How to make money with Artificial Intelligence 3x Examples (2020)

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hey everyone welcome to my channel in this video i will share with you three companies that are making money with artificial intelligence now the thing is we have been learning artificial intelligence we have differentiated cats with dogs we have learned how to work with numbers but the thing is how do you really implement it to solve a problem and every now and then you will ask yourself this question the hell is going on well join the club the thing is when it comes to implementation we need inspiration at a certain point we are doing different projects but we need real inspiration we need to see what other people are doing so that we can get inspired and do our own projects as well so this video is all about this we will be looking at different companies how they implemented their technologies and how we can learn from them and maybe this will motivate you to create your own models and create your own artificial intelligence as well and stay till the end of the video because the last company that i will be sharing was a startup company that has reached over 2.5 million of sales this year so let's get started so let's have a look at our first company which is remove dot bg now the interesting part here is that they are using the extension bg which normally nobody would care about but in this case it is quite relevant because they are talking about removing backgrounds and that is quite a clever way to use it so the idea of this website or this company is that they will remove the background image with just one click so you drag and drop your image here and it will remove the background for you without any need of external intervention or editing so let's have a look at what they have to say so here they are saying that thanks to remove backgrounds clever ai you can slash editing time and have more fun so let's see how that works out so here they are showing you some examples and you have of people products animals car graphics the way they are displaying is is very nice they are not just displaying the images side to side they are letting you play around with it and by the looks of it it looks very good you can see that at the sides at the corners the hairs are being detected very nicely and but the thing is with this particular image you know that there is a blurry background so that helps in that helps the ai with that so we can have a look at more samples let's see what do we have so we have people yeah this one is easy because you have a blue background but again this is blue as well let's look at the products okay this one is really good now if you have worked with image processing of any sort you know that getting differentiating between a background and image if they have the same color is very hard and here it seems to do it pretty well that that is quite surprising see this one you can tell because there's a very high contrast between the actual object and the background but here it is very impressive because the background and the product itself is quite similar and still it's able to detect it very very accurately so as it turns out they have trained it very well and it works quite nicely but let's have a look at what we can do with it so i have some thumbnail images that i usually use for my videos let's drag them in and see how they respond so let me pick one so let's drag this one in and there you go so this is the original image and this is the removed background and that is very very good and it's very usable but here earlier i tried one you can see here this is the original image and here when it goes to remove background it does not detect the chair or part of my shoulder and the reason is that if you look at the original image it's a little bit blur in on this side and probably that is the reason it's unable to detect that but in this one you can see that this is the original one and this is the one with the background removed it detects very nicely and you can see even the gap over here it's detecting very well so that is good and again if you are not certified you can go to edit and you can restore some part of the image so especially in this case we could go to edit and we could restore here oh not this one this one okay so we can restore here and now it actually looks really good it's it's usable it's not that bad so that is very good and so let's have a look at their pricing let's see how they are making money so you can use a free account and you can i think do as many as you want but you can only do i think um let me let me try it again so yeah you have a fixed resolution that you can use uh it's basically the preview image but for high resolution you have to pay for it i i think that is the case so you have to buy credits and they have pay as you go plan and they have a subscription plan and for each image you are giving 0.2 cents which is not bad if you are frequently using it and you have these different options so now that we know that it is a good product and people are using it and even companies you can see that samsung and sony music canva these big companies they are actually using it which is very good to know what is the exact technology that they are using at the back end that is the main question now we don't have the access to their model or they haven't really shared a lot of information about their model but we can look at what is the basic methodology that they're using so let me share with you an open source version of that so let me type that out and find it for you and there we have it so this is a github repo that i found and here you can see that this is pretty much what they are doing what a remove background is doing but probably on a larger scale so this is by nathan ua and what they have is u2 net so here you can see that i don't know if they call it u2 or use coordinate so the idea behind this is that you have these images and then you have created these masks and then you feed these images and masks to the ai model and it learns by itself how to generate this mask from this image so this is basically and they also had this base net that they had done before and now they are they released a newer version of it in 2020 september 13 and you can read all about this in their paper and the best part is and thanks to them that they have open source that it means that you can use this in your products you can use it on your website whatever you want and it is under the open source license apache 2.0 and make sure you read the license before you actually use it and they have even given the model itself so the trained model and you can download it and you can use it and they have two versions of it the heavier version and then the lighter version which you can use on mobile phones or web applications and all of the detail is given here and let me show you yeah so this image is very interesting where they're showing their results and you can see that this one here is their result the c and d so c here is their version and d is the lighter version that they are showing and they are giving you as well so as you can see it is not bad at all even the strings here you can see that it's able to get even on the lighter version which is pretty amazing and you can see other technologies they are not able to get that uh right but here even with the lighter version you are able to get that so this kind of things are very interesting and this is very easily applicable and you can implement this on your website on your mobile phone or any application and they even created a demo video of some ar project where they copy and paste it directly to your laptop and that is very interesting to see so i highly recommend you go and check them out and do appreciate what they have done because that is a lot of hard work so let's go on to the next example the next company which is generated photos now it again i have a good uh example of how you can use your domain name so it's generated dot photos so what this company or what this website does is that it generates uh these photos for you that are completely generated by artificial intelligence so here they are saying that enhance your creative works with photos generated completely by ai so find models images through our uh sorted and tagged app or integrated images via api so that is very good and so what they are saying is that when a lot of people they are creating new stuff especially if you are related to media they want these images of different people that they want to use in their article blogs videos different places so what you can do is instead of hiring a photographer a model and then taking their photos what you can do is you can grab a photo from here you can choose what kind of person do you want uh what kind of hair color eye color what kind of facial features you want and then you can simply click a button and you will have lots of options so as you can see here where can we go to actually view them okay so here we have the browse photos option and let's see what we have so here you can see that these images are really realistic you know i was expecting that they might not look that realistic but um they are really really good and they are very usable uh in the industry as well right out of the box so you you would not have to do a lot of um changes when it comes to using them and in fact you can use the previous uh what you call remove bg with this and most probably can i drag this seems to work yeah there you go so you can use both of these together to actually remove these backgrounds and use it in your project as well so that is very interesting to know so here you can see that you have the option of using the head pose and you have the option of using the gender then you can choose the age and you have all these options that you can use now even though these work well uh as you can see it's it's uh i have what did i choose actually it chose randomly so i don't know what i chose but there is one case that i found that actually broke the ai so let me show you what that was and that is actually quite funny uh what did i do yeah so i selected the gender to be male and all i did was that i set the hair length to long and look at what happens uh okay so i think something else is stopping it from yeah green so we need to remove that and there you go so clearly you can see that these are not male images these are female images and maybe this guy can be a male maybe this one but the rest of them look at that it's not the best result but despite that if you are looking for some natural images this is a very great place to look at and let's look at their pricing as well so you have the free version where it's available for personal and non-commercial use and you have this size with no transparent background but now we know that we can use background bg so we can remove it ourselves but for the paid version you have the commercial use rights and you have bigger images and transparent background and you can download up to 15 images and then you have bulk download options as well as you can see here but we are not interested in that are we so yeah you can use um how many 50 photos per month and then 1000 and then 10 000 and so on so their business model is not so bad uh if you are really in in an industry where you need regular access to different images of different people then yeah this not might not be the worst place to find so a lot of companies they are using this technology and now let's have a look at what they use at the back end and it is no surprise if you have done something with ai you already know that they are using style gun which was introduced by nvidia and keras uh i can't pronounce this name but anyways this was introduced by nvidia and it was done in december 2018 so if we just do a quick google search for this we will find out uh the paper so let me write that down and there we are so here you can see that this is the actual paper now they have updated it as well in 2019 so they have a second version of it as well and let's uh let's open it up and let me show you how it works at the back end so here we have the paper and if we go down where is that part yeah so here you can see that they are basically blending the sources source a and source b and then they are creating an output from these so basically what they're saying is that we want a mixture of for example this and this face so this is what you get at the end so again they have different layers where they have a higher layer than a lower layer and then a lower layer from that so they have three different layers in which the first one is about uh the direction of the face then the second one handles for example middle features like your eyes your nose and the third one really goes into the fine details of the color the texture and stuff like this so you can read about this paper and this is very interesting stuff and now even they have the latest version of it the version two and uh recently i saw this video of cold fusion as well he has explained a little bit of history and then he has shown a new method of let me show you that video yeah a new method of how you can create like tunification of an actual image so an actual person how they would look like if they were um animated so somebody actually released a paper on that and they have a complete discussion on how they did it and i think this is that guy so he explains in the video how they did it i will put this video as well in the description and somebody else as well they went ahead and they created the this lion king version uh unified version of lion king and that is very interesting to watch so let's have a look at that so to be honest i prefer this one over the actual footage so the guy he did it really well and you can see it's especially the simba here it's really good so uh yeah so this is the idea i will put this in the description as well so you can view that as well so this is the basic idea behind this and you can go and look at a lot of different github repositories where they have uh used this in real time and you can play around with it as well and maybe you can find a way a better way to how to implement this in other areas as well so let's move on to our final company which is slide bean now this is a company that has an actual youtube channel associated with them as well and they are quite active in promoting their slide bean platform and they also share a lot of other great in-depth videos about different companies and how they are working and they are very transparent about their startup and this is the fact that i really like about their company it basically is an alternative to powerpoint for entrepreneurs who are creating different uh pitching ideas for different companies and they are pitching ideas to different investors so what they can do is they can create these uh powerful presentations and the best part is that they are using an ai powered online tool as well so they are saying that use our ai powered online presentation tool or consult with our ai team of experts so let's see what kind of ai they are using and what kind of product it yields so this is basically the ceo of the company and i will put the link of their youtube channel in the description as well you can check their videos out they are quite inspirational and the best part is that they actually reached 2.5 million dollar in sales this year so they recently launched a video in which they shared this information you should go and check out that video as well so let's sign in and let's see what kind of things we can build with this so this is the dashboard once you log in and you can see that you can create a new presentation i like the animations they have created let's go in and create so you have different templates that you can use or you can do a blank presentation we're going to go with a template so let's see what we have uber pitch 10 slides company profile business plan so they have a lot of different templates that we can pick from let's pick this one and use this template okay so let's begin or let's continue to the editor i don't want to go through the whole thing okay so the idea here is that uh they have this outline area where you can add the information and then it will add it automatically over here so for example instead of going and typing it here you can type all of the information here and it will automatically replace this stuff for you but that's not what we are here for we are here for the ai stuff so here you can see that it says arrange with ai so when we click on it it will take a little bit and it will rearrange the design for us and by the looks of it it does not look bad at all so if i would if i would show this to anyone i don't think they will be able to tell that this was done by an ai now here it's a little bit bad because the person's face is gone but other than that see this it's not bad at all so it's trying to arrange all these different designs without me changing anything so what i need to do is i just need to press this button and it will keep showing me different designs uh as long as i keep pressing this let's try over here what happens okay so that is not bad nothing happens let's try again okay that is a little abstract but um not bad i guess it works better with images let's try this one yeah i think it works better with images and titles anyways so this seems to be a good way to implement this and i don't think it will arrange anything here yeah there's not much to arrange here maybe over here let's try that out yeah not bad not bad yeah not not bad at all so the idea here is that um if you are not an actual designer you can simply click on this arrange with ai button and it will arrange everything for you now this is well and good but what sort of technology are they using at the back end so they haven't really mentioned anything about it but my guess is that they are using a genetic algorithm now genetic algorithm basically what it does is that it creates a lot of different samples and what it will do is it will try to find the best or the survival of the fittest kind of thing so it will try to pick the ones that are the best ones based on certain criteria so let me refer you to a video and you can learn more about genetic algorithms over there so here is that video you can check out the code train by the way if you are on youtube and you are into coding and you haven't subscribed to the coding train then you don't deserve to be on youtube just leave the platform this guy he's a legend so the way he teaches is probably the best teacher out there if not the best one of the best out there so go ahead and subscribe to his channel and look at what he has to say about genetic algorithms with his series of genetic algorithm videos you will learn a lot over there and you can read uh different papers as well i didn't find um very specific uh with a very specific paper that relates to something like this if i do i will put it in the description but until then you can check out this uh series as well so these were the three companies that i have found that are using ai to make money with uh their platforms and they are using it very well they are helping people out with their different uh algorithms and technologies and hopefully this has given you the motivation or this has provided you with that kickstart that you wanted to create your own models so don't think of artificial intelligence as something that will be in the future think of it right now and how you can use it right now to solve different problems even if the problem is just part of the solution like for example inside beans it is part of the solution it's not the complete solution like the previous two examples so maybe you can imbed it with other solutions so keep thinking about how you can utilize this awesome ai technology and create your own models and yeah so this is it for today's video i hope you have learned something new if you like the video give it a thumbs up and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI
Views: 19,968
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Keywords: Artificial, artificial intelligence, Artificial Intelligence to make MONEY, Artificial Intelligence to make MONEY in 2020, AI and money, Money AI, how to make money using AI, ai, machine learning, deep learning, google cloud, deep learning money, machine learning money, money with Artificial intelligence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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