HOW TO MAKE Necromunda Terrain - Palanite Enforcers Precinct Fortress board!

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hi all welcome back to the channel and welcome to another crafting tutorial and for this one today we are going to be building a pelonite enforcers Precinct Fortress that's right this guy you will see on screen right now cool and big isn't it all right so without further Ado I'm gonna take you to the crafting table and I'm gonna show you how you yourself can build yourself one of these big boards you see right here all right are you guys ready I am ready crafting tables ready let's do this come on alright friends let's build for necra Munda so I'm going to begin with a rough sketch and this is of course free for everyone so choose whichever design you want and quickly sketch something out it helps in the long run now I'm gonna cut two XPS isolation sheets to 90 centimeters in length and 45 centimeters in width so together it will be one full 90 centimeter by 90 centimeter Battle Board just quickly draw that on there with a sharpie of course just for a reminder so now I'm going to begin by drawing the lines and then I'm going to cut the two sheets to the right length marking that out start by cutting slowly try to keep it as steady as possible and do the same for The Other Board of course now I'm going to measure 15 centimeters from the bottom and I'm gonna draw a line then from left to right measure 10 centimeters again 10 centimeters and then 20 centimeters now we're going to work on the entrance on the board number one now of course this is optional for everyone this is just how I did it like so 10 centimeters 10 centimeters 20 centimeters and 15 centimeters from the bottom up now next to the 20 centimeter we again measure 10 centimeters and this will be our entrance stairs and I'm gonna cut this block out [Music] like so I'm gonna Mark out uh three five centimeters on this block and divide the bottom five centimeters in one centimeter lines just basically cut out the stairs just to keep it simple just follow along as I do on screen and then fit it back in and we have a stairs now measure four centimeters from left to right and again four centimeters from right to left where the 20 centimeter Mark starts just as you can see on screen here this will be an entrance ramp so I'm gonna cut away the block as well this will be an entrance ramp for my vehicles [Music] foreign a few pieces to make it look like this I'm gonna cut out a piece of thick cardstock that I'm gonna glue on top of that to create my wrap [Music] like so and then I glue my ramp on this thin piece of cork sheet [Music] glue the stairs in the ramp into position and I'm gonna use PVA glue but a hot glue works just as well and here are the two boards together so you can see the the big size of the thing now with more cork sheets I'm going to create uh some kind of a road and this will be 16 centimeters wide and it will run across boats uh both plates both boards now let's create the concrete tiles this is basically the same as in my modular necromonda tile video so we begin by creating five centimeter by five centimeter squares all across the boards which beats both of them and also do make sure that the squares align on both boards it's a lot of work now on each side of the five centimeter Square Mark out half a centimeter to the left and half a centimeter to the right and then draw the lines basically this is just the same as I did with my modular necromonda tiles but for those of you who haven't seen the video just follow along as I do here and do that on both sides of the five centimeter Square and then flip it and we're gonna do again the same thing on the opposite side as well so you get these dividers between the the squares and go slow this is also the reason why this project took so long only have a few hours basically in a week to uh work on these things now board both boards should look like this now you can see all right now this is optional but I choose to do it score every line and then go over it with a ballpoint pen it's just to enhance the depth of the grooves again this is optional guys because you already have the imprint now I begin by poking rivets with a poking tool but you can just as easily use a pin or a sharp pencil for this and do this inside the lines you just drew [Music] like you see me do here I also Drew in some cracks in some of the concrete slabs [Music] so it should look like this now now you can also cut out a few pieces to add in some vents or grits or whatever you want I'm going to use some mesh tape to create some grits on it as well now with the bamboo skewer I'm going to start by marking out where I want my chain link fence posts to be laughs optional again for everyone and I will use paper drinking straws and bamboo skewers for the posts all right now measure the skewer to where the straw bends now Mark this on the skewer and cut the excess of the paper drinking straw away as you see me do here [Music] so I'm gonna Mark out where the sharp ends of the bamboo skewer is Mark that on the paper drinking straw so they align and I'm gonna cut it away from the drinking straw do this for all the posts that you will need now I'm gonna add a bit of PVA glue inside of the paper straw to firmly attach the skewer inside don't worry if it pulls out it doesn't matter I'm gonna cut the excess of the straw from the last bendy piece here because I want to them to uh have a little Bend at the end and I'm Gonna Fill that in with hot glue so it will hold this position like so almost looks like a candy cane basically that's the look that you're going for now insert them in the holes with PVA glue now a tip I have some mesh from the craft store but you can use a fly screen for this as well just be sure to spray the fly screen with a spray glue to make it a bit more firm this is something I bought from a hobby from a hobby shop but as I just said use spray glue on the Fly screen then you will get the same effect roughly but you must spray glue on it and let it dry completely now when the fence is cut to the right lengths I proceed to hot glue the back of the posts and I also got these coffee stirrers that I will glow on the back as well just to reinforce the fly screen well the the chain link fence as you see me do here I cut more paper drinking straws for a support beams on the top of the fences and also some more coffee stirs at the bottom it doesn't have to align perfectly this is necromonda so this is basically what they uh slap together and I want to make a 40K type of Bunker based on the terrain made easy one also built on his channel and also based on the 40K Imperial bunker by JW but with some alterations of course not completely the same so make a foam board rectangle that is nine centimeters in height and seven centimeters in length the length this is for the front right cut a rectangle that is 10 centimeters in height and 7 centimeters in length then Mark out the halfway point three and a half centimeters now cut this in half hope you're with me so far [Music] another rectangle this time 10 centimeters in height and eight and a half centimeters in width another rectangle for 10 centimeters by five centimeters this time now take two three and a half centimeter pieces the ones you just made and as you can see they will form here on these three pieces we'll measure two centimeters from the bottom and go up another two centimeters on all three pieces Mark out which one is left and which one is right and which one is the middle well the middle is obvious of course but now we're all going to cut a little piece out of them so we can create a well a hole for the models to shoot through and then Trace that and cut out the middle section of the front wall as well as you see here like so it will look like this now to attach them I'm going to uh add a bamboo skewer at the at the center with hot glue and attach it firmly like this just leave the spikes I kind of like the look of it and basically now we're going to uh glue each of these parts together with bamboo skewers in the middle now I make another nine centimeter by eight centimeter rectangle also another 10 centimeter by 8 centimeter middle wall and glue these on the bunker as well again inserting a bamboo skewer to connect these pieces like so now cut and measure the roof of the bunker and leave about 22 centimeters uh of yeah of space from the top it will be basically a line of side cover for your models and just start by adding some details on it and just cut another Shooter's hole here at the front two centimeters from the bottom and I'm gonna glue this bunker on the foam board on the front of the 15 centimeter Edge line that we made like so and I glue another chain link fence posts next to the bunker and will attach some more chain link fins here as well just like we did before and detail the bunker with wooden blocks but feel free to use whatever you have or details that you want on it you can even glue the symbol of the palette enforcers or an Aquila or what for whatever game you are using it just feel free and be creative now texture the entire tiles to make them look like concrete now I'm using a rolled up tinfoil ball for this it's a classic trick but still works the best in my opinion just go nuts on it all right now I attached two pieces of balsa wood to where I will glue on my main gate just measure the heights along the post like this and just attach it now I'm going to stick some drywall tape to create some grid on the tile simply cut away the excess and this also gives a little bit of a interest and variation on the otherwise simple bare concrete tiles with zip ties and coffee Lids I dig some more extra details on the board floor but again this is totally optional of course more coffee Lids simply cut a hole in it dig it out fill it with hot glue or PVA glue and stick in The Coffee Lid just go nuts cut out some pieces put in some pipes now the main entrance I cut a rectangle of 13 centimeters by 10 centimeters and hot glue this between the two balsa wood posts and simply Begin by detailing the front piece front entrance with drinking straws blocks whatever now let's create some barbed wire and electrical fence lines all right so I'm going to use this cheap furry pipe cleaners for the base of the Barb Wire these are very cheap now warning let an adult perform the next part and take the proper safety regulations we are using fire in this piece okay so with a lighter I burn away the fluffy texture of the wire underneath which is already Twisted so it's perfect for barbed wire and once it's cooled I'm gonna wrap it around the pen like so just keep on rolling it up wrapping it around my Sharpie and like magic we have barbed wire well something that will serve as barbed wire you can add more details to it but I'm happy with this I'm gonna take this floral wire and wrap this around these uh top of the fence posts for electrical wires and I'm also going to secure this with the super glue at the corners now you can do a better job at this than I did I simply just wrapped it around didn't pull it on tightly enough but well again it is necromonda so the terrain is very forgiving just secure it in place with a super glue and next I twist my Barbed wires between the electrical lines that we just attached and attach them again with a super glue as well don't super glue your fingers to it as I did a couple of times especially here you don't see it because the footage was really really sped up now for walls modular or you can glue them down I'm cutting two centimeter thick XPS foam and then I'm going to cut them to a height of seven centimeters the length will depend on your own personal preferences of course and I'm only gonna cut three of these for uh basically a corridor wall again tin foil ball rolling across the sides in the top for the concrete effect like so detail them with whatever you want I'm going to embed pipes and a decorative skull inside of the walls now for this use a respirator or breeding mask or open up all your windows if you're in a room all right or do it outside that's probably better and using combination of a respirator now I'm going to carve with a a wood burning tool it's very cheap and it works perfectly but again I'm opening the window of my door of my room here and start by cutting out well basically scorching out a hole where I can fit in the pipes snip the end of the straw now I have these cold beads from Halloween and I'm going to embed this in the same exact way as I did with the pipes like so you can add as much details if you want to but this is a big project and yeah kind of speeding up a few things and I'm putting PVA glue in gluing in the skulls and gluing in the pipes and as I said I'm only doing three walls like this and I'm gonna place this on the board at the location you will see now to form a corridor like so I'm putting it here against the front wall and this one here and this one here and it will form a corridor now I have these wooden pen holders very cheap but you can just cut Square XPS blocks or whatever you have I'm going to start by building up this this board in height now also got a front door here as well well a side door if you want to be specific just again details gluing on the skull on top and I'm going to glue these pin holders and lock them into position just make sure that you can reach everywhere with your models all right I'm also going to glue this called beets uh corridors walls that I made I'm gonna attach them on to the board as well now all using hot glue and I add a total of four pillars that I will Elevate later now optional okay I recasted some control panels from necromonda but you can easily build something similar with cardboard okay so as you can see this is from the necromonda set and I simply took some silicone put it in pour it in the silicone so I had a mold to uh replicate as many as I want and sneaky as I am I also did that with these uh walls and pillars of necromonda but don't do that okay especially not for selling but I glue these terminals all over the pillars and anywhere that looks cool here you can see a model standing in front of it this will give you the height and do that for all parts now I add thick paper drinking straws around the pillars to create some pipes like so breaks up uh well it gives a nice cool look now the Watchtower you will know from a previous video it was built to add on this board but I think I'm going to glue it into position or maybe I won't glue it and add it in whenever I want and keep it as a separate piece but you don't have to do it now added more details on the board and I also created the back wall with the doorway this will be for the place where I will stash the vehicles of the pelonite enforcers and glue this in position as well again optional of course build this whichever way you want I this is just the way I made my precinct looking cool so far all right here I must redirect you to another video of mine my how to make a space caulk modular terrain board this will give you more in-depth look on how to build the offices and platforms that I'm going to be using now to elevate my uh my board just have a look at the space Hulk terrain now if you don't want to go and watch it here's what you can do next cut yourself some squares out of foam board or cardboard which are seven centimeters by seven centimeters long well basically the square now cut yourselves on walls that are two times 16 centimeters by five centimeters high and 2 times 17 centimeters by five centimeters high these are the modular rooms some of you will remember them and I'm going to glue them on top of these pillars also have a platform here I'm gonna measure this with my uh watch post as you can see just add hot glue and this was a little bit of a sloppy one but you won't get to see it anyway it doesn't matter I'm going to attaching this to the front entrance door as well I have plenty of these ladders so I cut one two pieces and uh this will glue this into position so it matches with the Watchtower and basically I do a variation of different rooms and platforms and also gonna glue to Big columns on top of each other for a high rise and eventually we're going to connect all these rooms with modular walkways sorry for going so fast here but yeah basically here I'm gluing all these things on top of each other so the elevation matches so we can draw a straight line from column to column from room to room it's pretty straightforward what I'm doing here [Music] just be creative I'm going to glue these two together and add drinking straws to the side of them like I did before just to add a nice cool look to it snipping off the the excess parts and I'm gonna glue this in position as well on the board attaching it also to the tile and I'm going to put a platform on top of it matching it and aligning it with the piece standing on the opposite side of it and it looks like this now attaching hot glue here as well putting the platform on top of it adding a stairs down at the bottom [Music] now let's connect everything with walkways now I'm gonna make a walkway that uh is 35 centimeters in length and I Mark out 20 21 centimeters going up five centimeters and then adding another 14 centimeters again we're gonna cut this out just measure it with your walkway with your board I don't know if you're following the exact same guidelines this is just basically to give you some inspiration now as I said it matches my build but maybe you are building something completely different and then you just have to measure it with however you build yours now when I I'm gonna cut this out and do note that I will glue this walkway on as it is part of the same board this is very important glue the walkways that are part of the same board these you can glue but if there are walkways that is connecting uh platform with the other board that's is opposite of that don't glue these otherwise yeah it won't be stable enough and you can't uh that you have to glue your two boards together basically and I like to keep these as two separate modular parts if you know what I mean now I have shown in several videos how I make my walkways so you can choose how you make yours I have a Back to Basics necromunda video it's in my playlist check it out if you want to it shows you how I make different walkways all right now just a quick note you can use this mesh tape or uh this plastic mesh canvas mesh and I simply glue this underneath where I cut out some holes for the walkways just some little detail but it adds a lot now I'm gluing something underneath here and I'm gonna clip floral wire which I will bend into uh some kind of ultramarine symbol and this is basically to simulate a loose hanging cables it is a little stupid detail but it adds so much to the overall build this little detail deals like that that's really make a board in my opinion see this is where I will attach it with glue underneath of these two platforms and just like that I have made a huge walkway that connects them now cut ladders from plastic tennis rackets also in My necromunda Back to Basics video and again add more cables walkways and whatever you guys want to add to this thing and uh yeah be sure every part of the board can be reached and connected all right this is very important here I made a generator out of this uh bubble gupp and bubble gum plastic glue does a wooden Spool in between attached a wire here I attached the ladder to the bunker as you can see more cables more details everything is reachable yeah really happy how this is turning out I'm gonna attach more cables of course here this platform I added another piece glued on some support beams here's a ladder that will reach this platform to the top but you can also use this walkway to connect and go there here I've added some pipes underneath the top platform to support them I fill them up with hot glue as well another railing many options when you are building a board this size more consoles well basically the most important thing is that you build a your board to opt to optionalize and to visualize your your vision basically just have fun with it and yeah experiments it's what I did because it's if I would explain everything that I did in this video and go over it step by step then this video would would be maybe six hours long so another detail with this bendy pipe hot gluing this on top of the big uh the big support pillar bending it into shape and I'm gonna address these rooms or offices with more pipes and drinking straws and whatever you have at hand just like in my kill team space Hulk video just glue on details both on the inside and the outside of these walls the more the better basically all right you will have okay so if you add more details you will have more painting jobs but well it's very fun now these two squares I'm gonna glue underneath the rooms because my so I can connect them with a walkway but uh be mindful do not glue them on next I take a paper drinking straw and a bamboo skewer to make a pull for my gate that can open and close same way as I did before just the same as you did with the with the mesh now cut and measure a piece of scrap foam or cardboard against the side here I'm gonna cut a rectangle to form my gate I'm gonna hot glue the paper drinking straw against it like so leaving a little bit of a space at the bottom now you can add details with cardstock if you want to but this is optional I'm just drawing out a a square around it and some support beams I'm gonna cut out the inner triangles these basically form metal bars that are uh securing the gate and I'm gonna take my hole punch and I'm gonna dot in rivets in this cardstock hot gluing it together on the foam board and now I like that I have a metal Bandits Iron Gate cutting the inner triangles at the back it doesn't have to make sense just has to look cool all right now I hot glue the bamboo skewer on a wooden block which I later secure with super glue just to be safe and I add a lot of super glue on it because eventually it gets loose but not with super glue now as you can see I have a working gate tada gate opens gate closes opens closes and I'm gonna glue that on here and like you as you can see here I fiddle a bit with it so I attach it later with super glue all right so let's build the prison cells measure uh to the place you want your cells to be and make sure the height is the same as the walls and I'm gonna cut doorways to the cells now this is just uh the length of my wall so basically when you cut a wall make sure you create at least three cells in it just measure for in my case four squares find the halfway point mark that out and I'm simply going to cut in a doorway so I'm gonna create four cells which are mine are three centimeters wide and four centimeters high the cell doorways but yours can be different that depends and I'm simply tasting taking this piece and tracing it around the rest of the cells it is the pelonating forces so they do need a jail like so all right next I'm taking these uh Kebab barbecue skewers and um piercing them through with the foam board just twist twist them through but slowly and then I'm gonna snip them off like so and I'm gonna reinforce it with hot glue at the top so they don't uh fall out which they normally shouldn't do and I'm simply attaching skulls on top of it for details and some wooden blocks and whatever makes you want to detail yourselves I mean it doesn't matter and I glue that into position here like so and this is where my jail cell is in my uh Precinct Fortress and I'm going to cut dividers and shove them and glue them inside here as well so I have uh separate cells because you don't want to sit these gangers in the same cell here a quick Vision on how it looks so as you can see this taking shape quite nicely guys and I'm really happy to with how this board is turning out look at look at them in the we have one free cell here yeah very cool prison cell all right zooming in too long on this thing playing around with the camera as you can see foreign so you can keep adding on but I think this is the moment I'm going to stop myself before this gets out of hand time to prime it all black guys alright so I'm using a styrofoam spray for this and fair warning um these aren't the cheapest spray cans and I did end up using three of them on the entire piece so yeah you could just go cheaper and paint it with simple black acrylics now once it's all prime black it doesn't matter but don't forget to use a respirator once you are spraying it and I am outside in my garage now does spray a gray primer from above all over the board once it's all prime black then from a high above dust spray some white primer for highlights okay now I'm gonna mix three glazes add paint with at least five times the amount of water and a bit of pouring medium if you don't have pouring medium use dish soap we are looking for a color tinted water effect and we're going to make a blue glaze a green glaze and a yellow glaze alright and we're going to do this all over the concrete floor and it will end up like this once you've used all the glazes now with the brown paint paint all the bars between the concrete slabs like so on both Boards of course the walkways as well the edges of the platform now I'm going to use my blue color to paint the offices and walls and walkways and feel free to add the color to your build however you see fit and matches your narrative or gang or because I'm using it as a pellet riding forces Precinct Fortress but this can easily be a gang hideout now paint the ladders and the railings in the yellow the cables in black and red pipes with metallic black or yellow and glue on Hazard Stripes here you can see me adding some that I've added some colors generator interior with some gold and some more copper yeah it is the paint that really brings this thing to life guys again now I'm making a light wash black and brown and cover everything on the board everything the complete board but do make sure this is a very very light wash otherwise it will dull out the colors of the glazes you created and let it all dry and this front door I made by adding magnets to it in the same way as I did the opening and closing gate here you can see the Pelon item forces standing I also add more pigments and weathering uh stippling Brown for an orange for rust effects but you've seen me do that on all my necromonda builds here you can see that I've made some more walkways a bigger one here so basically everything is connected I hear my uh bikes and uh Riot vehicle I made I've drawn on drawn on some yellow uh markings on the road the pigments is just uh soft pastel so yeah brown brown effect and rust effect so smeared all over my palaniting forces Precinct Fortress and here you can see it in all its Glory and this was a long build for me so thank you all for watching guys and don't forget to like And subscribe and I really appreciate all your support and I really hope you enjoyed this video if you have any questions feel free to post them Below in the comment section and let me know all right thank you all for your support guys and I will see you on the next video alright bye for now bye
Channel: Alrethian's crafts & Battles
Views: 17,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Necromunda, #Terrain, #Tutorial, #Zonemortalis, #scratchbuild, #warhammer, #40k, #underhive, #wargaming, #DIY, #scifi, #necromundaproject, #stairs, #scatterterrain, #howtomaketerrain, #howtomakenecromunda, #modularterrain, #Ashwastes, #Palaniteenforcers, #necromundavehicles
Id: zbiYsRqgfT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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