How to Make Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother - DIY From Scratch Recipe for Beginners

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today I'm gonna share with you how to make homemade apple cider vinegar so that you never have to buy it at the store again hi sweet friends I'm Mary and welcome to Mary's nest I'm a former New York City girl but now I live the simple life with my sweet husband here in the Texas Hill Country and this channel is all about cooking from scratch living naturally and creating a cozy home with charming thrift store finds so if you're like me and you want to live the simple life no matter where you live be sure to subscribe to my channel and don't forget to click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time I upload a new video now together in previous videos we've all had a lot of fun making fruits crap vinegar and citrus scented vinegar and all types of vinegar and I really have to thank my friend Heidi over at rain country homestead who showed me that you can make vinegar out of pretty much anything but long before I was making vinegar from fruits crafts and other things I often made apple cider vinegar from just apples that I would have around the house maybe ones that weren't looking too perfect and I thought well what can I do with them and so I would just make homemade apple cider vinegar now certainly you can make homemade apple cider vinegar from apple scraps and I do that a lot in the fall when we're eating apples and we have a lot of scraps on hand from peeling them and making apple pies and various apple desserts and so on and so forth I'll often save up the scraps and make one jar after another of Apple scrap apple cider vinegar but making homemade apple cider vinegar from whole apples makes a really lovely specially rich apple cider vinegar and when apples are in season in the fall I tend to buy a lot and I keep buying them throughout the season and we eat them and enjoy them and make desserts and so on and so forth and these apples I've actually had for quite a few months they've been in the bottom of my frigid refrigerator way in the back in my back refrigerator that I have in my laundry room and it's now weed over in the springtime and they're a little worse for wear and so I think that it's time that I will use them instead of eating but I'll make that I use them to make homemade apple cider vinegar and I'm excited to use the whole Apple because it don't often do this a lot usually just use the scraps but I love the rich flavor you get when you actually use the whole Apple and so since we didn't eat these and it is you know at the end of the season and they're getting a little soft this is the perfect time to use them to make the homemade apple cider vinegar now I've got six small Gala apples here and I think that they'll once they're all chopped up they'll come about halfway or two-thirds up the jar and that's the perfect amount and all I'm gonna do is just give them a rough chop and I'm just gonna remove I'm gonna leave the core and all of that in and the only thing I'm going to remove is if I see any seeds and the stems but everything else is going to go into the jar well this is a little generously filled but I think we'll be okay now the next thing you want to do is once we get all our fruit into the jar then you want to take a quarter cup of sugar and this is just plain white sugar it is organic sugar but it's just plain white sugar and I want to mention that the apples that I'm making this particular apple cider vinegar with are organic now if you don't have organic apples like I think that's fine too you just want to give them a good washing and generally what I do is make a little mixture of baking soda and vinegar and it kind of Frost's up and I give the outside skins a good scrub with that and then I rinse and I like to think that at least takes off maybe some of the pesticides but these are organic and I'm using a white organic sugar and it's a quarter of a cup we just go ahead and pour that right in like that and then I'm gonna top it off with some water now what you want to do in terms of water either filtered water or bottled water or if you have a reverse osmosis tap in your house and you have the RO water as its called that's all great but if you're taking water just from your kitchen tap I would recommend that you fill up a pitcher of the night before so that you can let some of the chlorine or the claw reminds whatever your local area uses to clean the water to let allow that to dissipate because chlorine and chloramine can interfere with the ability of the yeast and the bacteria to create a nice vinegar so just fill a pitcher up the night before it'll VAT those chemicals will evaporate and then you can use that to help make your your apple cider vinegar so now we're going to go ahead and pour the water in and we're not gonna go right up to the lip and the reason is and not even up to the collar because as this starts to turn into bait vinegar it's going to get very very bubbly and whatnot and it can bubble out and over and make a bit of a mess and so you want to avoid that so I'm just going to fill it up right to about here here we go and now I'm going to use my chopstick to just give this a good stir and get everything nicely mixed now the next thing that we're going to do is you want to take a coffee filter or some cloth whatever you have you're gonna simply put it over your jar put a rubber band around to keep it in place and then you're just going to set this somewhere warm and undisturbed in your kitchen and then each day you're gonna want to uncover it and you want to get out your chopstick or spoon whatever you have and I will link to blue he put a link below where I get these chopsticks because I know a number of you have asked me about them and then you're just going to give this a little stir every day and this helps move the fruit around and it helps prevent mold if you just leave it like this you may develop some mold on the top now is that the end of the world no because over time this will become very acidic and it will not make a very Hospital hospitable environment for the mold but I don't know if you're like me I don't want to see any mold if I see any mold on it I do get nervous and then I don't want to I don't want to work with it but I know Heidi over at rain country homestead I said oh don't worry about it you know it it will become very acidic and the moment will just be killed but I try to prevent any mold developing in the first place so what I do is every day just give it a stir you move the fruit around you make sure that everything gets nicely covered with the liquid anything that's maybe been exposed you know sitting on the top here from the night before will now be submerged and other pieces it'll come to the top and so on and so forth so you'll want to make sure you get in there and stir it every day and sometimes even in the beginning I'll stir it twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening now after a few days you're gonna start to see this get bubbly and you're gonna see little bubbles coming up and you might see some foam on the top and if after a few days after that you notice that it kind of dies down and it's not really doing much you can go ahead and add another quarter cup of sugar sometimes you don't need to sometimes it looks like it's doing very well it's bubbling it's foaming everything's good you don't need the extra sugar but if in a few days you see it's not doing too much after it's started you know so it'll start up and then it looks like it's dying down then go ahead and give it another quarter cup of sugar which will help feed the yeast and then ultimately the bacteria and then they'll also be as they grow and develop they'll be eating the fruit sugar from the apples and something I want to talk about because this does come up a lot you do not put any weight in here you do not want to wait these apples down and submerge them under the water and the reason is the first stage of making vinegar is you want the natural yeasts in the air to get in here and start the job then after the yeast do their job then the bacteria takes over and it's called acetobacter I believe and forgive me I'm not a scientist I may not be pronouncing it correctly but acetobacter is a type of bacteria that forms on the top and it needs the air and so that's why you don't want to submerge all of this if you submerge it you'd be doing something more like a a different anaerobic fermentation and for making vinegar you want the air to be able the bacteria that needs the air the acetobacter to be able to breathe and start forming on the top and so that's why we just use a coffee filter or cloth so that it can be exposed to the air and we stir it every day to help prevent the mold and over time you know as Heidi over at rain country has said it will become it'll start to become very acidic and then over you know acid II and then you don't need to worry so much because the environment is very unhospitable to mold but in the beginning you know I know as beginners sometimes you've expressed concern over that so that's why the stirring really helps and it also speeds the process up I found that since I've started stirring my vinegars especially when I was doing the fruit scrap vinegars they turned to vinegar quicker than if I just left them to sit so that's a nice tip too so then after about 30 days you've been stirring it's been bubbling nicely you will find that after about 30 days it's going to calm down there may not be a lot of bubbles coming up there may not be too much foam on top you may see some how can I describe it some residue developing down on the bottom which is a good thing that's the mother and we definitely want to have vinegar that has a nice strong mother in it so that it's raw and has all the beneficial enzymes that we like about raw apple cider vinegar and ho and especially in a homemade apple cider vinegar and so after that 30 days you will notice that it will definitely as its gone through the various stages over those 30 days it will start to smell like vinegar now you'll still have that nice Apple II aroma that apple cider vinegar does have but there will also be the pungent vinegar smell so you will have a pretty good idea that mmm I think that it's turned into vinegar and now at that point you can do a couple of things if you're used to making vinegar and whatnot you know you can taste it and you'll know if it's vinegary enough or you can use pH strips there are different types of pH strips on the market and you know some come in like little jars and they're little strips and this is just more like a little tape that you just can pull out and rip and test it and so after 30 days you can use these pH strips and I'll put a link in the description below as to where you can get these these are also very helpful when you do fermentations if you're new to making sauerkraut and things like that and you want to know what the level what the pH is so that you know especially when you're a beginner I know when I was first making homemade sauerkraut I was very happy to have pH strips to be able to check to see if I doing things correctly but in any event it has a scale these particular pH strips have a scale from 3.0 to 5.5 and I like to get my vinegar down to 3.0 or 3.5 but I believe that some people you know are happy with it at 4.5 or 4.0 I really like to get it to 3.0 or 3.5 now that said homemade vinegar I just want to add this caveat is not for canning and will be as we go into spring and summer we're going to be talking a lot about canning if your recipes or anything you're doing with canning involves vinegar you want to use the vinegar that you buy at the store it's usually the white vinegar because that is very scientifically formulated to be just exactly what you need for canning but your apple cider vinegar that you make homemade can be used for various things you can use it and to make a salad dressing you can use it as a hair rinse which is really wonderful you can put some in water and maybe mix it with a little honey if you like or even Seltzer and make a wonderful probiotic rich drink you can mix some with water use it as a nice little toner for your skin there's so much that you can do with homemade vinegar and homemade apple cider vinegar is especially nice so I'm just gonna cover this now I'm gonna put this in a nice little cozy place in my kitchen I'm gonna stir it every day for the next 30 days and then when it's all done I'll definitely come back and do another video and I'll show you how we strain it and decant it and how we use it if you'd like to learn more of that homemade vinegar be sure to subscribe to my channel and then click on this video over here where I show you how to make homemade vinegar using strawberry tops it's luscious and I'll see you over there in my Texas Hill Country kitchen love and God bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 925,829
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Keywords: vinegar, apple cider vinegar, homemade apple cider vinegar, How to Make Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother, acv, apple, homemade apple cider vinegar recipe, how to make apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar with the mother, homemade apple cider vinegar with the mother, make your own apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar from scratch, how to make vinegar, uses for apple cider vinegar, how to make apple cider vinegar at home,, marysnest, marys nest
Id: TZcUDE-t_Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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