for like uh ad reads so if you don't want to hear it in your voice you want to put it in a stock voice you can do it you can use our AI voices for that if you're if you're creating video uh video podcasts using templates is a great way to take your branded assets your logos your your music and templatized built in to descript that allows you to do that couple more things before we dive in and actually start uh importing some material um I I I would recommend setting up a folder structure that's most conducive to how you most conducive to your workflow or how you collaborate with others so if you have a ton of like interview material that you're trying to to organize I would recommend setting up a folder structure where maybe you have like folder for you know interviews a through F or um interviews from January 1 of 2023 to June 2023 um Ariel thinking about your show how how do you generally like create that sort of organization of your media so for one of my podcasts which is called Trailer Park the podcast trailer podcast we have it broken up into Seasons so we've got our general folder which is just the the name of the show um then we've got season one and season two and then within season two that's where we have our episodes every week awesome yeah so so think about that ahead of time maybe even set up your folder structure before you even bring any material in just that way you'll you'll keep all of your content neat and tidy um let's see here the other thing that I just want to mention over here on the left if you're collaborating with other folks in in descript we've got this concept that we call workspaces so your drive workspace is where you'll be able to collaborate with other folks on your on your account so if I added aerial to my drive you can be like hey can you pop into the dad's Cry 2 episode can you give me some feedback and we'll be able to collaborate live uh on those projects whereas your private workspace that's going to be private to you and you only so if you're like hey AR I'll go check out the dad's Cry 2 episode and she's like where is it it's most likely in your in your private workspace so you can go in here and just easily move it from one location to another so easy easy if it ends up Landing in the wrong place uh let's see here I don't think there's anything else I want to mention uh with regard to the drive view one other thing is just go up into your settings go click on your avatar or your initials here and uh here in the general tab you can set your default transcription language uh you can also uh set your theme from light to dark there's also some advanced settings here by default all of these are going to be switched on so doing like automatic volume leveling adding room tone on Gap Clips so go in here make sure all of this is configured the way you want it before you before you dive in okay I think we're ready to finally bring in bring in some tape here cool so once you're ready to bring in an episode you're going to click on the new blue button here and you're going to be presented with some options so today we're going to be dealing primarily with an audio project but you're going to see three other options a video project so if you've recorded uh audio and video choose that selection quick recording is if you want to record directly in and then remote recording this is a huge benefit of your D descript subscription is that you also have access to squadcast as well so if you want to launch uh a remote recording just click on remote recording and that will launch the the squadcast app um anything else there Ariel um just a little bit on account connections so if you already have a squadcast account um you'll need to combine it with your descript account if you already have a descript account but you don't have a squadcast account you get to make it so and then you'll uh everything will be combined and it'll be much easier for you and you can just press the remote recording button invite your guests and then record remotely exactly so coming here into the Set uh settings go to the subscription tab you can use that connect to squadcast option there and once you've done it you're one and done you don't you're you don't have to do that again okay cool so I'm going to launch I'm going to pull up this project that I created in advance um we're going to open this up when you create a new project you're basically starting with a a blank slate um and I would recommend um creating a project per episode um that way you you you you won't run into any performance issues and you can easily kind of again keep all of that material organized within that folder structure um so here is uh blank project and I'm gonna go ahead and pull in oh I see a question in the chat there's a question what is squadcast Ariel do you want to take that one such a good question yes um sometimes because we're so ingrained in this we forget to back up a little bit and explain so yes squadcast is a remote recording platform that helps you record with up to 10 people in a session Audio and Video in studio quality and it records locally so you're not recording the internet connection so you won't get those zoomy glitchy sounds you'll get your audio file recorded on your side of the screen your guest audio files recorded on their side of the screen and then you can download those files separately and edit to your heart's content amazing right so I I've got a couple files here that I I believe were recorded in squadcast so we've got our we've got our blank project here going to see that you can start in a couple different ways you can add files can start recording or even ask AI to write so one thing that I love is I I I like to see um or I like to use descript even just for like scripting out an intro or outro that way I can kind of like have an outline that I'm kind of sticking by but I'm gonna go ahead and bring in got my files here Tim and Ariel yay uh awesome so you're going to want to uh select both files at once and then you're going to just drag them right in here to this Main surface you're going to drop them in here and that's going to kick off the transcription process so your base layer of the cake is that you need to upon import into descript we need to transcribe it the second step is we want to add what we call speaker labels um so this way once we get our transcript back we'll be able to easily tell who's speaking when so in this case uh we know that this is Tim and whoops not there we go and then this is Ariel and then this is super important so if you've recording folks on separate tracks you want to combine these into a multi-track sequence and what this does is it's it's essentially a container for your files that you're bringing in and it pairs them uh in descript and then behind the scenes I I went ahead and transcribed this in advance so you guys don't have to sit around and and wait for this um generally for about every hour of audio that you bring in it'll transcribe in about three to four minutes so it's it's actually going to go pretty quick and this is a pretty short podcast yeah it is yeah I think in total yeah this is a little over 25 minutes so this is this goes pretty Qui keep it short we keep it short love it uh and actually while we're here what is this podcast about Ariel this is trailer park the podcast trailer podcast it's a podcast where I feature podcast trailers with my co-host Tim vus and then we break down those trailers sometimes we hear from the creators of those trailers who tell us about the craft what went into making it so this episode that we're previewing on the screen here is from a podcast called dad's cry to hosted by JD MoGo and it is a podcast about Dad's crying so at the top of the show it's me and my co-host him talking introducing the trailer then we play the trailer then we break down the trailer love it and yeah this is this is a great episode too everyone go check it out after afterwards but um now that we've brought in our our our interview material here um we get this single transcript right that we're going to be actually be able to start editing from so this is the kind of core magic of descript is that when you make changes to the text it makes changes to the underlying audio so I see that Ariel and Tim got on they they're saying good morning talking about stuff going on in slack um and I see down here this is about where Tim uh starts to introduce the the show here uh I'm going to start how about right here was walking Jupiter Jupiter is his there we go nice okay you made it you made it welcome to trailer park the podcast trailer podcast I'm Tim viegas and I'm Ariel nlat on this show we're cool so uh I would say in in terms of starting to make your first edit um one of the things I like to do is I'm going to go ahead and basically don't need all any of this stuff so I'm going to highlight it and when I'm creating my first cut once you highlight that range of text you're going to see this script tool bar here um under the formatting section you can use this ignore function and what that'll do is it's it's going to ignore all of that audio but you'll be able to track uh what you've uh essentially removed from from your edit so you'll be able to track those editorial decisions as you go through so for example if if Tim and Ariel were editing this down together they' be able to see like oh Ariel removed you know that intro section and Tims like making some edits down here um so it's a nice way of tracking those those decisions as you go along um couple other things other surfaces that you're seeing here you also have a a timeline view uh so you can you can choose to show this or hide it um generally when I'm creating my my first rough cut I I don't even have it open so you can hide it um but the timeline's great for when you need to go in and make sort of more Precision fine cuts and you can make it bigger smaller can stretch this out you can zoom in and you've got a number of tools here that allows you to go in and jump to a specific point in time you can use the blade tool to create edit points use the range tool to select uh a range of audio you can use the slip tool to slip through uh uh specific clips and use the hand tool to move up and down so just wanted to kind of explain the difference between these these two surfaces I use both by the way I like using both yeah I like having um yeah kind of as I get into my edit like I'll I'll open up the timeline and kind of see especially like when and if your audio starts um peeking if you're like whoa that you had like a a big plosive there you know there you might want to go and and like dial that back um but cool let's I'm gonna go ahead and make uh a few other edits here it looks like so Tim said you made it a couple times trying to get that right you know yeah I think I think he ended up keeping the second one is that right yeah Okay cool so we'll we'll go ahead and cut that bit as well you're also seeing these dots here and what that's indicating is essentially like wordless media so in in this case um I I'll just highlight both that wordless media and you made it hit delete oops we cut off a little too much there there we go and so Harmony just to confirm yeah you can strike through this so that it ignores but if you wanted to could you just delete it entirely absolutely so you could let's see if I highlight all of that just totally delete it and and then yeah if you just keep it as ignored when you hit play and you listen back do you have to hear all that is it silence what do you hear what goes on there yeah so you you won't hear that you'll it'll completely cut it out so if I for example ignore this section where we have some wordless media see how it just it removed it uh so so if we take a listen here we think you'll think they're great too this show is brought to you by right so it's it's tightening up where that Gap where that Gap was perfect yeah great question um couple other things when when you're working in the transcript uh let's see here I'm trying to did I think they're spelling Tim's last name right is this correct that is correct because I added it to my glossery I believe there you go so so the descript AI transcription it's it's really good I would say it's right about like 98% of the time but sometimes it will get you know specific terms or names or acronyms wrong so when and if you do need to go in and make Corrections again just highlight a range of text in that script toolbar you'll see this option to correct so let's say this had been misspelled you can go in and type in the correct um spelling and this is super important getting a an accurate transcript especially if you're making the transcript available in your show notes or if you are adding captions at any point in time super important to get that uh get the transcript to 100% accuracy um and one thing that you can do Ariel pointed out pointed this out if we go up to the descript logo and go to tools you mentioned the transcription Glasser so this is a great way to train the AI transcription and make it smarter so uh I you put in Tim's last name in here awesome uh just a quick question for you Harmony yeah I want to go back a tiny bit to word uh to ignoring versus deleting Phil says um I feel like you're suggesting ignore is a better workflow than deleting is that right so I don't know if there's necessarily a right or wrong but your opinion my opinion I like using ignore um primarily just because so like if I take out uh let's say a large chunk here if I highlight that and delete it I can't really tell like I kind of I need to go through and find exactly where I made that edit point and I can see right here in my transcript there's this little line that indicates there's an edit point so if I go go there and let's say I want to get that maybe I I'm like actually I want to keep that paragraph I have to go down to the timeline and because descript is a non-destructive editor you can still get all of that back you just just have to kind of dig for it a little bit whereas if you use that ignore function it's more surfaced and it's you'll be able to like get to that point in time much quicker um that's my two cents but what do you think Ariel um I also think that ignoring is great for if you have collaborators because then they can share their two cents without having to restore the media so you can sort of ignore something and then maybe make a comment saying like do you agree with this or should we keep it in absolutely and that's and I saw that there was a question is there a keyboard shortcut absolutely um so I'm on a Mac so it's just command delete and if you're on Windows control Delite um but yeah great great question and um Ruth tooth says I'm used to being ignored and I'm sorry for that but um here we are and we're not ignoring you absolutely not cool uh cool so a couple other things when when going through and making that sort of first rough edit uh so you can edit your audio audio just by editing the text there's a couple really great uh actions available to you if you click on this actions uh button up here I like to use the removal of filler words so you can go in and find where where all all of your filler words are I I don't like to remove all of them because you want to keep like it's too powerful it's it's too crazy yeah it can get too crazy sometimes uh so if you click on all filler words in this case like maybe I just want to get rid of the ums and us and and you can always again choose to bring back anything um that you if you're like actually I want to keep that uh because it it just sounded kind of weird there um so I'm going to do ums and O and I'm not going to delete them I'm going to ignore them and there's 29 of them cool I'm going to remove all so let's take a listen to where we where we removed a couple filler words here let's find let's Okay the culprit seems to be Tim huh see you're too well spoken Ariel too well spoken let's see here let's see where let's go from I feel I feel like dad's we get overlooked in content creation that sounds pretty good yeah I like that um and again if you're like actually I want to keep that uh all you have to do instead of going down to the timeline you can just highlight it and ignore but I I I like what it did there so I'm going to keep it ignored um and then from there you can say like actually it looks like you know there's some repeated words so maybe I also want to capture those repeated words and and remove those too and then okay that looks good we'll remove that all right looking good okay so that's something really satisfying about this is noting in the the time you can see how long something how long the entire project is and then if you ignore all the filler words seeing that number go down by a lot exactly actually so when we started off this was a little over 25 minutes now we're down to a little over 23 minutes right so already kind of tightening things up and of course everything is restorable so if you feel like this power bestowed upon you by the ability to remove all filler words or remove repeats things like that is is too great you do not have to use it this is just um if you know for example like I know when I am transitioning to a new topic I say um as a matter of signifying to myself and to my co-host that we're moving on to something new but that doesn't necessarily need to stay there so I tend to get rid of those nice yeah and that that's also another great sort of tip there area like based on when you want to move on to a different topic or if you're like actually I want to keep that last take coming up with some verbal cues for yourself and your co-host like starting here or let's uh keep that last take or you know whatever you want to use uh as as verbal cues it's good to kind of identify those early on so Harmony it we're at the halfway point so I just W to make a quick gesture to the folks that are coming here because they are um you know they're used to the old descript and now we're in this new descript it's been the new descript for a while at this point but if you were teaching this a year ago before the new descript was rolled out what changes would you uh be pointing out yeah so there's there's two main or I'm gonna I take that back the surfaces have changed slightly but the sort of like core of your editing workflow is is going to stay pretty much the same but the a couple things to note is previously in the classic version at the top center of the screen that's used to be where like all of your formatting where your highlighting where your you know filler wood removal was all of that now is accessible through this actions button here and you can also access that by the uh keyboard shortcut command or control K and that'll bring you up uh these options here remove filler words shorten word gaps jump to a specific uh point in time or search search is super important especially when you're trying to identify moments that you want to might want to pull out later for social Clips so for example I know at one point uh Tim was talking about his do daughter going to college and then okay cool I can pin pinpoint those two exact moments so in this case I can jump to those moments in time time that I moved into college cool here to go to college great so all of that is now accessible through the the actions tab so that's an important one to call out the other sort of uh fairly large change is your composition list and where your files are stored so you still have all of your compositions uh but you you have more real estate here so if I click on my my project title here's my composition list and to for for folks that are brand new compositions think of compositions almost as like separate documents so I've got our dad's Cry 2 episode I also have an edited down version and then you can also create other compositions for let's say shorter social clips that you're going to be using later on something that's different here is that this this composition list is you can float it around you can also dock it uh over on the left left if you want to see it persist uh you can make it bigger and smaller and then one thing that used to also be over here was your all of your original files that have been uh uploaded to this project that's now accessible through this media button here and so this is here's where all of my raw uh files are stored uh in this file section so everything that you've brought into this session in order to edit exactly so here's that could be music that could be words that could be if you were on doing a video project it could be um pictures or videos exactly or gifts or gifts yeah and and another sort of portion of this that's new is over here on the right you now have an embedded stock media library available to you so if you're like oh I just I'm searching for some music and I you know I don't have anything sourced yet you can go over into the audio section go through an audition something if you're like looking for uh something Chill Vibes you could you'll uh get some options here that you can go through an audition Perfect Harmony quick question can you just show this on screen one more time how do you create compositions absolutely so I'm going to dock this over here so your compositions let's I'm just going to close these out so we can recap so go up here to your composition list and down at the bottom you'll see this option create a new composition so just click on that and that'll open up a blank composition so that's kind of going right back to like where we started this is your blank slate this is your uh blank canvas and then you'll start pulling in your your tape perfect cool um great questions so I'm going to let's talk a little bit about um creating highlights uh and even kind of like the collaboration piece of of descript so uh I want to go back and find that moment where yeah Tim's talking about his daughter going off to college and I might want to grab let's see this entire section so Tim's talking about when he typically cries as a dad which I found this very heartwarming U so I'm going to use the highlighting tool um I'm G to maybe I'll put this in purple so the power of highlights is that let's say if AR and I we going through and like we're wanting to pull out key moments that we might want to keep for this episode or repurpose you can use that highlighting tool um and then I might also uh I'm going to leave a comment here see this little comment icon so I'm going to at mention at mention Cristiana what do you think for social and Cristiana will get uh an email saying like hey you've been mentioned in this project pop in go ahead and respond um and she and then Christiana will be able to come in and make edits if I've given her permission to so it's a great way for like for us to be able to collaborate as a team and um basically like edit this kind of together in sync um anything else I we should mention here Ariel with respect to like commenting and collaborating with with others um I guess permissions if we could go over that absolutely so up here in the top right hand corner you're going to see this little uh plus button the uh denoting the project access so I could invite someone in here if they're already uh a member of my my drive my account they'll if they're an editor they'll be able to come in and edit but let's say I want to invite someone that's like not on my team I just want to Pro provide this uh to like an editor outside um and I can add their email and I can say give them edit or comment access so if they have edit access they'll actually be able to come in here uh edit it uh make changes whereas comment they'll only be able to view listen and comment on the project so you can set the permissions of like what you want that person to be able to do and then invite them to that project awesome great cool so now that I've made uh a cou a couple highlights here I want to take these highlights so I'm going to go back up to my actions tab and I'm going to do just start typing in highlights in this case I want to copy these highlights cool we're going to go back to our composition list now I'm going to go to that blank composition that I created and I'm going to label this my select and all you got to do is right click and I'm going to paste that and now I've just brought that that select over so I can take this I can turn this into you know its own like Standalone audiogram or social clip um and then I can always navigate back to my my original my original episode here and so there reason that you would separate out the purple highlights from the main composition is maybe because you want to do a deeper edit on it uh maybe if you really want to get into the nitty of leveling and maybe you want to put on some Reverb who knows but more likely it's because you want to um use it to create a social clip maybe you want to make an audiogram something like that absolutely yeah so I could take I could keep it so that I've got my my original episode I want to keep this as a Audio Only uh episode but then I could go to my select and I could go up uh I know I'm kind of like drifting away from from my main edit here but if we go to our templates go to Gallery we've got a bunch of great like pre-made um audiograms and you can like further customize these but let's say if you wanted to choose um I'll just use this one here by creating that audiogram it's introducing this new Surface that we call our canvas so this is where you'll be able to go in and manipulate different layers like captions and um different sort of elements that you've brought in so I'll just play this real quick watching or listening to then I will get choked up and so probably you know when we're moving her in there will be some dad tears oh that that cool so I can like kind of create this as its own Standalone piece and then pop back to my my uh my edit here and I think if you are somebody who works on a lot of really long interviews maybe you're um you're an editor and you're tasked with breaking down an interview and you need to find every time that the guest discussed a certain topic you could command F that word and you could create highlights every time that they created that and then bring all of those selects into a new composition so that you could edit in a more seamless way yes the word trailer is definitely one that we say a lot on pops up a few times um and then I I do want to point out um using the highlights is a great way of pulling those selects but if you've got uh let's say I'm going to find another selection where I'm going to highlight uh let's just do these two paragraphs you can use this duplicate two function and so if I click on that I'm going to say I want a new composition and if I open that up now it's just clip those two so that's it's a really kind of like nice quick way of pulling an excerpt if you're going like really fast and you just want to pull out a a couple um a couple uh a standalone compositions um I want to I want to move on to talking about adding intro and outro music but Ariel anything else we want to kind of touch on with respect to like pulling social Clips or repurposing the longer form interviews um I don't think anything very specific has come up about that but we will definitely make sure that if there are questions we'll hit them at the end um there was a question that I wanted to get to okay okay let's just uh bring this one up on screen Chris says so if I'm dragging a composition like an intro into my project do I do that from the media files button yeah great question so um it depends it if you if you're using um it like let's say a uh music from the stock media library absolutely you can also pull in those assets before you start making your edit so i' I pulled in uh in our media library I've added in some music that that I already have otherwise um you can just simply I'll I'll do this here um I think let me play this real quick nope that's the I think it's this there we go so if you already have it sourced all you have to do is drag it onto the script drop it in and then we've got got our music here another I'm going to show you another way you can do this so so drop that in that way otherwise if I've already added it I have it here in my my media library I'm going to pop it in here wait I think I added this the very did I add this at the very beginning where did I put it there it is there we go cool so there a couple different ways to do that so you can drag it on from your desktop or you can pull it in from your your file section oops going to go ahead and reload if you ever hit an error the the best thing to do is reload the app uh you'll go up to the window uh window option and then reload cool all right so let's I'm going to pull in the the music again so I like doing it this way this is my personal preference and that way you can kind of control exactly where it starts so if you wanted it to start a little bit later can place it directly on the the transcript here and if you need to get really specific with it of course you can go to the timeline editor and zoom in and drag it around to your heart's content exactly l so in this case I actually want it to start uh a little I want the music to come in before Tim introduces the show so what I'm going to do is uh let's I'm going to move this over and let's actually don't need that clip oops I'm G to if I grab onto the word bar oops I need to go to select tool grab onto the word bar drag it over o that way I'm going to get like in this case almost 5 Seconds uh the music so then I'm going to grab onto the music slide it over Boop all right and then let's take a listen you made it welcome to trailer park the podcast trailer podcast I'm Tim Vegas and I'm Ariel missl on cool um and then you can do the same thing at the very end so then drag in at the end you can also add time uh if we go to the very end of the episode Cod what I like to do is if you right click on the timeline you can add Gap clip and that that way and it defaults to one second right it defaults to one second yep so you can always stretch it out I don't know why I added stretch it out make it as long as you'd like there you go cool quick question from Ronald Young Jr who has a really great podcast called wait for it highly recommend out so if I'm assembling in descript then exporting timeline to Protools will the music stay aligned as I've placed it in descript it will y so that's that's the nice thing about uh you know creating an assembly in descript it will you'll and if you're exporting out to something like Protools um I'll show this here we we'll get to exporting at more length here but if we choose timeline and you're going out to Protools want to include the media files in the export um and and so it'll create a non-destructive edit that you've created in descript and then it'll when you open up in um in Protools it'll open up that session that and your edit that you've created in descript and the nice thing is that even once you go into Protools you'll be able to peel back um you know SE let's say if there's a section where you want to bring back a couple seconds you know at the beginning or end or wher that you have an edit point you can easily continue to edit from there yeah we we definitely know that a lot of folks use descript for their initial cuts and then move to a different digital area workstation to make their kind of more advanced edits so we try to make that very easy absolutely yeah and so if we go back to the beginning um one thing I like to do there's you know as Tim starts talking there's a couple things that you can do to bring the levels down so you can if I right click here I can add a volume key frame and if I do another one I can adjust it so that the music I'm lowering the volume of the music at that point in time there's an even kind of smoother way of doing this I I I like adding the volume key frames because it can get really precise but another thing you can do an effect that we have is uh we go here under the script add ducking so what that'll do is it'll automatically lower the volume of your music uh so that you'll you can hear the active speaker um so you can just simply toggle that on and adjust the the intensity there cool how are we doing on time Ariel I want to I want to be mindful of our time here let's do eight more minutes of teaching and then we'll go to a few minutes of questions okay awesome do you uh let's see here I'm gonna go ahead and um let's talk about I'm I'm gonna do a quick pickup uh the very let's do here there's a moment in time where you say this episode is brought to you by um uh so let's say if I wanted to add in a different uh ad here going to go ahead and uh just hit enter you going to say record and you'll see the option to record audio only you can do a camera recording or screen recording in this case I'm going to do audio go ahead and make sure you're using the right microphone you can switch uh your input here can I'll go ahead and put my name in here and you can say I I do want to transcribe also enable what we call Studio sound this is like the one audio effect I I would recommend using it's a background noise background noise remover and speech enhancement so if you're recording in like not optimal settings like you've got a lawn mower going in the background you've got your your husband out in the living room playing guitar uh it will remove all that background noise and so you just toggle that on but I'll I'll leave it off for now I'm going to just record really quick here and you'll get a countdown this episode of trailer park is brought to you by your friends at descript You Stay classy descript I'll take you as a sponsor sure yeah let's do it I need to work on my uh my voice here but you'll see that it will automatically transcribe so now it'll go from here think they're great too this episode of trailer park is brought to you by your friends at cool and so uh again I'd probably get rid of that extra wordless media here Boop I'd also turn on Studio sound because while I am using a pretty decent microphone I am in my bedroom and or my office and uh could sound a little bit better so just switch on Studio sound and you can adjust the intensity so that if you do want a little bit of like the the room Reverb coming up I'll bow that back to about 92% um so let's see how that sounds now this episode looks like it didn't is it enabled right we'll bring it up to 100% kind of got to play with it to kind of calibrate this episode of trailer park is brought to you by your friends at dript all right that's sounding a little bit better so go ahead and play play around with the slider uh to get it at that that quality that you're looking for um and then at this point now you've you've made some edits you've edited down you've added your music you've added your pickups you've added your outros this point you're probably ready to get your material out of descript so the way to do that is up here in the top right hand corner you see the option to publish and there's there's a couple ways to do this you can publish directly to sites like uh YouTube or Buzz Sprout Captivate castto so this is kind of another thing to think about even before you even get into creating your your show is like where do you want to host your content um so there's a bunch of different options and in terms of sending it out um you can also just export the files locally so you can export your audio the the default format is going to be a wave file you can also export M m4a or MP3 and then you can go into the advanced settings um and change your sample rate if needed or normalize the volume the default is at uh negative - 24 LS um you can also go into the timeline and do that timeline export if you have if you're working with like a sound designer that's doing like final scoring for for you you can do that timeline export you can also export a transcript and I I I I love when I see when I see shows doing this um making their their content more accessible and you know providing a transcript in their in their show notes so you can do that from here do uh the a default format is a docx but you can also do plain text RTF and a few others uh and then you can also get subtitles out too which is pretty neat okay that was kind of the quick overview of publishing aiel any kind of like thoughts or best practi IES or where where do you host your your show this show is hosted on OSHA a this is not an ad read but it really does sound like an ad read um so that's that's a cool company but I've also hosted shows on buzzsprout I've also hosted shows on spraker and I know we have Integrations with some of those but not all um and we also with the hosting through OSHA when we press publish on an episode on OSHA it also automatically distributes to YouTube as a waveform so that's pretty cool nice awesome so another thing to kind of think about as you kind of are prepping and planning for for your show but again lots of different ways to get it out one one way I like using especially if I'm going through like my first draft and wanting to share it with with someone let's say if I wanted to now take this edit share it with Ariel I could publish it as a web link and when I publish what that'll do is it'll create a URL uh that I can send Ariel and she'll uh pop this open here and you just all I have to do is sender this URL and um you'll be able to listen back in your browser without even having to go into the descript app and it'll follow along in the interactive transcript you can use the search to like pinpoint certain moments so this is a a great I like using this kind of like in place of a frame IO um so it's it it's a great way to go through that like review and approvals process okay eight minutes for for Q&A eight minutes for Q&A let's do it excellent okay and just uh and we'll keep your screen up here so that we can maybe do some demonstrating as we go but I'm just gonna um share my screen for a second um so a reminder that if you are new to descript or you're on the free plan and you want to try descript Pro for a month you can use code live3 at checkout so just keeping this up here for another second live 30 at checkout and back to you Harmony I'll bring you back up on screen over here Co okay awesome yes and actually while we're um while we're waiting for some questions to come in one thing to mention is if you ever get uh kind of tripped up and need help in in descript you can go up to this little question mark you can access our help center which has a ton of resources getting started guides um videos uh written documentation super robust um you can also uh go and see like what's new so you'll be able to see what has come out in our most recent uh release in this case we've actually just uh released what we call descript labs this is a way for you to try out new features um early on so it's just a setting that you can configure on your general settings um the other thing let's see here question mark you can also access all of our keyboard shortcuts so uh it will I certainly don't have all of these memorized but a couple ones that I default to our uh command K I also like using the c key for correction um you've got the Z and the X keys for um uh lowercase undercase and then also uh uh changing punctuation comma to a period so those are those are my my go-tos but there you can access those all from here and I'm going to begin bringing up questions shortly but just a reminder that if you have questions about anything we discussed um I think we have office hours today is Wednesday is that right no today's Thursday Thursday which means we have remote recording office hours taking place on uh Discord but I will answer and Marcel will be there who is also in the chat answering your questions now so we can answer your questions about descript so scan this QR code we will catch you on Discord to answer your questions and we'll go from there all right questions Harmony we've got five minutes to answer as many questions as we possibly can what is wordless media and how do you correct it well okay great question so wordless media is let's see I'm going to go ahead and unignore this just so we can see s there we go okay so see if we go ahead and listen here I think you'll think they're great too so something's clear like in this case it was a pause you weren't saying anything but there like time was going by so um another case of wordless media where it might be like you say something and then we hear like a sound effect or um noise in the background that's indicating something that can't be transcribed something that cannot be transcribed exactly so uh you can either highlight it and delete it you can also simply grab onto the word bar and just move it back and that way you can get rid of that silence uh that way as well awesome all right more questions coming up does a collaborator need to have a descript license to comment or edit a project not necessarily yeah so um there's if if you have someone that you're collaborating with that doesn't need to always like have a seat on your drive but they just need to like edit one or two projects here and there you can invite them from here the project access Tab and give them invite or invite them here and give them edit access the key thing to note is that they'll be able to edit they won't be able to upload and transcribe so you would have to upload the media first and then they would be able to edit from there awesome I I would recommend for anyone that you're collaborating with you know frequently like give them a seat on your drive and then for like like contractors or folks that you just collaborate with here and there invite them uh give them project access I've seen this one come up a bunch when I remove pauses between words sometimes words get clipped how can I restore an individual word so we talk about how editing in script is non-destructive what does that mean and how do you get it back yep so let's say if I let's say if I gone here and like deleted it and I I didn't mean to clip off the word work uh what you can do this is where I would use the timeline I'm going to zoom in and I see like this this did end up getting clipped so I'm going to hover here I'm going to wait for my mouse to turn to the the bracket click click and drag right and then see now I got my word work back awesome and while you're here can you show us on the right side of the screen a little bit above the timeline editor you see you've got your select tool you've got your blade you've got your slip tool what are those and how do we use them yep so and there's keyboard shortcuts for all of these so select as your a key that allows you to jump to a specific point in time so if you're like actually I want to jump to where we say the word play Jump there play on a cool and then the blade that will allow you to create an edit point so if I use the blade go here I could I can do things now like adding uh cross Fades or if I wanted to yep and then add another cross fade use the blade for that the range tool that's allowing you to select a range of audio very similar to the way that you select a range of text in the transcript area and then if I want to delete it ignore can do that um the slip tool this is a cool one especially if you have a clip where you have um like a ton of media and you're trying to get to a later point and time in the clip so if I use that and then if I start slipping through notice how I can now move to a later point in time in that clip and then last the hand tool uh you that just allows you to move up and down the the timeline and then to zoom in and zoom out I I have um one of these slider mice so I'm just holding down command and using my my slider uh but those are the tools awesome all right I'm going to bring up another question and this may be our last question can you recommend a descript workflow for podcasts that optimizes transcripts for Apple podcasts without without altering the original audio so this question comes from the I believe correct me if I'm wrong um Apple podcast is soon going to be transcribing automatically your audio um so that people can read along to your podcast while they are listening to it and it will do that automatically but you can also click a button within your Apple podcast connect dashboard where you can upload your own transcripts so we're going to be working on some workflow things for that but Harmon do you want to add anything to that the only other thing I'd add is if you're you know like using the tools like uh removal of filler words one thing I like is uh you can remove those filler words from the transcript without affecting the audio um so that's one thing I like to point out teams where like they don't want to cut it from their audio but they want a clean transcript so I I like using that option uh here when you're removing things like filler Words awesome thank you Harmony for answering All Those Questions yeah um it is now two o'clock Eastern 11 o'clock Pacific other times and other places thank you all so much for joining us I think that we need another half hour of this in the future so um we'll do this again if there is a desire for us to do it again we also have a ton of office hours um you can join us on Discord actually right now if you go to our Discord Marcelo just let me know that he is going to be doing a live Q&A session to follow up on this Q&A session so join our Discord I'll put the QR code up one more time you can join us right there and then um press play on the event and then ask any questions that you did not have a chance to get answered live and you can also just get in touch with us um on Discord I'm very available there um we also do these events pretty often so make sure that you are subscribed to our YouTube channel so that you don't miss them and we'll catch you soon Harmony thank you so much for doing this Marcelo and Cristiana thank you for being behind the scenes and making it all happen yeah so much fun join us next time and yeah great great hosting with you Ariel
Channel: Descript
Views: 2,532
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Id: HzGTFqB4rfY
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Length: 61min 13sec (3673 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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