How to Make Perfect Pozole - Spicy Mexican Soup • TasteLife

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so we're going to start off by just chopping up some onions and garlic so we're just going to get about three and a half white onions cut them super fine so posole goes back to the aztecs throughout spanish colonization the ingredients have changed slightly but also enhanced it some of you even called it a a wedding soup not sure if it has anything to do with the fact of drinking a lot and then maybe the next day you have that soup there as a perfect hangover cure so this is about three chopped onions we got about two whole bunches of garlic that were just cleaned up and we're just gonna chop them super fine it's a lot of garlic guys but it just balances off the flavor really really well so we're just gonna sweat this down until it becomes translucent we're going to throw a couple bay leaves and then we're going to talk about our chilies the main chili that we're using here is going to be the guajillo chili and that's what gives it that that amazing rich red color these are not spicy this is more flavor to that we're going to be adding some new mexico chilis now new mexico chilies is a chili that gets used heavily when it goes to a durango region which is where my grandmother's from so we're just going to tear it up these have already been clipped of the stem we got rid of all the seeds and we're going to lightly fry it if you can get your hands on some soft pliable chilies i mean look at the color you can already tell what it's going to bring to the table is going to be something special believe it or not it said that mexico is the country that brought chili's to the world so essentially without discovering these chilies from mexico colonial spanish times we'd have no you know thai food and all the other cuisines that use chilies this is where it all came about we want to soften them up but we don't want them to get dry and crispy look at the onions are already turning red and that's from the flavor that it's already given out from these dried chilies here now we've sweated these guys but we want to make sure they're completely hydrated so we're going to incorporate two cups of water here so we're just going to let that sit for about three to four minutes so this is ready to go add it to the blender and extract it in batches so we're just gonna blend this as fine as we can we don't want any lumps so start it on low and then we'll get it on high gradually [Music] [Music] now that we have our sauce let's go ahead and get our stock and put that real focus on creating a rich amazing flavorful broth so we're going to go ahead and get one pound of pork neck and these have been cut in strips another pound of pork hoof that have been sliced in quarters two liters of water they're gonna bring all the flavor to the party when it comes to the broth so i'm just going to throw in about a teaspoon of salt and what i want to do is one start to break it down before i add the other pork that's going to take a lot less time to tenderize get all the the gelatin from the hooves get all that amazing flavor from the neck now this is very important that you gently take off the scum while it's still hanging onto each other the moment that you start to just kind of get a spoon in there and start getting the kind of mix is the moment it gets cloudy gotta cook it nice and low so we will keep skimming this as this continues to cook this is gonna cook for about 45 minutes while that's going i got three pounds of pork shoulder here obviously they reduce in size so we want them about one inch thick pieces all around so we're just gonna salt it and the time that the the broth is there cooking for 45 minutes this is curing for the same 45 minutes so basically i'm just gonna go ahead and refrigerate this and that is gonna just cure it and season it amazingly by the time it's ready to get thrown back in the broth so we'll be back in about 45 minutes and get that right on in there we have had our soup cooking for 45 minutes now let's go that extra mile and add all the flavors so it can all develop at the same time so we have our curing pork now we have chili paste here it's just so vibrant you can already tell the flavors are gonna be amazing this is gonna be a posole to celebrate any occasion look at that oh yeah so for now we're gonna go ahead and tenderize this meat let it cook we're gonna bring it to a very low simmer and then just keep it covered for about an hour 15 minutes this soup looks 90 there and the meat is tender all of the pork uh neck and the pork trotter i went ahead and took them out this is the point where if i continue to cook the trotter too much then the bones start kind of separating so i'm gonna take them out beforehand now with this posole we're going to be using hominy which has been cooked with nyx tamale extracting the nutrients and then we're going to continue cooking it for another 15 minutes i mean the flavor of the sauce and everything that combines is just harmonious it's it's hearty and it's just super flavorful while that's going on let's make cortido so cortido is a cabbage slob that's been slightly cured with some salt a little bit of acid and then a little more components to kind of make it somewhat of a salad sauce so we're going to start by slicing thin this cabbage as thin as we possibly can [Music] we're going to go ahead and salt it early so this is where the curing process takes place this is going to start making the cabbage sweat i want to kind of cure this cabbage for about 10 to 15 minutes you can already see the moisture coming out of the cabbage here i'm going to go ahead and grate about half to a whole garlic clove in there and then to that mexican oregano mexican oregano is different than the traditional greek oregano you see the vibrant green that tells you it's a nice fresh oregano it's more bitter than the regular oregano but adds a lot of amazing flavor we're gonna add in about a tablespoon of white distilled vinegar about half of a serrano dice it really really thin and then mince it we're gonna get a red onion and just slice it as thin as possibly can be i fell in love with curtido when i tried some pupusas and just that pickled cabbage oh my goodness it's ridiculous i must try for sure even if not making pupusas from there we're going to go ahead and get about a quarter bunch of cilantro chopped fine and we're just going to roll it really thin and chiffonade it here so i'm just going to get some red radishes and just slice them as thin as i possibly can and that's going to go in there and it's going to add some amazing flavor [Music] wow those aromas of that posole is out of this world and so we're just going to put the flavor of two little baby limes here they're the different variation of it that actually comes yellow now we're ready to play our posole so we're just going to get some right there in the center oh look at that i got some chopped white onions here and that sharp flavor is really delicious we'll just sprinkle that all over the place and we'll just get a little slaw here make it a little salad in the center a little extra cilantro key for this soup we're going to go ahead and get an avocado it's been diced in the skin queso fresco cheese is fresh hasn't been allowed to age and allow the moisture to leave this complements the heartiness of that pork a really common popular thing is putting the lime juice fresh on your own but it's just that finishing touch let's try and see how amazing this broth is that perfect balance of hominy of pork the chili that's just kind of marinating everywhere as well as the cabbage slob and this is that type of dish that reminds you of every celebration that you've had i've had a lot of fun this is the taste show until we meet again i hope you enjoy this amazing facility you
Channel: TasteLife
Views: 22,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, relaxing music, food, relax, cooking, how to, taste life, tastelife, pozole, pozole rojo, de mi rancho a tu cocina, la señora del rancho, doña angela, como hacer pozole rojo, pozole rojo tradicional, pozole de rancho, pozole blanco, pozole verde, fiestas patrias, grito de independencia, chiles en nogada, pollo, carne de cerdo, chiles secos, Marisolpink, costumbres, olla de barro, Mexico, dia de la independencia, soup, how to make, spicy, soup recipes, mexican food
Id: cUUiEtMo4DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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