How To Make Perfect Lemon Curd

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I've got some My Lemon So today we're making some lemon curd now if you're not familiar with it well it's like a spread or a topping that's very creamy and just has a wonderful mouth feel it's very tart and sweet at the same time very intense flavor so what do you do with it well you can put it on your toast or you can put on pancakes I mean if you're a lemon lover you're going to find many ways to use this cuz it's so delicious you can use it in a cake like make a nice layer of lemon filling in there uh you could put it in your yogurt I like to do that put it in plain yogurt with some granola for a great breakfast so there's a lot of things you can do with it and I think you're going to love the intensity of the flavor and it's way better than anything you'll buy in the store I'm rock and Robin and I'm going to show you how to make it right after my chef joke what has lemons and 3.14 slices lemon pie we're going to start off here with our eggs so I'm going to place two whole eggs into my large bowl here in my small Bowl here we're going to separate our egg yolks from the egg whites and we're just going to keep the yolks and you can save the egg whites for you know breakfast the next morning or any other dish you want to add them to this is the easiest way I have found to separate eggs you just crack it on the side of the bowl and then just let that egg yolk go right into your hand and you have no rough edges and it rarely breaks so you just toss it back and forth to take out the egg whites and then toss the egg YK into the large bowl and don't forget you can find the written recipe below the video in the description area once all the eggs are separated and in their bowl then we will take a whisk and whisk them up good one thing I really love about this recipe is there are so few ingredients it's just simple it's a lemon zest we've got lemon juice we got eggs and we have butter so we want to prep everything up here so we have our eggs separated now I'm going to do my butter and what you want to do here is just cut it into little cubes that way it'll melt nice and easy when we add it to our mixture now we're going to move on to prepping up our lemons now hands down the best lemons you can use are my lemons so if you can get your hands on some of these do it so before we juice the lemons you're going to want to zest them first it's just easier to zest you know if they're a whole fruit so go ahead and do that and we're only going to zest two of these cuz that'll be enough and you can always go ahead and zest all four of these and save the other two zest and then freeze them for for future recipes now we can cut our lemons in half and Juice up the rest of the lemons so you can use either a citrus press like I have here or you can use an electric one which I tend to use if I'm doing more than one or two lemons as this makes quick work of this so by using Meer lemons the flavor is noticeably better compared to regular lemons they taste less acidic and have a nice sweet zesty flavor if you you want to find the Myer lemons look for them in early winter through early spring okay we've got our 3/4 of a cup we're good to go you're going to need a double boiler for this recipe so this is what I've got so I'm going to pour the lemon juice and the lemon zest into the double boiler and we're going to mix it with a whisk all right we're going to take this over to the stove and we're going to heat it up over medium heat it must be time for Chef joke number two now why do lemons and limes love to fight because they're bitter Rivals now while the lemon juice is heating up we're going to add some sugar to our eggs so blend those eggs again and then we're going to add a little bit of sugar at a time and just keep blending it until it's all dissolved now once all the sugar is added now we're going to temper the eggs and I'm going to show you how to do that tempering the eggs is where we add a little bit of the hot juice to the eggs so that they don't scramble so we're doing it very gradually you just want to drizzle that liquid in there and keep whisking constantly don't stop doing that okay so we want to bring the temperature up slowly in the eggs and then we're going to add the mixture of the eggs back to the rest of the juice now because I didn't have that much juice to put into the eggs I put almost all of it in here and then I just put it back into the double boiler but usually you'll have a lot more liquid and so you might just add half of it but in this case you know like you see here I added almost all of it and that's okay too so again the reason we do this is so that the eggs don't scramble when you if you just were to add those eggs right into the hot mixture they would scramble up and you wouldn't be too happy so here I'm showing you how slow I'm pouring this back into the pan while I whisk constantly I'm trying to avoid any curdling uh as I can avoid so we're going to cook this over medium low heat until this sauce becomes thick enough to coat the back of a spoon and is nice and thick and creamy you can see here that it's starting to thicken up right and so you're going to want to cook it for about 10 minutes so that you get the eggs nice and cooked now if by some chance you get some clumps or you know some curdling in your eggs you can always run it through a strainer so don't worry about that so I ran mine through a strainer because there were little specks of things in the egg I didn't have any curdling but anyway anyway I'm just want to show you here that you can do that and it makes it nice and smooth and creamy I almost forgot to add the butter so I'm going to do it now it's still warm enough to melt it that's all you really need so just take your spatula and stir that in and it will melt that butter and make it nice and creamy and silky not to mention adding a little buttery flavor there you have it some delicious creamy and flavorful lemon curd that is 100 times better than anything you can buy in the store for and it's so easy to make now stay tuned for my next video I'm going to be making a recipe using this lemon curd that is going to be pretty awesome so stay tuned for that in the meantime if you love lemon well then you got to try my creamy lemon ice cream click the link on the screen and it'll take you right to this recipe I hope you enjoyed today's recipe if you did let me know by Smashing the old like button all right and next week I think we're going to make something using our lemon curd so stay tuned for that all right we'll see you back here next week for another delicious and healthy recipe
Channel: Rockin Robin Cooks
Views: 11,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rockin Robin Cooks, cookingmexicanrecipe, recipes, how to cook, recipe, diy, healthy, gluten free, LEMON CURD RECIPE, how to make lemon curd, homemade lemon curd, lemon curd recipe easy, lemon curd with egg yolks, perfect lemon curd, best lemon curd recipe, homemade lemon curd recipe, easy lemon curd recipe, meyer lemon curd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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