How to Make Mushroom Beds (Week 33)

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[Music] hi guys so this week we're going to do another episode all about mushrooms mushrooms etc was nice enough to send us a whole bunch of mushrooms and different things to try out so uh we'll put their website link in the comments below but we're gonna kind of build some raised bed boxes try and get a bunch of mushrooms going that will hopefully pop up some in the spring summer um the other ones won't come to the fall being on the ocean rather than going to lumber yard and buying a bunch of wood we're gonna head down the beach get some driftwood and get the chains out and build it that way so we're gonna top up our gas and our oil and chainsaw here and get going let's hit it [Music] [Music] built raised beds hey while we're doing an episode about uh mushrooms we thought we'd give you an update on some of the ones that we had planted and be honest we haven't been checking enough so these ones have kind of dried out um but last year if you've been following us for a while we tried putting some straw and some substrate and mycelium into one of our stumps we did get some oyster mushrooms these guys have kind of dried out so we're gonna pick those off and we'll wet those down again and hopefully we'll get uh another fruiting but uh yeah those are pretty dried out but we've got some other ones in another stump that uh we'll take you down and show as well but uh either way excited to get a few mushrooms in our stir fry tonight so we also have another stump that we tried it in and uh since that we put in our fence here so it's on the other side of the fence line now um but same sort of thing we actually planted these in coffee grounds so it's interesting to know that works as well the first one there was straw and this one wasn't coffee um but these guys seem to have done quite uh quite well and the bugs have gotten to them a little bit unfortunately but um yeah you can see they're kind of eating away at them but we'll cut around that and get some more oyster mushrooms off of that so it's great to know they'll grow in a natural uh stump as opposed to having to use plastic buckets okay so we've got a kind of shaded uh area that we're not really using on the other side of our property on the house here so it gets a lot of shade which you want gets a little bit of filtered sunlight uh in the evening but won't be too much um and it's close to the garden so it's easy for us to kind of water and keep wet when we have to so um this is our kind of layout here we're gonna build some raised boxes and then we'll uh get going putting all the substrate in the mushrooms [Music] [Music] oh dummy wrong bit stupid check i'll take out the audio okay thanks you just look so strong yeah i thought i sound it so these actually as we were kind of using beechwood came from an old uh kitchen table that we had or not kitchen a living room table that we had so we took the grinder and uh cut it down so we can use the rebar quite that's my technical measurement will i say measure twice cut once is that the rule yeah these boxes aren't gonna be that precise i don't think oh like a glove okay one more trip to the beach see i got this one you come okay so we've got our uh kind of raised bed built here and we're gonna start stacking and layering things uh in there to plant our mushrooms and the two types of mushrooms uh that we got very generously from mushrooms etc are wine caps and also namekos so we're going to do one of each the raised beds and the wine caps hopefully we'll get some later this spring summer uh the nemecos we won't get until the fall but we're still gonna plant them and uh get them in there and get them going first thing is to get a bunch of cardboard uh down the bottom keeps the weeds out also mushrooms really like cardboard uh and we'll kind of eat that as well as a food source so we're gonna put that in the bottom and get that wet okay so let's give that a good uh soak now that we've got in there i'm gonna get nice and wet and normally we would like to get some sort of hardwood chips from the island but we're having trouble tracking them down we wanted to get going on it so we've got some hardwood pellets and that's going to be the first layer that goes on top [Applause] a little soap as well and so we're going to put half of this in and then we're going to do another layer of the hardwood on top and these are kind of like your sawdust bags if you've watched some of our earlier videos um we've kind of grown mushrooms ourselves and sawdust so just kind of want to break it up in various size chunks and spread that around in the wood pellets so again i think ideally we probably want a little bit more in there but we're going to put a lot of straw on top of that so hopefully and now we'll break up the rest on there that's on now we're going to add a whole bunch of straw so we want to make sure they're totally covered so make sure we have a nice thick layer on there and the nice thing about having some extra room i would love to double check that we can do this but i think we can is that we can uh once you sort of get the first fruit and we can add in some other layer of hardwood chips and add some more straw and keep that cycle going again so okay that's probably good so we'll give that a spray down again and that is the first one okay so first one's done now we're going to try our nameko mushrooms so i've never grown these before actually at the first time for us on that so i'm excited to see how they turn out but there's a lot of things with mushrooms we're not going to know until the fall so we'll start with our first layer of hardware okay okay so we got both of our beds and mushrooms planted there as well again big thank you to mushrooms etc we'll put their link down below uh if you want to get your own mushrooms to try this with and uh yeah we're excited to get some of the spring and the demeko is in the fall and we'll obviously keep you updated with videos on how they're coming along you
Channel: Lovin Off The Land
Views: 5,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make mushroom beds, how to plant wine cap mushrooms, how to plant nameko mushrooms, how to grow wine caps, how to grow namekos, how to grow your own mushrooms, lovin off the land, living off the land, off grid, living off grid, only eat what you grow, eat what you grow, 365 Day Challenge, for you page, vlog, youtube vlog, Gulf islands, mushrooms, mushrooms etc
Id: qqVgtoifSZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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