How To Make Money Raising Egg Laying Chickens

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I think I have a way that people can make money I'm a-goin chicken Wow no you make impossible you look at Alba now huh in this video I'm going to share with you how I think you can actually make money with egg-laying chickens so let's just get into it [Music] what do you get kuranda don't eat what [Music] if you guys they're out some pink egg okay that's great the other we've talked a lot about the topic of making money from egg-laying chickens and how hard it is to do in this episode of the home study podcast we talked about whether or not they save you money and the answer that we came to was not really not really a great way to save money by raising car and fresh chickens you can save little money but there's better ways to do it and then in this episode of the podcast we talked about can you actually make money raising farm-fresh chickens and we interviewed some farmers who do way more chicken business than we do and again the answer we came to was not a great way to make money wrath of the Guinea so how can you make money off a farm-fresh chickens it's something I've been trying to figure out for the last five years of running this farm business I think I have a solution for homesteaders now this is hypothetical because I haven't done this actual business model yet so this is kind of like a toss out to you guys in the YouTube community to see somebody this year should try this and tell me how it goes now it's hypothetical because I haven't done this exact business model it's not hypothetical in the sense that I actually know how much it cost me to raise these birds and feed them and all that so so here's there's some good numbers in the last video in this chicken series which we're doing this week we talked about how a family of four who's homesteading should have somewhere between five to seven chickens and that would mean in the summertime you'd probably have more eggs than you need and you'd be able to sell a couple but then winter comes and your chickens stop laying and all those people who started coming and giving you five bucks every week for your farm-fresh eggs now there's no eggs and they get a little annoyed and they go find a new farm to do business with so if you want to make money from homestead chickens egg-layers you're going to need to buy more than five to seven I would consider doubling your flock now don't get too crazy if you've never done this before if whatever you can fit in your coop is probably a good surplus to add but if you win somewhere between ten to fifteen chickens now remembering the figure we talked about in the last episode two hundred eggs to two fifty per year if you have ten chickens and you're getting two hundred eggs out of each of them you're going to have two thousand eggs that means you're going to have five hundred extra eggs or more to sell your customers if you're going to raise chickens to make money off of them to get them to the point of lay usually cost me about ten dollars now I'm using organic feed I am buying it in bulk so it might be a bit of a wash but you might have feed that's a different price so don't rely on my prices look at the system not the prices so I spend about ten dollars to get a chicken two point of lay let's say you want to have about 15 chickens enough to feed your family and sell extras to your neighbors I would suggest ordering double that order 30 chickens from the hatchery here's why point of Lai Chi khun's are a great way to make money this is our guinea aviary experiment we tried to build a aviary for the guineas so but how much money did you make from your egg business this year you made enough money to buy a nice Lego set right what's that did you buy my son made enough money with egg-laying chickens Geus year to buy a Thai striker from rogue one and to buy three turkeys that he's going to make into his business this year he earned the bulk of that money selling point of lay hens last year we put up on Craigslist an ad for point of lay hens it cost us $10 to raise them and we sold them all for 20 bucks that's a $10 profit on a chicken and because you're not feeding it for the rest of its life I'm not spending any more money on it that's a pretty good profit let's say you bought 30 chickens to get 30 chickens to the point of lay is going to cost you $300 or at least cost me about $300 again it might be cheaper for you if your feed is cheaper so $300 to get to the point of leh do you have 30 birds but that's way more eggs than you want to deal with and way more egg business than you have take half that flock of 30 chicken so 15 of them at $20 per bird and guess how much money you're going to bring in $300 the exact cost are bringing all your birds to point of length now 15 Birds go off to local crazy chicken ladies on Craigslist and that leaves you with 15 which cost you no money to raise because you earn that back in selling off half your flock now you have 15 egg layers that are essentially for free they just got handed to you and at that point feeding them throughout the rest of their life and selling the eggs you would be profitable so how much money could you make with those 15 remaining chickens let's say those 15 remaining chickens lays our average of around 2 250 maybe 225 you'll get in one year's time around three thousand maybe three thousand three hundred eggs if you're a family of four and you go through about 1500 of those eggs yourself what are you left with 1875 eggs again this is a little hypothetical here 1875 eggs that is when you divide it by 12 about 150 dozen a 150 dozen eggs times $5 per dozen if that's what you were charging seven hundred and eighty dollars gross income not counting the 300 that you made off of the sale of those original birds so total one thousand dollars in gross for 30 Birds 15 of which went to somebody else that's how you can make a thousand dollars from your chickens this year now that's a gross figure and again this is based off of my figures on feet I also didn't tell you how much it takes within that next year and feed while the chickens are laying that was just speed to the point of light so $1,000 is gross it doesn't mean you're going to get $1,000 profit but what it does mean is that you will be profitable on your chicken operation and if you're not a big scale farm with hundreds and hundreds of chickens if you're just a homesteader who really enjoys having chickens and would like to have the chickens and the eggs essentially for free actually get paid a little bit of money to do it well this could be the way to do it again this is hypothetical I haven't tried this it's just an idea it's winter time and I'm sure a lot of you are thinking of good ideas for this year for making a little bit of money and growing your homestead if you are I would love to hear your idea so in the comments below tell us the ways that you're going to grow your homestead and maybe make a little bit of income from it share it with the rest of our YouTube community here a great way to get more from this channel is to interact in the comments below and I check the comments every day so if you have any questions about this idea or any other ideas be sure to ask and I'll answer your questions in the comments below check them every day if you like this idea be sure to give a thumbs up to our video it helps other people find our videos maybe even share it on Facebook or some other social media we would really appreciate that thanks for watching guys don't forget to subscribe [Music]
Channel: Homesteady
Views: 250,873
Rating: 4.7350454 out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, homesteading, homesteady, homesteaders, backyard farming, chickens, chicken, eggs, egg laying chickens, make money farming, make money chickens, farm fresh eggs, business, money, egg, raising chickens, backyard chickens, poultry, chicken (animal), free range eggs, hens, farmer, chicken farming, free range chicken, keeping chickens, how to keep chickens, feeding chickens, chicken coop, earn, make money homesteading
Id: -9WLlhRrUp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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