How To Make Money With Data Annotation Jobs (ZERO Skills Needed)

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hey guys welcome back to the channel in this video I'm going to break down for you how to earn money with data annotation jobs online I'm going to explain to you in detail what data annotation jobs are in theory how they work in practice and how you can earn money with them even as a complete beginner with zero coding skills whatsoever so with that being said drop a like let us get started right away alright guys so for this technique I want you to head over to and to select AI Services as a job category here in the top right corner and on the next page you scroll down to this section named data and to select the data labeling as well as annotation jobs and you can already guess it data annotation jobs are jobs that are related to working with the artificial intelligence so a typical AI job just in case this is the first time you're dealing with data annotation in general let me outline in just a few words what data annotation actually means and how you can earn money with these jobs as a freelancer for example here on Fiverr it is in fact pretty simple and no rocket science at all you don't have to train any language models for this you don't need to have any advanced coding skills whatsoever to pull this off guys and yet as you can see guys it is possible and doable to earn quite decent amounts of money with data annotation jobs here on Fiverr if we scroll down this list of available gigs in a data annotation Niche we will notice that freelance data annotators here on the marketplace of Fiverr are charging actually quite decent sums for the data annotations services to clients ranging from five dollars which is the minimum amount you can charge as a freelancer on Fiverr over 10 and 20 dollars even up to 100 or more per data annotation services so to get a better Insight let us take a closer look at this example gig here titled I will do bounding box polygon image annotation for AI so it isn't act pretty simple as a data annotator it will be your task to label items like for example objects and images in videos on audio tapes or audio files and even in 3D or 2D animations for example by marking these objects or by drawing circles and squares around them and by classifying them by leaving annotations next to them like for instance on this image here we see high traffic on a road a series of cars driving down that road in that specific case here the annotator has been given a task to Mark and to draw boxes around cars as you can see or around vehicles in general and to classify them by assigning different colors to them like for example red for sedans or smaller cars blue for SUVs and trucks and so on and so forth sometimes the data annotator may get us to draw boxes around the given object sometimes to draw exact shapes like on this example image here cars in yellow cyclists in pink or Violet and other objects like Street lamps as it seems in green and this freelancer here for instance charges five dollars for a drawing for 100 of these bounding boxes around objects and images 25 for 2 000 boxes and the most expensive package includes 4 000 of these bounding boxes for a price of fifty dollars so that's for example how image or video annotation jobs work super simple and mind-blowingly beginner friendly I'd say you absolutely don't need any special skills or Advanced knowledge for that type of jobs all you need for that is an eye for detail some basic computer skills and also some persistency and patience because I assume drawing boxes around thousands over thousands of objects on these images and in videos might exhaust you if you do this for hours all day long but at least you don't need any special qualifications or certifications to do this it's not only classifying objects on images and in videos and drawing boxes and circles around them though data annotation includes jobs and tasks that deal in general with collecting data for the AI and that data can be collected for example through transcription jobs too through audio annotation jobs and let us take a closer look at these for instance so what does an audio annotator do for a living well he listens to audio files or audio tapes and classifies the audio with suitable text and labels according to this definition here sounds pretty complicated so let me put it in simple words so as an audio editor you listen to an audio file and simply and label and classify what is being said on tape for example by person a or person B and leave an annotation here to the right next to the corresponding timestamp for example person a is speaking in a calm voice from the 31st to the 37th second of the audiophile person via replies to person a also in a calm voice from second 31 to 2nd 48 for example and so on and so forth so for that type of job for audio annotation jobs you need some good listening skills and some proper comprehension and knowledge of English which leads us to the next important question how much can you expect to earn for example for that type of audio annotation job well this online platform here that has been designed for Freelancers audiob offers a payment rate of 7.20 for every audio hour you successfully annotate not per hour you were guys but per audio listen to and annotate so don't confuse these two so is this a profitable job a lucrative deal well you gotta decide for yourself guys it depends pretty much on how fast and how accurately you work if you're a good listener and have some Advanced English skills well then you might be able to complete these jobs pretty fast however since these data annotation jobs can be considered pretty low average jobs that don't require any special skills and any prior expertise I'd say you don't expect too much from them they will most likely not make you insanely wealthy it also depends at least to some extent on how much you charge per data annotation gig for example here on Fiverr on how well you market and showcase your skills and services here on the marketplace of Fiverr that's why it is important and so relevant to always deliver quality work and to use eye-catchy expressive thumbnails for your gigs to get your clients attention and to make them choose you or hire you instead of your competitor speaking of the competition guys let me tell you why I personally believe data annotation jobs and in general any jobs that are related to AI training have some real potential and can definitely be considered potential jobs of the future currently for example guys you will find only 760 Services Under the search term or category data annotation here on the marketplace of Fiverr which means there's still a lot of space for your wrong gigs to establish them on the marketplace as you probably know AI Technologies are just on the rise and gaining popularity day by day which means jobs that are related to AI training and collecting data through the AI are going to gain pretty much popularity in the near future too I mean more and more companies and brands are implementing and using AI services and systems for their businesses and as you probably know AI needs a lot of data to work properly that's what these AI training and data annotation slash data labeling jobs have been designed for to collect masses of valuable data for the artificial intelligence and for various AI services and systems through the aforementioned jobs like for example annotating images videos audio files transcription jobs and so on and so forth It's like data entry for the AI industry so these companies and brands are going to look for more and more data annotators and data collectors and labelers to collect these masses of data for their AI service and systems and even though this is still a pretty underrated Niche with not even a thousand Services ongoing here on Fiverr there is already some decent demand for that type of job judging by the amount of sales and customer reviews some of these data annotation jobs and gigs we see listed here have already received like that on you for example with 60 run customer reviews so far that well next to it with 22 so as you can see there is already demand and clients are already purchasing or ordering that type of services at the end of the day I believe it's just a question of how fast you take action and of how well you Market your services as a freelance data annotator on marketplaces such as Fiverr of course Fiverr is not the only online platform or Marketplace that allows you to sell your data annotator or AI AI Training Services luckily there are a couple of websites apps and online platforms that offer that type of services too like for example little Loca app then we got remote tasks these guys focus on annotating images videos and even 3D animations and lastly also the one Forma application guys so I'd say you take action as fast as you can guys if you're genuinely interested in earning money as a data annotator because as Percy mentioned that industry that job category has a huge potential at least that's my two cents on this and the sooner you take action the easier you will have it to establish your own gigs as a data annotator slash AI training specialist on the sites and marketplaces guys so I'd say do not make this video too long we call it a day here if you enjoyed this tutorial video make sure you hit the like button and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: The Money Guide
Views: 11,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0vsFMSWcFoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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