How To Make Left Turns At Intersection

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when to make your turn at any section first of all we need to understand what is it what is what is an intersection an intersection is any time you making a turn against the traffic that's an intersection but there is a way to make those turn to be safe so when to make your turn at an intersection there is many instances that we need to cover as we relate to when to make your turn other intersection we gotta stop from over here I'm gonna give you the basics that we're gonna break it down into category so you can have a better understanding now for the purpose of your test when you're making a word check any section you have to turn other intersection you have to make sure that this traffic on your block is clear now we're making this left hand here at an intersection there's no car coming ahead we come into the middle until your foot bumper passing the yellow line we check with verify we make the turn and we fall to the newest lane which is to the left does it then by yourself when it's clear you will signal your intention we wasn't shoulder go over to your right side of the world now I'm gonna make a left turn at this intersection coming up I'm gonna see go back to my left we was and shoulder go over to the left since there's a turn out for this intersection I'm gonna move over again to that turn out you cannot make this left turn at this intersection staying on the left side of the world I will be wrong because there is a turn out for you to make this left turn you have to pull and that left out by signaling your intention Chuck Norris and shoulder make sure there is clearest then you go for your left hand now what I'm gonna do again I'm gonna pull up to the middle until my fourth bumper is aligned with the divider on the left okay then I'm gonna pay attention to the traffic coming at me also the traffic is completely clear on my block in a penetration with the light and the traffic to make the turn for the purpose of the witness but in real life I feel of gonna make my turn already what's incest on my block I cannot do so now after this girl stops now the life is for me you want left shoulder left make my turn fall to the nearest land that I turn into which is the left-hand Lane now when it's clear by myself I'm gonna signal to the right you are right shoulder right go over to my right side now when you make it your turn at an intersection you have to pay good attention if there is any traffic that coming at you so make sure that any traffic on your block has to be clear before making that turn it is imperative for you to do so and you cannot make that intersection turn from the right lane now if you do so you live in too much of a gap then there will be possibility for accident and a hundred percent they will find you the test now for instance I'm gonna make a left and at the hewa section coming up signal my attention to the left check new or left shoulder left then go over onto the left lane preparing up myself to make that left turn I could have not make that left turn from the right men over here now is the light coming up I'm going to the left little check your left shoulder left go over there out there was an hour in the shape I need to come over to make that left turn I cannot make that left turn when there is an hour in the street from the right land that would not be acceptable now what are you noticed as I'm sitting at the stop sign here there is a turn signal that is red for me to make my left turn so with that being said they also specify that by saying left turn on green power only does mean if the light turned green now it's for me to make the turn I'm gonna just big dr. with no issue okay because everybody must wait for me to make my left turn if it wasn't there I would have to pull up to the middle make sure that when all the traffic is clear then go ahead make my left turn all right so when to make your left turn out of intersection you have to make sure that you pull to the middle which are foot buffer line with the yellow line on your left side that you became the UM turn into and make sure there is no traffic that coming at you before making that left turn as long as the only of luck okay I'm gonna make it regular left turn here because it's not an intersection why is that because there is no traffic I'm making the turn against oh then it's not an intersection all right but still everything applied you watching the yellow line you wash your shoulder and go with my turn nice and smooth at the traffic light coming up I'm gonna make a left and turn that is an anti section left third now if you have not yet subscribed to the shadow you can do somebody in the UM subscribe button and also hit the bell notification I can anytime that you drop a video you will be the first one to be notified now I'm pulling up to the middle I'm paying attention with the traffic that's coming at me and my left mirror aligned with the yellow light we were left shoulder left then I'm going with my tenth pedestrian stop at the curve wonderful okay these are the DOMA wait for you to make your left turn I and a section okay always making sure that there is no car coming on your black and you line up your left mirror begins the yellow line that you can enter and when you get clearance you check me wasn't shoulder and make your turn if you apply all this principle making your turn indigestion will not be any issue for you alright
Channel: Pierre Paul Driving School
Views: 12,577
Rating: 4.9492064 out of 5
Keywords: how to make left, how to make left turns in a car, how to make left turns at intersection, how to make left and right turns when driving, how to make lefty, how to make a turn at a intersection, driving school brooklyn, brooklyn driving school, cheap driving lessons in brooklyn, cheap driving lessons, pierre paul driving, pierre paul driving school, pierre paul driving school reviews, 891 clarkson ave brooklyn, 718-576-6277, 5 hour pre licensing course, 5 hr class, 5 hour class
Id: _m7FzuWiyNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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