How to make homemade potato harvester.

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hi welcome to the do it guy it's time to do something again and this time you're gonna make a potato harvester from scratch I don't really have a plan yet I'm gonna make it up as I call I will show you all the ingredients what I bought and how am i putting it together was the plan and you'll see what we're gonna have at the end all right so this is what we have I have a track I couldn't make that I actually had to buy it and the best place to buy it from is a potato farm they have this sometimes it gets all they don't use it anymore they have to upgrade the drawing it out I bought it for $50 it's 16 feet long so that's quite long hopefully is gonna work nice I purchased a couple of anger vines from our motto supermarket they eight-foot-long call it 16 the whole track when I split it in half it's eight eight so I have a 8 foot long angle iron I purchased some gears from Princess off-hook so these gears just fit in there perfectly as you can tell hopefully the gears are big enough I wish I could've find something bigger why I couldn't and I also bought these variants these gonna go on the angle iron and through these bearings I'm gonna have this metal ball which I also purchased from printer circle just off to the pretty good store so I'm gonna have this guy going right yeah just like that I'm gonna have the gear on it just fits just perfectly yeah just a few words bolts and the chain and all that stuff I'm gonna have some extra bars for supports piece of angle irons just in case I also have a rear diff from 2002 Honda CRV scrap the car and I save this one I also have the drive shaft as well which I'm planning to use from the PTO into this guy I also bought a metal plate 50 thick one heavy duty that forum this plate I'm gonna use to put on the front to go dig into the dirt and I also purchased these para pins which are used in the middle because this is gonna be like this well here a space on either side so can be too tight so it's gonna get stuck can be to move so it can move along it just has to be right so cool of an inch it should be enough from both sides I put the bearings on these are cool eventually they have at least before so it's really good and I put the bottle it's very portable menu when you make your marks you just assemble it temporarily together so despite this mistake you make me the berries the bar on both animals so make sure the bar is really nice actually please now that it is is here so I made my marks number I'll make my horse I'm gonna drizzle [Music] so we drew the host for the pairings for a real bar and we bought these pins from Peter salgo fits nicely on our gear because the track is so long it's gonna be eight foot long there are need something that alters both the track [Music] that's where the wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because this is whether both going to be this piece here the track that actually could become this force was not gonna be the way and then I'm a fraud we probably gonna do the same thing so let's do that then we go from there [Music] [Music] [Music] so you have the 24 inch can i borrow just to make sure we have the 24 inch on the top looks like we just have it so it's good enough in place looks nice I'm just gonna drill holes through here put the pins in so I can attach it to my tractor I'm gonna attach these guys here this guy's gonna keep the track up straight so as I told you guys I made the making this up as I go so I don't know what's the next step after as soon as I figure it out you know this is where I'm at right now I made this little angle iron attached a bearing to it just like that so I'm gonna well this guy up here right under this guy so as the track goes it's gonna come up on a pulley and then it's gonna hang free so it's just gonna keep the track of the dirt so what I did next I went to the store not purchase these these are for my three-point hitch for my truck tractor so I measured equal distance from here up to here on both sides so I'm gonna have this guy now I just have to figure out how am I gonna support it in the middle up in year so I need some kind of a triangle solution alright so as you can see a kind of a accomplishing what I want the front is no longer dragging on the floor so everything what I'm doing seems seems like that it's gonna work but I guess we're gonna see it at the end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I have to just this part out [Music] so this is how it looks like and it's actually attached to the tractor so this is where I am right now I put that plate right here this guy is just a simple plate this is gonna go through the dirt and pick up the potato and now as you can see the potato can actually fall out on the side so what I did I made these just a small tiny steel doesn't have to be that thick which is gonna fit right here like that and I make one for the other side as well so it's actually steaks okay so I just go over this to place and then with the front I believe I would be done except I have to fill up this whole plate here so the potato wouldn't fall out right yeah I just found this on still hot so I can't really touch it but we had it inside did all the way up there and on the bottom straight up I think my welding skills are improving my problem is right I got stopped is that that I have my PTO outlet right here at the back of my tractor and trying to figure it out how to connect it with this guy a [Music] PTO to this so this is the idea this is what I come up with this the best I can think of these wheels metal plate got exercise I have these angle irons I'm going to wear on the plate like this and I'm going to attach this to the track now the reason why I don't want to wear this straight right on it because if heats of the metal too much and I'm going to hold in the bearing which I did before was an expensive lesson team so now there's no together about this guy for like 40 bucks which my faith on my PTO just like this now I have to attach this to my drive shaft right there but it has to be kind of that Center so we will not spin all around like this it will just spin like that so when I come up with then I'm gonna put a piece of metal plate right here attach the metal plate to the shaft and what I will do sorry so what I will do I will Center I pull like a cross line between the four holes and at the center is where the lines meet I will drill a hole and that should fit right in there into that hole that's the best I can come up with that should Center the four holes around this little PTO a doctor and hopefully it's gonna spin straight and then I'm just have to attach it to my leaf I'm going to mount the diff up high so you won't be in a way so this is what I come up with I'm gonna have this guy just pitch the metal going across put the two holes there it's gonna fit on those and it's important that the diff cannot be too much on this side or that side I want to try to keep the angle straight I still have to support the hanger bearing keep it straight but also the shaft have to reach out enough so the chain would stay yeah so that's a little bit of a challenge but I like challenge so I'm going to try to the I have to put high enough so the diff won't bother the potato as he going through and I'd pull it in an angle as you can see this line between an angle because the way I mounted I want I wanted the dish to be the differential to be kind of as straight as possible with the shaft I had this crazy idea I just put this rubber rubber band here to hold a hanger bearing for now and he holds it in place so I might give it a try to start it on and see it's actually gonna fall apart or it's actually gonna work so let's give it a try let's actually try to start it off and we see what happens is he gonna spin or is he gonna fall apart sweetie for a tractor okay spinning have come on this honestly make it spin like this Paula love with that and it's good so let's give you a try and see how it is right now before I'm guarding it down [Music] damnit pretty straight to me so I guess this is how it's gonna be so this is how it's gonna be I just have to make my marks here here well weld the gear onto the bar I still have to weld these guys because right now everything just freely spins the ball is just really spins right now as you can tell so guys I'm making this video for you so you would learn from my mistakes so I made two mistakes one mistake well luckily it still works but one mistake that I use this diff this is a Honda CRV diff as I mentioned it before and it's a real-time all-wheel drive diff it means it has a clutch inside so the track is too heavy the clutch my slip it doesn't slip right now but it might slip so if you can use a gift from a rear-wheel drive car they don't have the clutch in it you can just lock the dip and it's gonna work fine other mistake I put the wrong gear to the wrong place I put the small one here before and that made the track go faster than the PTO which is not good we need torque so I had to cut it off and I had to switch it so the small gear goes on a shaft and the big gear goes on a track so this is what you have to do once you put the gears on you can weld down the smaller gear which was on my shaft as you can see I've added it down so this is nice on once I start attractive this is gonna start spinning but the other gear however I shouldn't read it down this view has to speed spin freely because I have to find the straight line right so I think I'm not going to once I put it on I'm gonna stop a tractor I'm gonna demonstrate how how is it done once they start spinning and is not going to spin the tractor just gonna spin freely it's going to do it to place where is it nice and straight I'm gonna stop the tractor and then I'm gonna write it down and I'll make sure that it's nice and straight that was it that's all I needed now I know everything is nice and straight is not going to fall off ma I can hand it down here so [Music] [Music] you all right I think we are done it is finished I even had this plywood here it's the controlling box you can see everything is done I already tested I mean the the track and everything I never actually used it and this little card here we use it to bring the garbage out to the front of the one of the driveway and I was thinking why not just using this to collect the potato on it so if everything goes as planned is supposed to be just a very little earth or maybe none supposed to come and a potatoes are should fall in this so you don't have to break our bags to collect all the potatoes and get up this thing this little hook thing and just hook it like this and it's off let's go kill it and as I go slowly I'm gonna pull it right behind me and if I want I can even try to find a way to have this bag attached there somehow to collect in given it well it's not necessary thick it looks pretty good I'm happy just another reminder if you do it the same way as I did this part of the harvester machine it's only for transporting so I will put this guy on when I want to transport that I want to lift up the whole thing off the ground so I'm not gonna drag it who knows I'm gonna go with it and once I'm actually gonna use it I have to disconnect this and then I'm gonna be able to moving it up and down I put the hanger bearing of the shaft on rubber as you can see like this it has some flexibility because the angle gonna change as soon as I put this down a little bit more into the dirt to pick up the potato the anger gonna change this gonna come higher so I'm gonna need a whatever flexibility there
Channel: The Do-it Guy
Views: 52,142
Rating: 4.75914 out of 5
Keywords: potato, harvester, homemade, potato harvester homemade, diy, do-it yourself, the do it guy, do it guy, do-it guy, DIG, gabor, gabor makula, farm, farm equipment, tractor, tutorial, how-to, how to, fun, easy, simple
Id: hlnSvNf4-3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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