How to make KOMBUCHA // Alice Dixson

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hi everybody welcome to my kitchen today I'm gonna be teaching you how to prepare your own kombucha its opponent but um girl knocking craving for soda so I highly highly recommend this especially if you're overweight or diabetic you won't feel the need or the urge to always have any kind of soft drinks mwall apple yawn once you start drinking your own kombucha [Music] here's [Applause] [Music] you now Annabel I'm from bucho it is actually one of my favorite drinks that I learned to make in Canada at NAPA healthy Ponyta substitute for any kind of soft drinks or colas which are so bad for you because pure sugar play on now this is a store-bought kombucha it's about 150 pesos to 250 pesos per bottle naka Mahalo ke avoiding your poi to go in say in your mama bahai very simple a fresh bottle of kombucha or any kombucha you want it to be fizzy Yan a natural carbonization of the kombucha and the yeast inside but you can make your kombucha tea to any flavor you like and I show I'm showing you here you might bond variety non fruits you can make it with green apple oranges pears strawberries you can even make it with ginger tumeric and lemon and any flavor you can think of whether you a flavor you in your kombucha now this is looks like it's around ginger ale but again it has absolutely no artificial sweetener or sugar just natural sugar port not Garlin from the tea the sugar that you put into it and also the natural sugar from the fruits that you put put into it [Music] mmm if the point but angle and are in craving for soda so I highly highly recommend this especially if you're overweight or diabetic cuz there you won't feel the need or the urge to always have any kind of soft drinks muhawwil apollyon once you start drinking your own kombucha so now I'm going to teach you how to make it very simple you can do it at home and it's not even expensive here's how [Music] number one it actually is a great probiotic okay which can help your immune system it can help your digestion number two it can prove your energy much like outside of vinegar Camp three it's a great alcohol alternative okay number four digestion it's gonna help certify the stomach help you digest proteins that acid triggers an enzyme that then helps you dissolve protein so you'll get better digestion and number five it's gonna help stabilize your blood Sugar's much like outside of vinegar that's number six it'll help lower your stress not just from the beneficial acids in this mixture but from the B vitamins in house and lastly if you don't take too much it can help your sleep how to make kombucha you need T sugar and ask OB so an epic speed on skooby skooby is actually spelled s c OB y and that means it is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast so this baby here inside is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and these so this is the scoby without its liquid and as you can see it has different layers each layer was made for different batches of Kombucha tea previously okay now if don't juice natal or this is actually the tea that the scobie's were living in now you never throw this awake i say it to you italy but more to the other container so that you can grow more tea okay so i'll show you what I mean so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put 25% of the starter from the old liquid to the new jar okay so this goes like this in year around 25% K can be less actually then I'm going to put one of the scobie's inside like so and then I'm going to add the tea that we seeped earlier so what kind of tea is this I use green tea I use twenty of these tea bags and I soaked it in for about twenty to thirty minutes so we take the tea and we pour it into the jar [Music] so eventually the scoby will come up to the top and then the other key component is sugar so you can use brown sugar or Muscovado or you can use my favorite is this wash sugar the less refined sugar is the better okay Anna the more raw your sugar is the more mud poppin the flavor of your kombucha tea is going to be yeah bucyk ato wash sugar so here is the scoby in the tea and the sugar and then we're going to place again this cloth over and then we want to put this baby in a nice dark quiet place so that it can make the best completion tea so this is step 2 now we've already have the liquid that is ready for the second fermentation now but they are not in a second fermentation we want to create that natural bubbles when we drink it okay then again I didn't fruit so that the kombucha will feed off the sugar of the fruit and create the bubbles so you want to fill I use pieces but some people [Music] they put just juice inside boyfriend but I kind of have a better experience with just the fruit pieces must model ishyama bubble my favorite flavor lemon ginger and ginger and we're gonna put all of our fruit flavored kombucha in the refrigerator and then we're going to wait three to five days and check them so it's been many months since that last video that you saw an ally Nagiko so refrigerator you batch at me no nanami new batch nyan it took babaco batch that we just made this is during the quarantine at so I can't show you you got a better at the poem bag old better nakum Aleppo a whole lineage enemy targets a refrigerator kiya Hindi Bhushan up face or Hindi possible mullah Haga so we did was we took it out Nagaina means a room temperature not a gum cuarto and epinephrine shock in a to Tahoe at boomer boola-boola nasha that means it's creating its own carbonization because of the sugar silo herb nom nom body with the fruit mainly because of the fruit in the Casa depending upon a pathetic man but we saw that the other bottles are already fizzing upon a man it's fizzing as well so it's an omen PO is orange in the Porsche MLM eggs you can really taste the flavor of the tea with a little bit of fizz and very healthy people very good for you Goomba Sonia eat try go Moana kombucha cinema bhai it's very easy and very affordable and highly recommend caputo uranium and if you're serious marry Pokemon Lascaux be not be Nikita Ksenia earlier on in the video no gusto co-op Amiga or GUI share senior semana town telegram made by LACMA kombucha there are some ways to get Scobie online and there for sale better at the PO is free all you need to do PO is comment your email below and we will try to facilitate getting some scuba tu para maana goiden papaya and kombucha Makka pakka enjoyed nko happy and healthy and safe kombucha thanks for watching this video I hope you liked it I hope you enjoyed it and Cheers remember you can do whatever your mind sets on to it where you direct your thoughts the energy will flow last learn empower and inspire welcome to my youtube channel [Music] hey guys have you already seen my latest video probably not because you're not subscribing so please subscribe and hit that notification button to see my latest videos
Channel: Alice Dixson
Views: 85,170
Rating: 4.9231443 out of 5
Keywords: kombucha, healthy, scoby, drink, tea, greentea, blacktea, philippines, pilipinas, filipina, alice, dixson, vlog, health, wellness
Id: eFAhZpwi_hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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