How to Make Nest Thermostat Manual

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hey guys Jay here with word of advice TV I do Heating and Air Conditioning Service worked and a while ago I went to a guy's house and it was an interesting call I came into the house and he had just recently bought the house and the house came with a nest thermostat and that guy just absolutely hated it so I asked him hey why do you hate the nest thermostat so much and he tells me dude this thing has a brain of its own it turns off whenever it wants to it doesn't hold the temperature I said it too and then when I decided to a temperature kind of bounces around back and forth and the grievances just went on and on and on of how this nest thermostat just keeps doing things on its own and I told him hey no problem if you hate this thing so much I have a bunch of basic Honeywell thermostats in my van I could just replace this with one of those so I brought one of those in and when he saw it he said oh man no way no way man that thing is so ugly I want to keep this but what I would like you to do is to turn off all the smart features away from home the eco-friendly stuff the auto learning all of that just turn all of it off I want this to be pretty much like a classic dial thermostat that I can just turn on and off and whatever temperature I set it to it actually stays there so everything like a normal diode thermostat just with a modern look and the good news is that is possible after playing around with the settings for a while I made that happen and the guy was really happy and now I'd like to show you what you have to do to the settings step-by-step to make a manual nest thermostat as well and unfortunately nest does not make this easy so bear with me as it is a couple of steps so first thing you want to do is click on the main screen and go to settings right there and then scroll to the right and find nest sense there it is click on that go to the auto schedule and turn that to no then scroll down and click done next thing you want to do is find the eco setting so I'll scroll counterclockwise there it is on this screen you basically want the heat to and the cool to both set to OFF my cool to is already off so all I gotta do is scroll until my heat two is off as well so both of those are off press done and then scroll counterclockwise one more time here's the home away assist click on that and click on stop using and then you want to scroll all the way to the right and find the reset button go ahead and click on that and then go down to schedule and hit reset and this will basically clear out any of the saved data that this thermostat already has that it has saved to create the auto schedule so you want to clear all of that old stuff out so it no longer uses it press ok it says resetting schedule in 8 seconds and after it resets the schedule the thermostat also restarts which takes probably like a minute to two minutes after the thermostat restarts you should have a fully manual nest and that is how you do it if you have anything else to add ask or say about this nest topic or if you simply want to talk about the weather I'll see you in the comment section below thank you so much for watching this video don't forget to mash that like button on the way out and I'll see you next time and if you're still here and not in the comment section below a friend of mine asked me recently what's the benefit of living in Sweden I really didn't know what to tell them but the flag is a big plus [Music] you
Channel: Word of Advice TV
Views: 603,106
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Keywords: nest thermostat, nest thermostat will not hold temperature, how to make nest manual, how to make nest thermostat manual, how to make nest thermostat hold temp, how to make nest thermostat stay at one temperature, nest not holding temperature, nest thermostat not cooling, nest thermostat not working, nest thermostat not working properly, how to put nest thermostat on hold, how to put nest thermostat on manual, how to put nest thermostat fan on auto, word of advice tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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