How to Make Login and Registration System in Php

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hello guys welcome to my another video in this video I'm gonna teach you how you can create login and user management system in PHP and my skill this is a very simple project I will teach you how you can design the login form signup form and page and I will teach you how you can use PHP course to secure your login and sign up system so this is our project I click on the login this is a basically home page now you can see here this is the index dot PHP file I click on login then this is another farm I'm in single form I click on sign up this is a sign-up form first of all we need to use signup form to register the data and I have used basically validation to check the in paddy fields and email user and many other things first of all I click on sign up and then you can see please fill and the blanks for example I write the invalid characters in the first name or last name for example I use highest and 0 as if I sign parentheses and and I use simple program this is a basically email I use and I use program Asif and I use password demo login them right and then I click to sign up please enter valid characters white so I use the best character files and Asif Ali and I use admin and use programmer and I use password to login demo and then I click to sign up and you have successfully signed up and I go through my database whereas this is the whole user ID one username lost and user email and user name and now you can see the password has been incorrect okay now another thing is for example any one user into the same username or same email so they will show the error message let me show you how as if usually and I you same email first I check email right and I enter another username login ID password one two three four five six and I click to sign up email already exist okay then I use a D basically Sam and I enter another email for example and add the word knowledge toots I just write then domain name okay and I use B basically same user name Joseph and I use login this is a password that this is a username this username already available in the database now you can see a programmer Asif so I click to sign up now right this is all features included in this signup form okay the next step is I click on local I'm in local then I am able to use my username and email to log in the account for example I used first I use username and this is the password login demo and I click to login okay now this is another page and now you can see a logout button appeared in the top of the corner a click on the logout and I got working login form and I use basically email with Gmail I use admin admin online ITT restore calm and I use basically login them all this is a password now guys this is the all features login and user minimal system in PHP so I will teach you how you can design the forms navigations and use PHP code to secure the login and user system ok guys so first of all we need to design the basically farms and navigation it easy okay guys so first of all I go to my folders I mean htdocs folder and I will create basically for our demo inside this folder I will create and before step I will use bootstrap CSS classes to design the Robyn form navigation and also signup form okay so I go to where is the rotten sister CSS file this is the bootstrap CSS file copy that and the go through the Robyn system demo and paste her and then the next step is I drag and drop the folder on the visual code editor and I'll create a index dot PHP file and write the basically basic centered HTML file and this is our login system in PHP and is link link link Malaysian style sheet and where is the key just open it guys I closed that said that kilos it and drag and drop the file out of the basically got that test just don't know check and top okay this is our just a minute the link like and wood stove is a folder name and inside the boot is the folder here I put a stepped out CSS for bootstrap dot CSS I will check basically h3 h4 and check the bootstrap working our not in this platform so that and the browser and car localhost the system demo that's working fine now the next step is I want to create a navigation bar so first of all we will kill you to navigation bar right in class partner bar talk extend SM and then beach in a border Canova dog Luigi dog and that's a chocolate right the dear santa-claus container container inside the container I called first I call the local index dot PHP three lovin system and I use glass in the ground that's it serve it in the browser for the patch right I use basically margin top and but no there's turkey I will clear the basically patterns in the white side so I make a deal and I will use college neighbor colors inside this there are like the basically you are tagged a light egg and enter tag and I use basically signed up I think sign up I just write login design the PHP login and inside the basically ain't got that I need to use button deck though I will use basically button style and d-link that I started logged in copy that tester we will use puts two classes and I change the basically set and signup design signup we use bootstrap classes like me Bob no and then plus Adam and we just class link okay copy that Lester and copy the link classes class and paste and that's it sir rate of the browser to the page right okay I want to display the navigation during the left side while these are non auto right but those are linked I will use bootstrap classes like I change the basically classes bitching bitching outline white light Sarat and check it that's great okay copy that there's to her I've heard that we need to use margin margin laughter right we need to create a login and sign up form so I press control and set the file and I use login design you design for PHP and we'll create another file sign up to design dot PHP okay first of all we will create a two files the first file is basically hello dot PHP and second file is basically photo dot PHP so before creating a hit or dot PHP and photo dot PHP I'm going to display the some content on the main index file so I write the h4 and I called home fetch and I just use displayed for save it up in the browser after the pitch right but I want to display that text on the center by 25 this is our homepage right this is the index dot HTML file okay dot PHP file so I want to create hitter our PHP and footer dot PHP why I create little dot PHP and for our dot PHP because I will use same files with another file like login dot PHP sign up dot PHP and many other things I've used the same file so I cut the cord and create a file set a file for Hitler dot PHP test salad and I cut that basically this court and create a file folder dot PHP right close that and inside the index door profile ones later dot php' that pastor and change the basically photo dot php' sad that trouser up at the pitch right he just not copied of all files and kilos little dot PHP and photo dot PHP file in the login form I mean login designed or PHP paste the code and remove that basically H for that right search and I go through locking system I click on the basically first I write the text and change click to login what is the name where is the heat or not PHP login design said that and what is the name of the Li basically you know best for just a minute - guys I mean this is a login okay okay guys logging farm right okay guys so the next step is I copied the whole files and go to sign up design and paste here and I changed the basically mmm sign up form I mean sign up form and I go to very the hater or PHP and I entered in a dispatch name sign up design dot PHP serve that and open the browser and I said okay this is the home page login page sign up page right first of all we will create a login form or design the login form so guys I go to my login form and I remove the next first of all I write that dear and Santa Claus container inside the container I just defined the Claus whoa inside that row I define the class basically called lg6 inside this there why write that class card and BG dark busy light okay but before okay I will create basically a login form it is in the login form then I will teach you another thing so busy right inside this day wire right there and by the class car title BG primary text white inside this day I write to do basically h3 locking form okay and I just class taxes under after this day I write another day and send a class card body inside the card body I write input fields and write the type text' name user email I write the enter user name our email and I use bless okay just a minute just a minute I cut I just write the user you just use a knife okay and I use placeholder okay and I will use class form control okay and fulfill text password and password and bless order Justin cocked it up chip it pasted okay and I use basically place or password and I just class form control set the file open the browser and this is our login form we will a set up it don't why he came first of all I cut the input text field and called farm action I will create a basically login dot PHP file right and test the court inside the farm the right and where is the cart Algie okay I wipe the ml at all just right the margin Auto I want to display that farm in the center right center and use in the car margin top 5 7 right okay and where is the basically okay here this is a basically first I write the margin top bottom 5 serve it margin not dating and I used margin-top T Phi and I used margin-top button I think true is best for okay and now the next thing is basically I want to make a space between 1 and second input fields so I'll write the padding top bottom three sir - margin top but I'm sorry okay right man and that's great that's great now the next is I will create a button tag and lock in plus the chain between login success and are used in an rockin savage to the patch I just kill us empty three my margin-top just a minute just a minute okay I think that yes three okay this is our login form and I want to change the background color body background colors so I go to header dot PHP and this is our body tag and I use manila style background hcc light gray okay so our trip at the patch right this is our light Kiera this is index this is a login form and this is a sign-up form so guys we have successfully designed the login form we will create the same signup form with the another page sign up dot PHP right so guys I copy the I close it wrote our PHP and copy the basically login design code like this and go to the signup dot PHP page called hell and I just changed the input tag field okay this is the first impressed field it means first name I change the basically username first man to last name the other name okay and I change placeholder first me pop it and test the another and protect field lastly puppet best third one is a tink first name last name and email null and this is a email fourth one is user name user name okay and I change the basically placeholder user name and fourth is Sam is password ok first name second name last name and in first name second I mean last name email username password and finally it's button and I change the button and sign up and also change the sign up serve it browser refer the page okay this is sign of I change the basically title okay sign up form serve it and for the browser right guys so we have successfully designed the navigation bar login form sign up form right in the next video I mean this video I'm sorry I will teach you basically how you can design them basically database okay one two three first name second name I check it this is our previous database I will create another database okay I just checked it first name last name email user ID password one two three four five check it one two three four five that's great okay okay guys so first of all we will create a database so I go to my PHP local host PHP my admin' alright again localist initially my this is a complete address and i will create a new database and also dabbles so i go to database right there database name login I just want I just white I'll use a system system this is my database I click create and I want through 1 2 3 4 5 6 columns because I will I use our first column name is primary key identity which used to generate the automatically unique numbers so I wiped the table name is login user login ok first one is id integer auto-increment okay a first name I just write f now Alan an email user name password and I change the type watch out watch watch our language ah you can write the value 200 copy past mmm first just okay sir okay our database name is user login and our table name is users okay where is that this is the old user system this is an odd system but this is only you can say that system right okay this is a system okay okay and our database table name is real user login okay so first of all I go to my code editor and this is our farm I like the include this is the I will create a basically folder includes and I like the sign up dot PHP and I create a folder and Canute's inside this folder I create a file first I write the file name connection dot PHP in this file are over the place eccentrics of PHP before writing the syntax of PHP I use method post in the signup form right I'll close the end of the files okay this is our connection file first of all I write that corn MySQL I just call connect first parameter is localhost second is root that is null and fourth is your database name user system okay use a system or what the user system and I call F not connect and in connection is not correct then display the tie connection error concatenations on our right my skill I our function and I call con you can call connection are not no problem but I remove it almost okay and I will create another file sign up dot PHP inside the include folder now you can see it right first of all I call PHP and I call basically the carbons connection dot PHP file because I will use basically a database to store the data in the database so I close the connection file I don't need it and this is our signup form and design signup form first of all you will check up I mean we will check any one user click on the signup button then I will create another process for example I write if set dollar discomposed if any one user click on the signup button copy the signup name this is a butternut and paste her if anyone uses click on the button then run and if body otherwise I use else I call hitter function and call occasion double dot slash index dot P otherwise user will redirect on the right inside the if body I call F again and I call the empathy method I will check each in protect field our empathy or not so I call the what is the practiced okay I called first ten is empathy after the second lost twenty sees I called our sign and a copy the whole court tested and a change the name okay copy the code first first name last name email I use all sign best cord and username I check that basically a chiclet okay use an underskirt and i'll sign test and also password i check it password basically okay smart okay listen then coming to the if body otherwise us body if the anyone input tag field or empathy then called header location double dot slash and i want to redact with the signup design dot PHP file this file is out of the end killed for us so i use double dot sine okay and I call sign up design dot PHP and I will create super global variable I mean get variable I call empathy this is a basically variable right okay where's the problem you do location signup form okay serve it yeah that's great so first of all we will check signup form I go through my signup form and I click on the okay another thing is okay I go to sign up dot I'm in sign up design farm and after the card body I'm in court title this is the car title day after this day I call basically PHP code and well it first all right the set dollar underscore depth and I called the variable like this in putty and paste her like come into the F body and I will make a basically variable message and I called it tolerance from yet and I will get the empathy field variable and assign the value R that this message variable and that this I call message and assigned already please fill in the blanks okay and I can lower the PHP tag and I will write the basic PHP tag okay inside this 4d section if body section I write the death there and I call class alert a lot danger a large danger inside this day I call PHP tag and I call it call this message and I will use another classes like text center to save it and check it basically okay please fill in the blanks this is our first security purpose I mean this is the first validation okay guys so next is I go to sign up dot PHP file inside the else statement in the Alpha statement we will get the each input text field data before getting the data I check it I just change the basically I said of the name and button this is the basically inability copy that and go to pastor pastor that's effect okay so first of all I write the variable and enter the variable name for example F name and I will get the data from input text fields so I use dollar underscore post single quotation in the single quotation you need to get the enter the name of the in protect field okay and why determiner to Sun but this is a not secure why because cinnamon user who will write the code in the input text field and also write the Curie to delete the basically your database table and update the data tab database table anything else they are used in average I mean knowledge invalid our core to remove your database table so in situation you need to write the basically real escape sequence escape sequence is used to convert the code or anything else which will write in the input text field they will convert into string type so I cut the basically this and I write real get my scare line real skip sequence and this parenthesis you need to pass through parameters the first parameter is your connection name my connection name is calm I will check it guys connection there this is a corner at right I call this variable then the next is I paste the code like dollar underscore post and first name and finally you need to write the Terminator sign that's it copy it and paste real and change the name Allanon this is the variable name and also you need to change the basically input text field names right test it and third is I think email email copy it faster and I change the basically variable name email copy that tester and user name and this is a variable name right guys and this is the input text field and user name I check it basically guys now the final is password so I write the pass what and in this small world I need to write a password okay then I check the basically which well I mean which character will store in the first second end product field I mean which character is invalid or valid so I write the if statement and I write them take match parenthesis and then I use backslash sign asteroid double quotation back to the sign arrow sign and dollar sign and also okay inside that dollar sign and arrow sign you need to write the brackets in the brackets you need to write that which character you want to allow in the input text field for example I like a samaa set a large set right and then I use guys the physically hysterics I'm okay add to Z small words and characters and a to Z the lodge alphabetical our characters after the second parenthesis you need to write the comma and which well are used to assign the input text field so I copy the first variable and paste here okay and then I use basically our size our sign just passing but we need to copy that okay you need to write the our sign and copy the whole court and tester and the second is a copy and paste second variable and another thing is this is the basically first I'll use if alsa statement this is if the characters is a true then come into this body I mean if body but I use exclamation sign and it's let me to sign then if body is running if our character is not valid so I call location location double dot slash sign up design this is our page name dot PHP and I used the basically get variable I will clear get variable to display the message for example I write the invalid this is a variable night right save it and by the terminal sign go to first copy the variable I do not copy basically I go to sign up form I mean sign up design form and copy the basically first I write the comment display empathy is okay and copy the whole court first and this is a basically in relative characters okay and I change it I remove it basically and go to the signup dot PHP and pop it of variable name and passed her test and she ended up basically please I just write invalid characters they save it and then open the browser ever collected to signup form and I write for example zero zero zip and I just write the email anything else okay I just checked the one uncertain and protected okay and Willard characters right but I used the normal character then I am able to store the data in the database right okay the next step is I go to my code editor and I just checked the email email is valid or not in the else statement I call the if score email just not inside the parentheses we need to pass two parameters the first parameter is email variable name and second is first I copy the in the variable name and paste error and second is email underscore filter well it in man and I called the split packets and also our statement I used same process not if our email is not valid then I just read out like the home and then signup form and paste it and I checked it basically invalid I just write in Val this is a variable name email okay and I go to signup form and I copy the code and paste and then I change the basically variable of it tester best and knowledge I just write the invalid in this is a message right in the else statement I just checked the the user available or not in the database so first of all we're actually curie this is a QT variable and I call the basically double quotation and I will select static from my table name is guys just a minute I checked it April 9th my table name is user system user login okay this is a user login my table name is user login this is a ver keyword and I check for example my stamina I check the user name this name so I call this the I'm in column name user name kill 2 double dot in double quotation single quotation double quotation in the double quotation you need to write double dot sine and pass the variable like this right and I called the Turner design then I call result my skill iqt pass to caramel corn and second is QT variable okay provide the terminal sign and just a minute and then the next is I write the if statement and I call the my SQL I my skill I fetch associate and I called this variable nd parenthesis if the username available in the database okay then I call this variable I mean this and I write the user okay and I go to my signup form and let character and ability Nell and I cop the whole court and tester and I change basically user invalid okay and I copy the variable user and pressed her first there and user ready chicken right side okay one more thing we need to do is after the basically here to section we need to write the exit function copy the exit function and paste on each after the headers section I'm in function game now the next step is after the if statement I call else statement and then I call I mean I checked the basically email whether or not okay so first of all I call the same process like Curie and I use basically select static from user login email actual to suit all single audition double position and about God and the variable this variable name okay first I checked basically in that scared okay parser and you need to write the Terminator sign and then I call this M process result select I mean my sto like Curie con dot I mean coma and Curie and I call if MySQL I fetch also and I call result variable parentheses calibrated and else statement if the user our email sorry email is available in the database then call the function and change the basic available name and go to the basically signup form and copy the code and I go to send a farm and copy the email and tester test here and I email already chicken right in the ass statement I will store the data in the database before inserting the data in the database I want to convert the password into high-tech I'm in hash password so rice first of all I'll delete a variable hash actual password hash method in the parenthesis you need to pass two parameters the first parameter is which text field are in protect field name and second is password default so first of all I go through a bow and I cook the first variable I mean password variable and this variable will store the password right and copy the i-best and then I write the comma and I write the password default after using it then we will store the in corrupted falsehood our hash password just like this this is a variable right you can write any name on as you like right then I use the Curie children don't focus on this qet security security this is a variable those are basically variable and each variable are different with different section right this is the basically Elsa statement in the earth statement have a variable named Curie and this variable only work on this else statement and I use another else statement now you can see here in the Elsa statement have another curie variable this is another variable you can change the variable name okay so I use the chilli insert into insert and true your tribal name is user log in parentheses in the parenthesis you need to write the columns name my first column name is f name don't focus on the first column I mean ID column you just write the f9f now comma L name comma that is email comma user name comma password okay let's check it okay that's great then after the Trenton you need to write the values parenthesis single quotation in this single question you need to write I mean past the variables which will get the value from in protect field the first is f now pop it past and write the comma , and email user known those are basically variables right guys and final is password I just write this hash password I mean this variable because this password and this variable will store the hash sign password okay like the tell me the sign now you call the reserve variable and calm I ask you like Siri calm this is a connection variable and Kure if research I do not write the result basically I just we dealt with the signup form and displayed a message right I called header method and pester and I change the basically right there basically success variable test it and then serve it and go to sign up dot PHP copy the whole court and paste and I just need to change the basically variable success success success and I write you have you have success from the locked and right save it and I check one time okay cutie okay save it open the browser and click the sign up form that's right right as if and me and I like the admin at the return line edge and password I write the program as if and password I write the login demo and then I click to sign up form you have successfully logged or sorry this is a basically I check it first I check it ok now you can see it this is our data has been stored in the database first name last name email and programmer and hash sign password but I need to change the basically you has successfully hi sign up okay and I change basically success a large success that will display the green background and text okay now the next process is I use for example say me man I can't store the value I use some first I check the email right and I write another name before example an altitude Stockholm and alright little simple password sign up invalid email email already taken okay to message each time why because I use basically guys online and then I use guys just a minute and change basically change the username and tie again invalid email and email all right to take my eyes I level to see the invalid email I check it guys invalid in man ok now you can see here this is an email email already chicken just a minute I check it guys just a minute even in love and which message in Valletta another email already taken that's great but why I see the invalid okay now you can see that this is a same variable same debt variable right so we need to change the variable this variable exchange we email copy it and paste just a case of it and clip to sign up write the same admin for subject the email right and write the password email already taking flight and then I use the another email and I use some user name sign user already taken right guys so this is our signup form in the PHP and now you can see that this is our database okay so the next process is I will work on the login form to login the user with reader another page and another page I want to display the logout button then the user will click on the logout button then user will redirect on the home page our index dot PHP file so guys I go to my whole redditor and then I opened the login design file and I don't need it because we have successfully completed work on the signup form I close it and I kill us all so this part ok this is a basically login form I have used basically I just will use include slash and under the include for I create a file login dot PHP right this is the output of the I mean design login form design this file and this is the login form code and this is a login form I mean code I will write the code to get the data from user ok and I use method first serve that and then open the another file like a login dot PHP first of all I write the basic syntax of PHP PHP first of all I like to the higher ones to get the connection file connection dot PHP first of all I had target the button get this button if anyone used click on the pattern de set de langue is called post and letter name login of that pester me bracket and Alice treatment and the Alpha statement I called the header function location double dot slash login design dot PHP and I created the variable like embody write and rewrite the terminal design I want to display the same message in the login form so I'll copy the basically first I'll go through robin form and inside the car title day I mean this is the closing div and I write the same process basic PHP syntax and I use if set tolerance called gate variable name of the variable name pastor and I use IQ the mystical message variable and assign the dollar on the school gate value Aunt Esther and then terminate the son then I'll use a basically PHP code closing this is starting is crossing right and I used rice there a lesson a class allowed a lot danger context Center right and inside the day I write the pathetic PHP syntax and then I call the variable like message okay so I did copy serve it and then save the file up in the browser and refresh it click on the login click login key lock in very so looking looking design there's a location login design login it's on okay just a minute guys just a minute anyone user will click on the button then the displayed basically if body Court he otherwise display the AL scored in the AL scored in the else statement I just might be basically location and read out with another page I mean a log in the centage so I don't need it because I want to just a redirect right and insert inside the if statement I call the if and pitiful okay talent is called post I go to login design and I'd called the variable name and I calls the method like this and pasted and I copied as password if password and username our username is empathy then copy the basically code and Bester and then I need to use this same process like empathy right and this empathy I have already called on here and I just write the message I want to display the message please follow and deep links okay serve it and in the old system now just check the all system I just write the else statement and or to browser and log in click on login get empathy what is problem my sympathy copy that faster faster serve it refresh it now you can see please fill in the blanks okay now the next process is in the Alsea statement first of all I get the value from in product field so I called user name variable a kill zone I call my SQL I real escape string call dollar underscore post I use same process guys you know guys I have already explained you the power real escape string function and also another futures so I use a password variable and I call my skew Lionel corn and all underscore post ii and protect field name is possible then I use Curie before writing the Curie yeah just I write the chili basically either alright the curie variable analyte the curie select select static from userlogin this is my table name you know guys and I called the second in second column name username actual single quotation double quotation double dot and I call this variable and I want to anyone user login with the email so after the single quotation I use our keyword and I call this email column name I will check it guys P user system I use a login right and this is the first column I Mitch no I just match this column okay just a minute to use and okay okay that's great we username if our user name match the first input text field the first input text field name is like this okay then the next is user will login I mean user will login the user account and also user email so first I assigned this variable this variable will get to the user name right if use an image with the username column which available in the database right then the reader with another page and I will use another process user will enter the personal email then the email column on here and I use same process she'll sign double single quotation first I write double quotation just a minute single quotation double quotation dollar sign inside the dot dot sign in the last I use quotation inside the dot dot sign I call this M variable if the Sam just a minute okay okay this is our Curie if user login with our system using username and also email both options available for users okay now the next step is I called her soon and I call my still like cutie and call calm and cutie variable and I call if and create a row variable and I call a kill my SQL I fetch associate and I called the result variable on the bracket in this statement I rather basically get the value so guys first of all we will I mean verify our password so I write the dollar sign and hash us kill to password verified in the parenthesis I first assigned the variable like this password which will get basically the password we'll get the password variable we'll get the password user password and I use chroma and I called the row variable like this the database value available in the row variable and I called the array and single quotation in the single quotation I call the database password column like this this column name right I write the password right then the next step is before writing anything Alice I use all suspect man and called the hidden function like this and I copy that and paste here and I call in village just call you in village okay and I call I just copied the code basically this code and paste and copy the variable like this and fester yesterday please never ever use it I just write the invalid user in Malad she use a kiss serve it and then I go to this section if section okay first of a lightweight if the hash variable I mean hash password hl2 files it means the password not match then they call this function and I redirect with the login form and I want to display the message I think just rightly that with I just I'll call the message okay and I call invalid be invalid password invalid okay and I use as if and I called dollar hash pause chill - chill then come into that body before working on this body I called this variable on here to display the message okay copy that and paste and I copy the P and the score palette invalid password okay our password will match in the info text field and also database then come into the as if bodies in the Al's if body first of all I quite the session and this session I called the variable and the final variable you can write any name on here I call the each variable name which available basically each variable I will get the each database column and store the value I mean store the value in the session okay so I called UID and a sine cosine and a called row bracket this row just write the float variable and inside the record you need to ask the database column name ID okay and then I copied up court and place best best best you know a laugh those are session variable right gasps those are sessions variable you can write any name as you like and those are basically database column name I will change it while UK and the third is email username I change definite and I copy other and lost and I change the password okay and that's final I called the database column name password ID afternoon those are database name okay database column name and then email and username I think I check it okay IDF name I'll name email username password okay IDF name I'll an email username password that's great and I want to redirect header location and I want to redirect with the another page the another page I will create another page I just write the page name I call the includes I will clear to the file in the include folder I just write the folder name account dot PHP and I called the define I create basically get variable welcome I just write the value and I call exit function right okay guys so first of all we will call the session start basically we have used session save it okay and I checked basically the everything is perfect okay I open the login system I'm in the login form I'll check it if I enter correct username and password then I will redirect or not so I like the program Asif and I pass enter the password and we'll add use okay okay I check it basically guys know it's a structured Curie's select static from user login okay just without use we're using them okay that's great okay and username username password that's good okay okay let's check King Joseph and I call walk-in that's what okay guys we have redirected with another page then another page name is account dot PHP so we need to cater account a PHP page so inside the include photo I create a file on that PHP in this file first of all I provide the basic syntax that is the login fire no t just a minute and I call first if first I call require and I called Peter dot PHP he wants suited our PHP I want to display the navigation and also pattern so in the if statement I call dollar my score session the first session I called this session and I didn't I just call this variable okay this is the station variable if session is actor just a minute I call is set set then come into that f-body other ones are supported in the F body I display the message first I write D okay I just write the death deaf close and I'm just let a message you have success successfully success the logged in okay and finally you strain your son and I will assign the classes like class display for margin top five taxed Center okay and I otherwise the I call message hit a function and mmm redirect with the login design form like this okay so I called the double dot and login design dot PHP I don't need okay and I check it basically guys quite once the dot php' photo dot php' three in return HP this file is out of the basically include folder okay just a minute I called or dot that slash dot backslash serve it locking design just a minute just a minute I close I remove it basically I remove it okay and first I remove the another court and I call it set dollar underscore get and I called the get wherever else and we get for the I display the message and where is a kid forever like this and paste it in the ass statement I called the function like this got the function paste save it and open the browser and I called the talk antenna okay we have successfully locked in our account but we can't see the message and also navigation bar and and another thing so I check and basically I used the okay first I remove it reset and refresh the browser session dollars per session if session UID okey guys just a minute I need to adjust first I close this file and I right-click it and I just want to move this file out of the folder first I ride the bicycle yeah thank you requirements and login heater dot php' first I ride the heater dot PHP and after this I called Kyle in once sorta dot php' serve it up in the browser locking system login and I use programmer and I write a password dot PHP just dot dot slash okay get let's check again okay guys now you can see how one navigation has been appeared but we will see we have seen that session I mean why we have seen this session message I mean error message we need to use session start in the header fine this is a header file okay so I write D basically basically with piece and tax and call session start save it and open about the first batch now as you can see you have successfully logged in right this is a locking system now the another thing is I want to display the logout button as health any one user click on the logout button then the user redirect with our login page our home page so first of all we will go through the where is the index dot PHP file okay this is a one no-hitter dot PHP file okay this is our hero dot PHP file right and those are our Whiteside patterns right but I want to display that basically logout button okay so first of all I removed uh basically I write that inside the dear right up PHP syntax and I call the if dot underscore session and call ID this ID just write the name you can enter any names if session is active okay if he said if session is active right then the display basically form get the form and also basically I just the quad and after the UL tag I mean inside the UL tag I placed a quart musically and I said of it okay session is active and then I want to create a farm for my right farm after this because either one action until you stop block out dot php' I will clear the logout power inside the anklet for us so I call the include logout dot PHP and I call the method call post inside the farm I copy the single line and fester right and I change the name logout right okay I check it basically guys okay and I change the basically linked okay this is a link but I don't need it basically I want to put it up to it and add up - I remove the link okay I think remove I don't need it basically did about design and I want to just play the pattern just alright just put a message okay button and if I type submit' and a column name out okay and I send classes like bitching bitching outline light okay so first of all I've got the cord and inside the else if body I call eco and single portion and based abroad set up a checklist a minute and the ancestor meant a carpet co single quotation turning out a sign and pressed the basically and at the cord like this save it and open the browser for the pitch now as you can see a lockout button has been appeared but and I want to click on this logout button we need to create a lockout file inside the ankle folder so I click include folder and create a file lockout PHP first of all I write the basic syntax and I connect this set dollar sister right dollars composed I call logout button basically I have defined first of all I can say Shion start and position and set and finalization destroy okay otherwise I can't the ants body just like up go to the drop out index another files and copy the function and kill all account file go to the lock out first I test the method and redirect with the home page sliced lets me that start PHP this is our home page if anyone click on the logout button then the with the index edge otherwise I don't like it I just check it okay and save it and up in the browser I called index dot PHP this is our home page okay now you can see there logout button has been appeared they click on it I am able to redirect see basically I am able to see the home page and I click on log on and I enter the basically email this time I write the email I redirect with another page the another page name is count dot PHP slash well I mean this is the variable I click on logout or redirect with home page so this is our complete login system I have explained you everything you need to know in this project I have used basically different method are different ways to design the navigation bars and many other things if you have any other ideas you can use the idea you personal ideas you know guys each developer has been using basically different method to design the different type application so you know how to develop the application in the PHP and MySQL I you can use your personal experience to design your own another application so thank you very much for watching please subscribe my channel for getting updates have a nice day guys
Channel: OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Views: 28,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make Login and Registration System in Php, login and registration form in php and mysql, complete login and registration system in php and mysql, login and registration system in php and mysql step by step, OnlineITtuts Tutorials
Id: BRfkQg6BF7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 46sec (5866 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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