How to make Jiffy Pop Style Popcorn without Burning It

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okay I'm going to make Jiffy Pop and show you how to make Jiffy Pop without burning it cuz I've burnt a lot of Jiffy Pop and based on my experiences I've kind of figured out how to do it a little bit better and of course always uh take off the top of the Jiffy Pop here now one trick that I found with Jiffy Pop is that uh you should put on the heat maximum put it on medium here um that's kind of the the trick because often I want my popcorn now and I get in a rush and I'll turn it up a lot higher and of course that helps heat up the the container here initially but that's not what uh that's not where you can have as much control and get it off the burner in time in order to to prevent any uh any popped kernels in the bottom and that's what we're trying to avoid cuz nothing's worse than ruining your Jiffy Pop with some burnt kernels in the bottom so first right now we're letting it warm up here looks like burner has to get up to heat here but this is this is kind of the the trade-off you got to wait a little while it's good to put your burner on medium let it let it get um let it slowly get warmed up give those kernels a chance to warm up so that it can expand and and pop all at the same time so this is kind of the waiting game then of course when when you start to hear it bubble a little bit then you need to start agitating and shaking the the Jiffy PP so I'm going to pause the camera and I'll pick up when it starts at that point this probably it about 45 seconds or may maybe a minute and I just hear a little bit of bubbling so if you listen really closely you can hear it and it's just starting to Bubble I usually just give it a few shakes at this point you'll hear a little bit more of of the the sound but I I don't I'm not worried right yet at this point about about agitating it too much I don't think the kernels are going to burn that that quickly you know when they're not exploded or popped yet so I just you know I give it a little agitation just to kind of get the get the oils spread around a little bit but this will take a a little while too and then it's it's about being patient and not trying to rush the process cuz so many times I've turned it up past medium in order to try to hurry the process along and that's that's where I just need to leave it at at medium and uh the results turn out much better that way and it will pop you know I I was concerned originally about you know running it at medium that uh it wouldn't pop but uh it it'll eventually pop and you can hear it's it's making a noise now that you know the the instructions you know say to put it at medium high and uh and I don't do that it seems like every time I try to on medium high that's why I'm run into trouble so now now you can start to see the steam coming out of the top you know things are getting a little bit warmer a little bit of moisture's starting to cook out of the the kernels here and we should start hearing them pop here in in a little bit there's a pop now this is where I start to be a little more concerned about keeping keeping it agitated especially when it starts [Applause] popping and I always try to leave the the the container on top of the uh on top of the burner so the heat transfers if you pull it off I think the temperature dropped pretty quickly and it kind of interrupts the popping action so I leave it right on top of the burner the whole time give a few shakes down again [Applause] now you can see it's fully inflated but the kernels are still popping so I don't usually quit until it slows down when I keep trying to shake it up a little bit that'll make sure the Kels get at the [Applause] bottom [Applause] [Applause] now you can see it's getting pretty full and very soon the the popping action now it's pretty much stopped so that that's the Quee to stop and this is my trick I turn it upside down and get those extra kernels if there's a kernel or two or anything I turn it upside down so that the they're not sitting on the bottom of the pan now just to show you that there's no burnt burnt kernels I'll open it up here so you can see now be careful here cuz it's always hot you can easily burn yourself I'll just prove to you that there's really no burnt kernels in the in this batch here have a little trouble here it's a little hot but anyway you can see in there there's really no burn kernels in the bottom of the pan and so uh that's my goal is not to not to have any uh burnt kernels and the and smell up smell up the popcorn so that's about it that's how I I avoid burning popcorn when I cook up Jiffy Pop
Channel: stoppedsnoring
Views: 309,071
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Keywords: popcorn, jiffy pop, secrets, how to not burn, stove top, method for perfect popcorn, prevent burnt popcorn, tips for jiffy pop, tricks
Id: a_pZYyecgWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2012
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