How to Make Hollandaise Sauce

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how do you get such a light and fluffy sauce out of egg yolks and butter well that's the secret of hollandaise what we're going to do is to beat air into the egg yolks and then add the butter and that air is what makes it light and fluffy the trick is how to cook the egg yolks without scrambling them in this video I'll show you how first we're going to start with clarifying the butter butter is made of three components it has butter fat which is the yellow part milk solids which are white and a little bit of water so in clarifying them we're separating out the milk solids from the butter and that gives you more control over the final sauce so here you can see we have some milk solids at the top which we want to skim off with a spoon we let it sit for a few minutes after melting it so that most of the white solids go to the bottom alright so now we've got almost all of these in here so now we're going to pour this into the measuring cup and what we want to do is leave behind whatever water and milk solids are left you see you can start to see them now pouring off as much of the butter fact as we can sometimes if you go back and forth it helps a little and then leaving behind the white milk solids and some water now we're going to work with the egg yolks and we're going to cook them over barely simmering water or even if it's under simmering just hot water so we can really control the amount of heat coming to our egg yolk so we can cook them without scrambling a tablespoon of lemon juice will add flavor the amount of water you use depends on what you want your finished sauce to be like the more water you have the more pourable the sauce will be you can add as little as a teaspoon but we're adding two tablespoons and we'll add a quarter teaspoon of salt which also helps the emulsion so now we're going to move over to the water which is barely simmering so now we're going to whisk the egg yolks you see that right now it's very loose but you see the bubbles that are starting to happen that's the air that I'm whisking into the egg yolk as the egg yolks thicken they will track those air puzzles and set up a really nice base for adding the butter so it's starting to get thicker and fluffier and soon I'll be able to start to see the streaks of the whisk at the bottom and that's what I'm looking for then I know I'm ready for the next step which is adding the butter and every now and then you can scrape down the sides so to make sure to get everything in the bowl and there's no egg yolk around the edge to overcook okay I think we're good now I can just start to see streaks at the bottom and we're ready to move on to the next step so we're going to take the bowl off the heat and put it on another pan with a cloth on it just to hold it easily in place but we're finished applying heat now we're just going to add the butter slowly so it emulsifies with the egg yolks if you go too fast it can break and if you put more butter than it can handle it can also break but this is a good amount of butter to add you shouldn't have any problems want to keep this nice emulsification that we have going if you add the butter to quickly hollandaise will break but never fear you can fix it whisk in a little cold water I'm starting with just a teaspoon but you can add up to two tablespoons whisk it in small circles until you see a little pool of RIA multiplied sauce now whisk larger circles to bring in the broken sauce and re multiply it with the sauce in the center once it's fixed you can continue whisking in the rest of the butter okay we've added all our butter then at the end for the extra lemon flavor we'll add the lemon zest so now we have our hollandaise sauce now pour it into a little pitcher to serve and you see it's lovely light and lemony just what you want you
Channel: FineCooking
Views: 1,573,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube, fine cooking, hollandaise, hollandaise sauce, how to, how to make hollandaise sauce, best hollandaise sauce, brunch, easy hollandaise sauce, easy brunch recipes, how to cook, cooking tips
Id: 0r5v2KPBN8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2012
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